Transmogrification Paladin PvE Tier 12 Sets (WoD 6.2)

Last updated on Oct 22, 2013 at 12:01 by Damien 40 comments

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Paladins have 6 Tier 12 sets: 2 tanking sets,WoW 2 healing sets,WoW and 2 DPS sets. Sets of the same item level have the same model. Tier 12 sets were introduced with the second tier of Cataclysm raids: Firelands. The sets can be broken down as follows:

  • 1 tanking set,WoW 1 healing set,WoW and 1 DPS set of item level 378, with pieces dropping from Occu'thar in Baradin Hold or being purchasable with Gold or tokens that drop from the last two bosses in the Normal version of Firelands;
  • 1 tanking set,WoW 1 healing set,WoW and 1 DPS set of item level 391, with all pieces dropping from various raid bosses in the Heroic version of Firelands.

Tier 12: Item Level 378

Paladin PvE Tier 12 Set

The item level 378 Tier 12 sets are bought from Magatha Silverton in Stormwind City or Gunra in Orgrimmar for Gold or tokens that drop from Majordomo Staghelm and Ragnaros in the normal version (both in 10-man and 25-man difficulties) of Firelands. Some pieces (Hands and Legs) can also drop from Occu'thar in Baradin Hold.

  • Head: Immolation Faceguard Icon Immolation Faceguard / Immolation Headguard Icon Immolation Headguard / Immolation Helmet Icon Immolation Helmet
    • bought for 94 Gold 60 Silver 11 Copper
    • bought for 1 Helm of the Fiery Conqueror Icon Helm of the Fiery Conqueror
  • Shoulders: Immolation Shoulderguards Icon Immolation Shoulderguards / Immolation Mantle Icon Immolation Mantle / Immolation Pauldrons Icon Immolation Pauldrons
    • bought for 94 Gold 60 Silver 11 Copper
    • bought for 1 Mantle of the Fiery Conqueror Icon Mantle of the Fiery Conqueror
  • Chest: Immolation Chestguard Icon Immolation Chestguard / Immolation Breastplate Icon Immolation Breastplate / Immolation Battleplate Icon Immolation Battleplate
    • bought for 341 Gold 49 Silver
  • Hands: Immolation Handguards Icon Immolation Handguards / Immolation Gloves Icon Immolation Gloves / Immolation Gauntlets Icon Immolation Gauntlets
  • Legs: Immolation Legguards Icon Immolation Legguards / Immolation Greaves Icon Immolation Greaves / Immolation Legplates Icon Immolation Legplates

Tier 12: Item Level 391

Paladin PvE Tier 12H Set

The item level 391 Tier 12 sets are bought from Magatha Silverton in Stormwind City or Gunra in Orgrimmar for tokens that drop from various bosses in the Heroic version of Firelands (regardless of 10-man or 25-man difficulty).

  • Head: Immolation Faceguard Icon Immolation Faceguard / Immolation Headguard Icon Immolation Headguard / Immolation Helmet Icon Immolation Helmet
    • bought for 1 Crown of the Fiery Conqueror Icon Crown of the Fiery Conqueror
  • Shoulders: Immolation Shoulderguards Icon Immolation Shoulderguards / Immolation Mantle Icon Immolation Mantle / Immolation Pauldrons Icon Immolation Pauldrons
    • bought for 1 Shoulders of the Fiery Conqueror Icon Shoulders of the Fiery Conqueror
  • Chest: Immolation Chestguard Icon Immolation Chestguard / Immolation Breastplate Icon Immolation Breastplate / Immolation Battleplate Icon Immolation Battleplate
    • bought for
      • 1 Immolation Chestguard Icon Immolation Chestguard / Immolation Breastplate Icon Immolation Breastplate / Immolation Battleplate Icon Immolation Battleplate and
      • 1 Chest of the Fiery Conqueror Icon Chest of the Fiery Conqueror
  • Hands: Immolation Handguards Icon Immolation Handguards / Immolation Gloves Icon Immolation Gloves / Immolation Gauntlets Icon Immolation Gauntlets
    • bought for
      • 1 Immolation Handguards Icon Immolation Handguards / Immolation Gloves Icon Immolation Gloves / Immolation Gauntlets Icon Immolation Gauntlets and
      • 1 Gauntlets of the Fiery Conqueror Icon Gauntlets of the Fiery Conqueror
  • Legs: Immolation Legguards Icon Immolation Legguards / Immolation Greaves Icon Immolation Greaves / Immolation Legplates Icon Immolation Legplates
    • bought for
      • 1 Immolation Legguards Icon Immolation Legguards / Immolation Greaves Icon Immolation Greaves / Immolation Legplates Icon Immolation Legplates and
      • 1 Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror Icon Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror