Transmogrification Shaman Mail Feet Item Model List (Legion 7.1)
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This page represents a section of our Transmogrification guide to item models for Shamans and is targeted at readers who do not have Javascript enabled or who wish to only consult the list of models for a specific slot. This page is updated for World of Warcraft 7.1
Below, you will find the models for all the Mail Feet items that a Shaman can equip. The idea is to make it easy for you to find an item with a design similar to an item set you might be trying to build.
Items by model. For each item model, hovering over its image will display a list of items that sport this model. The source of each item is also displayed, so that you can rapidly spot the items that are most easily obtained.
How are models sorted? Models are first grouped by design (all look-alike models are displayed consecutively). Then, we sort these groups of models by item quality (common, rare, epic, or heirloom) and item level, so that the models with the lowest item quality/item level are shown first and the models with the highest item quality/item level are shown last.
The page may take time to load completely, depending on the number of items to display.
To build this page, we have extensively used the World of Warcraft API and Wowhead. With the API, we obtained an initial list of items that we subsequently refined by checking on Wowhead which items were no longer available. The item models were taken from the official World of Warcraft website.
Item Model List

- Woodrunner's Footpads: 0
from Provisioner Vredigar (A/H) in Ghostlands

- Grunt's Ankle Wraps: Prince Raze in Ashenvale, Balboa in Azshara, Deviate Shambler in Wailing Caverns...

- Silvered Bronze Boots: created by Silvered Bronze Boots (requires Blacksmithing 130)

- Mail Combat Boots: Fleet Master Firallon in The Cape of Stranglethorn, Araj the Summoner in Western Plaguelands, Alliance Laborer in Western Plaguelands..., Large Iron Bound Chest (Scarlet Monastery and Gnomeregan), Large Solid Chest (Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Kraul, and Gnomeregan), and Iron Lockbox

- Barbaric Iron Boots: created by Barbaric Iron Boots (requires Blacksmithing 180)

- Polished Steel Boots: created by Polished Steel Boots (requires Blacksmithing 185)

- Golden Scale Boots: created by Golden Scale Boots (requires Blacksmithing 200)

- Jazeraint Boots: Skarr the Broken in Feralas, Putridius in Scholomance, Deathspeaker Selendre in Eastern Plaguelands..., Strong Iron Lockbox
- Crusader's Boots: Dark Keeper Bethek in Blackrock Depths, Ramstein the Gorger in Stratholme, Blackbreath Crony in Blackrock Depths..., Arena Treasure Chest (Stranglethorn Vale and The Cape of Stranglethorn) and Mithril Lockbox

- Raider's Boots: Carnivous the Breaker in Darkshore, Firecaller Radison in Darkshore, Seeker Aqualon in Redridge Mountains..., Kolkar's Booty (Northern Barrens), Large Battered Chest (Wailing Caverns and Bloodmyst Isle), Kolkars' Booty (Northern Barrens)...
- Dragonmaw Chain Boots: Big Crate of Salvage and Crate of Salvage
- Marshcreeper Sludgeboots: Auchenai Soulpriest in Auchenai Crypts, Angered Skeleton in Auchenai Crypts, Auchenai Monk in Auchenai Crypts...

- Bloodlust Boots: Gordok Reaver in Dire Maul, Dredge Crusher in Silithus, Hive'Ashi Swarmer in Silithus...

- Radiant Boots: created by Radiant Boots (requires Blacksmithing 290)

- Netherstalker Greaves: Bonechewer Hungerer in Hellfire Ramparts, Bleeding Hollow Scryer in Hellfire Ramparts, Laughing Skull Legionnaire in The Blood Furnace...
- Skettis Footwraps: Aqueous Surger in Black Temple, Wretched Husk in Magisters' Terrace, Gordunni Soulreaper in Terokkar Forest..., Khorium Lockbox

- Battleforge Boots: Cackle in Arathi Highlands, Brother Ravenoak in Stonetalon Mountains, Volux in Stonetalon Mountains..., Lard's Special Picnic Basket and Heavy Bronze Lockbox, fished in Ashenvale
- Blood Knight Boots: Durnholde Mage in Old Hillsbrad Foothills, Phantasmal Possessor in Auchenai Crypts, Angered Skeleton in Auchenai Crypts...
- Duro Footgear:
Rightful Repossession (Netherstorm)

- Sun-Fired Striders:
All Hail the Conqueror of Skorn! (Howling Fjord) and
The Conqueror of Skorn! (Howling Fjord)
- Chilled Mail Boots:
Vision of Air (Borean Tundra) and
The Gearmaster (Borean Tundra)
- Verdant Linked Boots:
The Plume of Alystros (Dragonblight)
- Short-Circuiting Boots:
The Iron Thane and His Anvil (Grizzly Hills) and
Bringing Down the Iron Thane (Grizzly Hills)

- Tough Scorpid Boots: created by Tough Scorpid Boots (requires Leatherworking 235)

- Atoll Treaders:
Swift Action (Shimmering Expanse)
- Atoll Treaders:
Swift Action (Shimmering Expanse)
- Nephropsis Treads:
Come Prepared (Shimmering Expanse)
- Nephropsis Treads:
Come Prepared (Shimmering Expanse)
- Rockslide Treads:
Sealing the Way (Deepholm)
- Flayer-Crush Boots:
Take Him to the Earthcaller (Deepholm)

- Tsunami Boots: created by Tsunami Boots (requires Leatherworking 425)

- Nazferiti Greaves: Wormwing Swifttalon in Mount Hyjal, Twilight Obsidian Borer in Blackrock Caverns, Twilight Inferno Lord in Mount Hyjal...
- Southfury Greaves: Lucky in Blackrock Caverns, Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides, Buster in Blackrock Caverns...
- Sundown Greaves: Lucky in Blackrock Caverns, Faceless Watcher in Throne of the Tides, Gust Soldier in The Vortex Pinnacle...
- Bramblescar Greaves: Lucky in Blackrock Caverns, Twilight Heretic in Deepholm, Nether Fiend in Abyssal Depths...
- Hiri'watha Greaves: Twilight Heretic in Deepholm, Stonecore Magmalord in The Stonecore, Cloud Prince in The Vortex Pinnacle...
- Highperch Greaves: Inferno Hawk in Firelands, Giant Fire Scorpion in Firelands, Venomous Skitterer in Halls of Origination..., Elementium Lockbox and Zen'Vorka's Cache
- Thornsnarl Greaves: Inferno Hawk in Firelands, Gurubashi Spirit Warrior in Zul'Gurub, Zandalari Archon in Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub..., Elementium Lockbox and Zen'Vorka's Cache
- Talondeep Greaves: Demon Containment Unit, Air Warden in Halls of Origination, Flame Warden in Halls of Origination..., Amani Treasure Box (Zul'Aman), Elementium Lockbox, and Zen'Vorka's Cache

- Museum Guard's Warboots:
Priceless Treasures (Dun Morogh)
- Hill Ranger Treads:
The Eyes of Ashenvale (Azshara)
- Grassy Bracers:
The Waters of Teldrassil (Teldrassil)
- Striders of the Prolific Sire:
Still Assessing the Threat (Redridge Mountains)
- Silver Inlaid Footguards:
Disturbing Connections (Darkshore)

- Blackrock Chain Boots: Blackrock Slaghauler in Tanaan Jungle and Blackrock Forgeworker in Tanaan Jungle
- Warpscale Greaves: Shadow Disciple in Frostfire Ridge, Wing-Guard Kuuan in Talador, Zealous Fanatic in Talador...
- Wildwood Wrangler Sabatons:
Bad at Breaking (Gorgrond),
A Green Ogron? (Gorgrond), and
A Green Ogron? (Gorgrond)
- Deathweb Greaves: Giselda the Beautiful in Frostfire Ridge, Lesser Warlock in Shadowmoon Valley, Shattered Hand Cutthroat in Spires of Arak..., Rusted Lockbox (Talador)

- Frostlink Greaves: Thunderlord Beastwrangler in Frostfire Ridge, Blackrock Warder in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Spearhand in Frostfire Ridge and Frostwall..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Gronnling Greaves: Thunderlord Crag-Leaper in Frostfire Ridge, Blazing Pyreclaw in Frostfire Ridge and Frostwall, Engorged Ice Lurker in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Sha'tari Deadeye Sabatons:
Nightmare in the Tomb (Talador)
- Snarlthorn Greaves: Shattered Hand Dominator in Spires of Arak, Iron Guard in Nagrand, Invading Warsinger in Nagrand..., Waterlogged Satchel (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Pouch (Spires of Arak), Outcast's Belongings (Spires of Arak)...
- Sunspring Greaves: Gorebound Felcaster in Hellfire Citadel, Grom'kar Bulwark in Talador, Felfire Flamebelcher in Hellfire Citadel..., Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Unearthed Reliquary (Nagrand), Holding Cage (Frostfire Ridge)...

- Tangleheart Greaves: Warlord Bult in Frostfire Ridge, Gutsmash the Destroyer in Frostfire Ridge, Thunderlord Spearhand in Frostfire Ridge..., Dusty Lockbox (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Frostwolf Ringmail Boots:
Gormaul Tower (Frostfire Ridge)
- Moonchain Boots:
Circle the Wagon (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Rangari Initiate Sabatons:
Escape From Shaz'gul (Shadowmoon Valley)
- Highland Greaves: Shadow Disciple in Frostfire Ridge, Gul'var Grunt in Shadowmoon Valley, Iron Shieldbearer in Gorgrond..., Stashed Emergency Rucksack (Gorgrond), Evermorn Supply Cache (Gorgrond), Discarded Pack (Gorgrond)...
- Crag-Leaping Boots: Crag-Leaper's Cache (Frostfire Ridge)
- Grom'gar Chain Boots:
The Master Siegesmith (Frostfire Ridge)
- Boots of the Shadowborn: Insha'tar in Shadowmoon Valley and Underbrush Stalker in Shadowmoon Valley

- Light Scale Boots: created by Light Scale Boots (requires Leatherworking 120)
- Shamanic Treads: created by Shamanic Treads (requires Leatherworking 120)
- Chain Boots: created by Chain Boots (requires Leatherworking 125)
- Spritescale Boots: created by Spritescale Boots (requires Leatherworking 220)
- Heavy Scale Boots: created by Heavy Scale Boots (requires Leatherworking 220)
- Dreadroot Linked Greaves: Kudzilla in Darkheart Thicket, Bloodtainted Fury in Darkheart Thicket, Dreadsoul Ruiner in Darkheart Thicket...
- Thornbrace Boots:
To Old Friends (Val'sharah)
- Thornbrace Sabatons:
Spread Your Lunarwings and Fly (Val'sharah)
- Sabatons of the Receding Nightmare:
Enter the Nightmare (Val'sharah)

- Varashi Greaves: Warlock Soulstealer in Talador, Ango'rosh Spellweaver in Talador, Shattered Hand Harvester in Spires of Arak...
- Packrunner Greaves: Iron Slag-Shaper in Blackrock Foundry, Gorebound Berserker in Hellfire Citadel, Corrupted Talonpriest in Hellfire Citadel..., Abandoned Cargo (Nagrand), Adventurer's Pack (Nagrand), Adventurer's Pack (Nagrand)...

- Saurok Greaves: Thunder Hold Mender in The Jade Forest, Thunder Hold Infantryman in The Jade Forest, Felstorm Warlock in The Jade Forest...
- Faded Forest Ringmail Sabatons: 56
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Faded Forest Chain Sabatons: 59
from Rivett Clutchpop (A/H) in The Jade Forest and Silkweaver Rui (A/H) in The Jade Forest and 59
from Singegruff (A/H) in The Jade Forest, Trader Jambeezi (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds, Claretta (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds...
- Steppe Greaves: Gormali Raider in The Jade Forest, Gormali Incinerator in The Jade Forest, Greenwood Trickster in The Jade Forest...
- Snake Greaves: Drakkari Frostweaver in Kun-Lai Summit, Gurubashi Headsplitter in Kun-Lai Summit, Knucklethump Smasher in Kun-Lai Summit...

- Deepwild Greaves:
Wisdom Has A Price (Krasarang Wilds)
- Sarjun Boots:
Wisdom Has A Price (Krasarang Wilds)
- Huangtze Scale Sabatons:
Muddy Water (Valley of the Four Winds)
- Wild Plains Sabatons:
Muddy Water (Valley of the Four Winds)
- Sarjun Sabatons:
The Gratitude of Stoneplow (Valley of the Four Winds)
- Deepwild Sabatons:
The Gratitude of Stoneplow (Valley of the Four Winds)

- Mountainscaler Chain Sabatons: 61
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Mountainscaler Ringmail Sabatons: 61
from The Metal Paw (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Alin the Finder (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Mountain Greaves: Bloodhilt Raider in Krasarang Wilds, Uduji Hexer in Krasarang Wilds, Cursed Mogu Sculpture in Mogu'shan Vaults..., Ghost Iron Lockbox
- Willow Greaves: Korjan Reaver in Krasarang Wilds, Needleback Porcupine in Dread Wastes, Kor'thik Timberhusk in Townlong Steppes...
- Yak Greaves: Zar'thik Zealot in Heart of Fear, Instructor Kli'thak in Heart of Fear, Amber Searsting in Heart of Fear..., Ghost Iron Lockbox

- Wasteland Ringmail Sabatons: 63
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Wasteland Chain Sabatons: 64
from Supplier Xin (A/H) in Townlong Steppes and Len at Arms (A/H) in Vale of Eternal Blossoms

- Stormscale Boots: created by Stormscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 535)
- Stormscale Boots: created by Stormscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 535)
- Earthmover Sabatons:
The Field Armorer (Townlong Steppes)
- Osul Peak Sabatons:
The Field Armorer (Townlong Steppes)
- Withered Wood Shoes:
Amber Arms (Dread Wastes)
- Wind-Reaver Shoes:
Amber Arms (Dread Wastes)
- Wind-Reaver Sabatons:
Fires and Fears of Old (Dread Wastes)
- Withered Wood Sabatons:
Fires and Fears of Old (Dread Wastes)

- Garmaul Footwraps: Chillmere Coastrunner in Howling Fjord, Forsaken Plaguebringer in Howling Fjord, Dragonflayer Ironhelm in Utgarde Keep...
- Skom Greaves: Clam Master K in Borean Tundra, Crystalline Tender in The Nexus, Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus...
- Orca Footwraps: Alystros the Verdant Keeper in Dragonblight, Nedar, Lord of Rhinos in Borean Tundra, Arctic Grizzly in Dragonblight..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Trapper Footwraps: Risen Drakkari Death Knight in Drak'Tharon Keep, Flesheating Ghoul in Drak'Tharon Keep, Living Mojo in Gundrak...

- Njord Boots: Crystalline Tender in The Nexus, Dragonflayer Ironhelm in Utgarde Keep, Dragonflayer Weaponsmith in Utgarde Keep...
- Streamlined Stompers:
Return to Valgarde (Howling Fjord) and
Baleheim Bodycount (Howling Fjord)
- Nifflevar Boots: Arctic Grizzly in Dragonblight, Crystalline Keeper in The Nexus, Crystalline Tender in The Nexus..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Amberpine Greaves: Necrolord Horus in Dragonblight, Risen Drakkari Soulmage in Drak'Tharon Keep, Plundering Geist in Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom..., Froststeel Lockbox
- Shoveltusk Greaves: Drakkari Rhino in Gundrak, Risen Drakkari Death Knight in Drak'Tharon Keep, Drakkari God Hunter in Gundrak...

- Green Iron Boots: created by Green Iron Boots (requires Blacksmithing 145)

- Horrorblood Treads: Winterskorn Raider in Howling Fjord, Coldarra Wyrmkin in Borean Tundra, Horde Berserker in The Nexus..., Maplewood Treasure Chest (Howling Fjord and Grizzly Hills), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Grizzly Hills and Borean Tundra), Silverbound Treasure Chest (Shadowmoon Valley and Netherstorm)...
- Blood-Encrusted Boots:
The Rider of the Unholy (Icecrown)
- Stormbinder Greaves: 25
from Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, and Iris Moondreamer (A/H) in Mount Hyjal
- Stormbinder Boots: 25
from Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, and Iris Moondreamer (A/H) in Mount Hyjal
- Stormbinder Sabatons: 25
from Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, Erunak Stonespeaker (A/H) in Kelp'thar Forest, and Iris Moondreamer (A/H) in Mount Hyjal

- Darkbreaker Treads:
Keep the Fires Burning (Ashenvale)
- Krom'gar Sergeant's Chain Boots: 0
from Krom'gar Quartermaster (A/H) in Stonetalon Mountains

- Felscale Boots: created by Felscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 310)

- Heavy Timbermaw Boots: created by Heavy Timbermaw Boots (requires Blacksmithing 300)
- Scaled Draenic Boots: created by Scaled Draenic Boots (requires Leatherworking 335)

- Earthbound Boots: Satchel of Helpful Goods
- Mammoth Boots: Drakkari Frenzy in Gundrak, Risen Drakkari Death Knight in Drak'Tharon Keep, Drakkari Earthshaker in Gundrak..., Titanium Lockbox
- Wolvar Greaves: Xevozz in The Violet Hold, Drakkari Earthshaker in Gundrak, Drakkari Battle Rider in Gundrak..., Titanium Lockbox
- Cormorant Footwraps: Baelok in Icecrown, XD-175 Compactobot in Ulduar, Rokir in Icecrown..., Titanium Lockbox
- Ulduar Greaves: Nerub'ar Webweaver in Icecrown Citadel, Ymirjar Flesh Hunter in Utgarde Pinnacle, Onyx Brood General in The Obsidian Sanctum...
- Spiderlord Boots: Tomb Stalker in The Culling of Stratholme, Risen Deathspeaker Servant in Icecrown Citadel, Twilight Adherent in Ulduar...
- Spectral Greaves: Twilight Pyromancer in Ulduar, Iron Mender in Ulduar, Twilight Adherent in Ulduar...

- Rough Bronze Boots: created by Rough Bronze Boots (requires Blacksmithing 95)

- Silver-Linked Footguards: Blindlight Murloc in Blackfathom Deeps, Blindlight Murloc in Blackfathom Deeps, Mudsnout Gnoll in Hillsbrad Foothills..., Maplewood Treasure Chest (Stonetalon Mountains), Sturdy Treasure Chest (Hillsbrad Foothills and Wetlands), Dark Iron Treasure Chest (Searing Gorge and Loch Modan)...

- Brackwater Boots: Fiendishfish in Darkshore, Searing Blade Enforcer in Ragefire Chasm, Searing Blade Cultist in Ragefire Chasm..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Northern Barrens and Southern Barrens)
- Elven Chain Boots: Nefarian in Blackwing Lair, Ragnaros in Molten Core, Black Guard Sentry in Stratholme..., Dark Iron Treasure Chest (Searing Gorge and Loch Modan), Dark Iron Treasure Chest (Searing Gorge), Silken Treasure Chest (Uldum and Southern Barrens)...

- Savage Gladiator Greaves: Anub'shiah in Blackrock Depths, 2
Mark of Honor from Trapjaw Rix (A/H) in Dalaran

- Boots of Savagery: Subjugator Shi'aziv in Hellfire Peninsula, Sporewing in Zangarmarsh, Coilfang Collaborator in The Slave Pens..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Zangarmarsh and Hellfire Peninsula) and Silverbound Treasure Chest (Nagrand and Loch Modan)
- Earthbreaker's Greaves:
Levixus the Soul Caller (Auchenai Crypts)

- Frostscale Boots: created by Frostscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 380)

- Nerubian Boots: created by Nerubian Boots (requires Leatherworking 380)
- Husk Shard Sabatons:
Death to the Traitor King (Azjol-Nerub)
- Revenant's Treads: created by Revenant's Treads (requires Leatherworking 440)

- Gravenscale Treads: created by Gravenscale Treads (requires Leatherworking 1), Gravenscale Treads (requires Leatherworking 1), and Gravenscale Treads (requires Leatherworking 1)

- Highlander's Mail Greaves: 4500
from Samuel Hawke (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Defiler's Chain Greaves: 4500
from Rutherford Twing (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Defiler's Mail Greaves: 4500
from Rutherford Twing (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Highlander's Chain Greaves: 4500
from Samuel Hawke (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Highlander's Chain Greaves: 5500
from Samuel Hawke (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Defiler's Chain Greaves: 5500
from Rutherford Twing (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Defiler's Mail Greaves: 5500
from Rutherford Twing (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Highlander's Mail Greaves: 5500
from Samuel Hawke (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Highlander's Mail Greaves: 7000
from Samuel Hawke (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Defiler's Chain Greaves: 7000
from Rutherford Twing (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Defiler's Mail Greaves: 7000
from Rutherford Twing (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Highlander's Chain Greaves: 7000
from Samuel Hawke (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Wind Dancer Boots: Spirestone Warlord and Firebrand Invoker
- Defiler's Chain Greaves: 8500
from Rutherford Twing (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Defiler's Mail Greaves: 8500
from Rutherford Twing (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Highlander's Mail Greaves: 8500
from Samuel Hawke (A/H) in Arathi Highlands
- Highlander's Chain Greaves: 8500
from Samuel Hawke (A/H) in Arathi Highlands

- Viking Chain Boots: Eric "The Swift" in Uldaman, Olaf in Uldaman, and Baelog in Uldaman

- Replica Blood Guard's Mail Walkers: 6
from Leeni "Smiley" Smalls (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Replica Knight-Lieutenant's Mail Greaves: 14
from Krixel Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Replica Blood Guard's Mail Greaves: 13
from Leeni "Smiley" Smalls (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Odious Greaves: Immol'thar in Dire Maul
- Grim Greaves: Doomsayer Jurim in Terokkar Forest
- Boots of the Pathfinder: Dust Howler in Nagrand, Cabal Tomb-Raider in Terokkar Forest, Boulderfist Invader in Terokkar Forest..., Silverbound Treasure Chest (Zangarmarsh and Hellfire Peninsula) and Silverbound Treasure Chest (Nagrand and Loch Modan)
- Auchenai Boots:
Into the Heart of the Labyrinth (Shadow Labyrinth)

- Sabatons of the Flamewalker: Garr in Molten Core, Magmadar in Molten Core, Baron Geddon in Molten Core...

- Boots of the Portal Guardian: Cyanigosa in The Violet Hold
- Scaled Icewalkers: created by Scaled Icewalkers (requires Leatherworking 400)
- Swiftarrow Boots: created by Swiftarrow Boots (requires Leatherworking 425)
- Sabatons of the Ages: Tribunal Chest (Halls of Stone)

- Stormhide Stompers: created by Stormhide Stompers (requires Leatherworking 425)

- Dragonstompers: created by Dragonstompers (requires Leatherworking 400)
- Treads of Altered History: Chrono-Lord Epoch in The Culling of Stratholme
- Twin-Headed Boots: Lavanthor in The Violet Hold
- Treads of the Glorious Spirit: 10
from Corporal Arthur Flew (A/H) in Icecrown, Derrick Brindlebeard (A/H) in Icecrown, Rillie Spindlenut (A/H) in Icecrown...

- Treads of Whispering Dreams: 10
from Freka Bloodaxe (A/H) in Icecrown, Samamba (A/H) in Icecrown, Eliza Killian (A/H) in Icecrown...

- Lancer's Greaves: 152
from Varlan Highbough (A/H) in Molten Front

- Treads of the Life Path: 73
from G'eras (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Treads of Booming Thunder: 68
from G'eras (A/H) in Shattrath City
- Brittle Flamereaver Treads: Flesh'rok the Diseased in Throne of Thunder, Windweaver Akil'amon in Isle of Thunder, Electromancer Ju'le in Isle of Thunder...

- Treads of Restoration:
Aessina's Miracle (Mount Hyjal)
- Sparkmail Sabatons: Scorched Satchel of Helpful Goods
- Treads of the Wyrmhunter: Kavem the Callous in Uldum, Gust Soldier in The Vortex Pinnacle, Crystalspawn Giant in The Stonecore..., Runestone Treasure Chest (Abyssal Depths and Shimmering Expanse), Runestone Treasure Chest (Darkshore and Blackfathom Deeps), and Sturdy Treasure Chest (Deepholm and Mount Hyjal)
- Boots of Crumbling Ruin: Anraphet in Halls of Origination
- Red Scale Boots: Drahga Shadowburner in Grim Batol
- Treads of the Neferset:
The Source of Their Power (Lost City of the Tol'vir)
- Haunting Footfalls: Commander Springvale in Shadowfang Keep
- Boots of Crumbling Ruin: Anraphet in Halls of Origination
- Red Scale Boots: Drahga Shadowburner in Grim Batol
- Red Scale Boots: Drahga Shadowburner in Grim Batol

- Vicious Dragonscale Boots: created by Bloodthirsty Dragonscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 515)

- Vicious Charscale Boots: created by Bloodthirsty Charscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 515)

- Warmongering Aspirant's Footguards of Cruelty: Dented Ashmaul Strongbox, Silver Strongbox, Steel Strongbox...
- Wild Aspirant's Footguards of Cruelty: Highmaul Lockbox
- Wild Combatant's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Wild Combatant's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Slugg Spinbolt (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Combatant's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear, Gold Strongbox, Ashmaul Strongbox, and Silver Strongbox
- Warmongering Combatant's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Warlord Noktyn (A/H) in Ashran and Tae'loxe Soulshrivel (A/H) in Warspear, Gold Strongbox, Ashmaul Strongbox, and Silver Strongbox

- Warmongering Aspirant's Footguards of Cruelty: Bronze Strongbox, Dented Ashmaul Strongbox, Silver Strongbox...
- Sabatons of Radiating Ire: Tho'gar Gorefist in Tanaan Jungle, The Iron Houndmaster in Tanaan Jungle, Terrorfist in Tanaan Jungle...
- Wild Combatant's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Wild Combatant's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Fobbly Kickfix (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Combatant's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran, Ashmaul Strongbox, Gold Strongbox, and Silver Strongbox
- Warmongering Combatant's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from Li "Crunchpaw" Tsang (A/H) in Stormshield and Marshal Karsh Stormforge (A/H) in Ashran, Ashmaul Strongbox, Gold Strongbox, and Silver Strongbox

- Battlebound Treads: created by Battlebound Treads (requires Leatherworking 1), Battlebound Treads (requires Leatherworking 1), and Battlebound Treads (requires Leatherworking 1)

- Farseer's Footwraps: 500
from Flamesmith Lanying (A/H) in The Maelstrom

- Felstep Footguards: God-King Skovald in Halls of Valor
- Whelp Handler's Lined Boots: Dresaron in Darkheart Thicket
- Hydra Scale Sabatons: Serpentrix in Eye of Azshara, Blazing Hydra Spawn in Eye of Azshara, and Arcane Hydra Spawn in Eye of Azshara
- Begrudging Trudgers: Fel Lord Betrug in Violet Hold
- Ravencrest's Unerring Striders: Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest in Black Rook Hold and Latosius in Black Rook Hold
- Plasma-Drilled Steel Toes: Millificent Manastorm in Violet Hold
- Striders of Furious Flight: Tirathon Saltheril in Vault of the Wardens and Tirathon Saltheril in Vault of the Wardens

- Venomtail Treads: Tranquil Satchel of Helpful Goods
- Blastwalker Footguards: Taran Zhu's Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery)
- Contender's Scale Boots: created by Contender's Scale Boots (requires Leatherworking 565)
- Airbender Sandals: Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple
- Blastwalker Footguards: Taran Zhu's Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery) and Taran Zhu's Personal Stash (Shado-Pan Monastery)
- Airbender Sandals: Wing Leader Ner'onok in Siege of Niuzao Temple

- Treads of Exotic Mastery: Ik'thik Wingblade in Valley of the Four Winds, Gurthan Swiftblade in Mogu'shan Palace, Flesh-Eating Sandsnapper in Krasarang Wilds...
- Contender's Dragonscale Boots: created by Contender's Dragonscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 565) and Test for Jon
- Treads of Fixation: Raigonn in Gate of the Setting Sun
- Treads of Fixation: Raigonn in Gate of the Setting Sun
- Bone Golem Boots: Rattlegore in Scholomance

- Venomtail Boots: Tranquil Satchel of Helpful Goods
- Earthstriker Greaves: Greater Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
- Stormbrew Greaves: Cache of Treasures and Greater Cache of Treasures
- Mountaineer's Greaves: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures
- Perpetual Static Greaves: Heroic Cache of Treasures and Bulging Heroic Cache of Treasures

- Enchanted Felscale Boots: created by Enchanted Felscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 350)

- Flamescale Boots: created by Flamescale Boots (requires Leatherworking 350)

- Fiery Treads: 163
from Damek Bloombeard (A/H) in Molten Front

- Rockhide Treads: Araknath in Skyreach, Roltall in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Strongbox of Mysterious Treasures, Trove of Smoldering Treasures...
- Morningscale Treads: Araknath in Skyreach, Roltall in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Crate of Valuable Treasures, Box of Storied Treasures...
- Boots of Elemental Torment: created by Turbulent Treads and Shared Turbulent Treads
- Talongrip Spurs: Rukhmar in Spires of Arak

- Spiffy Chainmail Boots: Tagar Spinebreaker in Talador, Driftwatcher Rylak in Frostfire Ridge, Grom'kar Deadeye in Gorgrond...
- Element-Binder Boots: created by Munificent Treads
- Lavalink Stompers: Araknath in Skyreach, Roltall in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Xeri'tac in The Everbloom..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Cache of Mingled Treasures, Supply of Storied Rarities...
- Sharpeye Greaves: Araknath in Skyreach, Roltall in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Trove of Smoldering Treasures, Supply of Storied Rarities...
- Streamslither Boots: Araknath in Skyreach, Roltall in Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Ner'zhul in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds..., Benefactions of the Auchenai (Auchindoun), Supply of Storied Rarities, Box of Storied Treasures...
- Bonebreaker Boots: The Butcher in Highmaul
- Gatecrasher's Chain Boots: Annihilon in Lunarfall, Mage Lord Gogg'nathog, Gaur..., Routed Invader's Crate of Spoils, Invader's Damaged Cache, Invader's Forgotten Treasure...

- Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty (requires Leatherworking 500)
- Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity (requires Leatherworking 500)

- Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity (requires Leatherworking 600)
- Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty (requires Leatherworking 600)
- Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Sha of Anger, Unclaimed Black Market Container
- Malevolent Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: Sha of Anger, Unclaimed Black Market Container

- Dreadful Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Lok'nor Bloodfist (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit and Hayden Christophen (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Mail Footguards of Alacrity: created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Mail Footguards of Alacrity (requires Leatherworking 500)
- Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Mail Footguards of Meditation: created by Crafted Dreadful Gladiator's Mail Footguards of Meditation (requires Leatherworking 500)

- Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation (requires Leatherworking 600)
- Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: created by Crafted Malevolent Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity (requires Leatherworking 600)
- Malevolent Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Malevolent Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Lucan Malory (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds and Doris Chiltonius (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Malevolent Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: Sha of Anger, Unclaimed Black Market Container
- Malevolent Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: Sha of Anger, Unclaimed Black Market Container

- Primal Combatant's Footguards of Cruelty: 175000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 2
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear
- Primal Combatant's Footguards of Prowess: 175000
from Shadow Hunter Gar'ant (A/H) in Warspear and 2
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Brokefist (A/H) in Warspear

- Primal Combatant's Footguards of Cruelty: 175000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 2
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield
- Primal Combatant's Footguards of Prowess: 175000
from Austin Feeney (A/H) in Stormshield and 2
Mark of Honor from Bregg Coppercast (A/H) in Stormshield

- Axeclaw Boots: created by Baleful Treads and Baleful Mail Treads

- Undying Boots: created by Grandiose Treads
- Ram-Carrier's Treads: Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry

- Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Edlan Halsing (A/H) in Stormwind City, Rogoc (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris
- Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Edlan Halsing (A/H) in Stormwind City, Rogoc (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris

- Vicious Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: Argaloth in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Vicious Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Argaloth in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wayfaring Boots: created by Wayfaring Boots (requires Leatherworking 1)

- Sentinel Scouting Greaves: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Boots of Tortured Space: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Sabatons of Ruthless Judgment: Fjola Lightbane in Trial of the Crusader
- Boots of Tortured Space: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Boots of Tremoring Earth: Champions' Cache (Trial of the Crusader)
- Sentinel Scouting Greaves: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Sabatons of Ruthless Judgment: Fjola Lightbane in Trial of the Crusader
- Boots of Tremoring Earth: Champions' Cache (Trial of the Crusader)
- Landfall Chain Boots:
Kung Din (The Jade Forest)
- Landfall Sabatons:
Kung Din (The Jade Forest)

- Warsong Poacher's Greaves: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Greaves of Ruthless Judgment: Fjola Lightbane in Trial of the Crusader
- Warsong Poacher's Greaves: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Greaves of Ruthless Judgment: Fjola Lightbane in Trial of the Crusader
- Landfall Chain Boots:
Seeking Zin'jun (The Jade Forest)

- Sabatons of Tortured Space: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Sabatons of Tremoring Earth: Champions' Cache (Trial of the Crusader)
- Sabatons of Tortured Space: Lord Jaraxxus in Trial of the Crusader
- Sabatons of Tremoring Earth: Champions' Cache (Trial of the Crusader)
- Landfall Sabatons:
Seeking Zin'jun (The Jade Forest)

- Netherfury Boots: created by Netherfury Boots (requires Leatherworking 350)
- Boots of Shackled Souls: created by Boots of Shackled Souls (requires Leatherworking 375)

- Earthen Netherscale Boots: created by Earthen Netherscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 365)

- Dead End Boots: Echo of Tyrande in End Time, Echo of Baine in End Time, Echo of Sylvanas in End Time...
- Dead End Boots: Echo of Tyrande in End Time, Echo of Jaina in End Time, Echo of Baine in End Time...

- Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Edlan Halsing (A/H) in Stormwind City, Rogoc (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris
- Bloodthirsty Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Edlan Halsing (A/H) in Stormwind City, Rogoc (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris

- Vicious Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation: Argaloth in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Vicious Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Argaloth in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation: Occu'thar in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran and 2
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City
- Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Occu'thar in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran and 2
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City
- Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 82500
from Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran...
- Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation: 82500
from Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran...

- Crippled Treads: Noth the Plaguebringer in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas
- Boots of the Great Construct: Sapphiron in Naxxramas
- Pack-Ice Striders: 143
from Bragund Brightlink (A/H) in Dalaran, Sheddle Glossgleam (A/H) in Dalaran, Arcanist Adurin (A/H) in Dalaran...
- Pack-Ice Striders: 25
from Auzin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Black Dragonscale Boots: created by Black Dragonscale Boots (requires Leatherworking 300)

- Replica Marshal's Mail Boots: 19
from Krixel Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Replica General's Mail Boots: 19
from Leeni "Smiley" Smalls (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Inferno Forged Boots: 70
from G'eras (A/H) in Shattrath City

- General's Chain Sabatons: 2
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Marshal's Chain Sabatons: 2
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm

- General's Linked Sabatons: 2
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- General's Mail Sabatons: 2
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Marshal's Linked Sabatons: 2
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Marshal's Mail Sabatons: 2
Mark of Honor from Kezzik the Striker (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Boots of the Crimson Hawk: created by Boots of the Crimson Hawk (requires Leatherworking 375)

- Veteran's Chain Sabatons: 77
from Kayri (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 2
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Hurricane Boots: created by Hurricane Boots (requires Leatherworking 375)
- Tempest-Strider Boots: The Lurker Below in Serpentshrine Cavern

- Veteran's Linked Sabatons: 73
from Kayri (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 2
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Veteran's Mail Sabatons: 73
from Kayri (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 2
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Veteran's Ringmail Sabatons: 73
from Kayri (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 2
Mark of Honor from Izzee the 'Clutch' (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Vindicator's Chain Sabatons: 1
Boots of the Forgotten Protector from Kayri (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 2
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Vindicator's Linked Sabatons: 1
Boots of the Forgotten Protector from Kayri (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 2
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Vindicator's Mail Sabatons: 1
Boots of the Forgotten Protector from Kayri (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 2
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Vindicator's Ringmail Sabatons: 1
Boots of the Forgotten Protector from Kayri (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas and 2
Mark of Honor from Kitzie Crankshot (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Skyshatter Boots: 1
Boots of the Forgotten Protector from Theremis (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas
- Skyshatter Treads: 1
Boots of the Forgotten Protector from Theremis (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas
- Skyshatter Greaves: 1
Boots of the Forgotten Protector from Theremis (A/H) in Isle of Quel'Danas

- Guardian's Chain Sabatons: 14000
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 2
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Guardian's Linked Sabatons: 14000
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 2
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Guardian's Mail Sabatons: 14000
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 2
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm
- Guardian's Ringmail Sabatons: 14000
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 2
Mark of Honor from Blaze Magmaburn (A/H) in Netherstorm

- Boots of Twinkling Stars: 53
from Archmage Alvareaux (A/H) in Dalaran

- Boots of Persistence: Anub'Rekhan in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas

- Atonement Greaves: Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas
- Eruption-Scarred Boots: Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas and Gluth in Naxxramas
- Treads of Coastal Wandering: 143
from Bragund Brightlink (A/H) in Dalaran, Sheddle Glossgleam (A/H) in Dalaran, Arcanist Adurin (A/H) in Dalaran...

- Icy Scale Boots: created by Icy Scale Boots (requires Leatherworking 420)

- Boots of Living Scale: created by Boots of Living Scale (requires Leatherworking 450)
- Brass-Lined Boots: XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar
- Greaves of Swift Vengeance: Steelbreaker in Ulduar

- Boots of the Forgotten Depths: General Vezax in Ulduar
- Lightning Grounded Boots: created by Lightning Grounded Boots (requires Leatherworking 450)
- Planewalker Treads: Gift of the Observer (Ulduar)

- Titan-Forged Sabatons of Dominance: 28000
from Knight Dameron (A/H) in Wintergrasp and Stone Guard Mukar (A/H) in Wintergrasp
- Titan-Forged Sabatons of Salvation: 28000
from Knight Dameron (A/H) in Wintergrasp and Stone Guard Mukar (A/H) in Wintergrasp

- Furious Gladiator's Sabatons of Salvation: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 2
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran
- Furious Gladiator's Sabatons of Dominance: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Emalon the Storm Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 2
Mark of Honor from Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran

- Relentless Gladiator's Sabatons of Salvation: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 2
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran
- Relentless Gladiator's Sabatons of Dominance: Koralon the Flame Watcher in Vault of Archavon and Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 2
Mark of Honor from Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran

- Wrathful Gladiator's Sabatons of Salvation: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 94500
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 2
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran
- Wrathful Gladiator's Sabatons of Dominance: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 94500
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 2
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Titan-Forged Sabatons of Triumph: 28000
from Knight Dameron (A/H) in Wintergrasp and Stone Guard Mukar (A/H) in Wintergrasp

- Wrathful Gladiator's Sabatons of Triumph: Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon, 94500
from First Sergeant Hola'mahi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, Sergeant Major Clate (A/H) in Stormwind City, Vixton Pinchwhistle (A/H) in Tanaris... and 2
Mark of Honor from Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran

- Earthsoul Boots: created by Earthsoul Boots (requires Leatherworking 450)
- Necrophotic Greaves: Lady Deathwhisper in Icecrown Citadel
- Shuffling Shoes: Rotface in Icecrown Citadel

- Rock-Steady Treads: created by Rock-Steady Treads (requires Leatherworking 450)
- Treads of the Wasteland: Prince Valanar in Icecrown Citadel
- Wyrmwing Treads: Sindragosa in Icecrown Citadel
- Taldron's Long Neglected Boots: Festergut in Icecrown Citadel
- Returning Footfalls: Halion in The Ruby Sanctum
- Returning Footfalls: Halion in The Ruby Sanctum

- Moccasins of Verdurous Glooms: 235
from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Boots of Vertigo: Atramedes in Blackwing Descent
- Treads of Malorne: 93
from Provisioner Whitecloud (A/H) in Mount Hyjal

- Boots of the Perilous Seas: 238
from Toren Landow (A/H) in Stormwind City and Rugok (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Treads of Flawless Creation: Maloriak in Blackwing Descent
- Earthmender's Boots: 92
from Provisioner Arok (A/H) in Shimmering Expanse

- Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: Occu'thar in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran and 2
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City
- Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Occu'thar in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris and Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran and 2
Mark of Honor from Tiny Tayger (A/H) in Tanaris, Blood Guard Zar'shi (A/H) in Orgrimmar, and Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City
- Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 82500
from Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran...
- Ruthless Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 82500
from Knight-Lieutenant T'Maire Sydes (A/H) in Stormwind City, Ecton Brasstumbler (A/H) in Tanaris, Zom Bocom (A/H) in Dalaran...

- Footwraps of Quenched Fire: created by Footwraps of Quenched Fire (requires Leatherworking 525)
- Treads of Implicit Obedience: Shannox in Firelands

- Earthen Scale Sabatons: created by Earthen Scale Sabatons (requires Leatherworking 525)
- Decimation Treads: Baleroc in Firelands

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Meditation: Alizabal in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran, and Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran and 2
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Alizabal in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran, and Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran and 2
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Alizabal in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran, and Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran and 2
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Cataclysmic Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: Alizabal in Baradin Hold, 82500
from Evee Copperspring (A/H) in Tanaris, Kylo Kelwin (A/H) in Dalaran, and Xazi Smolderpipe (A/H) in Dalaran and 2
Mark of Honor from Capps Carlin (A/H) in Tanaris, Captain Dirgehammer (A/H) in Stormwind City, and Sergeant Thunderhorn (A/H) in Orgrimmar

- Boneshard Boots: 257
from Faldren Tillsdale (A/H) in Stormwind City and Jamus'Vaz (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Treads of Dormant Dreams: Hagara the Stormbinder in Dragon Soul

- Sabatons of the Graceful Spirit: 258
from Faldren Tillsdale (A/H) in Stormwind City and Jamus'Vaz (A/H) in Orgrimmar
- Mindstrainer Treads: Yor'sahj the Unsleeping in Dragon Soul

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Armsmaster Holinka (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: Nalak
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Tyrannical Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Roo Desvin (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Crimsonscale Greaves: created by Timeless Mail Boots and Timeless Mail Armor Cache

- Ordon Legend-Keeper Greaves: created by Timeless Mail Boots and Timeless Mail Armor Cache

- Treads of Ardent Antagonism:
Remnants of Anger (Townlong Steppes)
- Wildfire Worldwalkers: Feng the Accursed in Mogu'shan Vaults
- Steps of the War Serpent: 364
from Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars, and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Greaves of Manifest Destiny: 379
from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
- Odlaw's Everwalkers: 379
from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
- Crimsonscale Greaves: created by Timeless Mail Boots

- Boots of Unbreakable Umbrage:
Remnants of Anger (Townlong Steppes)
- Meng's Treads of Insanity: Zian of the Endless Shadow in Mogu'shan Vaults
- Sandals of the Elder Sage: 375
from Sage Lotusbloom (A/H) in Shrine of Two Moons, Sage Whiteheart (A/H) in Shrine of Seven Stars, and Commander Oxheart (A/H) in Townlong Steppes
- Boots of the Healing Stream: 391
from Tuskripper Grukna (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
- Totem-Binder Boots: 391
from Agent Malley (A/H) in Krasarang Wilds
- Ordon Legend-Keeper Greaves: created by Timeless Mail Boots

- Cloud Serpent Sabatons: created by Cloud Serpent Sabatons (requires Leatherworking 500)
- Ghostbinder Greatboots: Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
- Scalehide Spurs: Bow Fly Swarm in Throne of Thunder, Monara in Throne of Thunder, Zandalari Warlord in Throne of Thunder...
- Spiritbound Boots: Zandalari Warlord in Throne of Thunder, Shan'ze Celestial Shaper in Throne of Thunder, Zandalari High Priest in Throne of Thunder...
- Ghostbinder Greatboots: Jin'rokh the Breaker in Throne of Thunder
- Scalehide Spurs: Gurubashi Berserker in Throne of Thunder, Drakkari Frost Warden in Throne of Thunder, Zandalari Prelate in Throne of Thunder...
- Spiritbound Boots: Gurubashi Berserker in Throne of Thunder, Zandalari Warlord in Throne of Thunder, Zandalari Blade Initiate in Throne of Thunder...

- Quakestompers: Tortos in Throne of Thunder
- Dreadrunner Sabatons: created by Dreadrunner Sabatons (requires Leatherworking 500)
- Quakestompers: Tortos in Throne of Thunder

- Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Prideful Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2
Mark of Honor from Starlight Sinclair (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Prideful Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2
Mark of Honor from Starlight Sinclair (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Prideful Gladiator's Sabatons of Cruelty: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Prideful Gladiator's Sabatons of Alacrity: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Grievous Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Grievous Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Acon Deathwielder (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Prideful Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2
Mark of Honor from Starlight Sinclair (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Prideful Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2
Mark of Honor from Starlight Sinclair (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds

- Grievous Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: 2
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Grievous Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: 2
Mark of Honor from Ethan Natice (A/H) in Valley of the Four Winds
- Prideful Gladiator's Footguards of Alacrity: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit
- Prideful Gladiator's Footguards of Meditation: Chi-Ji in Timeless Isle, Xuen in Timeless Isle, Niuzao in Timeless Isle..., 2
Mark of Honor from Shonn Su (A/H) in Kun-Lai Summit

- Puddle Punishers: Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar), Tears of the Vale (Siege of Orgrimmar)...
- Sabatons of Defilement: Rook Stonetoe in Siege of Orgrimmar, He Softfoot in Siege of Orgrimmar, and Sun Tenderheart in Siege of Orgrimmar
- Treads of Autonomic Motion: Iron Juggernaut in Siege of Orgrimmar
- Powder-Stained Totemic Treads: Siegecrafter Blackfuse in Siege of Orgrimmar

- Primal Gladiator's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield
- Primal Gladiator's Footguards of Victory: 2
Mark of Honor from Ingrid Blackingot (A/H) in Stormshield

- Primal Gladiator's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear
- Primal Gladiator's Footguards of Victory: 2
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Treads of Sand and Blood: Kargath Bladefist in Highmaul, Cache of Highmaul Treasures, Cache of Highmaul Treasures, and Cache of Highmaul Treasures
- Sickened Scale Boots: created by Formidable Treads
- Railwalker's Ratcheted Boots: Operator Thogar in Blackrock Foundry, Blackrock Foundry Spoils, Blackrock Foundry Spoils, and Blackrock Foundry Spoils
- Treads of the Veteran Smith: Thunderlord Beast-Tender in Blackrock Foundry, Mol'dana Two-Blade in Blackrock Foundry, Iron Mauler in Blackrock Foundry...

- Primal Gladiator's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from Lieutenant Axelash (A/H) in Warspear

- Face Kickers: Cho'gall in Highmaul and Imperator Mar'gok in Highmaul, Cache of Highmaul Treasures, Cache of Highmaul Treasures, and Cache of Highmaul Treasures
- Slagstomper Treads: Heart of the Mountain in Blackrock Foundry, Blackrock Foundry Spoils, Blackrock Foundry Spoils, and Blackrock Foundry Spoils
- Treads of Rekindled Flames: Flamebender Ka'graz in Blackrock Foundry, Blackrock Foundry Spoils, Blackrock Foundry Spoils, and Blackrock Foundry Spoils

- Wild Gladiator's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Gladiator's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield

- Wild Gladiator's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Gladiator's Footguards of Prowess: 2
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Wild Gladiator's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear
- Wild Gladiator's Footguards of Victory: 2
Mark of Honor from Cladd Dawnstrider (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Gladiator's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Gladiator's Footguards of Victory: 2
Mark of Honor from Marshal Gabriel (A/H) in Ashran and Holly McTilla (A/H) in Stormshield

- Wild Gladiator's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield
- Wild Gladiator's Footguards of Victory: 2
Mark of Honor from Amelia Clarke (A/H) in Stormshield
- Warmongering Gladiator's Footguards of Cruelty: 2
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear
- Warmongering Gladiator's Footguards of Victory: 2
Mark of Honor from General Aevd (A/H) in Ashran and Malukah Lightsong (A/H) in Warspear

- Radiant Soul Sabatons: Odyn in Trial of Valor, Spoils (...)

- Malignant Sabatons: Ysondre in Feralas and The Emerald Nightmare, Taerar in The Emerald Nightmare, Ysondre in The Emerald Nightmare...
- Frostburned Sabatons: Calamir
- Shal'dorei Weedstompers: High Botanist Tel'arn in The Nighthold, Solarist Tel'arn in The Nighthold, Naturalist Tel'arn in The Nighthold...
- The War Within and Classic Hotfixes, March 28th
- Vote for Your Favorite TWW Mythic+ Dungeon so it Gets Into Season 3!
- WoW Weekly Update: Final Undermine Raid Finder Wing Live, New Transmog in April’s Trading Post, and AWC Registration Closes
- Find the Best Mythic+ Team Compositions With This Analyzer Tool
- Legion Quest Log Asset Added in Patch 11.1.5 Confirms Blizzard Has Started Working on Legion Remix
- Transmog Hunters: How to Easily Obtain Nerub-ar Palace LFR Transmog
- Blizzard Fixes Fortified Affix Bug
- Orgrimmar Has 5 Auction Houses — And Most Players Only Knew About One