Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Vengeance Demon Hunter for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
Introduction for Vengeance Demon Hunter Boss Advice in Uldir
In this section you will find information pertaining to each boss individually in the Uldir raid.
This advice is extremely preliminary in nature — this guide will be updated regularly over the next few weeks as bosses are experienced in their live state.
Talent Cheatsheet
More Taloc Guides on Icy Veins

There are no tank swaps for this fight. It is easily solo tankable.
When you are targeted by Cudgel of Gore, use
Infernal Strike
to get leap into the middle of a large pool of blood. Attempt to keep hit blood
that is relevant to your raids location. Simply consuming as much as possible
is not always the best idea. Once he casts Cudgel of Gore, use Infernal Strike
to leap back into the center to avoid as much damage as possible.
For the adds in Phase Two, kite them as close to the bosses puddle as possible, only moving as a new pool is spawned.
More M.O.T.H.E.R. Guides on Icy Veins

There are not tank swaps for this fight. One tank is on MOTHER, and one tank is in the next room dealing with adds.
If you are the MOTHER tank, she will channel Sanitizing Strike in
your direction. You do not have to soak this, as once she starts the channel
you can move out of it. She will often cast Sanitizing Strike during
Wind Tunnel. When this happens, you can move her along the wall, facing
away from the raid while running against the wind, and right before she casts
Sanitizing Strike, leap towards where you want the strikes to go, so that she
casts it there and use the wind to help you move away from the cast.
Fetid Devourer
More Fetid Devourer Guides on Icy Veins

There are no tank swaps for this fight. One tank has the boss the
entire time, and the other soaks the Terrible Thrash. Note that
the off tank needs to be the closest person to the main tank, otherwise
a non-tank player will most likely die.
You can play either role, whether it is Main Tank or the
Terrible Thrash tank. If you are main tanking, take
Void Reaver unless you need an extra cooldown/filler, in which you take
Soul Barrier. If off-tanking, take
Soul Barrier.
Feed the Demon is the best for both roles, utilizing the defensive
rotation of overcapping on souls and Pain with
Shear. If you are
off-tanking, then spawn as many souls as you can between thrashes, so that you
can Spirit Bomb right after a Terrible Thrash goes out. Rotate between
Demon Spikes,
Fiery Brand, Soul Barrier, and externals.
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
More Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Guides on Icy Veins

The tank swap for this fight is when the boss casts his "combo". He will cast
Void Lash into
Shatter into another Void Lash. It
is advised to tank swap after the Shatter cast. Note that Void Lash is a
cone, so have the tanks stand in a V pattern, facing away from the raid.
This ensures that neither tank gets hit by the others mechanic, while not
having to move when the taunt swap is performed.
A well-placed Sigil of Chains can grip most of the
Silithid Warriors into a single group for AoE control. Note that the Nerubian
Voidweavers will be immune to this on Heroic and Mythic difficulties,
thanks to
More Vectis Guides on Icy Veins

The tanks will perform a swap at 2 stacks. Where you go to drop the debuff is dependent on your raid strategy.
There are no specific recommendations for this boss.
Zul, Reborn
More Zul, Reborn Guides on Icy Veins

In Phase One, there is no tank swap. One tank will take the Crusher and the other will grab aggro on the Crawgs and Bloodhexer.
In Phase Two, tank swaps will be dependent on your composition. If you have
Paladins, they can use a Blessing of Protection on you to drop your
stacks. If this is available you should survive until 4-5 stacks, leap out
and drop the stacks. Be sure to keep the pools as close together as possible,
even inside of each other if your Paladin is fast enough.
In the event that you do not have a Paladin or are short on
Blessing of Protection, then you should plan to swap at 3 stacks, using
cooldowns and externals to survive until the stacks drop. Note that the DoT is
a bleed, so
Demon Spikes,
Metamorphosis, and
Fiery Brand do nothing for it. They only help while you are actively
tanking the boss.
Mythrax the Unraveler
More Mythrax the Unraveler Guides on Icy Veins

In Phase One, tanks will perform a tank swap when Essence Shear is
cast. Note that this is a cone, so the off-tank should not be standing in
front of the boss.
In Phase Two, tanks will each grab a large add, and drag him to the small adds. Keep them 40 yards apart, otherwise they buff each other.
Sigil of Chains can pull players from an
Oblivion Sphere.
More G'huun Guides on Icy Veins

In Phase One, there are no tank swaps. As long as the Dark Young and
Blightspreader Tendril (on Heroic) are tanked. Keep the Dark Young on
adds at all times, so that they are hit by Dark Bargain. Do not
get 2 stacks of Dark Bargain.
In Phase Two, designate one tank as the Explosive Corruption
runner, and the other tank as the add tank. Vengeance is better as the
runner due to
Infernal Strike. How this works is the runner
takes the boss first to 6 stacks, where he will cast the first Corruption.
Once he casts, you tank swap. After that, for the rest of the fight,
you swap at 4 stacks, as the Corruption is placed on every 8th stack.
Blood Feast occurs, you will drop Corruption, then leap
back in to remove the DoT. Once this happens, an add is spawned the add tank
picks it up and will tank the add the rest of the phase.
Phase Three is simply swapping at 3-4 stacks until he dies. Note that the DoT is not removable anymore, meaning you take more damage as the fight goes on, so save cooldowns until you have generated some stacks.
There are no other specific recommendations for this boss.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 16 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 10 Dec. 2018: This page has been reviewed and is up to date for patch 8.1.
- 09 Sep. 2018: Updated all bosses with Uldir information.
- 11 Aug. 2018: Page added (empty for now).
More Demon Hunter Guides
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This guide is written by Meyra, a Vengeance main with a love for pushing Mythic+ keys and showcasing Proof of Concept keys with 5 tanks or other non-standard group compositions. They are a distinguished member and frequent contributor to Vengeance theory in the Demon Hunter class discord who also occasionally streams Vengeance and other tank content on Twitch.
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