Turbulent Timeways Guide
Turbulent Timeways is a limited-time Timewalking event during which you can earn mounts and powerful gear upgrades!
Turbulent Timeways Introduction
Turbulent Timeways is a limited-time event running from January 7 through February 25, giving players the chance to earn exclusive mounts, achievements, and high-level gear. This special Timewalking event rotations through expansions weekly, offering new rewards. Let us dive into what is new this year and how to make the most of this event.
What is New for Turbulent Timeways This Year?
This year, Blizzard introduced the following new updates to Turbulent Timeways:
- New Achievement:
Master of the Turbulent Timeways II, which rewards the
Timely Buzzbee mount.
- Additional Mounts: New mounts are available from Timewalking vendors for 5,000
Timewarped Badges during their respective weeks. Additionally, the
Sandy Shalewing mount available during the last Turbulent Timeways event has made a return.
How to Earn the Timely Buzzbee Mount
To unlock the Timely Buzzbee mount, you need to earn the
Master of the Turbulent Timeways II achievement by
following these steps.
Earn the Mastery of Timeways Buff
Each week, complete 4 Timewalking dungeons to gain 4 stacks of Knowledge of Timeways. Once you hit 4 stacks,
you will receive the
Mastery of Timeways buff for that week. The buff increases Experience gained from killing monsters
and completing quests by 30% for 3 hours and completing Timewalking dungeons refreshes the duration.
Repeat for 5 Weeks
You need to earn the Mastery of Timeways buff in 5 separate weeks during the event to get the achievement and mount.
Here is what the mount looks like in the game:

Weekly Mount Rotation
Blizzard has added new mounts to buy from Timewalking vendors for 5,000 Timewarped Badges each. Mounts are
only available during their specific Timewalking week, so plan your purchases accordingly!
January 7: Mists of Pandaria Timewalking
Copper-Maned Quilen Reins can be purchased from Mistweaver Xia on Timeless Isle.

January 14: Warlords of Draenor Timewalking
You can purchase Nightfall Skyreaver's Reins from Kronnus at Warspear and Tempra at Stormshield.

January 21: Legion Timewalking
This one is probably the most unique mount out there, as it is a Shackled Ur'zul recolor! You can buy
Ur'zul Fleshripper Bridle from Aridormi in Dalaran (Broken Shore).

January 28: Classic Timewalking
You can buy Reins of the Frayfeather Hippogryph from Bobadormu at the Caverns of Time entrance.

February 4: The Burning Crusade Timewalking
Reins of the Amani Hunting Bear can be bought from Cupri in Shattrath.

February 11: Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking
Enchanted Spellweave Carpet can be purchased from Auzin in Dalaran (Crystalsong Forest).

February 18: Cataclysm Timewalking
Finally, Broodling of Sinestra can be purchased from Kiatke in Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Turbulent Timeways Gear Rewards
During Turbulent Timeways, completing the Timewalking weekly quest in Dornogal will reward you with Hero Track Nerub-ar Palace (Item Level 610-626) gear. Make sure to complete the quest each week to maximize rewards. The quest only requires you to complete 5 Timewalking Dungeons or kill 4 Timewalking raid bosses.
Sandy Shalewing Returns!
Missed the Sandy Shalewing mount from the last Turbulent Timewalking event? You can buy it from any Timewalking
vendor for 5,000
Timewarped Badges.

What to Do Each Week in Turbulent Timeways
- Complete 4 Timewalking dungeons per week to work toward the
Timely Buzzbee mount.
- Check the weekly rotation for mounts and buy any you want with Timewarped Badges. Pay special care to the
Shackled Ur'zul recolor available during the week of January 21!
- Complete the weekly quest in Dornogal for Hero Track (Item Level 610-626) gear.
- 07 Jan. 2025: Guide added.
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