Transmogrification Tanaan Jungle Baleful Sets (WoD 6.2)

Last updated on Nov 07, 2015 at 14:09 by damien

Table of Contents

On this page, you will find the 4 sets of Baleful gear that you can obtain from Tanaan Jungle.


Baleful Cloth: Felcast

All 8 pieces of the Felcast armor can be created with baleful tokens that drop from mobs in Tanaan Jungle and are sold by the Apexis vendors in Lion's Watch and Vol'mar. Felcast pieces upgraded with an Empowered Apexis Fragment Icon Empowered Apexis Fragment do not change appearance. Below, you fill find a list of the Felcast pieces:

  • Head: Felcast Hood Icon Felcast Hood;
  • Shoulders: Felcast Mantle Icon Felcast Mantle;
  • Chest: Felcast Robes Icon Felcast Robes;
  • Wrists: Felcast Bracers Icon Felcast Bracers;
  • Hands: Felcast Gloves Icon Felcast Gloves;
  • Waist: Felcast Cord Icon Felcast Cord;
  • Legs: Felcast Trousers Icon Felcast Trousers;
  • Feet: Felcast Sandals Icon Felcast Sandals.

Baleful Leather: Bladefang

All 8 pieces of the Bladefang armor can be created with baleful tokens that drop from mobs in Tanaan Jungle and are sold by the Apexis vendors in Lion's Watch and Vol'mar. Bladefang pieces upgraded with an Empowered Apexis Fragment Icon Empowered Apexis Fragment do not change appearance. Below, you fill find a list of the Bladefang pieces:

  • Head: Bladefang Hood Icon Bladefang Hood;
  • Shoulders: Bladefang Spaulders Icon Bladefang Spaulders;
  • Chest: Bladefang Chestguard Icon Bladefang Chestguard;
  • Wrists: Bladefang Bracers Icon Bladefang Bracers;
  • Hands: Bladefang Gauntlets Icon Bladefang Gauntlets;
  • Waist: Bladefang Belt Icon Bladefang Belt;
  • Legs: Bladefang Legguards Icon Bladefang Legguards;
  • Feet: Bladefang Boots Icon Bladefang Boots.

Baleful Mail: Axeclaw

All 8 pieces of the Axeclaw armor can be created with baleful tokens that drop from mobs in Tanaan Jungle and are sold by the Apexis vendors in Lion's Watch and Vol'mar. Axeclaw pieces upgraded with an Empowered Apexis Fragment Icon Empowered Apexis Fragment do not change appearance. Below, you fill find a list of the Axeclaw pieces:

  • Head: Axeclaw Helm Icon Axeclaw Helm;
  • Shoulders: Axeclaw Spaulders Icon Axeclaw Spaulders;
  • Chest: Axeclaw Chestguard Icon Axeclaw Chestguard;
  • Wrists: Axeclaw Bracers Icon Axeclaw Bracers;
  • Hands: Axeclaw Gauntlets Icon Axeclaw Gauntlets;
  • Waist: Axeclaw Belt Icon Axeclaw Belt;
  • Legs: Axeclaw Legguards Icon Axeclaw Legguards;
  • Feet: Axeclaw Boots Icon Axeclaw Boots.

Baleful Plate: Felbane

All 8 pieces of the Felbane armor can be created with baleful tokens that drop from mobs in Tanaan Jungle and are sold by the Apexis vendors in Lion's Watch and Vol'mar. Felbane pieces upgraded with an Empowered Apexis Fragment Icon Empowered Apexis Fragment do not change appearance. Below, you fill find a list of the Felbane pieces:

  • Head: Felbane Greathelm Icon Felbane Greathelm;
  • Shoulders: Felbane Shoulderguard Icon Felbane Shoulderguard;
  • Chest: Felbane Breastplate Icon Felbane Breastplate;
  • Wrists: Felbane Bracers Icon Felbane Bracers;
  • Hands: Felbane Gauntlets Icon Felbane Gauntlets;
  • Waist: Felbane Girdle Icon Felbane Girdle;
  • Legs: Felbane Legplates Icon Felbane Legplates;
  • Feet: Felbane Greaves Icon Felbane Greaves.