Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank Gear and Best in Slot — The War Within (11.0.7)

Last updated on Dec 20, 2024 at 20:08 by Meyra 55 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find the best gear and best in slot items for your Vengeance Demon Hunter in World of Warcraft The War Within (11.0.7).


Best in Slot Gear Guide for Vengeance Demon Hunter

Welcome to our Gear and BiS Page for Vengeance Demon Hunter for The War Within Season 1. Check this page to learn everything you need to know about gearing a Vengeance Demon Hunter, including the BiS Gear from all sources, Raiding, and Mythic+, information on the best Trinkets, Tier Sets, and much more.

For discussion and information on Stats specifically, check out our Stats page below.


BiS Gear for Vengeance Demon Hunter

Overall BiS List for Season 1 Nerub-ar Palace Gear BiS List Mythic+ Gear BiS List

The War Within Season 1 Overall BiS List for Vengeance Demon Hunter

This list contains the Best in Slot Gear for Vengeance Demon Hunter in The War Within Season 1 from all sources, including Raiding, Mythic+, Delves, The Great Vault, and Crafted.

Note that there is no such thing as a singular, all-encompassing "BiS". The best items vary per character and situation, and many items are essentially equivalent in terms of DPS, namely when we are just shuffling secondary stats around. I will list one "BiS" item per slot, sometimes two if I feel there is a significant difference between Raiding and Mythic+, but ultimately, BiS lists are not very practically useful, and you should be simming your character to find out what gear to equip next. Worth noting that any item on this list at a lower item level than listed is likely worse than any other item in the same slot with a higher item level.

Trinkets in this list are the best options for raid, for dungeons the best options will vary depending on dungeon and key level. Check the listed trinkets on this page for recommendations that might fit your needs.

Slot Item Source/Note
Weapon Main-Hand Void Reaper's Warp Blade Icon Void Reaper's Warp Blade (639) Nexus Princess Ky'veza in Nerub-ar Palace
Weapon Off-Hand Everforged Warglaive Icon Everforged Warglaive (636) Crafted — Blacksmithing with Blessed Weapon Grip Icon Blessed Weapon Grip
Helm Beyond's Dark Visage Icon Beyond's Dark Visage (639) Bloodbound Horror
Neck Sureki Zealot's Insignia Icon Sureki Zealot's Insignia (639) Sikran in Nerub-ar Palace
Shoulder War-Mantle of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon War-Mantle of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Rasha'nan/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Cloak Wings of Shattered Sorrow Icon Wings of Shattered Sorrow (639) Rasha'nan in Nerub-ar Palace
Chest Chestguard of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Chestguard of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Broodtwister Ovi'nax/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Sanguine Experiment's Bandages Icon Sanguine Experiment's Bandages (639) Broodtwister Ovi'nax in Nerub-ar Palace
Gloves Claws of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Claws of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Sikran/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Adrenal Surge Clasp Icon Adrenal Surge Clasp (636) Crafted — Leatherworking
Legs Pantaloons of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Pantaloons of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Nexus Princess Ky'veza/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Boots Chitin-Spiked Jackboots Icon Chitin-Spiked Jackboots (639) Sikran in Nerub-ar Palace
Ring #1 Seal of the Poisoned Pact Icon Seal of the Poisoned Pact (639) Queen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace
Ring #2 Cyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's Circlet (658) Siren Isle
Trinket #1 Ara-Kara Sacbrood Icon Ara-Kara Sacbrood (639) Ara-Kara, City of Echoes (626), or Great Vault
Trinket #2 Bottled Flayedwing Toxin Icon Bottled Flayedwing Toxin (639) The Necrotic Wake (626), or Great Vault

Nerub-ar Palace Raid Gear BiS List for Vengeance Demon Hunter

This list contains the Best in Slot Gear for Vengeance Demon Hunter in The War Within Season 1 from the Nerub-ar Palace Raid.

Note that this BiS List is for items from the Raid. I am separating the BiS lists by gear sources. This is what you send to your Raid Leader/Loot Council when they ask you what your BiS gear is from the Raid.

Note that there is no such thing as a singular, all-encompassing "BiS". The best items vary per character and situation, and many items are essentially equivalent in terms of DPS, namely when we are just shuffling secondary stats around. I will list one "BiS" item per slot, sometimes two if I feel there is a significant difference between Raiding and Mythic+, but ultimately, BiS lists are not very practically useful, and you should be simming your character to find out what gear to equip next. Worth noting that any item on this list at a lower item level than listed is likely worse than any other item in the same slot with a higher item level.

Slot Item Source/Note
Weapon Main-Hand Void Reaper's Warp Blade Icon Void Reaper's Warp Blade (639) Nexus Princess Ky'veza in Nerub-ar Palace
Weapon Off-Hand Venom-Etched Claw Icon Venom-Etched Claw (639) Ulgrax the Devourer in Nerub-ar Palace
Helm Beyond's Dark Visage Icon Beyond's Dark Visage (639) Bloodbound Horror
Neck Sureki Zealot's Insignia Icon Sureki Zealot's Insignia (639) Sikran in Nerub-ar Palace
Shoulder War-Mantle of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon War-Mantle of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Rasha'nan/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Cloak Wings of Shattered Sorrow Icon Wings of Shattered Sorrow (639) Rasha'nan in Nerub-ar Palace
Chest Chestguard of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Chestguard of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Broodtwister Ovi'nax/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Sanguine Experiment's Bandages Icon Sanguine Experiment's Bandages (639) Broodtwister Ovi'nax in Nerub-ar Palace
Gloves Claws of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Claws of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Sikran/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Behemoth's Eroded Cinch Icon Behemoth's Eroded Cinch (639) Rasha'nan in Nerub-ar Palace
Legs Pantaloons of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Pantaloons of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Nexus Princess Ky'veza/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Boots Chitin-Spiked Jackboots Icon Chitin-Spiked Jackboots (639) Sikran in Nerub-ar Palace
Ring #1 Seal of the Poisoned Pact Icon Seal of the Poisoned Pact (639) Queen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace
Ring #2 Cyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's Circlet (658) Siren Isle
Trinket #1 Void Reaper's Contract Icon Void Reaper's Contract (639) Nexus Princess Ky'veza in Nerub-ar Palace
Trinket #2 Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg Icon Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg (639) Broodtwister Ovi'nax in Nerub-ar Palace

The War Within Season 1 Mythic+ Gear BiS List for Vengeance Demon Hunter

This list contains the Best in Slot Gear for Vengeance Demon Hunter from The War Within Season 1 Mythic+.

Note that this BiS List is for items from Mythic+. I am separating the BiS lists by gear sources. This is the list you can chase when you want to improve your gear by farming Mythic+ dungeons.

Note that there is no such thing as a singular, all-encompassing "BiS." The best items vary per character and situation, and many items are essentially equivalent in terms of DPS, namely when we are just shuffling secondary stats around. I will list one "BiS" item per slot, sometimes two if I feel there is a significant difference between Raiding and Mythic+, but ultimately, BiS lists are not very practically useful, and you should be simming your character to find out what gear to equip next. Nonetheless, there is a huge demand for this list, and thus, despite my not thinking you should really care much about it, it is here for your perusal. Worth noting that any item on this list at lower item level than listed is likely worse than any other item in the same slot with higher item level.

Slot Item Source/Note
Weapon Main-Hand Eirich's Fist of Deception Icon Eirich's Fist of Deception (639) The Stonevault (626), or Great Vault
Weapon Off-Hand Eirich's Fist of Deception Icon Eirich's Fist of Deception (639) The Stonevault (626), or Great Vault
Helm Guise of the Construct Icon Guise of the Construct (639) The Stonevault (626), or Great Vault
Neck Elder's Hemolymphal Periapt Icon Elder's Hemolymphal Periapt (639) City of Threads (626), or Great Vault
Shoulder War-Mantle of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon War-Mantle of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Rasha'nan/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Cloak Swarmcaller's Shroud Icon Swarmcaller's Shroud (639) Ara-Kara, City of Echoes (626), or Great Vault
Chest Chestguard of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Chestguard of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Broodtwister Ovi'nax/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Bracers Scheming Assailer's Bands Icon Scheming Assailer's Bands (639) The Dawnbreaker (626), or Great Vault
Gloves Claws of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Claws of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Sikran/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Belt Sapgorger Belt Icon Sapgorger Belt (639) Mists of Tirna Scithe (626), or Great Vault
Legs Pantaloons of the Hypogeal Nemesis Icon Pantaloons of the Hypogeal Nemesis (639) Nexus Princess Ky'veza/Matrix Catalyst/Great Vault
Boots Besieger's Deckstalkers Icon Besieger's Deckstalkers (639) Siege of Boralus (626), or Great Vault
Ring #1 Band of the Ancient Dredger Icon Band of the Ancient Dredger (639) Siege of Boralus (626), or Great Vault
Ring #2 Cyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's Circlet (658) Siren Isle
Trinket #1 Ara-Kara Sacbrood Icon Ara-Kara Sacbrood (639) Ara-Kara, City of Echoes (626), or Great Vault
Trinket #2 Bottled Flayedwing Toxin Icon Bottled Flayedwing Toxin (639) The Necrotic Wake (626), or Great Vault

Best Trinkets for Vengeance Demon Hunter in The War Within Season 1

Raiding Trinket Tier List Mythic+ Trinket Tier List

Raiding Trinket Tier List for Vengeance Demon Hunter

This Trinket Tier List is single-target damage biased, as Vengeance Demon Hunter generally already has access to all defensive tools needed to clear the Raid, at which point damage to help kill the boss is worth aiming for. When Trinkets are equal on single-target AoE/mixed performance and defensive gains are considered.

A "Tier" as defined by this list is around 0.5-1% DPS, meaning that S-Tier Trinkets are around 0.5-1% overall damage better than A-Tier Trinkets, and so on.

Any trinket not included in this list can be considered underperforming to the degree where it is better to use an Mythic 0 version of a S-tier trinket.



  • Bottled Flayedwing Toxin Icon Bottled Flayedwing Toxin — A solid, consistent single-target proc that deals a significant amount of damage.
  • Ara-Kara Sacbrood Icon Ara-Kara Sacbrood — A passive proc that grants Agility for 1 minute stacking, and deals a small amount of damage once a stack expires.
  • Foul Behemoth's Chelicera Icon Foul Behemoth's Chelicera — The damage is not affected by the 33% nerf to offensive trinkets for tanks, and therefore deals competitive damage while offering a decent defensive bonus on top.


  • Hand of Justice Icon Hand of Justice — Decent offensive trinket from Blackrock Depths, damage value reduced when more than 1 target is present.
  • Void Reaper's Contract Icon Void Reaper's Contract — Can be S-Tier damage-wise; however it is dependent on having access to a high item-level Void Reaper's Warp Blade Icon Void Reaper's Warp Blade to perform at its full potential.
  • Dead-Eye Spyglass Icon Dead-Eye Spyglass
  • Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj Icon Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj


  • Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg Icon Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg — This trinket would be considered A-Tier if not for having to constantly move to stay at 10 movement stacks for the full potential. If that part is ignored, the performance of this trinket places it noticeably lower on the ranking, landing it in B-tier.


  • Sikran's Endless Arsenal Icon Sikran's Endless Arsenal
  • Harvester's Edict Icon Harvester's Edict
  • Skardyn's Grace Icon Skardyn's Grace


  • Twin Fang Instruments Icon Twin Fang Instruments

Mythic+ Trinket Tier List for Vengeance Demon Hunter

This Trinket Tier List will have two different points that can bring a trinket up the ranks, either by offering significant defensive power or by being very good for damage output.

A "Tier" as defined by this list, balanced around the performance of different kinds, a strong offensive trinket will usually be a "Tier" above another if the difference is roughly 0.5-1% overall damage. For defensive trinkets, it depends on the defensive value obtained and the usefulness it has in a dungeon.



  • Swarmlord's Authority Icon Swarmlord's Authority — A strong defensive trinket that will mitigate a sizeable amount of damage on a 1-minute cooldown. Likely the strongest defensive option available in the current season.
  • Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj Icon Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj — A decent stat trinket that offers a good balance of Single-Target damage, AoE Damage, and passive defensive power.
  • Silken Chain Weaver Icon Silken Chain Weaver — A strong defensive trinket that gives a minor shield and more importantly the effect where it reduces the attack speed of all enemies in front of you by 15% for 15 seconds on a short 1-minute cooldown. Despite the shield being somewhat small, the attack speed reduction (which stacks with similar effects) is incredibly potent at lowering damage intake against trash. The only negative part of this trinket is that higher item-level versions are locked behind doing Tier 8 or higher delves and looting it from the Great Vault.


  • Throngus's Finger Icon Throngus's Finger — Strong defensive trinket giving a large chunk of dodge for 20 seconds roughly every minute. Really strong defensive option against trash.
  • Foul Behemoth's Chelicera Icon Foul Behemoth's Chelicera — The damage is not affected by the 33% nerf to offensive trinkets for tanks, and therefore deals decent damage to priority targets. The defensive benefit can be useful on long-lasting bosses, however it turns into a shield after leaving combat, which means it has limited defensive power between packs.
  • Bottled Flayedwing Toxin Icon Bottled Flayedwing Toxin — A strong Single-Target trinket. Placed in A-Tier because dealing damage to bosses and high-priority trash mobs is fairly important in certain dungeons.
  • Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg Icon Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg
  • Ara-Kara Sacbrood Icon Ara-Kara Sacbrood — A potent Single Target trinket that falls behind in value due to having a Haste Budget instead of an Agility budget, which has diminishing value in AoE.


  • Hand of Justice Icon Hand of Justice — A decent Single-Target trinket, suffering slightly compared to Bottled Flayedwing Toxin Icon Bottled Flayedwing Toxin due to being limited to Hero-track item levels.
  • Dead-Eye Spyglass Icon Dead-Eye Spyglass — Because this Trinket marks targets the uptime will be lower than it could in ideal situations, somewhat diminishing the value.
  • Harvester's Edict Icon Harvester's Edict


  • Ceaseless Swarmgland Icon Ceaseless Swarmgland


  • Mad Queen's Mandate Icon Mad Queen's Mandate
  • Imperfect Ascendancy Serum Icon Imperfect Ascendancy Serum
  • Twin Fang Instruments Icon Twin Fang Instruments
  • Quickwick Candlestick Icon Quickwick Candlestick

Best Cyrce's Circlet Gems for Vengeance Demon Hunter

Patch 11.0.7 introduces the special ring Cyrce's Circlet which you acquire in the new zone Siren Isle by completing activities. Instead of the regular Secondary Stats of rings you empower Cyrce's Circlet with 3 sockets which can be filled with different kinds of gems. Each socket type has 4 separate gem options, letting you pick from a large number of combinations.

As of and including the last-minute tuning on the release of Patch 11.0.7, Cyrce's Circlet Icon Cyrce's Circlet promises to be a solid choice every at lower itemlevels, and it can be upgraded all the way to itemlevel 658. Blizzard has announced that the goal for the ring is to be viable even throughout the early stages of season 2, and as such the ring is going to be a fixture of gearing choices going forward.

However, depending on the gems you choose to use the ring might be a loss of defensive power. This is not an issue if you use gems that offer Secondary Stats. However, the defensive value is not likely to be significantly stronger than a normal ring due to the high amount of Mastery, which is still slightly worse than other Secondary Stats despite the recent buff in Patch 11.0.5. Take this in consideration if you want to have a good offensive and defensive balance with the ring.

The gems below are likely to be the strongest combination, but it is highly recommended to sim yourself to figure out the best choices since the best option might change depending on your current gear and the content you are doing.

  • For raid, you will likely want to play Thunderlord's Crackling Citrine Icon Thunderlord's Crackling Citrine, Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine Icon Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine and Windsinger's Runed Citrine Icon Windsinger's Runed Citrine
  • For Mythic+/AoE, you will likely want to play Stormbringer's Runed Citrine Icon Stormbringer's Runed Citrine, Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine Icon Fathomdweller's Runed Citrine and Windsinger's Runed Citrine Icon Windsinger's Runed Citrine

For more information on how to acquire the ring and all of the different gems that are available, check out the Cyrce's Circlet guide below!


"Simming" Yourself as a Vengeance Demon Hunter

Throughout this page, we regularly refer to the importance of simming yourself on Raidbots, as it is an indispensable aspect of optimizing your character.

If you are new to simming and Raidbots, check out our detailed guide below.


Best Crafted Items for Vengeance Demon Hunter

Our BiS Crafts depend somewhat on the content you are doing. The best mix of offensive and defensive power seems to be Adrenal Surge Clasp Icon Adrenal Surge Clasp and a weapon with Blessed Weapon Grip Icon Blessed Weapon Grip making this a good option for a Mythic+-focused player. Meanwhile if your main focus is Raiding Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens looks to be a stronger option for you. Make sure to sim yourself to find out if your current gear is better serviced by other options.

For players coming right into the Season from its beginning, the choice is very different as we are not just concerned about the best Crafted Slots and Embellishments, but also potentially short-term Item Level gains. This means you want to generally target high value gear slots. For Vengeance the highest value slot by far is your Main-hand weapon, meaning it is a very strong option for a first craft.´ Therefore a Weapon with Blessed Weapon Grip Icon Blessed Weapon Grip or Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens is likely to be one of your best early crafts, with whichever attachment being dependent on your goal of Mythic+ or Raid respectively; your second craft could either be Adrenal Surge Clasp Icon Adrenal Surge Clasp for Mythic+ or Rune-Branded Armbands Icon Rune-Branded Armbands with an Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens attached for Raid.

You should ideally sim the optimal stats to craft for your particular character, but Haste/Critical Strike or Haste/Versatility are generally decent "overall" choices for a defensive and offensive mix.


Best Embellishments and Crafting Order for Vengeance Demon Hunter

Note that Embellishments have yet to go undergo tuning and that this recommendation is very preliminary. I do not recommend that you Craft ANYTHING until the last possible moment, which is generally right before you head into Raid Progression or serious Mythic+ pushing. The longer you can wait with crafting, the better information you, and this guide, will have on the best Crafts. Crafting early and then having the recommendation change because of tuning by Blizzard really sucks!

  1. Everforged Warglaive Icon Everforged Warglaive, with Blessed Weapon Grip Icon Blessed Weapon Grip or Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens as optional additions — Crafting a weapon early in the Season will be a significant gain due to the item level bump in main-hand, our most relevant item slot. You can choose between Blessed Weapon Grip Icon Blessed Weapon Grip for a mix of damage and defensive value, and Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens for pure single target damage assuming you have at least some Sockets on your gear to activate the effect, however it is perfectly optional to exclude the embellishments choice as well. It is also worth noting that if you wait until your first Great Vault and it has a Weapon, then you may wish to craft something else instead. Long term, you might want to pair this with Adrenal Surge Clasp Icon Adrenal Surge Clasp for Mythic+, and possibly Raid as well, although you will have to sim your options if your primary goal is to do maximum damage.
  2. Rune-Branded Armbands Icon Rune-Branded Armbands with an Elemental Focusing Lens Icon Elemental Focusing Lens attached to it will likely be your best second option for Raid assuming you have at least some Sockets on your gear to activate the effect.
  3. Adrenal Surge Clasp Icon Adrenal Surge Clasp — This belt offers a high uptime of Agility at the cost of a small amount of Mastery. This is a decent offensive option while also giving a decently large defensive bonus from the Agility. This option is a decent choice for Mythic+ where you will take consistent enough damage to activate it frequently. There might be other options that perform slightly better dependent on the gear you have at any specific moment, but the difference is not necessarily gonna be massive.
  4. Next, chase Item Level where needed, preferring Helm/Chest/Legs (though these are likely occupied by tier) > Boots/Belt > Rings/Necks > Off-hand weapon > Cloak/Wrist.
  5. At this point, you are mostly done crafting. You can spend future Sparks on off-spec items, alternatively statted crafts for different situations, and so on.

Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension vs Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity

These are two weapon-only Embellishments with different secondary stat effects. On sustained encounters, ones that keep you in combat for several minutes, Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension is about 0.5% better. However, because Ascension takes a whole 80 seconds to reach full power, if you are primarily doing non-Raiding content, Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity Icon Darkmoon Sigil: Vivacity is better, as it does not have this problem.


Best Gear Upgrades for Vengeance Demon Hunter

You will be able to upgrade your items via Crests, such as Gilded Harbinger Crest Icon Gilded Harbinger Crest and Valorstones Icon Valorstones. Once you have upgraded a slot to a certain item level, upgrading other items of that slot to that item level is free.

When you upgrade with Crests, you should think of it as upgrading slots and not items.

Additionally, since Crests are a limited resource, you will want to obtain the highest item-level possible before upgrading a given slot, as this means you will spend fewer Crests on that slot in total. If you are at all capable of doing a +9 Dungeon, for example, it would be a VERY bad idea to upgrade an item from a +8 Dungeon, as those are wasted Crests you may not get back for a very long time.

We see a ton of players, even at a high level, mess up their upgrade priorities, and upgrading prematurely. Getting this right will put you far ahead of most players.

Below is the slot priority you should upgrade your items in. It is essentially based on "which slot gives the most DPS if you increase its Item Level by 10". If you ever want to deviate from this, you should have a very good reason.

  1. Weapons
  2. Trinkets
  3. Helm/Chest/Legs
  4. Shoulders/Gloves/Belt/Boots
  5. Rings and Necks
  6. Cloaks and Bracers

Note that exceptions are possible, such as special items that have more Item Level scaling than their slot would imply.


Season 1 Tier Set for Vengeance Demon Hunter

The Tier Set is comprised of 5 items, all carrying the Hypogeal Nemesis moniker. Unique bonuses are unlocked when wearing 2 or 4 pieces from the set:

  • Demon Hunter Vengeance Season 1 2pc Icon Demon Hunter Vengeance Season 1 2pcSoul Cleave Icon Soul Cleave deals 15% increased damage and has a 35% chance to spawn a Lesser Soul Fragment. Does not increase damage enough to alter rotation, but ends up being a couple of % extra damage and spawning Lesser Soul Fragments corresponding to ~5-10% of what your normal rotation provides.
  • Demon Hunter Vengeance Season 1 4pc Icon Demon Hunter Vengeance Season 1 4pc — Consuming Soul Fragments increases the damage and healing of Fel Devastation Icon Fel Devastation by 2%, stacking up to 15 times for a 30% increase. The damage results in anywhere between 1-2% extra damage depending on Hero Talents and amount of enemies. The healing is almost irrelevant and will rarely, if ever, actually be relevant since most of the value from Fel Dev comes from Demonic Icon Demonic.

The Tier Set Bonus is a minor gain and a long-term goal to work towards. However, for Vengeance Demon Hunter, the tier-set bonuses are not significant enough to be extremely powerful. You can use the Matrix Catalyst to convert regular items (from Mythic+, for example) into Tier Items.

The Tier Set is slightly stronger for Fel-Scarred than Aldrachi Reaver, however, the difference is very small and not really noticeable.

You only need 4 pieces out of 5 to get both set bonuses. Given equal item level on all pieces, we recommend you get all items except for the Headpiece due to the high Mastery budget. Check out the BiS List for more information.



  • 20 Dec. 2024: Updated further to account for the recent buffs to Cyrce's Circlet.
  • 17 Dec. 2024: Updated to account for Cyrce's Circlet buffs.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Updated with information on Cyrce's Circlet.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Updated with trinkets for patch 11.0.5.
  • 21 Sep. 2024: Updated Mythic+ trinket list.
  • 15 Sep. 2024: Updated trinket lists after trinket tuning.
  • 10 Sep. 2024: Updated Embellishment recommendations.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for Season 1 of The War Within.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4 with new gear and special items.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6 and fixed a typo.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 19 Dec. 2023: Reworded a paragraph slightly.
  • 27 Nov. 2023: Changed Embellishment slot and Mythic+ Neck recommendations and specified dungeon for Dawn of the Infinite gear.
  • 08 Nov. 2023: Removed a mention of Undulating Sporecloak.
  • 07 Nov. 2023: Updated after Undulating Sporecloak Nerf.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Restructured and updated for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Updated section regarding the Onyx Annulet and added information about the Dawn of the Infinites Megadungeon.
  • 19 Jun. 2023: Updated Embellishments recommendations.
  • 10 Jun. 2023: Updated Onyx Annulet section and added gear for patch 10.1.5.
  • 24 May 2023: Updated Trinket recommendations and added information on Firelands trinkets.
  • 01 May 2023: Changed Trinket recommendation and other gear related changes.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Added section about the Onyx Annulet.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 13 Jan. 2023: Updated with Embellishments.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight season 1 start.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Pre-Patch.
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