Transmogrification Druid PvP Level 70 Set (WoD 6.2)
Druids have 3 Level 70 PvP rare sets: 1 Feral Combat set,WoW 1 Restoration set,WoW and 1 Balance set. The Balance set differs slightly from the other two sets. These sets are obtained by grinding honored reputation with several Outland factions:
- Feral Combat set:
- Head:
Dragonhide Helm
- sold by Nakodu in Shattrath if you are honored with the Lower City;
- Shoulders:
Dragonhide Spaulders
- sold by Almaador in Shattrath if you are honored with The Sha'tar;
- Chest (Alliance):
Dragonhide Robe
- sold by Logistics Officer Ulrike in Hellfire Peninsula if you are honored with Honor Hold;
- Chest (Horde):
Dragonhide Robe
- sold by Quartermaster Urgronn in Hellfire Peninsula if you are honored with Thrallmar;
- Hands:
Dragonhide Gloves
- sold by Alurmi in Tanaris if you are honored with the Keepers of Time;
- Legs:
Dragonhide Legguards
- sold by Fedryen Swiftspear in Zangarmarsh if you are honored with the Cenarion Expedition.
- Head:
- Restoration set:
- Head:
Kodohide Helm
- sold by Almaador in Shattrath if you are honored with The Sha'tar;
- Shoulders (Alliance):
Kodohide Spaulders
- sold by Logistics Officer Ulrike in Hellfire Peninsula if you are honored with Honor Hold;
- Shoulders (Horde):
Kodohide Spaulders
- sold by Quartermaster Urgronn in Hellfire Peninsula if you are honored with Thrallmar;
- Chest:
Kodohide Robe
- sold by Fedryen Swiftspear in Zangarmarsh if you are honored with the Cenarion Expedition;
- Hands:
Kodohide Gloves
- sold by Nakodu in Shattrath if you are honored with the Lower City;
- Legs:
Kodohide Legguards
- sold by Alurmi in Tanaris if you are honored with the Keepers of Time.
- Head:
- Balance set:
- Head:
Wyrmhide Helm
- sold by Alurmi in Tanaris if you are honored with the Keepers of Time;
- Shoulders:
Wyrmhide Spaulders
- sold by Fedryen Swiftspear in Zangarmarsh if you are honored with the Cenarion Expedition;
- Chest:
Wyrmhide Robe
- sold by Almaador in Shattrath if you are honored with The Sha'tar;
- Hands (Alliance):
Wyrmhide Gloves
- sold by Logistics Officer Ulrike in Hellfire Peninsula if you are honored with Honor Hold;
- Hands (Horde):
Wyrmhide Gloves
- sold by Quartermaster Urgronn in Hellfire Peninsula if you are honored with Thrallmar;
- Legs:
Wyrmhide Legguards
- sold by Nakodu in Shattrath if you are honored with the Lower City.
- Head:
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