Transmogrification Hunter PvP Level 60 Sets (WoD 6.2)
Table of Contents
Level 60 PvP Rare Set
This set can be bought from Sergeant Major Clate (Stormwind) and First Sergeant Hola'mahi (Orgrimmar) but cannot be used for transmogrification. Krixel Pinchwhistle (Alliance) and Leeni "Smiley" Smalls (Horde) sell replicas of these items in Area 52. In order to buy the replicas, you need to have obtained the corresponding PvP title before the release of The Burning Crusade.
- Head:
Lieutenant Commander's Chain Helm (Alliance) or
Champion's Chain Helm (Horde);
- Shoulder:
Lieutenant Commander's Chain Shoulders (Alliance) or
Champion's Chain Shoulders (Horde);
- Chest:
Knight-Captain's Chain Hauberk (Alliance) or
Legionnaire's Chain Hauberk (Horde);
- Hands:
Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Vices (Alliance) or
Blood Guard's Chain Vices (Horde);
- Legs:
Knight-Captain's Chain Legguards (Alliance) or
Legionnaire's Chain Legguards (Horde);
- Feet:
Knight-Lieutenant's Chain Greaves (Alliance) or
Blood Guard's Chain Greaves (Horde).
Level 60 PvP Epic Set
This set can be bought from Sergeant Major Clate (Stormwind) and First Sergeant Hola'mahi (Orgrimmar) but cannot be used for transmogrification. Krixel Pinchwhistle (Alliance) and Leeni "Smiley" Smalls (Horde) sell replicas of these items in Area 52. In order to buy the replicas, you need to have obtained the corresponding PvP title before the release of The Burning Crusade.
- Head:
Field Marshal's Chain Helm (Alliance) or
Warlord's Chain Helmet (Horde);
- Shoulder:
Field Marshal's Chain Spaulders (Alliance) or
Warlord's Chain Shoulders (Horde);
- Chest:
Field Marshal's Chain Breastplate (Alliance) or
Warlord's Chain Chestpiece (Horde);
- Hands:
Marshal's Chain Grips (Alliance) or
General's Chain Gloves (Horde);
- Legs:
Marshal's Chain Legguards (Alliance) or
General's Chain Legguards (Horde);
- Feet:
Marshal's Chain Boots (Alliance) or
General's Chain Boots (Horde).
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