Transmogrification Garrison Salvage Yard Leather Armor Sets (WoD 6.2)
The Druid's Springrain Armor, Monk's Mistdancer Armor, and Rogue's
Lightdrinker Armor are the armor sets that Druids, Monks, and Rogues respectively
wear on their character creation screen or after being boosted to Level 90.
These sets are available to all
leather-wearers through the Salvage Yard,
because all pieces have a chance to be contained in Big Crates of Salvage.
- Head:
Springrain Headpiece
Springrain Helm
Springrain Hood
Mistdancer Helm
Mistdancer Hood
Lightdrinker Hood
- Shoulders:
Springrain Pauldrons
Springrain Shoulders
Springrain Spaulders
Mistdancer Pauldrons
Mistdancer Shoulders
Lightdrinker Shoulders
- Chest:
Springrain Jerkin
Springrain Tunic
Springrain Vest
Mistdancer Vest
Mistdancer Jerkin
Lightdrinker Jerkin
- Wrists:
Springrain Bracers
Springrain Bindings
Springrain Cuffs
Mistdancer Bindings
Mistdancer Cuffs
Lightdrinker Bindings
- Hands:
Springrain Gloves
Springrain Grips
Springrain Handguards
Mistdancer Gloves
Mistdancer Handguards
Lightdrinker Gloves
- Waist:
Springrain Belt
Springrain Cord
Springrain Waistband
Mistdancer Cord
Mistdancer Waistband
Lightdrinker Waistband
- Legs:
Springrain Britches
Springrain Leggings
Springrain Legguards
Mistdancer Britches
Mistdancer Legguards
Lightdrinker Britches
- Feet:
Springrain Treads
Springrain Footpads
Springrain Boots
Mistdancer Footpads
Mistdancer Boots
Lightdrinker Boots
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