Transmogrification Warlock PvE Tier 10 Sets (WoD 6.2)
Table of Contents
Warlocks have 3 Tier 10 sets. Each set has its own design. Tier 10 sets were originally introduced with the fourth and final tier of Northrend raids, Icecrown Citadel. The sets can be broken down as follows:
- 1 set of item level 251, purchasable with Gold (some pieces also drop from Toravon the Ice Watcher in the 10-man version of Vault of Archavon);
- 1 set of item level 264, purchasable with the item
level 251 set pieces plus
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification, a token that drops from end-wing bosses in the 10-man Heroic, 25-man Normal, and 25-man Heroic versions of Icecrown Citadel (some pieces also drop from Toravon the Ice Watcher in the 25-man version of Vault of Archavon);
- 1 set of item level 277, purchasable with the item
level 264 set pieces plus
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification, a token that drops from end-wing bosses in the 25-man Heroic version of Icecrown Citadel.
Tier 10: Item Level 251
The item level 251 Tier 10 sets can be entirely bought with Gold from Rueben Lauren in Dalaran. Some pieces (Hands and Legs) also drop from Toravon the Ice Watcher in the 10-man version of Vault of Archavon.
- Head:
Dark Coven Hood
- Shoulders:
Dark Coven Shoulderpads
- Chest:
Dark Coven Robe
- Hands:
Dark Coven Gloves
- also dropped by Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon (10-man)
- Legs:
Dark Coven Leggings
- also dropped by Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon (10-man)
Tier 10: Item Level 264
The item level 264 Tier 10 sets are bought from Rueben Lauren in
Dalaran by turning in pieces from the item level 251 Tier 10 sets with
a Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification, which is a token dropped by
the end-wing bosses (Deathbringer Saurfang, Professor Putricide,
Blood-Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa, and The Lich King) in the
10-man Heroic, 25-man Normal, and 25-man Heroic versions of
Icecrown Citadel. Some pieces (Hands and Legs) also drop
from Toravon the Ice Watcher in the 10-man version of
Vault of Archavon.
- Head:
Sanctified Dark Coven Hood
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Dark Coven Hood
- 1
- bought with
- Shoulders:
Sanctified Dark Coven Shoulderpads
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Dark Coven Shoulderpads
- 1
- bought with
- Chest:
Sanctified Dark Coven Robe
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Dark Coven Robe
- 1
- bought with
- Hands:
Sanctified Dark Coven Gloves
- dropped by Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon (25-man)
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Dark Coven Gloves
- 1
- Legs:
Sanctified Dark Coven Leggings
- dropped by Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon (25-man)
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Dark Coven Leggings
- 1
Tier 10: Item Level 277
The item level 277 Tier 10 sets are bought from Rueben Lauren in
Dalaran by turning in pieces from the item level 264 Tier 10 sets with
a Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification, which is a token dropped by
the end-wing bosses (Deathbringer Saurfang, Professor Putricide,
Blood-Queen Lana'thel, Sindragosa, and The Lich King) in the
25-man Heroic version of Icecrown Citadel.
- Head:
Sanctified Dark Coven Hood
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Sanctified Dark Coven Hood
- 1
- bought with
- Shoulders:
Sanctified Dark Coven Shoulderpads
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Sanctified Dark Coven Shoulderpads
- 1
- bought with
- Chest:
Sanctified Dark Coven Robe
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Sanctified Dark Coven Robe
- 1
- bought with
- Hands:
Sanctified Dark Coven Gloves
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Sanctified Dark Coven Gloves
- 1
- bought with
- Legs:
Sanctified Dark Coven Leggings
- bought with
- 1
Conqueror's Mark of Sanctification and
- 1
Sanctified Dark Coven Leggings
- 1
- bought with
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