Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.1.0)
On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Vengeance Demon Hunter, depending on the type of damage you will be tanking. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to maximize your survivability and DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).
Rotation for Vengeance Demon Hunters
Welcome to the rotation guide for Vengeance Demon Hunter. Below, you will find the general priority of your abilities, as well as how your talent choices will affect the Rotation. Further down, you can find out how certain key talents interact with the rest of your toolkit, as well as how you best utilize them to their full potential. In the final section, you will also find advice on how to best approach your defensive toolkit.
Your Rotation will vary a lot depending on both the regular talent choices you make. They are further impacted by the Hero talent tree you use. To start, select your Hero talent tree and your talent choices below. If a talent is not presented below, it likely does not affect your Rotation enough to be mentioned. The links below will default the talent choices to those present in our recommended talent builds.
Vengeance Demon Hunter Rotation
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Core goals for Vengeance Demon Hunter
Vengeance Demon Hunter, at the most basic level, plays like a very standard
builder and spender specialization. Your core rotation centers around building
Soul Fragment using builders such as
Fracture or
Immolation Aura
Fallout talented, and then spending them using
Spirit Bomb
Soul Cleave depending on the situation.
Beyond this, Vengeance has a
very simple relationship with our longer, offensive cooldowns, such as
Sigil of Flame and
Sigil of Spite. We want to get as much out of
these powerful spells as possible during an encounter or dungeon, which you most
easily do simply by using them close to as soon as you are able to. While
there are tools to amplify some of these abilities, such as
Fiery Demise,
the case is almost always that more uses beats out better uses.
While these core goals are fairly simple, the introduction of the new Hero Talent Trees changes things up a fair bit.
Rotational Goals for
Aldrachi Reaver
When you play Aldrachi Reaver, your goals shift a bit from the
baseline version of Vengeance Demon Hunter to make better use of the core mechanic
Art of the Glaive. Below are the main goals, as well as how to best approach them.
- To activate
Art of the Glaive, you want to make sure to maximize your use of builders. This does not necessarily mean to use
Fracture as soon as a charge is available, but you want to make sure it and other Soul Fragment generators spend as little time as possible without recharging cooldown.
- Since there is so much focus on generating souls, you want to make sure you
also spend them as efficiently as possible; in single-target, this means using
Soul Cleave, while for multiple targets, you want to use
Spirit Bomb with 4 Soul Fragments or more.
Thrill of the Fight increases all damage you do by 20%; this means that you want to make sure that if possibly you always activate your next
Reaver's Glaive and use the empowered spells just before the damage window runs out.
- Make sure to use your empower in the correct order, which in single target is
Soul Cleave before
Fracture to maintain two stacks of
Reaver's Mark and
Fracture before
Soul Cleave for any excess glaives. Against multiple targets you always use
Fracture before
Soul Cleave.
Wounded Quarry makes it extremely important to spend as much time as possible auto-attacking a target marked by
Reaver's Mark.
Rotational Goals for
If you choose to play as Fel-Scarred your most basic rotational
goals do not change significantly. Instead, much more focused is centered around
your cooldowns, with
Fel Devastation and
gaining powerful tools through
Violent Transformation,
Demonic Intensity.
- To maximize the value of
Demonsurge you want to make sure that you do not delay
Fel Devastation or
Metamorphosis more than you absolutely have to, as they represent a significant portion of your damage.
- Activate all of your abilities empowered by
Demonsurge after casting
Fel Devastation, and also the ones from
Demonic Intensity after casting
Metamorphosis. If possible, activate them all with minimal changes to your normal Rotation. If there is still time left to cast all spells within the Demon Form window, you still want to prioritize stronger spells.
- To enable most of the value from
Violent Transformation, make sure that
Fel Devastation and all charges of
Sigil of Flame are on cooldown.
- In situations with only a single target,
Burning Blades increases the damage of
Soul Cleave enough that you only use
Spirit Bomb when
Fiery Brand is active with
Fiery Demise talented, or to activate
Defensive Side Note for Vengeance Demon Hunter
The rotations will mention to use defensive abilities like Fiery Brand
Fel Devastation on cooldown. However, you will usually come across
situations when you need to save them for mechanics. In situations like that, you
skip past them in the Rotation until you will need them. Just make sure to try
not to waste any potential uses of the abilities.
Extra use case for Infernal Strike
In addition to your Rotation, you can also make use of
Infernal Strike (which is off the global cooldown) to deal
additional damage. It is recommended to always keep at least 1 charge in reserve, however, unless the fight requires no movement whatsoever, in which case you
can use up both charges.
Single-Target Opener for Vengeance Demon Hunter
Single-Target Rotation for Vengeance Demon Hunter
This priority list describes the optimal single-target Rotation for Vengeance Demon Hunter.
AoE Opener for Vengeance Demon Hunter
AoE Rotation for Vengeance Demon Hunter
This priority list describes the optimal AoE rotation for Vengeance Demon Hunter.
Vengeance Demon Hunter Talents' Effect on Rotation
Frailty is a core, passive mechanic for Vengeance Demon Hunter.
Depending on which talents are selected on the Vengeance Tree you it will be
applied to all targets hit by
Sigil of Flame,
Spirit Bomb, or
Soul Cleave.
With all related talents selected, each stack of Frailty will give
you 8% leech from all damage dealt to the target, 4% increased damage to the
target, and reduce all damage taken from the target by 3%. Talenting into
Soulcrush allows you to stack multiple stacks. The duration of
the stacks is independent of each other.
While you could stack up Frailty stacks to increase the damage of
your strong abilities on a target, it has been shown that trying to optimize
damage by doing this will cost you more damage elsewhere in your Rotation than
the damage you gain. Therefore, the best amount of
Frailty stacks to
have when you use an offensive cooldown is the amount your Rotation naturally
has on the target.
Fiery Demise
If you talent into Fiery Demise your
Fiery Brand will
now be an offensive cooldown on top of being a defensive cooldown.
Several of your spells deal fire damage, and increasing the fire damage by up
to 30% is a massive bonus.
When using Fiery Demise, you want to make sure that all your strong
fire spells are used during the duration of your
Fiery Brand. This includes
Soul Carver if talented, and
Fel Devastation. Since
Fel Devastation is usually also used for its defensive value. Ideally,
you finish channeling it just as the initial
Fiery Brand expires.
The Hunt
The Hunt is a strong offensive cooldown that is now a core
part of activating
Art of the Glaive for
Aldrachi Reaver.
On paper, it is a very simple ability: press it, and you do damage.
However, due to pathing issues and inconsistencies in enemy hit-boxes, the
damage over time effect will sometimes struggle to apply to all enemies.
This can be managed by moving around for a bit after the initial hit of the
spell. There is a grace period of roughly half a second after hitting your
target when you can move through other enemies to apply the effect.
Active Mitigation for Vengeance Demon Hunter
As a Vengeance Demon Hunter, you have one active mitigation ability,
Demon Spikes.
Demon Spikes should be used frequently to avoid and reduce Physical
damage taken, even against simple auto-attacks. Try to generally always keep at
least one of its charges rolling unless you are about to enter a longer period
of downtime with
Fiery Brand,
Fel Devastation and
on cooldown. During situations like that, you want to use
Demon Spikes to
bridge the gap.
If talented into Illuminated Sigils you can pair
Demon Spikes
with keeping
Sigil of Flame on your targets. The Parry chance is additive
and leads to a situation where you Parry a significant amount of attacks from
Defensive Cooldowns for Vengeance Demon Hunter
As a Vengeance Demon Hunter, you have two defensive cooldowns in
Metamorphosis and
Fiery Brand, and two talents in
Demonic and
Illuminated Sigils,
which make
Fel Devastation and
Sigil of Flame
into defensive cooldowns.
Metamorphosis increases your current and maximum health
by 40%, and your Armor by 200% for 15 seconds. It also enhances your
Shear and
Fracture to generate 1 extra soul and
20 extra Fury. It has a 2-minute cooldown and no cost.
works best proactively to increase your
health and armor in preparation for incoming damage and should generally
not be used reactively as an emergency cooldown if possible.
Fiery Brand should be placed on the target when you anticipate
that they will deal high damage to you or when you simply want to reduce the
damage you take (regardless if it is Physical or Magical damage). With
Burning Alive
you can spread
Fiery Brand to multiple enemies for a large amount of
damage and defensive value.
The talent Demonic will make
Fel Devastation grant
7 seconds of
Metamorphosis when you press it, making it a very
potent defensive cooldown. It has a 40-second cooldown and a 50-fury cost.
Illuminated Sigils makes attacks from targets affected by
Sigil of Flame
12% more likely to be Parried. This gives you a large amount of damage reduction
against most physical attacks, which is usually the main damage source in
Mythic+ dungeons.
Torment is your only taunting ability. It only works on a
single target and has an 8-second cooldown. It forces the target to attack you
for 3 seconds and also increases the threat you generate against that target
for the same duration.
Soul Fragments
Soul Fragments are a unique Vengeance Demon Hunter mechanic. The baseline
ability comes from the Shattered Souls passive.
When you kill a target, there is a chance that a Soul Fragment will be created. This is an orb that is placed on the ground at a nearby location and persists for up to 20 seconds. If you walk over it, you will consume the Soul Fragment, and be healed for a certain amount (348.075%% of your attack power in health). Only you can see and interact with your Soul Fragments.
Moreover, if a Soul Fragment comes from a Demon target, consuming it will also, increase your damage done by 20% for 15 seconds.
In addition to these Soul Fragments, there are also Lesser Soul
Fragments. These have a chance to be created when you damage targets with
Shear, or with
Immolation Aura (provided that
you have the
Fallout talent), and using the
talent also generates 2 Lesser Soul Fragments each time it is used. They work
in exactly the same way, but they heal for 6% of damage taken in the last 5
seconds, or a minimum of 1% of your Maximum Health.
It is worth noting that each Soul Fragment or Lesser Soul Fragment you
generate if you already have 5 active, will be instantly consumed. Moreover,
Spirit Bomb will consume all Soul Fragments within 100 yards.
- 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.
- 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7, no changes needed.
- 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for patch 11.0.5, no changes needed.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for season 1 of The War Within, no rotational changes have been made.
- 29 Aug. 2024: Updated rotations and matched talent build buttons to new recommended talent builds.
- 28 Aug. 2024: Fixed a formatting error.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
- 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Pre-Patch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Updated a line to better reflect current single target priorities
- 31 Jan. 2024: Fixed minor errors for a couple of spells.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 19 Dec. 2023: Updated a few rotational nuances.
- 10 Nov. 2023: Updated so AoE Rotation now shows full rotation.
- 08 Nov. 2023: Updated Rotation Switches for the Heretic Build.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
- 19 Jun. 2023: Updated Tier set interaction.
- 01 May 2023: Updated with changes to rotation in patch 10.1
- 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Updated with minor changes to make things a bit more clear.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
- 10 Nov. 2022: Updated with minor changes for Dragonflight Pre-Patch.
- 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Pre-Patch.
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This guide is written by Meyra, a Vengeance main with a love for pushing Mythic+ keys and showcasing Proof of Concept keys with 5 tanks or other non-standard group compositions. They are a distinguished member and frequent contributor to Vengeance theory in the Demon Hunter class discord who also occasionally streams Vengeance and other tank content on Twitch.
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