Val'anyr Legendary Weapon Transmogrification Guide
In this guide, you are going to learn how to obtain and use Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings for transmogrification in Visions of N'Zoth.
How to Obtain Val'anyr
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings is a Healer One-Hand Mace, which can be
obtained from Ulduar, the Wrath of the Lich King raid. Ulduar is located in
Northrend and you can find the raid entrance at 41, 18 in the Storm Peaks.
First, you must collect 30 Fragment of Val'anyr to form the
Shattered Fragments of Val'anyr. This is the most time-consuming portion of
the quest line, because the number of fragments you get each week is low, so we
recommend soloing the raid on 25-player mode and completing hard mode versions
of the individual bosses to receive more fragments.
Ulduar Hard Modes
Ulduar has no Heroic difficulty, but you can activate hard modes for some encounters by doing specific things listed below:
Flame Leviathan Hard Mode
To trigger the hard mode for the first boss, do not destroy any of the big four towers located at the far sides of the path leading up to the boss. Note that you can still destroy the small towers along the way from where the dwarves spawn.
The easiest way to get there is by using the Stormwind/Orgrimmar Portal to Dalaran (Northrend). From there, fly to Storm Peaks.
XT-002 Deconstructor Hard Mode
Unequip your weapons and hit the boss with basic attacks, until you see the Heart of the Deconstuctor spawn. Destroy it, and then, defeat the boss. If you kill the boss before the heart spawns, you will not be able to complete the hard mode version of the fight, so do not attack the boss with full force at the beginning of the fight.
The Assembly of Iron Hard Mode
The encounter is comprised of three bosses and you will complete the hard mode by killing Steelbreaker last.
Hodir Hard Mode
You must kill Hodir within 3 minutes to complete the hard mode. After that, DO NOT TALK to him or any of the remaining keepers (Freya, Mimiron, Thorim) when they turn friendly, because you will not be able to complete the hard mode version of the final boss.
Thorim Hard Mode
You must reach Thorim on the upper platform within three minutes to trigger the hard mode. This is done by pulling the lever on the left side of the boss room. Enter the tunnel, kill the trash mobs and make your way up to Thorim, jump down and kill him.
Freya Hard Mode
Freya's hard mode is triggered by keeping her three keepers alive. Simply, run straight to the boss and nuke her down without touching the other keepers.
Mimiron Hard Mode
Click the Big Red Button behind Mimiron to activate the hard mode for this fight. Then, kill him as you normally would.
General Vezax Hard Mode
Engage the boss, but do not attack him or the Saronite Vapors that spawn. After three minutes, Saronite Vapors will morph into a Saronite Animus. Kill it, and then, defeat the boss to complete the hard mode.
Yogg-Saron Hard Mode
If you have not talked to any of the keepers, you can defeat Yogg without their aid which is essentially the hard mode. Kill the tentacles, port to the brain room, destroy the mobs within, proceed by nuking the brain and kill Yogg-Saron after you get ported out of the brain room.
The boss itself is considered a hard mode, so do not forget to kill him for fragments!
Shattered Fragments of Val'anyr
After having acquired 30 Fragment of Val'anyr, you will receive the
Ancient History quest and must take those fragments to the Archivum
Console located behind the Assembly of Iron boss room.
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings
For the final quest, you will receive Unbound Fragments of Val'anyr and
you must throw the item in Yogg-Saron's mouth while he does his Deafening Roar
ability. Start the fight by killing tentacles, teleport to the brain room and
destroy his brain. DO NOT attack Yogg-Saron when he becomes vulnerable after you
get teleported out of the brain room. Wait for him to cast Deafening Roar
and click the
Unbound Fragments of Val'anyr to use the quest item.
If successful, Yogg will be afflicted with the
In the Maws of the Old God
debuff and you can then kill him. Loot
Reforged Hammer of Ancient Kings,
take it to the Archivum Console and enjoy your
Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings.
How to Transmogrify Val'anyr
If you are an owner of Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings you can visit a
transmogrifier in any major city to use the weapon's appearance for transmog.
Certain restrictions apply.
Transmog Restrictions
Only Healer classes can use Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings for
transmogrification, meaning the weapon is limited to Druids, Monks, Paladins,
Priests, and Shamans. Your character also needs to be at level 70 or
higher to be able to use the appearance.
- 16 Jan. 2020: Guide added.
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