Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank Liberation of Undermine Raid Guide — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Mar 02, 2025 at 21:13 by Meyra 55 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Vengeance Demon Hunter for each boss of the following raid: Liberation of Undermine. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).



Below, you can find class and spec-specific advice for every fight in Liberation of Undermine. If you are looking for a general overview of the Raid that is not spec-specific, check out our dedicated Liberation of Undermine Boss guides.

On this page, you will find useful tips as well as talent builds and recommendations for Vengeance Demon Hunters. This page does not contain information on general mechanics, and you can refer to the full raid guide if you are not yet familiar with them.

All recommendations are progression-based tips and will not necessarily be the best for an overall DPS ranking.


Liberation of Undermine Boss Guides for Vengeance Demon Hunter


Liberation of Undermine Raid Builds, Tips, and Tricks for Vengeance Demon Hunter

Vexie Fullthrottle Cauldron of Carnage Rik Reverb Stix Bunkjunker Sprocketmonger Lockenstock One-Armed Bandit Mug'Zee Chrome King Gallywix

Tips for Vexie Fullthrottle for Vengeance Demon Hunter


Defensive Tips

  • Rotate defensive cooldowns for Tank Buster Icon Tank Buster and taunt swap around it. The initial damage is Physical and can be reduced with all your main defensive abilities.

Cooldown Usage

  • The boss takes double damage during Mechanical Breakdown Icon Mechanical Breakdown, as Fel-Scarred you ideally want to have a Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis window during this phase. Depending on the timing this might mean you need to hold your initial cast but it should likely align later in the burn phase.

Mechanical Tips

  • Sigil of Silence Icon Sigil of Silence and Sigil of Chains Icon Sigil of Chains can likely be talented into without much cost if you think the extra control of the summoned adds is necessary.

Mythic Difficulty

  • Make sure to properly position the boss so that the Oil Slick Icon Oil Slick that are spawned after Tank Buster Icon Tank Buster are not placed awkwardly.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Cauldron of Carnage for Vengeance Demon Hunter


Defensive Tips

  • Rotate defensives for Eruption Stomp Icon Eruption Stomp, which deals heavy Fire damage. Demon Spikes Icon Demon Spikes does not work to mitigate the damage however thanks to Set Fire to the Pain Icon Set Fire to the Pain mitigating it by 10% it will be fairly manageable with the tools you have left.
  • When tanking Torq you instead need to mitigate Lightning Bash Icon Lightning Bash which is a massive physical hit that then deal nature damage based on the unmitigated damage. Use your defensives for this, all of them including Demon Spikes Icon Demon Spikes help reduce the damage you take.

Cooldown Usage

  • This boss has no particular damage increase windows worth playing around. So use your defensives close to on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • Make sure that the bosses stay more than 40 yards apart outside of the intermission phase.

Mythic Difficulty

  • No specific Mythic tips yet, check back later to see if something new has changed.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Rik Reverb for Vengeance Demon Hunter


Defensive Tips

  • The boss does not have a specific tank mechanics. Rotate your defensives if you want coverage, or play around them offensively and use your passive tools to survive.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use cooldowns close to on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • The boss deals his normal damage in a frontal cone, so make sure to face the boss away from the rest of the raid and switch tanks at around 5 or so stacks. Depending on the comfort level and gear of you and your co-tank you can go higher depending on the situation.

Mythic Difficulty

  • No specific Mythic tips yet, check back later to see if something new has changed.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Stix Bunkjunker for Vengeance Demon Hunter


Defensive Tips

  • The main tank mechanics are Demolish Icon Demolish, which is split nature and physical damage, and Meltdown Icon Meltdown which deals heavy nature damage. Rotate defensives for these as needed.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use cooldowns close to on cooldown.

Mechanical Tips

  • If you get selected by Rolling Rubbish Icon Rolling Rubbish make sure to collect trash piles and adds.

Mythic Difficulty

  • No specific Mythic tips yet, check back later to see if something new has changed.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock for Vengeance Demon Hunter


Defensive Tips

  • The first, and basic tank swap mechanic comes from Gravi-Gunk Icon Gravi-Gunk which increases damage taken, stacking from auto-attacks. The second is Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack which attaches a bomb that you need to carry as far away from the raid as possible before it explodes. Infernal Strike Icon Infernal Strike and Vengeful Retreat Icon Vengeful Retreat makes this mechanic much easier as Vengeance. You can use defensives and passive layers to mitigate the damage from the explosion.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use cooldowns close to on cooldown when you are not expected to move away from the boss with Pyro Party Pack Icon Pyro Party Pack soon.

Mechanical Tips

  • Make sure you move the boss to the safe areas whenever the boss casts Wire Transfer Icon Wire Transfer.

Mythic Difficulty

  • Make sure not to come into contact with other players that have the opposite charge from Polarization Generator Icon Polarization Generator, as you might survive, but they are unlikely to live through the aftermath.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for One-Armed Bandit for Vengeance Demon Hunter


Defensive Tips

  • The main Tank mechanic this fight is The Big Hit Icon The Big Hit, which can be mitigated by all your defensives cooldowns including Demon Spikes Icon Demon Spikes. Make sure to place the lightning field properly to not interfere too much with the rest of the raid after the hit.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use cooldowns as close to on cooldown as possible while still maintaining coverage for The Big Hit Icon The Big Hit.

Mechanical Tips

  • Use Disrupt Icon Disrupt or even Sigil of Silence Icon Sigil of Silence if needed to help interrupt the Overload! Icon Overload! as it deals significant damage to the entire raid.

Mythic Difficulty

  • No specific Mythic tips yet, check back later to see if something new has changed.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Mug'Zee for Vengeance Demon Hunter


Defensive Tips

  • The first taunt swap mechanic is Molten Gold Knuckles Icon Molten Gold Knuckles, a heavy physical hit with a small amount of fire damage. Use cooldowns to mitigate the initial damage. The hit leaves you covered in Golden Drip Icon Golden Drip which you need to move to remove all stacks of before the time runs out. Be mindful where you drop these puddles as they deal significant damage to anyone that has to move through them.
  • The second tank mechanic to worry about is Double Whammy Shot Icon Double Whammy Shot, the boss targets a random player and someone needs to soak the bullet. It deals a significant amount of damage to the target and raid damage equivalent to any unmitigated damage. So using a defensive if soaking it is vital to keep the raid alive.

Cooldown Usage

  • Use cooldowns as close to on cooldown as possible while still maintaining coverage for tank mechanics as needed.

Mechanical Tips

  • Make sure to face Stormfury Finger Gun Icon Stormfury Finger Gun away from the raid as it deals heavy damage in a frontal cone.

Mythic Difficulty

  • No specific Mythic tips yet, check back later to see if something new has changed.

Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


Tips for Chrome King Gallywix for Vengeance Demon Hunter

This boss was not testable on the TWW Alpha/Beta servers. Information will be forthcoming once it is available on Live servers.


Defensive Tips

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the Heroic week for some tips.

Cooldown Usage

  • Little is known about this boss at the time of writing, but check back after the Heroic week for some tips.

Mechanical Tips

  • Nothing fancy here yet, but do check back in after the Season has been out for a couple of weeks to see if any tricks or tips have been found.

Mythic Difficulty


Best Talents

Be sure to make use of the 'Export Talents' button to import the build directly into your game!


General Cooldown Usage

Vengeance Demon Hunter has to always consider how to use their offensive cooldowns since they are all also your defensive cooldowns. Here are the main ones to consider how to use optimally in Liberation of Undermine:

  • Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis - Our main, 2-minute cooldown, which serves as our strongest defensive cooldown, while also being by far the strongest offensive cooldown when playing as Fel-Scarred.
  • Fel Devastation Icon Fel Devastation - Our 28-40 second cooldown depending on talents. Serves as our most available defensive cooldown while also being a core part of our offensive kit as Fel-Scarred.
  • Fiery Brand Icon Fiery Brand - Our 1-minute cooldown, reduces damage taken by 40% while increasing Fire damage dealt through Fiery Demise Icon Fiery Demise.

To maximize damage as Vengeance Demon Hunter you are going to want to use all your cooldowns very close to on cooldown, and as Fel-Scarred you also want to overlap Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis with Fiery Brand Icon Fiery Brand. During progression this might not always be doable, and you might have to delay some casts to cover vital Tank mechanics. If this is the case you want to prioritize using Fel Devastation Icon Fel Devastation and Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis as often as possible while delaying Fiery Brand Icon Fiery Brand if you are playing Fel-Scarred, and prioritize using Fiery Brand Icon Fiery Brand over Fel Devastation Icon Fel Devastation and Metamorphosis Icon Metamorphosis if you are playing Aldrachi Reaver. Once you are used to the mechanics and have higher itemlevel gear it is often possible to cover many Tank mechanics using only passive tools such as Void Reaver Icon Void Reaver, Fel Flame Fortification Icon Fel Flame Fortification and Calcified Spikes Icon Calcified Spikes, freeing up your cooldowns for offensive usage.



  • 02 Mar. 2025: Updated with some tips and talents.
  • 20 Feb. 2025: Guide added.
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