Transmogrification Priest Cloth Legs Item Model List (Legion 7.1)
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This page represents a section of our Transmogrification guide to item models for Priests and is targeted at readers who do not have Javascript enabled or who wish to only consult the list of models for a specific slot. This page is updated for World of Warcraft 7.1
Below, you will find the models for all the Cloth Legs items that a Priest can equip. The idea is to make it easy for you to find an item with a design similar to an item set you might be trying to build.
Items by model. For each item model, hovering over its image will display a list of items that sport this model. The source of each item is also displayed, so that you can rapidly spot the items that are most easily obtained.
How are models sorted? Models are first grouped by design (all look-alike models are displayed consecutively). Then, we sort these groups of models by item quality (common, rare, epic, or heirloom) and item level, so that the models with the lowest item quality/item level are shown first and the models with the highest item quality/item level are shown last.
The page may take time to load completely, depending on the number of items to display.
To build this page, we have extensively used the World of Warcraft API and Wowhead. With the API, we obtained an initial list of items that we subsequently refined by checking on Wowhead which items were no longer available. The item models were taken from the official World of Warcraft website.
Item Model List

- Handstitched Linen Britches: created by Handstitched Linen Britches (requires Tailoring 70)

- Simple Kilt: created by Simple Kilt (requires Tailoring 75)

- Colorful Kilt: created by Colorful Kilt (requires Tailoring 120)

- Phoenix Pants: created by Phoenix Pants (requires Tailoring 125)

- Sage's Pants: Grimungous in The Hinterlands, Hissperak in Desolace, Razortalon in The Hinterlands..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Iron Lockbox

- Heavy Woolen Pants: created by Heavy Woolen Pants (requires Tailoring 110)

- Seer's Pants: Rot Hide Plague Weaver, Son of Arugal, Ol' Gummers in Redridge Mountains..., Kolkar's Booty (Northern Barrens), Large Battered Chest (Wailing Caverns and Bloodmyst Isle), Kolkars' Booty (Northern Barrens)...
- Pale Leggings: 6
from Thralosh (A/H) in Swamp of Sorrows and Tor'phan (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Speedbarge Leggings:
Circle the Wagons... er, Boats (Thousand Needles) and
Circle the Wagons... er, Boats (Thousand Needles)
- Speedbarge Leggings:
Circle the Wagons... er, Boats (Thousand Needles) and
Circle the Wagons... er, Boats (Thousand Needles)
- Infectis Incher Leggings:
Frederick's Fish Fancy (Eastern Plaguelands)

- Journeyman's Pants: Tregla in Eversong Woods, Spearcrafter Otembe in Eversong Woods, Old Whitebark in Eversong Woods..., fished in Mulgore
- Vandril's Hand Me Down Pants:
Anok'suten (Ghostlands)

- Disciple's Pants: Gnath in Silverpine Forest, Leprithus in Westfall, Foe Reaper 4000 in Westfall..., Maplewood Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Azshara), Tattered Chest (Bloodmyst Isle), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Northern Barrens and Southern Barrens)...
- Outlander's Leggings: Infernal Warbringer in Hellfire Peninsula, Hellfire Watcher in Hellfire Ramparts, Hellfire Sentry in Hellfire Ramparts...

- Spellbinder Pants: Korok the Colossus in Ruins of Gilneas, Utroka the Keymistress in Redridge Mountains, Yowler in Redridge Mountains..., Kolkars' Booty (Northern Barrens), Kolkar's Booty (Northern Barrens), Large Battered Chest (Wailing Caverns and Bloodmyst Isle)..., fished in Undercity
- Feralfen Pants: Phantasmal Possessor in Auchenai Crypts, Auchenai Soulpriest in Auchenai Crypts, Stronglimb Deeproot in Blade's Edge Mountains...

- Flamesear Leggings:
Might of the Firelord (Mount Hyjal)
- Spiritmend Leggings: created by Spiritmend Leggings (requires Tailoring 480)

- Leggings of Brown Grass:
Preparation for Ceremony (Mulgore)
- Archaeologist's Pants:
Priceless Treasures (Dun Morogh)
- Rygna-Silk Leggings:
Queen-Sized Troubles (Gilneas)
- Verdigris Leggings:
The Waters of Teldrassil (Teldrassil)
- Delicia's Tights:
Throw It On the Ground! (The Lost Isles)
- Thornweaver Leggings:
The Far Watch Offensive (Northern Barrens)
- Unbound Leggings:
A Decisive Strike (Loch Modan)
- Suppository Preventors:
It's Only Poisonous if You Ingest It (Silverpine Forest)
- Aurora Pants: Scholomance Acolyte in Scholomance, Stonevault Geomancer in Uldaman, Stonevault Mauler in Uldaman..., Strong Iron Lockbox

- Royal Trousers: Rumbler in Badlands, Kregg Keelhaul in Tanaris, War Golem in Badlands..., Old Treasure Chest (Scholomance), A Crazy Grab Bag, and Reinforced Steel Lockbox
- Abjurer's Pants: Manas in Winterspring, Occulus the Corrupted in Tanaris, Smoldar in Searing Gorge..., Kum'isha's Junk and Reinforced Steel Lockbox

- Kaboom Leggings:
First Degree Mortar (Azshara)
- Legwork Trousers:
Big Trouble in Moonbrook (Westfall)
- Mor'shan Caravaneer's Leggings:
Mor'shan Caravan Delivery (Northern Barrens)
- Archmage Pants: Sunblade Protector in Sunwell Plateau, Serpentshrine Sporebat in Serpentshrine Cavern, Promenade Sentinel in Black Temple...
- Elementalist Leggings: Apexis Guardian in Blade's Edge Mountains, Mo'arg Incinerator in Blade's Edge Mountains, Insidion in Blade's Edge Mountains..., Protectorate Treasure Cache

- Surveyor's Leggings:
Drungeld Glowerglare (Wetlands)
- Delgren's Leggings:
Respect for the Fallen (Ashenvale)
- Leggings of the Traveling Medic:
Rescue the Fallen (Ashenvale)
- Star Pony Leggings:
Do it for Twinkles (Hillsbrad Foothills)
- Stargazer's Pantaloons:
Classy Glass (Duskwood)
- Ivycloth Pants: Zorn in Hillsbrad Foothills and Arathi Highlands, Maggarrak in Hillsbrad Foothills, Boros in Arathi Highlands..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Lard's Special Picnic Basket, and Heavy Bronze Lockbox

- Rockweaver Leggings:
Tooling Around (Wetlands)
- Durable Pants: Mith'rethis the Enchanter in The Hinterlands, Retherokk the Berserker in The Hinterlands, Kurmokk in The Cape of Stranglethorn..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Iron Lockbox

- Godfrey's Britches:
Sweet, Merciless Revenge (Shadowfang Keep)
- Godfrey's Britches:
Fury of the Pack (Shadowfang Keep)
- Missionary's Leggings:
Bad Medicine (Northern Stranglethorn)
- Unforgiving Pantaloons:
The Defense of Grom'gol: Trollish Thievery (Northern Stranglethorn)
- Saurboz's Leggings:
Barrier to Entry (Stonetalon Mountains)
- Sorcerer Pants: Hed'mush the Rotting in Eastern Plaguelands, Zul'Brin Warpbranch in Eastern Plaguelands, Krkk'kx in Thousand Needles..., Large Darkwood Chest (Uldaman), Ancient Treasure (Uldaman), and Steel Lockbox

- Farshire Pants: Dragonflayer Metalworker in Utgarde Keep, Crypt Crawler in Borean Tundra, Dragonflayer Weaponsmith in Utgarde Keep...
- Earth-Infused Leggings:
Preying Upon the Weak (Howling Fjord) and
Brains! Brains! Brains! (Howling Fjord)
- Mur'ghoul Leggings: Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus, Dragonflayer Overseer in Utgarde Keep, Crystalline Tender in The Nexus...
- Bristlepine Leggings: Arctic Grizzly in Dragonblight, Hulking Jormungar in Dragonblight and Hour of Twilight, Harold Lane in Borean Tundra..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Wastewind Leggings:
Scourge Armaments (Dragonblight) and
The High Cultist (Dragonblight)
- Thin Jormungar Legwraps:
Really Big Worm (Dragonblight)
- Icemist Pants: Risen Drakkari Warrior in Drak'Tharon Keep, Risen Drakkari Death Knight in Drak'Tharon Keep, Risen Drakkari Handler in Drak'Tharon Keep...
- Dusty Miner's Leggings:
Steady as a Rock? (Grizzly Hills)
- Kilt of Peaceful Reclamation:
Therapy (Grizzly Hills)
- Bramble-Proof Leggings:
Local Support (Grizzly Hills) and
My Enemy's Friend (Grizzly Hills)

- Bloodspore Leggings: Aged Magnataur in Borean Tundra, Rampaging Earth Elemental in Howling Fjord, Crystalline Tender in The Nexus...
- Gholamweave Leggings:
Alpha Worg (Howling Fjord) and
Alpha Worg (Howling Fjord)
- Foothold Pants: Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus, Indu'le Mystic in Dragonblight, Crystalline Tender in The Nexus..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Voldrune Legs: The Anvil in Grizzly Hills, Twilight Apostle in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Eye of Taldaram in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Tethys Leggings: Risen Drakkari Bat Rider in Drak'Tharon Keep, Drakkari God Hunter in Gundrak, Risen Drakkari Death Knight in Drak'Tharon Keep...
- Soiled Trousers:
Feedin' Da Goolz (Zul'Drak)
- Leggings of Fastidious Decapitation:
Malas the Corrupter (Zul'Drak)

- Regal Pantaloons:
In Service to the Light (Howling Fjord) and
The Walking Dead (Howling Fjord)
- Nymph Stockings:
The Culler Cometh (Borean Tundra)
- Transborean Leggings:
Trophies of Gammoth (Borean Tundra) and
The Hunt is On (Borean Tundra)
- Frostwoven Leggings: created by Frostwoven Leggings (requires Tailoring 380)
- Embattled Legwraps:
Argent Crusade, We Are Leaving! (Zul'Drak)
- Frostmoon Pants: created by Frostmoon Pants (requires Tailoring 425)

- Sweltering Leggings:
What the Cold Wind Brings... (Borean Tundra) and
Surrounded! (Borean Tundra)
- Duskweave Leggings: created by Duskweave Leggings (requires Tailoring 395)
- Stable Master's Breeches: King Dred in Drak'Tharon Keep
- Black Duskweave Leggings: created by Black Duskweave Leggings (requires Tailoring 415)

- Azure Silk Pants: created by Azure Silk Pants (requires Tailoring 140)

- Buccaneer's Pants: Fenros in Duskwood, Chet the Slime-Breeder in Hillsbrad Foothills, Luzran in Ghostlands..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Ornate Bronze Lockbox
- Crimson Silk Pantaloons: created by Crimson Silk Pantaloons (requires Tailoring 195)
- Felcloth Pants: created by Felcloth Pants (requires Tailoring 275)

- Brightcloth Pants: created by Brightcloth Pants (requires Tailoring 290)

- Stitched Leggings: Felstorm Warlock in The Jade Forest, Garrosh'ar Grunt in The Jade Forest, Strongarm Private in The Jade Forest...
- Faded Forest Satin Leggings: 80
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Faded Forest Silk Trousers: 73
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Reed Leggings: Mogu Infiltrator in Valley of the Four Winds, The Songbird Queen in Temple of the Jade Serpent, Outcast Sprite in The Jade Forest...
- Growing Leggings: Korvexxis in Townlong Steppes, Enraged Mushan in Kun-Lai Summit, Mogu Infiltrator in Valley of the Four Winds...

- Nayeli Leggings:
Apply Directly to the Forehead (Krasarang Wilds)
- Angkhal Trousers:
Apply Directly to the Forehead (Krasarang Wilds)
- Silkmasters' Satin Leggings:
A Seemingly Endless Nuisance (Valley of the Four Winds)
- Gilded Fan Silk Trousers:
A Seemingly Endless Nuisance (Valley of the Four Winds)
- Mistwalker Satin Leggings:
Tread Lightly (Krasarang Wilds)
- Mistwalker Silk Trousers:
Tread Lightly (Krasarang Wilds)
- Hemet's Satin Leggings:
Stalker Mastery (Valley of the Four Winds)
- Hemet's Silk Trousers:
Stalker Mastery (Valley of the Four Winds)

- Leggings of the High Priest: 500
from Meridelle Lightspark (A/H) in Netherlight Temple

- Mountainscaler Satin Leggings: 84
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Mountainscaler Silk Trousers: 85
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Trellised Leggings: Uduji in Krasarang Wilds, Skiggit in Valley of the Four Winds, Weisheng in Throne of Thunder..., Ghost Iron Lockbox and Greater Cache of Treasures
- Brewer's Leggings: Kargesh Ribcrusher in Mogu'shan Palace, Tribal Alchemist in Kun-Lai Summit, Glintrok Skulker in Mogu'shan Palace...
- Wasteland Silk Trousers: 88
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Wasteland Satin Leggings: 87
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Waterfall Leggings: Zao'cho in Throne of Thunder, Amber Searsting in Heart of Fear, Set'thik Gale-Slicer in Heart of Fear..., Lei Shen's Burial Trove (...), Ghost Iron Lockbox, and Greater Cache of Treasures

- Mistborne Leggings:
Seeing Red (Townlong Steppes)
- Swampwalker Trousers:
Seeing Red (Townlong Steppes)
- Swampwalker Pantaloons:
Improvised Ammunition (Townlong Steppes)
- Mistborne Pantaloons:
Improvised Ammunition (Townlong Steppes)
- Motherseed Leggings:
Walking Dog (Dread Wastes)
- Dreadspinner Trousers:
Walking Dog (Dread Wastes)

- Windwool Pants: created by Windwool Pants (requires Tailoring 545)
- Windwool Pants: created by Windwool Pants (requires Tailoring 545)
- Waterfall Leggings:
Prophet Khar'zul (Kun-Lai Summit)
- Mindbender Trousers:
Prophet Khar'zul (Kun-Lai Summit)

- Raincaller Pants: Draenei Paladin in Stonetalon Mountains, Slitherblade Tidehunter in Desolace, Rageroar Grunt in Southern Barrens...
- Twilight Pants: Mushgog in Feralas, Qirot in Feralas, Brimgore in Dustwallow Marsh..., Strong Iron Lockbox
- Lunar Leggings: Amnennar the Coldbringer in Razorfen Downs, Splinterbone Frostweaver in Razorfen Downs, Southsea Taskmaster in Tanaris...

- Elder's Pants: Digger Flameforge in Southern Barrens, Verifonix in The Cape of Stranglethorn, Silithid Harvester in Southern Barrens..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Iron Lockbox, fished in Northern Stranglethorn
- Darkmist Pants: Splinterbone Warrior in Razorfen Downs, Residual Monstrosity in Dire Maul, Arcane Torrent in Dire Maul...

- Embersilk Leggings: Warpwood Stomper in Dire Maul, Wildspawn Rogue in Dire Maul, Warpwood Guardian in Dire Maul...
- Hierophant's Leggings: 40
Halaa Battle Token and 40
Halaa Research Token from Quartermaster Jaffrey Noreliqe (A/H) in Nagrand and Quartermaster Davian Vaclav (A/H) in Nagrand

- Stonecloth Britches: Razorfen Hidecrusher in Razorfen Kraul, Subterranean Diemetradon in Maraudon, Noxious Reaver in Dustwallow Marsh...
- Ghostweave Pants: created by Ghostweave Pants (requires Tailoring 290)

- Watcher's Leggings: Honor's Stand Footman in Southern Barrens, Hunter Hill Scout in Southern Barrens, Hatefury Felsworn in Desolace...
- Vital Leggings: Celebrian Dryad in Maraudon, Warlord Ramtusk in Razorfen Kraul, Razorfen Torchbearer in Razorfen Kraul...
- Replica General's Satin Leggings: 28
from Tini Smalls (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Shadoweave Pants: created by Shadoweave Pants (requires Tailoring 210)
- Highborne Pants: Silicate Feeder in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Twilight Prophet in Silithus, Ragged Owlbeast in Winterspring...
- Dark Deed Leggings:
Felling an Ancient Tree (Blade's Edge Mountains)

- Nightsky Trousers: Stonevault Pillager in Uldaman, Stonevault Oracle in Uldaman, Stonevault Ambusher in Uldaman..., Strong Iron Lockbox, fished in Desolace
- Opulent Leggings: Xandivious in Winterspring, Silicate Feeder in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, Ironhide Devilsaur in Un'Goro Crater...
- Replica Legionnaire's Satin Trousers: 8
from Tini Smalls (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Replica Legionnaire's Satin Legguards: 19
from Tini Smalls (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Bloodwoven Pants: Nekrum Gutchewer in Zul'Farrak, Reliquary Digger in Tanaris, Sul'lithuz Sandcrawler in Zul'Farrak...
- Bloodvine Leggings: created by Bloodvine Leggings (requires Tailoring 300)

- The Shadow Oracle's Leggings: The Oracle in Azsuna and Shadowfiend in Azsuna
- Leywalker Pants:
Save Yourself (Azsuna)
- Temporal Scholar's Leggings: Binder Ashioi in Eye of Azshara, Felsworn Myrmidon in Vault of the Wardens, Horned Leatherback in Azsuna...
- Leywalker Leggings:
Our Very Bones (Azsuna)
- Gilnean Fleece Pantaloons:
Making the World Safe for Profit (Azsuna)
- Earthmender's Pantaloons:
Nobundo's Last Stand
- Soul-Stealer's Leggings:
Reignite the Wards (Azsuna)

- Windswept Leggings: Shattered Hand Grunt in Spires of Arak, Blademaster Trainee in Nagrand, Gorian Beast-Lasher in Nagrand..., Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Pouch (Spires of Arak)...
- Voidwrap Leggings: Sargerei Ravener in Talador, Felsworn Berserker in Tanaan Jungle, Gorian Rune-Mender in Highmaul..., Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Unearthed Reliquary (Nagrand), Holding Cage (Frostfire Ridge)...
- Windshaper Leggings:
King of the Breezestriders (Nagrand) and
King of the Breezestriders (Nagrand)

- Ravendown Leggings: Shattered Hand Harvester in Spires of Arak, Adherent Wind-Lasher in Spires of Arak, Adherent Harrier in Spires of Arak...
- Mantisweave Trousers: created by Tormented Leggings
- Dark Star Leggings: Imp Seer in Talador, Felfire Demolisher in Hellfire Citadel, Forgemistress Flamehand in Blackrock Foundry..., Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Adventurer's Pouch (Nagrand), Adventurer's Pack (Nagrand)...

- Sunscryer Leggings: Val'dune Fleshcrafter in Spires of Arak, Burning Flameseer in Nagrand, Blademaster Trainee in Nagrand...
- Shadowveil Leggings:
Hot Seat (Spires of Arak)
- "Super Sterlized" Blastguard Legwraps:
Preventing the Worst (Spires of Arak)
- Positive Pantaloons: Ophiis in Nagrand and Slithershock Eel in Nagrand

- Brown Linen Pants: created by Brown Linen Pants (requires Tailoring 30)

- Silk-Threaded Trousers: Lord Overheat in The Stockade
- Wizardweave Leggings: created by Wizardweave Leggings (requires Tailoring 275)

- Lunarglow Leggings: Bladespire Ogron in Frostfire Ridge, Sootstained Mauler in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Crag-Leaper in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Anchorite Leggings: Shadowmoon Shaman in Shadowmoon Valley, Thunderlord Gronnstalker in Frostfire Ridge, Shadowmoon Prophet in Shadowmoon Valley..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Auchenai Keeper Leggings:
Send Them Running (Talador) and
Not In Your House (Talador)

- Iyun Leggings: Sootstained Enforcer in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Crag-Leaper in Frostfire Ridge, Ogron Spinecrusher in Gorgrond..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Hollowheart Pantaloons:
Blaze of Glory (Assault on the Dark Portal)
- Blademoon Leggings:
Rotting Riverbeasts (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Frostwolf Wind-Talker Pantaloons:
Vul'gath's End (Frostfire Ridge)
- Karabor Sage Leggings:
Ancestor's Memory (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Mandragoran Leggings: Thunderlord Butcher in Frostfire Ridge, Blackrock Flamecaster in Gorgrond, Grulkor in Gorgrond..., Pile of Rubble (Gorgrond), Discarded Pack (Gorgrond), Stashed Emergency Rucksack (Gorgrond)...
- Ritual Leggings of Mur'og: Primalist Mur'og in Frostfire Ridge
- Frostwolf Wind-Talker Leggings:
Lurkers (Frostfire Ridge)
- Sneevel's Loincloth: Sneevel in Shadowmoon Valley and Pale Crawler in Shadowmoon Valley

- Orunai Leggings: Shadow Warrior in Shadowmoon Valley, Shadow Guardian in Talador, Lesser Warlock in Shadowmoon Valley...
- Steamburst Leggings:
Heart of the Fen (Gorgrond) and
Heart of the Fen (Gorgrond)
- Gordunni Leggings: Shadow Disciple in Frostfire Ridge, Gorebound Vessel in Talador, Grom'kar Shadowblade in Talador..., Rusted Lockbox (Talador)
- Blood Infused Leggings: Drivnul in Tanaan Jungle, Dorg the Bloody in Tanaan Jungle, Bleeding Hollow Brute in Tanaan Jungle...

- Mystical Leggings: Karapax in Silithus, Ravage in Blasted Lands, Lapress in Silithus..., Large Mithril Bound Chest (Blackrock Spire and Dire Maul) and Dark Coffer (Blackrock Depths)

- Red Mageweave Pants: created by Red Mageweave Pants (requires Tailoring 215)
- Cindercloth Leggings: 7
from Thralosh (A/H) in Swamp of Sorrows, Handor (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Vinasia (A/H) in Darnassus
- Imperial Red Pants: Ramstein the Gorger in Stratholme, Anvilrage Marshal in Blackrock Depths, Gomora the Bloodletter in Sunken Temple..., Arena Treasure Chest (Stranglethorn Vale and The Cape of Stranglethorn) and Mithril Lockbox
- Leggings of the Festering Swarm: Battleguard Sartura in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
- Bloodfire Leggings:
The Final Code (Terokkar Forest) and
The Final Code (Terokkar Forest)
- Pantaloons of Flaming Wrath: Blood Guard Porung in The Shattered Halls
- Pantaloons of Flaming Wrath: Blood Guard Porung in The Shattered Halls

- Regal Leggings: Snark in Eastern Plaguelands, Jin'Zallah the Sandbringer in Tanaris, Death-Hunter Hawkspear in Eastern Plaguelands..., Ancient Treasure (Uldaman), Large Darkwood Chest (Uldaman), and Steel Lockbox
- Manastorm Leggings: Gehennas in Molten Core, Sulfuron Harbinger in Molten Core, Lucifron in Molten Core...

- Aerie Pants: Living Mojo in Gundrak, Scourge Brute in Drak'Tharon Keep, Dark Rune Worker in Halls of Stone..., Titanium Lockbox
- Aged Watcher's Legwraps:
A Timeworn Coffer (Sholazar Basin)
- Condor Pants: Foreman Thaldrin in Icecrown, Infinite Hunter in The Culling of Stratholme, Marauding Geist in Naxxramas..., Ooze Release Valve (Icecrown Citadel) and Titanium Lockbox
- Vizier Leggings: Kor'kron Necrolyte in Icecrown Citadel, Twilight Adherent in Ulduar, Chamber Overseer in Ulduar..., Empowering Blood Orb (Icecrown Citadel)

- Leggings of Mending Fronds:
Fortunate Misunderstandings (Sholazar Basin)
- Oracle Leggings: Drakkari Rhino in Gundrak, Drakkari Lancer in Gundrak, Drakkari Battle Rider in Gundrak..., Titanium Lockbox
- Crystalsong Leggings: Master Summoner Zarod in Icecrown, Baelok in Icecrown, Onyx Sanctum Guardian in The Obsidian Sanctum...
- Coldwraith Pants: Storm Tempered Keeper in Ulduar, Hardened Iron Golem in Ulduar, Twilight Frost Mage in Ulduar...

- Pantaloons of the Dutybound:
Pa'Troll (Zul'Drak)
- Pantaloons of the Water Magi:
The Art of Being a Water Terror (Icecrown)
- Leggings of Burning Gleam: Krystallus in Halls of Stone
- Ring-Lord's Leggings: Ring-Lord Conjurer in The Oculus, Azure Inquisitor in The Oculus, Azure Spellbinder in The Oculus...
- Frostsavage Leggings: created by Frostsavage Leggings (requires Tailoring 420)
- Breeches of the Caller: Ingvar the Plunderer in Utgarde Keep
- Seraphic Pants: 25
from Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, and Iris Moondreamer (A/H) in Mount Hyjal
- Seraphic Leggings: 25
from Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, and Iris Moondreamer (A/H) in Mount Hyjal

- Conferred Pantaloons:
Containment (The Violet Hold)
- Leggings of the Frozen Wastes:
The Drakkensryd (The Storm Peaks)
- Snowdrift Pantaloons:
The Iron Colossus (The Storm Peaks)
- Trousers of the Arakkoa: Erekem in The Violet Hold
- Opposed Stasis Leggings: Commander Stoutbeard in The Nexus and Commander Kolurg in The Nexus
- Opposed Stasis Leggings: Commander Kolurg in The Nexus and Commander Stoutbeard in The Nexus

- Leggings of Renewed Hope:
The Gifts of Loken (The Storm Peaks)
- Leggings of the Ruins Dweller: Eck the Ferocious in Gundrak
- Sorrowgrave's Breeches: Svala Sorrowgrave in Utgarde Pinnacle
- Cyanigosa's Leggings: Cyanigosa in The Violet Hold
- Sorrowgrave's Breeches: Svala Sorrowgrave in Utgarde Pinnacle
- Leggings of the Ruins Dweller: Eck the Ferocious in Gundrak
- Sunderfury's Sundries: Overlord Sunderfury in Twilight Highlands

- Leggings of the Albino Brachyura:
Crabby Patrons (Shimmering Expanse)
- Deathsilk Leggings: created by Deathsilk Leggings (requires Tailoring 460)

- Ameth'Aran Leggings: Wormwing Screecher in Mount Hyjal, Wormwing Swifttalon in Mount Hyjal, Twilight Flame Caller in Blackrock Caverns...
- Mistmantle Leggings: Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides, Buster in Blackrock Caverns, Lucky in Blackrock Caverns...
- Baradin Leggings: Nether Fiend in Abyssal Depths, Stonecore Magmalord in The Stonecore, Buster in Blackrock Caverns...
- Darrowmere Leggings: Crystalspawn Giant in The Stonecore, Lucky in Blackrock Caverns, Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides...
- Brightwood Leggings: Twilight Soulreaper in Deepholm, Nether Fiend in Abyssal Depths, Crystalspawn Giant in The Stonecore...
- Everstill Leggings: Inferno Hawk in Firelands, Unbound Smoldering Elemental in Firelands, Spatial Anomaly in Halls of Origination..., Elementium Lockbox and Zen'Vorka's Cache
- Mystral Leggings: Tor-Tun in Zul'Gurub, Venomous Skitterer in Halls of Origination, Gurubashi Spirit Warrior in Zul'Gurub..., Elementium Lockbox and Zen'Vorka's Cache
- Bluefen Leggings: Air Warden in Halls of Origination, Demon Containment Unit, Earth Warden in Halls of Origination..., Amani Treasure Box (Zul'Aman), Elementium Lockbox, and Zen'Vorka's Cache

- Breeches of Authority:
Changing of the Gar'dul (Southern Barrens)
- Mizzy's Dungarees:
Batteries Not Yet Included (Southern Barrens)
- Leggings of Secret Rituals:
Hunt the Keeper (The Hinterlands)
- Leggings of Secret Rituals:
Hunt the Keeper (The Hinterlands)
- Cleaning Britches:
Swabbing Duty (The Cape of Stranglethorn)
- Leggings of the Windy Ravine:
Cleansing Our Crevasse (Desolace)
- Leggings of the Windy Ravine:
Cleansing Our Crevasse (Desolace)

- Gartic's Resplendent Leggings: Empyrean Assassin in The Vortex Pinnacle, Stonecore Flayer in The Stonecore, Turbulent Squall in The Vortex Pinnacle..., Sturdy Treasure Chest (Deepholm and Mount Hyjal), Runestone Treasure Chest (Abyssal Depths and Shimmering Expanse), Runestone Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Blackfathom Deeps)...
- Legwraps of Astral Rain: Isiset in Halls of Origination
- Legwraps of Astral Rain: Isiset in Halls of Origination

- Dreamfrond Skirt:
Lady La-La's Medallion (Kelp'thar Forest)
- Leggings of Iridescent Clouds: Asaad in The Vortex Pinnacle
- Smoldercloth Leggings: Scorched Satchel of Helpful Goods
- Leggings of Promise:
Harrison Jones and the Temple of Uldum (Uldum)
- Curse-Tainted Leggings: Twilight Beguiler in Grim Batol, Crimsonborne Warlord in Grim Batol, Azureborne Warlord in Grim Batol...
- Bastion-Clearing Leggings:
Fury Unbound (Twilight Highlands)
- Narkrall's Leggings:
Narkrall, The Drake-Tamer (Twilight Highlands)
- Leggings of Iridescent Clouds: Asaad in The Vortex Pinnacle
- Leggings of Iridescent Clouds: Asaad in The Vortex Pinnacle
- Curse-Tainted Leggings: Forgemaster Throngus in Grim Batol

- Hibernal Pants: Rockwing Gargoyle in Stratholme, Rockwing Screecher in Stratholme, Anvilrage Warden in Blackrock Depths..., Reinforced Steel Lockbox
- Venomshroud Leggings: Stegodon in Un'Goro Crater, Desert Bloom in Tanaris, Grolnar the Berserk in Winterspring...
- Deadly Borer Leggings:
Mind the Gap (The Blood Furnace) and
The Breaker (The Blood Furnace)
- Nagahide Leggings: Coilfang Emissary in Zangarmarsh
- Eldr'naan Pants: Serpentshrine Sporebat in Serpentshrine Cavern, Gargantuan Abyssal in The Arcatraz, Giant Infernal in Hyjal Summit..., Shattered Sun Supplies

- Heap Leggings:
It's a Fel Reaver, But with Heart (Netherstorm)
- Leggings of the Skettis Exile: 30
from Nakodu (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Soulguard Leggings: created by Soulguard Leggings (requires Tailoring 375)

- Necromancer Leggings: Enormous Bullfrog in Razorfen Kraul, Rattlegore in Western Plaguelands, Private Hallan in Dustwallow Marsh..., Sturdy Treasure Chest (Southern Barrens and Tanaris), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Dustwallow Marsh), Runestone Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Blackfathom Deeps)...
- Master's Leggings: Nefarian in Blackwing Lair, Core Hound in Molten Core, Flamewaker Elite in Molten Core..., Eternium Lockbox
- Netherweave Pants: created by Netherweave Pants (requires Tailoring 325)

- Mooncloth Leggings: created by Mooncloth Leggings (requires Tailoring 290)
- Arcane Leggings: Flamewaker Healer in Molten Core, Blackwing Technician in Blackwing Lair, Bloodaxe Summoner..., Dark Coffer (Blackrock Depths) and Large Mithril Bound Chest (Blackrock Spire and Dire Maul)

- Duskwoven Pants: Malfunctioning Reaver in Burning Steppes, Molt Thorn in Swamp of Sorrows, Arcanus in Winterspring..., Arena Treasure Chest (Stranglethorn Vale and The Cape of Stranglethorn), Mithril Lockbox, and Kum'isha's Junk
- Replica Marshal's Satin Pants: 27
from Grex Brainboiler (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Imbued Silkweave Pantaloons: created by Imbued Silkweave Pantaloons (requires Tailoring 1), Imbued Silkweave Pantaloons (requires Tailoring 1), and Imbued Silkweave Pantaloons (requires Tailoring 1)

- Mistscape Pants: Plague Ghoul in Stratholme, Ghostly Citizen in Stratholme, Mangled Cadaver in Stratholme..., Ancient Treasure (Uldaman), Large Darkwood Chest (Uldaman), and Steel Lockbox
- Frostweave Pants: created by Frostweave Pants (requires Tailoring 280)

- Runecloth Pants: created by Runecloth Pants (requires Tailoring 285)
- Skyshroud Leggings: Highlord Omokk in Blackrock Spire
- Starfire Trousers: Warlord Morkh in Hellfire Peninsula, Bleeding Hollow Archer in Hellfire Ramparts, Shadowmoon Technician in The Blood Furnace...

- Councillor's Pants: Cassia the Slitherqueen in Blasted Lands, Dreadscorn in Blasted Lands, Teremus the Devourer in Blasted Lands..., Large Mithril Bound Chest (Blackrock Spire and Dire Maul) and Dark Coffer (Blackrock Depths)
- Pants of Prophecy: Magmadar in Molten Core
- Chimaerahide Leggings: Nuramoc in Netherstorm

- Cindercloth Pants: created by Cindercloth Pants (requires Tailoring 280)

- Elegant Leggings: Narixxus the Doombringer in Blasted Lands, Blackleaf in Blasted Lands, Overlord Wyrmthalak in Blackrock Spire..., Eternium Lockbox
- Replica Knight-Captain's Satin Leggings: 9
from Grex Brainboiler (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Replica Knight-Captain's Satin Legguards: 19
from Grex Brainboiler (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Black Mageweave Leggings: created by Black Mageweave Leggings (requires Tailoring 205)
- Runed Stygian Leggings: created by Runed Stygian Leggings (requires Tailoring 300)
- Outrider's Silk Leggings: 10500
from Kelm Hargunth (A/H) in Northern Barrens
- Sentinel's Silk Leggings: 10500
from Illiyana Moonblaze (A/H) in Ashenvale
- Leggings of Concentrated Darkness: Infernal Warbringer in Hellfire Peninsula, Hellfire Watcher in Hellfire Ramparts, Fel Handler in Hellfire Peninsula...
- Metro's Slimming Legs:
Gauging the Resonant Frequency (Blade's Edge Mountains)

- Imbued Netherweave Pants: created by Imbued Netherweave Pants (requires Tailoring 340)

- Mooncloth Legguards: 31
from Alurmi (A/H) in Tanaris
- Satin Leggings: 31
from Nakodu (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Leggings of the Icy Heart: Venture Co. Straggler in Grizzly Hills, High Cultist Zangus in Dragonblight, Onslaught Mason in Dragonblight..., Maplewood Treasure Chest (Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Grizzly Hills and Borean Tundra), and Maplewood Treasure Chest (Howling Fjord and Thousand Needles)

- Pensive Legwraps: 239
from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Leggings of Charity: 221
from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Vicious Embersilk Pants: created by Bloodthirsty Embersilk Pants (requires Tailoring 525)

- Vicious Fireweave Pants: created by Bloodthirsty Fireweave Pants (requires Tailoring 525)

- Silkweave Pantaloons: created by Silkweave Pantaloons (requires Tailoring 700), Silkweave Pantaloons (requires Tailoring 1), and Silkweave Pantaloons (requires Tailoring 1)

- Leggings of Swirling Runes: Odyn in Halls of Valor and Odyn in Halls of Valor and Stormheim
- Riverrider Legwraps: Rokmora in Neltharion's Lair
- Rising Ocean Legwraps: King Deepbeard in Eye of Azshara
- Oakheart's Trunkwarmers: Oakheart in Darkheart Thicket
- Legwraps of Reverberating Shadows: General Xakal in The Arcway
- Burrow-Dweller Leggings: Anub'esset and Anub'esset in Violet Hold
- Legwraps of Rampant Turmoil: Fel Lord Betrug in Violet Hold
- Suramar Magistrate Leggings: Advisor Melandrus in Court of Stars
- Leggings of the Third Degree: Ash'Golm in Vault of the Wardens

- Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Leggings: Silver Strongbox, Steel Strongbox, Bronze Strongbox...
- Wild Combatant's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Wild Combatant's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Combatant's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear, Gold Strongbox and Ashmaul Strongbox
- Warmongering Combatant's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear, Silver Strongbox, Gold Strongbox, and Ashmaul Strongbox

- Warmongering Aspirant's Satin Leggings: Dented Ashmaul Strongbox, Steel Strongbox, Highmaul Lockbox...
- Wild Combatant's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Wild Combatant's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Combatant's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran
- Warmongering Combatant's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran and Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield, Silver Strongbox, Ashmaul Strongbox, and Gold Strongbox

- Forest Trickster's Leggings: Urobi the Walker in The Jade Forest, Krax'ik in The Jade Forest, Mister Ferocious in The Jade Forest...
- Watchful Dreamer's Trousers:
A New Lesson for the Master (Mogu'shan Palace)
- Contender's Satin Pants: created by Contender's Satin Pants (requires Tailoring 565)
- Leggings of Hallowed Fire: High Inquisitor Whitemane in Scarlet Monastery

- Jade Heart Leggings: Mister Ferocious in The Jade Forest, Morgrinn Crackfang in The Jade Forest, Kor'nas Nightsavage in The Jade Forest...
- Very Manly Leggings: Fizzy Brew Alemental in Stormstout Brewery, Carp Hunter in Krasarang Wilds, Wildscale Saurok in Valley of the Four Winds and Krasarang Wilds...
- Deposer's Leggings:
A New Lesson for the Master (Mogu'shan Palace)
- Contender's Silk Pants: created by Contender's Silk Pants (requires Tailoring 565)
- Leggings of the Frenzy: Commander Ri'mok in Gate of the Setting Sun
- Leggings of the Frenzy: Commander Ri'mok in Gate of the Setting Sun
- Leggings of Unleashed Anguish: Coffer of Forgotten Souls (Scholomance) and Coffer of Forgotten Souls (Scholomance)

- Bubblebrew Leggings: Greater Cache of Treasures
- Cordwoven Leggings: Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
- Firewool Leggings: Cache of Treasures, Greater Cache of Treasures, and Greater Cache of Treasures
- Brewmoon Leggings: Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
- Jinyu Seer's Leggings: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
- Heartlander's Leggings: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures

- Dreadful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Dreadful Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings (requires Tailoring 550)
- Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Satin Leggings: created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Satin Leggings (requires Tailoring 550)

- Malevolent Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Malevolent Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings (requires Tailoring 600)
- Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Satin Leggings: created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Satin Leggings (requires Tailoring 600)

- Frost-Touched Legwraps: High Sage Viryx in Skyreach, Slave Watcher Crushto in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Skulloc in Iron Docks..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Crate of Valuable Treasures, Cache of Mingled Treasures...
- Lightbinder Leggings: High Sage Viryx in Skyreach, Slave Watcher Crushto in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Ragewing the Untamed in Upper Blackrock Spire..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Supply of Storied Rarities, Cache of Mingled Treasures...
- Fireflash Trousers: created by Shared Turbulent Leggings

- Trousers of Arcane Mystery: High Sage Viryx in Skyreach, Slave Watcher Crushto in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Dulhu in The Everbloom..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Trove of Smoldering Treasures, Crate of Valuable Treasures...
- Leggings of Swirling Light: High Sage Viryx in Skyreach, Slave Watcher Crushto in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Ragewing the Untamed in Upper Blackrock Spire..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Strongbox of Mysterious Treasures, Supply of Storied Rarities...
- Felflame Legwraps: High Sage Viryx in Skyreach, Slave Watcher Crushto in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Ragewing the Untamed in Upper Blackrock Spire..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Trove of Smoldering Treasures, Supply of Storied Rarities...
- Windcrystal Leggings: 1000
from Dawn-Seeker Alkset (A/H) in Warspear and Dawn-Seeker Krek (A/H) in Stormshield
- Exceptional Windcrystal Leggings: 5000
from Dawn-Seeker Alkset (A/H) in Warspear and Dawn-Seeker Krek (A/H) in Stormshield
- Flawless Windcrystal Leggings: 10000
from Dawn-Seeker Alkset (A/H) in Warspear and Dawn-Seeker Krek (A/H) in Stormshield
- Solarflame Legwraps: Rukhmar in Spires of Arak
- Ethereal Windcrystal Leggings: 20000
from Dawn-Seeker Alkset (A/H) in Warspear and Dawn-Seeker Krek (A/H) in Stormshield

- Sumptuous Leggings: created by Sumptuous Leggings (requires Tailoring 1)

- Hexweave Leggings: created by Hexweave Leggings (requires Tailoring 1)

- Gaarn's Leggings of Infestation: Gaarn the Toxic in Krasarang Wilds and Dojani Enforcer in Krasarang Wilds, Big Bag of Arms, Big Bag of Zandalari Supplies, and Big Bag of Mysteries
- Subversive Leggings: 337
from Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars, and Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Jade Dust Leggings: Cobalt Guardian and Jade Guardian
- Poisoncrafter's Kilt: 478
from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Amaranthine Leggings: created by Timeless Cloth Leggings

- Cournith Waterstrider's Silken Finery: Cournith Waterstrider in Krasarang Wilds, Big Bag of Arms, Big Bag of Zandalari Supplies, and Big Bag of Mysteries
- Leggings of Unfinished Conquest: 337
from Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars, and Commander Lo Ping (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Leggings of the Poisoned Soul: 480
from Ambersmith Zikk (A/H) in Dread Wastes and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Amaranthine Leggings: created by Timeless Cloth Leggings and Timeless Cloth Armor Cache
- Cloudscorcher Leggings: created by Timeless Cloth Leggings

- Cloudscorcher Leggings: created by Timeless Cloth Leggings and Timeless Cloth Armor Cache

- Primal Combatant's Leggings of Prowess: 225000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 3
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear
- Primal Combatant's Satin Leggings: 225000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 3
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear

- Primal Combatant's Leggings of Prowess: 225000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 3
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield
- Primal Combatant's Satin Leggings: 225000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 3
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield

- Ironburner Leggings: Challenger's Strongbox
- Felcast Trousers: created by Baleful Leggings and Baleful Cloth Leggings
- Cave Smasher Leggings: Gruul in Blackrock Foundry
- Embroidered Gorian Pantaloons: Commander Dro'gan in Lunarfall and Frostwall, Annihilon in Lunarfall, Mage Lord Gogg'nathog..., Routed Invader's Crate of Spoils

- Pantaloons of Repentance: Netherspite in Karazhan
- Lightweave Leggings: created by Lightweave Leggings (requires Tailoring 450)

- Zabra's Leggings of Conquest: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 213
from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran and Aspirant Naradiel (A/H) in Icecrown
- Zabra's Pants of Conquest: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 205
from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran and Aspirant Naradiel (A/H) in Icecrown
- Legwraps of the Demonic Messenger: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Legwraps of the Demonic Messenger: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Zabra's Pants of Triumph: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 204
from Valiant Bressia (A/H) in Icecrown
- Pants of the Soothing Touch: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Zabra's Leggings of Triumph: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 212
from Valiant Bressia (A/H) in Icecrown
- Zabra's Pants of Triumph: 1
Regalia of the Grand Conqueror from Champion Faesrol (A/H) in Icecrown
- Zabra's Leggings of Triumph: 1
Regalia of the Grand Conqueror from Champion Faesrol (A/H) in Icecrown
- Pants of the Soothing Touch: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Honorary Combat Engineer's Satin Leggings:
Acid Rain (The Jade Forest)

- Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Edlan Halsing (A/H) in Stormwind City, Rogoc (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris
- Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Edlan Halsing (A/H) in Stormwind City, Rogoc (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris

- Vicious Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Argaloth in Baradin Hold, 110000
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Vicious Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Argaloth in Baradin Hold, 110000
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Occu'thar in Baradin Hold, 110000
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City
- Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Occu'thar in Baradin Hold, 110000
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City
- Ruthless Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 110000
from Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran...
- Ruthless Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 110000
from Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran...

- Savage Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 137
from Arcanist Ivrenne (A/H) in Dalaran and Magistrix Lambriesse (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Trapjaw Rix (A/H) in Dalaran
- Savage Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 138
from Arcanist Ivrenne (A/H) in Dalaran and Magistrix Lambriesse (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Trapjaw Rix (A/H) in Dalaran

- Hateful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 191
from Arcanist Adurin (A/H) in Dalaran and Magister Brasael (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Blazik Fireclaw (A/H) in Dalaran
- Hateful Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 179
from Arcanist Adurin (A/H) in Dalaran and Magister Brasael (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Blazik Fireclaw (A/H) in Dalaran

- Deadly Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 196
from Magister Sarien (A/H) in Dalaran and Arcanist Firael (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran
- Deadly Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 183
from Magister Sarien (A/H) in Dalaran and Arcanist Firael (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Herwin Steampop (A/H) in Dalaran

- Furious Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 215
from Arcanist Miluria (A/H) in Dalaran, Magistrix Vesara (A/H) in Dalaran, Arcanist Asarina (A/H) in Icecrown... and 3
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Furious Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 202
from Arcanist Miluria (A/H) in Dalaran, Magistrix Vesara (A/H) in Dalaran, Arcanist Asarina (A/H) in Icecrown... and 3
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Titan-Forged Cloth Leggings of Salvation: 49000
from Knight Dameron (A/H) in Wintergrasp and Stone Guard Mukar (A/H) in Wintergrasp
- Relentless Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 213
from Magister Arlan (A/H) in Dalaran, Arcanist Uovril (A/H) in Dalaran, and Goodman the "Closer" (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel and 3
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran
- Relentless Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 227
from Magister Arlan (A/H) in Dalaran, Arcanist Uovril (A/H) in Dalaran, and Goodman the "Closer" (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel and 3
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 165000
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris...
- Wrathful Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 165000
from Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris, First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar...

- Pantaloons of Arcane Annihilation: 96
from G'eras (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Leggings of Channeled Elements: Kaz'rogal in Hyjal Summit
- Leggings of Devastation: Mother Shahraz in Black Temple
- Corrupted Soulcloth Pantaloons: 106
from Smith Hauthaa (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and Anwehu (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Corrupted Soulcloth Pantaloons: 25
from Cupri (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Legwraps of Sweltering Flame: 106
from Smith Hauthaa (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and Anwehu (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Adorned Supernal Legwraps: 109
from Smith Hauthaa (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and Anwehu (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Leggings of Sapphiron: Sapphiron in Naxxramas, fished in Naxxramas

- Flarecore Leggings: created by Flarecore Leggings (requires Tailoring 300)
- Infernoweave Leggings: 88
from G'eras (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Spellstrike Pants: created by Spellstrike Pants (requires Tailoring 375)

- Whitemend Pants: created by Whitemend Pants (requires Tailoring 375)
- Gilded Trousers of Benediction: Doomwalker in Shadowmoon Valley

- Trial-Fire Trousers: The Crone in Karazhan, The Big Bad Wolf in Karazhan, Romulo in Karazhan...

- Trousers of the Incarnate: 1
Leggings of the Fallen Defender from Arodis Sunblade (A/H) in Shattrath City and Asuur (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Leggings of the Incarnate: 1
Leggings of the Fallen Defender from Arodis Sunblade (A/H) in Shattrath City and Asuur (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 1
Leggings of the Fallen Defender from Karynna (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 3
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 1
Leggings of the Fallen Defender from Karynna (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 3
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Breeches of the Avatar: 1
Leggings of the Vanquished Defender from Veynna Dawnstar (A/H) in Shattrath City and Kelara (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Merciless Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 1
Leggings of the Vanquished Defender from Olus (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas, 1
Leggings of the Forgotten Conqueror from Soryn (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas, 100000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm...
- Merciless Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 1
Leggings of the Vanquished Defender from Olus (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas, 1
Leggings of the Forgotten Conqueror from Soryn (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas, 100000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm...

- Vengeful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 100000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 3
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Vengeful Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 100000
from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm and 3
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Leggings of Absolution: 1
Leggings of the Forgotten Conqueror from Tydormu (A/H)
- Breeches of Absolution: 1
Leggings of the Forgotten Conqueror from Tydormu (A/H)

- Pantaloons of Growing Strife: 1
Pantaloons of Calming Strife and 1
Sunmote from Yrma (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas

- Brutal Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 17500
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 3
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Brutal Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 17500
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 3
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Heroes' Leggings of Faith: Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Leggings of the Lost Conqueror from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran and Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran
- Heroes' Pants of Faith: Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Leggings of the Lost Conqueror from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran and Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran

- Valorous Leggings of Faith: Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Legplates of the Lost Conqueror from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran and Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran
- Valorous Pants of Faith: Archavon the Stone Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Legplates of the Lost Conqueror from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran and Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran

- Valorous Leggings of Sanctification: Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Leggings of the Wayward Conqueror from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran and Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran
- Valorous Pants of Sanctification: Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Leggings of the Wayward Conqueror from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran and Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran

- Conqueror's Pants of Sanctification: Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Legplates of the Wayward Conqueror from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran and Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran
- Conqueror's Leggings of Sanctification: Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Legplates of the Wayward Conqueror from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran and Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran

- Legwraps of the Master Conjurer: 201
from Paldesse (A/H) in Dalaran, Magister Sarien (A/H) in Dalaran, Arcanist Firael (A/H) in Dalaran...

- Titan-Forged Cloth Trousers of Domination: 49000
from Knight Dameron (A/H) in Wintergrasp and Stone Guard Mukar (A/H) in Wintergrasp

- Velen's Pants of Conquest: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 201
from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran, Aspirant Forudir (A/H) in Icecrown, and Cloth Merchant (A/H) in Dalaran
- Velen's Leggings of Conquest: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 200
from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran, Aspirant Forudir (A/H) in Icecrown, and Cloth Merchant (A/H) in Dalaran
- Leggings of the Demonic Messenger: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Leggings of the Demonic Messenger: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Velen's Pants of Triumph: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 208
from Valiant Laradia (A/H) in Icecrown
- Leggings of the Soothing Touch: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Velen's Leggings of Triumph: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 208
from Valiant Laradia (A/H) in Icecrown
- Velen's Leggings of Triumph: 1
Regalia of the Grand Conqueror from Champion Isimode (A/H) in Icecrown
- Leggings of the Soothing Touch: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Velen's Pants of Triumph: 1
Regalia of the Grand Conqueror from Champion Isimode (A/H) in Icecrown

- Leggings of Woven Death: created by Leggings of Woven Death (requires Tailoring 450)
- Plaguebringer's Stained Pants: Festergut in Icecrown Citadel

- Crimson Acolyte Pants: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 216
from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran, Scott the Merciful (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel, and Cloth Merchant (A/H) in Dalaran
- Crimson Acolyte Leggings: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 214
from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran, Scott the Merciful (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel, and Cloth Merchant (A/H) in Dalaran
- Leggings of the Refracted Mind: Cache of the Dreamwalker (Icecrown Citadel)

- Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and 1
Crimson Acolyte Leggings from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran, Scott the Merciful (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel, and Cloth Merchant (A/H) in Dalaran
- Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Pants: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and 1
Crimson Acolyte Pants from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran, Scott the Merciful (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel, and Cloth Merchant (A/H) in Dalaran

- Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Pants: 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and 1
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Pants from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran, Scott the Merciful (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel, and Cloth Merchant (A/H) in Dalaran
- Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings: 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and 1
Sanctified Crimson Acolyte Leggings from Rueben Lauren (A/H) in Dalaran, Scott the Merciful (A/H) in Icecrown Citadel, and Cloth Merchant (A/H) in Dalaran

- Achromic Trousers of the Naaru: 96
from G'eras (A/H) in Shattrath City

- Flame-Ascended Pantaloons: created by Flame-Ascended Pantaloons (requires Tailoring 525)
- Soul Breath Leggings: Heart of Wind (Throne of the Four Winds)

- Legwraps of the Greatest Son: Maloriak in Blackwing Descent
- Mercurial Leggings: Argaloth in Baradin Hold, 325
from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Mercurial Legwraps: Argaloth in Baradin Hold, 341
from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Breeches of Mended Nightmares: created by Breeches of Mended Nightmares (requires Tailoring 525)

- Legwraps of the Greatest Son: Maloriak in Blackwing Descent
- Mercurial Legwraps: 1
Leggings of the Forlorn Conqueror and 1
Mercurial Legwraps from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Mercurial Leggings: 1
Leggings of the Forlorn Conqueror and 1
Mercurial Leggings from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Legwraps of the Cleansing Flame: Occu'thar in Baradin Hold, 341
from Magatha Silverton (A/H) in Stormwind City and Gunra (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Leggings of the Cleansing Flame: Occu'thar in Baradin Hold, 341
from Magatha Silverton (A/H) in Stormwind City and Gunra (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Legwraps of the Cleansing Flame: 1
Legwraps of the Cleansing Flame and 1
Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror from Magatha Silverton (A/H) in Stormwind City and Gunra (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Leggings of the Cleansing Flame: 1
Leggings of the Cleansing Flame and 1
Leggings of the Fiery Conqueror from Magatha Silverton (A/H) in Stormwind City and Gunra (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Alizabal in Baradin Hold, 110000
from Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran, and Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Alizabal in Baradin Hold, 110000
from Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran, and Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran and 3
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Lavaquake Legwraps: created by Lavaquake Legwraps (requires Tailoring 525)

- Legwraps of Dying Light: 1
Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror from Faldren Tillsdale (A/H) in Stormwind City and Jamus'Vaz (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Leggings of Dying Light: 1
Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror from Faldren Tillsdale (A/H) in Stormwind City and Jamus'Vaz (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- World Mender's Pants: created by World Mender's Pants (requires Tailoring 525)
- Leggings of Dying Light: Alizabal in Baradin Hold, 1
Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror from Faldren Tillsdale (A/H) in Stormwind City and Jamus'Vaz (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Legwraps of Dying Light: Alizabal in Baradin Hold, 1
Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror from Faldren Tillsdale (A/H) in Stormwind City and Jamus'Vaz (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Legwraps of Dying Light: 1
Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror from Faldren Tillsdale (A/H) in Stormwind City and Jamus'Vaz (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Leggings of Dying Light: 1
Leggings of the Corrupted Conqueror from Faldren Tillsdale (A/H) in Stormwind City and Jamus'Vaz (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Legwraps of the Exorcist: 1
Leggings of the Crackling Conqueror from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
- Leggings of the Exorcist: 1
Leggings of the Crackling Conqueror from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder

- Leggings of Ebon Veins: Primordius in Throne of Thunder
- Saddle-Scarred Leggings: Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder
- Wisp-Weave Pantaloons: 517
from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
- Leggings of the Exorcist: Nalak, 1
Leggings of the Crackling Conqueror from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
- Legwraps of the Exorcist: Nalak, 1
Leggings of the Crackling Conqueror from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
- Leggings of Ebon Veins: Primordius in Throne of Thunder
- Saddle-Scarred Leggings: Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder

- Legwraps of the Exorcist: 1
Leggings of the Crackling Conqueror from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
- Leggings of Ebon Veins: Primordius in Throne of Thunder
- Saddle-Scarred Leggings: Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder
- Leggings of the Exorcist: 1
Leggings of the Crackling Conqueror from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
- Legguards of Surreal Visions: Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder) and Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
- Leggings of Ebon Veins: Primordius in Throne of Thunder
- Saddle-Scarred Leggings: Iron Qon in Throne of Thunder

- Legwraps of Cardinality: Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder
- Charfire Leggings: 519
from Ao Pye (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Teng of the Flying Daggers (A/H) in Isle of Thunder
- Legwraps of Cardinality: Lei Shen in Throne of Thunder

- Grievous Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Prideful Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 3
Mark of Honor from Starlight Sinclair (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Prideful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 3
Mark of Honor from Starlight Sinclair (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Prideful Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 3
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Prideful Gladiator's Satin Leggings: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 3
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Leggings of Pulsing Blood: Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder
- Al'set's Tormented Leggings: Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
- Leggings of the Discarded Warning: Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder) and Cache of Storms (Throne of Thunder)
- Al'set's Tormented Leggings: Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
- Leggings of Pulsing Blood: Durumu the Forgotten in Throne of Thunder

- Leggings of the Ternion Glory: 1
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
- Legwraps of the Ternion Glory: 1
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror from Blizzix Sparkshiv (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Welbiz Cheerwhistle (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars

- Legwraps of the Ternion Glory: 1
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
- Leggings of the Ternion Glory: 1
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror from Nadina Stargem (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Thelett Shaleheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
- Leggings of the Ternion Glory: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror from Ki'agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
- Legwraps of the Ternion Glory: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 1
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror from Ki'agnuu (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Clarice Chapmann (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars

- Leggings of the Ternion Glory: 1
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror from Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars
- Legwraps of the Ternion Glory: 1
Leggings of the Cursed Conqueror from Tu'aho Pathcutter (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons and Lorry Warmheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars

- White Cloud Leggings: created by White Cloud Leggings (requires Tailoring 600)

- Leggings of the Night Sky: created by Leggings of the Night Sky (requires Tailoring 600)

- Primal Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Primal Gladiator's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Primal Gladiator's Trousers of Cruelty: 3
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Trousers of Cruelty: 3
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Trousers of Cruelty: 3
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Gladiator's Trousers of Cruelty: 3
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear, Champion's Strongbox

- Wild Gladiator's Trousers of Cruelty: 3
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Gladiator's Trousers of Cruelty: 3
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield, Champion's Strongbox

- Pious Leggings: created by Leggings of Hellfire's Conqueror

- Wild Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Gladiator's Satin Leggings: 3
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield

- Wild Gladiator's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Gladiator's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear, Champion's Strongbox

- Wild Gladiator's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Gladiator's Leggings of Prowess: 3
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield, Champion's Strongbox

- Once-Fashionable Nar'thalas Leggings: 5000
from Veridis Fallon (A/H) in Azsuna

- Tattered Dreadmist Leggings: 500
from Goram (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Shay Pressler (A/H) in Stormwind City, Steeg Haskell (A/H) in Ironforge..., rewarded by Working Better as a Team
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