Transmogrification Hunter PvE Tier 5 Set (Legion 7.2)
Table of Contents
Tier 5 set pieces are obtained from NPCs in Shattrath, Kelara (for players who chose The Aldor) or Veynna Dawnstar (for players who chose The Scryers), in exchange for tokens that drop from bosses in the second tier of Outland raids (Tempest Keep: The Eye and Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern).
- Head:
Rift Stalker Helm
- exchanged for
Helm of the Vanquished Hero
- dropped by Lady Vashj in Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern
- exchanged for
- Shoulders:
Rift Stalker Mantle
- exchanged for
Pauldrons of the Vanquished Hero
- dropped by Void Reaver in Tempest Keep: The Eye
- exchanged for
- Chest:
Rift Stalker Hauberk
- exchanged for
Chestguard of the Vanquished Hero
- dropped by Kael'thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep: The Eye
- exchanged for
- Hands:
Rift Stalker Gauntlets
- exchanged for
Gloves of the Vanquished Hero
- droppped by Leotheras the Blind in Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern
- exchanged for
- Legs:
Rift Stalker Leggings
- exchanged for
Leggings of the Vanquished Hero
- dropped by Fathom-Lord Karathress in Coilfang Reservoir: Serpentshrine Cavern
- exchanged for
To go with this set, we suggest the following pieces:
- Cloak:
Frost Leather Cloak;
- Wrists:
Bands of the Celestial Archer;
- Waist:
Belt of the Black Eagle;
- Feet:
Star-Strider Boots;
- 2-Handed Axe:
Ramaladni's Blade of Culling.
- 25 Apr. 2017: Added transmog suggestions.
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