Transmogrification Leather Armor Dungeon Sets (WoD 6.2)
Table of Contents
Shadowcraft Armor
The original version of this set is no longer available, but Barum sells a replica set during the Darkmoon Faire:
- Head:
Replica Shadowcraft Cap, bought with 75
- Shoulders:
Replica Shadowcraft Tunic, bought with 75
- Chest:
Replica Shadowcraft Spaulders, bought with 75
- Wrists:
Replica Shadowcraft Bracers, bought with 55
- Hands:
Replica Shadowcraft Gloves, bought with 55
- Waist:
Replica Shadowcraft Belt, bought with 55
- Legs:
Replica Shadowcraft Pants, bought with 75
- Feet:
Replica Shadowcraft Boots, bought with 55
Wildheart Raiment
The original version of this set is no longer available, but Barum sells a replica set during the Darkmoon Faire:
- Head:
Replica Wildheart Cowl, bought with 75
- Shoulders:
Replica Wildheart Spaulders, bought with 75
- Chest:
Replica Wildheart Vest, bought with 75
- Wrists:
Replica Wildheart Bracers, bought with 55
- Hands:
Replica Wildheart Gloves, bought with 55
- Waist:
Replica Wildheart Belt, bought with 55
- Legs:
Replica Wildheart Kilt, bought with 75
- Feet:
Replica Wildheart Boots, bought with 55
Darkmantle Armor
The original version of this set is no longer available, but Baruma sells a replica set during the Darkmoon Faire:
- Head:
Replica Darkmantle Cap, bought with 75
- Shoulders:
Replica Darkmantle Spaulders, bought with 75
- Chest:
Replica Darkmantle Tunic, bought with 75
- Wrists:
Replica Darkmantle Bracers, bought with 55
- Hands:
Replica Darkmantle Gloves, bought with 55
- Waist:
Replica Darkmantle Belt, bought with 55
- Legs:
Replica Darkmantle Pants, bought with 75
- Feet:
Replica Darkmantle Boots, bought with 55
Feralheart Armor
The original version of this set is no longer available, but Baruma sells a replica set during the Darkmoon Faire:
- Head:
Replica Feralheart Cowl, bought with 75
- Shoulders:
Replica Feralheart Spaulders, bought with 75
- Chest:
Replica Feralheart Vest, bought with 75
- Wrists:
Replica Feralheart Bracers, bought with 55
- Hands:
Replica Feralheart Gloves, bought with 55
- Waist:
Replica Feralheart Belt, bought with 55
- Legs:
Replica Feralheart Kilt, bought with 75
- Feet:
Replica Feralheart Boots, bought with 55
Embrace of the Viper
This armor set drops from bosses in Wailing Caverns:
- Chest:
Armor of the Fang, dropped by Lord Pythas;
- Hands:
Gloves of the Fang, dropped by Druid of the Fang;
- Waist:
Belt of the Fang, dropped by Lady Anacondra;
- Legs:
Leggings of the Fang, dropped by Lord Cobrahn;
- Feet:
Footpads of the Fang, dropped by Lord Serpentis.
Assassination Armor
This armor set drops in Normal and Heroic dungeons from The Burning Crusade:
- Head:
Helm of Assassination, dropped by Harbinger Skyriss in Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz;
- Shoulders:
Shoulderpads of Assassination, dropped by Talon King Ikiss in Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls;
- Chest:
Tunic of Assassination, dropped by Pathaleon the Calculator in Tempest Keep: The Mechanar;
- Hands:
Handgrips of Assassination, dropped by Aeonus in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass;
- Legs:
Leggings of Assassination, dropped by Murmur in Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth.
Wastewalker Armor
This armor set drops in Normal and Heroic dungeons from The Burning Crusade:
- Head:
Wastewalker Helm, dropped by Epoch Hunter in Caverns of Time: Old Hillsbrad Foothills;
- Shoulders:
Wastewalker Shoulderpads, dropped by Avatar of the Martyred in Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts;
- Chest:
Wastewalker Tunic, dropped by Keli'dan the Breaker in Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace;
- Hands:
Wastewalker Gloves, dropped by Warchief Kargath Bladefist in Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls;
- Legs:
Wastewalker Leggings, dropped by Nexus-Prince Shaffar in Auchindoun: Mana Tombs.
Moonglade Raiment
This armor set drops in Normal and Heroic dungeons from The Burning Crusade:
- Head:
Moonglade Cowl, dropped by Warp Splinter in Tempest Keep: The Botanica;
- Shoulders:
Moonglade Shoulders, dropped by Warlord Kalithresh in Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault;
- Chest:
Moonglade Robe, dropped by Pathaleon the Calculator in Tempest Keep: The Mechanar;
- Hands:
Moonglade Handwraps, dropped by Blackheart the Inciter in Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth;
- Legs:
Moonglade Pants, dropped by Aeonus in Caverns of Time: The Black Morass.
Hour of Twilight Leather Agility
This armor set is obtained in the Hour of Twilight dungeons:
- Head: Helm of Thorns, dropped by Mannoroth in Well of Eternity;
- Shoulders: Desecrated Shoulderguards, dropped by Archbishop Benedictus in Hour of Twilight;
- Chest: Time Twisted Tunic, dropped by Murozond in End Time;
- Hands: Gloves of the Hollow, dropped by any of the first two bosses in End Time;
- Waist: Peroth'arn's Belt, dropped by Peroth'arn in Well of Eternity;
- Legs: Puppeteer's Pantaloons, dropped by Queen Azshara in Well of Eternity;
- Feet: Wayfinder Boots, dropped by Arcurion in Hour of Twilight.
Hour of Twilight Leather Intellect
This armor set is obtained in the Hour of Twilight dungeons:
- Head: Timeway Headgear, dropped by Murozond in End Time;
- Shoulders: Spaulders of Eternity, dropped by Mannoroth in Well of Eternity;
- Chest: Chronicler's Chestguard, reward from Documenting the Timeways in Well of Eternity;
- Wrists: Evergreen Wristbands, dropped by Arcurion in Hour of Twilight;
- Hands: Waterworn Handguards, dropped by trash mobs in Well of Eternity;
- Waist: Cord of Lost Hope, dropped by any of the first two bosses in End Time;
- Legs: Leggings of Blinding Speed, dropped by Asira Dawnslayer in Hour of Twilight;
- Feet: Boots of the Forked Road, reward from Murozond in End Time.
Warlords of Draenor #1
These armor sets are obtained from Warlords of Draenor dungeons:
- Head:
Blackwater Helm
Hood of Burning Focus
Crystalbinder Helm
- Shoulders:
Blackwater Spaulders
Spaulders of Burning Focus
Crystalbinder Shoulderpads
- Chest:
Blackwater Wrap
Chestguard of Burning Focus
Crystalbinder Chestguard
- Wrists:
Blackwater Wristguards
Bracers of Burning Focus
Crystalbinder Wristguards
- Hands:
Blackwater Grips
Gauntlets of Burning Focus
Crystalbinder Gloves
- Waist:
Blackwater Belt
Belt of Burning Focus
Crystalbinder Belt
- Legs:
Blackwater Leggings
Legguards of Burning Focus
Crystalbinder Legwraps
- Feet:
Blackwater Boots
Boots of Burning Focus
Crystalbinder Sandals
Warlords of Draenor #2
These armor sets are obtained from Warlords of Draenor dungeons:
- Head:
Bloodfeather Cowl
Leafmender Hood
- Shoulders:
Bloodfeather Spaulders
Leafmender Mantle
- Chest:
Bloodfeather Chestwrap
Leafmender Robes
- Wrists:
Bloodfeather Bracers
Leafmender Wraps
- Hands:
Bloodfeather Grips
Leafmender Grips
- Waist:
Bloodfeather Girdle
Leafmender Girdle
- Legs:
Bloodfeather Leggings
Leafmender Legwraps
- Feet:
Bloodfeather Treads
Leafmender Sandals
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