Unholy Death Knight Mists of Pandaria: Remix Guide — The War Within Pre-Patch
On this page, you will learn the best Gems to use for your Unholy Death Knight in Mists of Pandaria: Remix, as well as the best leveling talents and rotation, whether you are leveling in the open world, or through raids and dungeons.
If you were looking for our normal leveling guide for Unholy Death Knight, please check out our Leveling page.
Remix: Mists of Pandaria Guide for Unholy Death Knight
Welcome to our MoP Remix Guide for Unholy Death Knight! This page contains everything you need to know about getting the most out of your Unholy Death Knight in the Patch 10.2.7 special feature, Mists of Pandaria: Remix.
This page is focused only on Unholy Death Knight in MoP Remix. If you want to know more about MoP Remix in general, such as its rewards, check out our dedicated page below.
Best MoP Remix Leveling Talents for Unholy Death Knight
Below, you will find our recommended leveling build and talent pickup order for your Unholy Death Knight in MoP Remix. There are various ways of leveling in MoP Remix, and we offer some builds for the most relevant ways.
Note that this Leveling section is specific to MoP Remix. For our Dragonflight Leveling Guide for Unholy Death Knight, please check our dedicated Leveling page.
Best MoP Remix Leveling Build for Unholy Death Knight
General Dungeon Build
This build works well in both open world and dungeons. It focuses on your DoT damage, rushing to pick up all talents that buff it as quickly as possible!
Raid Single Target Build
This build puts significantly more emphasis on Single Target, useful on most raid fights!
Best Gems for Unholy Death Knight in MoP Remix
Gems are one of the unique ways to augment your character in MoP Remix, offering offensive, defensive, and utility benefits. On this page, we list the best gems for each type. To learn more about Gems in MoP Remix in general, check out our dedicated page below.
- Meta Gem:
Thundering Orb.
- Cogwheel Gem:
Blink — Great improvement in mobility as well as a stun and root break!
- Prismatic Gems:
You will have a tremendous amount of stats as you start unlocking all Gem slots, and there is no single best stat to stack. Try and balance your stats well as Unholy both loves Mastery, but all your special effects from Tinker gems scale with Haste, Crit and Vers!
- Tinker Gems:
Lightning Rod — Grants your allies crit, deals damage and gives you crit periodically.
Sunstrider's Flourish — Good synergy with your crit rating, providing passive AoE damage from your crits.
Quick Strike — 4-7 extra auto attacks every 10 seconds providing nice Single Target benefit.
Slay — Gives you a chance to trigger a huge execute whenever a mob reaches 10%. Very good in AoE scenarios.
Meteor Storm — Random AoE damage proc that also stuns enemies.
Explosive Barrage — Raw damage proc.
Enkindle — A chance to gain a shield which then deals fire damage and gives you Haste. Great when you aren't taking consistent damage!
Wildfire — A random proc DoT that also spreads to enemies.
Incendiary Terror — Damage proc with an additional CC whenever it procs!
Fervor — Consume 2% of your health when you are above 80% to deal damage to your enemies. Good throughput talent that does require some healing to keep up!
Mark of Arrogance — Stacking DoTR dealing Shadow damage.
Ankh of Reincarnation — Cheat Death, not a throughput gem but great defensive value.
Storm Overload — Adds a AoE and damage when you send your CDs!
Hailstorm — Big AoE every 30 seconds!
Level by Level Rotation
To keep things simple while leveling and learning the spec, use the slider to select your level, and watch as the leveling rotation grows with each level!
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Leveling Rotation for Unholy Death Knight
When using our slider, note that some talents may appear sooner than you expect them to in the rotation. This is because we have two recommended builds above, each taking talents at slightly different times, and sometimes entirely different talents.
Rune Strike is your main damaging ability.
Army of the Dead should be saved for elites and very strong mobs since it is an extremely long cooldown that does a large amount of single-target burst damage.
- Use
Apocalypse, make sure the target you pick has 4
Festering Wounds!
- Use
Unholy Blight off cooldown to apply
Virulent Plague.
Outbreak should be used to apply
Virulent Plague to all targets when
Unholy Blight is on cooldown.
Dark Transformation can be used off cooldown, however, you should also make sure you have it available for larger packs of mobs or more difficult packs.
- Use
Epidemic when there are 2+ targets.
- Use
Death and Decay on packs of 2+ mobs.
- Use
Death and Decay to
Scourge Strike cleave packs of 2+ mobs.
- Use
Defile to
Scourge Strike cleave packs of 2+ mobs or when your Cooldowns are running on Single Target.
- Use
Death Coil when you have 80+ Runic Power or no available Runes.
- Use
Scourge Strike when there is at least 1
Festering Wound on your target.
- Use
Scourge Strike when there is at least 1
Festering Wound on your target or to keep up your
Plaguebringer DoT.
- Use
Festering Strike to consume your Runes.
- Use
Festering Strike when there are 0
Festering Wounds on your target.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 14 May 2024: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Bicepspump, a semi-hardcore player raiding with Pescorus on Kazzak. He is heavily involved in the DK DPS theorycrafting community, testing hyoptheses and investigating the correct priority to use. He produces guide content on YouTube and frequently streams on Twitch.
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