Transmogrification Hunter PvE Tier 11 Sets (Legion 7.2)
Table of Contents
Tier 11 sets were introduced with the first tier of Cataclysm raids: Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, Throne of the Four Winds, and Baradin Hold. The sets can be broken down as follows:
- item level 359 set pieces are purchasable with Gold or tokens that drop from end-raid bosses in the Normal versions of Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, and Throne of the Four Winds (some pieces drop from Argaloth in Baradin Hold);
- item level 372 set pieces drop from various raid bosses in the Heroic versions of Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, and Throne of the Four Winds.
Tier 11: Item Level 359
Item level 359 set pieces can be bought for Gold from Toren Landow in Stormwind City or Rugok in Orgrimmar for Gold or tokens that drop from end-raid bosses in the normal versions (both in 10-man and 25-man difficulties) of Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, and Throne of the Four Winds (Head and Shoulders). Some pieces (Hands and Legs) can also drop from Argaloth in Baradin Hold.
- Head:
Lightning-Charged Headguard
- bought for 85
- bought for 1
Helm of the Forlorn Protector
- dropped by Nefarian in Blackwing Descent (Normal mode)
- dropped by Al'akir in Throne of the Four Winds (Normal mode)
- bought for 85
- Shoulders:
Lightning-Charged Spaulders
- bought for 86
- bought for 1
Mantle of the Forlorn Protector
- dropped by Cho'gall in Bastion of Twilight (Normal mode)
- dropped by Al'akir in Throne of the Four Winds (Normal mode)
- bought for 86
- Chest:
Lightning-Charged Tunic
- bought for 312
- bought for 312
- Hands:
Lightning-Charged Gloves
- bought for 159
- dropped by Argaloth in Baradin Hold
- bought for 159
- Legs:
Lightning-Charged Legguards
- bought for 313
- dropped by Argaloth in Baradin Hold
- bought for 313
To go with this set, we suggest the following pieces:
- Cloak:
Nomad's Woven Cloak;
- Wrists:
Chimaeron Armguards;
- Waist:
Star Chaser Belt;
- Feet:
Treads of Malorne;
- Gun:
Silithid Husked Launcher.
Tier 11: Item Level 372
Item level 372 set pieces can be bought from Toren Landow in Stormwind City or Rugok in Orgrimmar with corresponding item level 359 set pieces and specific tokens that only drop from certain raid bosses in the Heroic versions of Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, and Throne of the Four Winds.
- Head:
Lightning-Charged Headguard
- bought with 1
Crown of the Forlorn Protector
- dropped by Nefarian in Blackwing Descent (Heroic mode)
- dropped by Al'akir in Throne of the Four Winds (Heroic mode)
- bought with 1
- Shoulders:
Lightning-Charged Spaulders
- bought with 1
Shoulders of the Forlorn Protector
- dropped by Cho'gall in Bastion of Twilight (Heroic mode)
- dropped by Al'akir in Throne of the Four Winds (Heroic mode)
- bought with 1
- Chest:
Lightning-Charged Tunic
- bought with
- 1
Lightning-Charged Tunic and
- 1
Chest of the Forlorn Protector
- dropped by Halfus Wyrmbreaker in Bastion of Twilight (Heroic mode)
- 1
- bought with
- Hands:
Lightning-Charged Gloves
- bought with
- 1
Lightning-Charged Gloves and
- 1
Gauntlets of the Forlorn Protector
- dropped by Magmaw in Blackwing Descent (Heroic mode)
- 1
- bought with
- Legs:
Lightning-Charged Legguards
- bought with
- 1
Lightning-Charged Legguards and
- 1
Leggings of the Forlorn Protector
- dropped by Maloriak in Blackwing Descent (Heroic mode)
- 1
- bought with
To go with this set, we suggest the following pieces:
- Cloak:
Shadow-Cloak of Dalaran;
- Wrists:
Chimaeron Armguards;
- Waist:
Coil of Ten-Thousand Screams;
- Feet:
Boots of Vertigo;
- Bow:
Bow of Taut Sinew.
Note that Al'akir, in Heroic mode, has a chance to drop
Essence of the Forlorn. This item can be used to buy any of the
5 Heroic mode tokens from Magatha Silverton or Gunra.
- 25 Apr. 2017: Added transmog suggestions.
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