Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank Battle of Dazar'alor Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Vengeance Demon Hunter for each boss of the following raid: Battle of Dazar'alor. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
In this section you will find information and guidance for tanking each boss individually in the Battle of Dazar'alor raid as a Vengeance Demon Hunter.
Talent Cheatsheet for Vengeance Demon Hunter
Champion of the Light
The tank swap mechanic on this encounter is Sacred Blade, although
you may not want to do a full tank swap, in order to keep the boss and adds
separated as much as possible. Instead, you can use her long casts to move out
of range and let your debuff fall off while she finishes casting and runs to
you. You can also have the add tank briefly taunt the boss long enough for the
debuff time out and then have the boss tank taunt back.
The tank swap mechanic on this encounter is Grong's 4-attack combo. The combo
is a random sequence of either Bestial Smash or
Rending Bite.
During the combo, you should taunt swap in order to prevent one player from
taking two Bestial Smash hits in the same combo. Secondarily, you should
try and taunt swap so that each tank receives an equal number of
Rending Bite hits.
Jadefire Masters
There are two tank swap mechanics on this encounter. The first is
Multi-Sided Strike, which teleports the Monk's target into the air and
sends clones from different directions to attack. The tank must face the
clones before they hit to block them. Once all the clones have attacked,
the tank will be given the
Tested debuff which increases their
physical damage taken for 40 seconds.
The second tank swap mechanic is Rising Flames. The Mage gives
this debuff when he casts
Fireball on the tank. You will want to
either keep stacks low, with swapping around 4-5 stacks or have tanks keep
a lot of stacks to reduce the amount of raid damage taken through
Burnout. Whenever the debuff falls from a tank a Burnout
occurs that deals damage to the raid.
During Phase One, there are no tank swaps. Indeed, the tanks will be split up into
separate groups and tanking their own adds. Once this phase completes, each
tank will receive a Diamond of the Unshakeable Protector jewel, which
absorbs a large amount of damage on a 30 second recharge timer. While it is
not required to swap on this fight, it is recommended that you use this jewel
on cooldown, and swap whenever a tanks shield drops.
When the boss casts Spirits of Gold,use
Sigil of Chains to
prevent the adds from moving towards the edges of the room.
Conclave of the Chosen
Of the four Aspects, two of them have tank swap mechanics.
The first is Pa'ku, who gains a stacking haste buff Hastening Winds
for each consecutive hit on the same target. You can either swap Aspects with
your co-tank, or have a melee DPS player taunt and take a single hit to reset
the stacks (in order to keep the Aspects from getting too close and buffing
each other).
The second is Kimbul, who will cast Lacerating Claws which applies a
stacking DoT to the target. You will want to do a full tank swap with your
co-tank every 3-4 stacks.
Use Sigil of Chains during
Gonk's Wrath to keep the Raptors
from attacking you or other players.
King Rastakhan
In Phase One, you can taunt swap Rastakhan and Siegebreaker Roka every time
Roka casts Crushing Leap. Whether or not you do is up to you.
In Phase Two, the taunt swap should happen after Rastakhan casts
Scorching Detonation. The Rastakhan tank should use the cast to move out
towards Bwonsamdi, and trade places with the Bwonsamdi tank.
In Phase Three, the Phantom of Rage casts Necrotic Smash. You can leap
out of the smash to dodge it. If you are tanking with one, you may be able
to avoid tank swapping in this phase. If not, you will want to tank swap
on the Necrotic Smash casts.
In Phase Four, continue to swap on Scorching Detonation as in Phase Two.
High Tinker Mekkatorque
This encounter's forced tank swap mechanic is
Electroshock Amplification, which is similar to Pa'ku's Aspect's
Hastening Winds in that it is reset when Mekkatorque hits a new target.
You will want to swap at or around 8-10 stacks of this debuff.
You will also have to perform a tank swap whenever Gigavolt Charge
is placed on a tank or a tank becomes shrunk.
Stormwall Blockade
In Phase One, there is no forced tank swap mechanic. Be aware that the minibosses will swap ships during the phase.
In Phase Two, Laminaria will apply Kelp-Wrapped to the active tank.
This effect stacks and can be dispelled, applying a damage taken increase to
nearby enemies. You should time your taunt swaps so that when a new Energized
Storm add spawns, the tank with Kelp-Wrapped stacks is in position to be
dispelled on top of them immediately.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Throughout the whole encounter, Jaina will cast
Ice Shard at the tank, giving them stacks of
Chilling Touch and increasing the damage taken from subsequent Ice
Shards. You will want to taunt swap in order to manage your Chilling Touch
stacks as well as your Ice Shard stacks appropriately. In addition to Ice
Shard, you will gain Chilling Touch stacks from mechanics in the same manner
as all other players in the raid.
In Phase One, you will be able to clear your stacks using Searing Pitch
pools on the ship. In Phase Two, it can be done using the Unexploded Ordnance
barrels. Once you reach Phase Three, it is no longer possible to clear your stacks
without becoming
Frozen Solid, so you will need to be broken out
manually eventually. You can force stacks on a tank if both tanks are
getting high. This allows micro management of when tanks will be frozen,
otherwise you will often have both tanks frozen at the same time.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 16 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 05 Feb. 2019: Page added.
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This guide is written by Meyra, a Vengeance main with a love for pushing Mythic+ keys and showcasing Proof of Concept keys with 5 tanks or other non-standard group compositions. They are a distinguished member and frequent contributor to Vengeance theory in the Demon Hunter class discord who also occasionally streams Vengeance and other tank content on Twitch.
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