Vexie Fullthrottle Raid Guide in Liberation of Undermine
On this page you will find both a short and full written guide for the Vexie Fullthrottle encounter in the Liberation of Undermine raid. Read on to learn everything you need to know to take on Vexie Fullthrottle.
Vexie Fullthrottle Raid Guide
Quick TLDR Guide
Phase 1: Fighting The Geargrinder:
- Place
Oil Slick puddles away from the group.
- Attack the bikers once they are nearby.
- Hop into bikes that are left behind and aim them at the boss to remove stacks of
Protective Plating.
- If you are targeted by
Incendiary Fire move away from pools that you spawn and do not run into any
Oil Slicks.
- Tanks: Swap after one stack of
Tank Buster.
- Once all stacks of
Protective Plating are removed the intermission phase will begin.
- Interrupt or CC the Pit Mechanics and prevent them from casting
- DPS: You don't need to focus any damage into the Pit Mechanics. They will die from passive cleave damage if they are under the boss.
- Avoid
Burning Shrapnel.
- Any remaining Pit Mechanics will disappear when the intermission ends.
Finishing the fight:
- After The Geargrinder has been destroyed kill Vexie to finish the fight.
Strategy Guide: Full Guide
Phase 1: Fighting The Geargrinder:
In this phase your goal is to remove all stacks of Protective Plating before the boss reaches 100 energy. These stacks
are removed by riding bikes into the boss.
- Geargrind Bikers:
- These spawn after
Call Bikers is cast. These bikers will charge at players (nearby players prioritised) and stop when they hit a wall. Try to bait these near the boss so you can efficiently cleave them down.
- Once you kill the biker you can take control of the bike by clicking on it.
- Aim the bike at the boss by rotating your character and use
Blaze of Glory (Vehicle button 1) to ride the bike into the boss and remove a stack of
Protective Plating.
- These spawn after

Spew Oil is cast on several players and they will have a purple ring placed around them. These players need to run away from the group and place these in locations you do not intend to use. A good place to put them is against the edge of the room.
- If you are inside of an
Oil Slick you will slide across the ground, take ticking damage and be slowed.
- Tanks: The tank mechanic on this encounter is aptly named
Tank Buster. This is a simple 1 stack swap mechanic.
- Healers: After
Tank Buster the boss will apply
Exhaust Fumes to the entire raid. This damage is not very threatening but adds up.
- Healers: Several players can be targeted by
Bomb Voyage! during this phase. These players will require some targeted healing.
- Once all stacks of
Protective Plating are removed the intermission phase will begin.
- If The Geargrinder reaches 100 Energy it will begin casting
Unrelenting CAR-nage. You will have a short amount of time to send a final bike into the boss before you are overwhelmed by the damage and wipe.
During this phase the boss will take 100% increased damage for up to 45 seconds!
- Pit Mechanics will continually spawn during this phase and attempt to channel
Repair into the boss. Each second they channel this removes a second from this phase. You can interrupt the cast or CC them. Tools such as
Death Grip to bring them under the boss and
Leg Sweep to AoE stun them are great.
- DPS: You don't need to focus any damage into the Pit Mechanics. They will die from passive cleave damage if they are under the boss.
Burning Shrapnel pools will continually spawn during this phase. Avoid them.
- Healers: The boss will continually channel
Backfire dealing raid wide damage.
- Any remaining Pit Mechanics will disappear when the intermission ends.
Finishing the fight:
- After The Geargrinder has been destroyed kill Vexie to finish the fight.
Heroic Changes:
- Phase 1:
Tank Buster leaves behind an
Oil Slick requiring you to move the boss after each cast.
- Phase 1:
Oil Slick will stun bikers if they ride over it.
Mythic Strategy
Currently, this tab will only contain information on what changes on Mythic. A more robust strategy will be added after the raid goes live.
Mythic Changes:
Oil Canisters now appear when a biker has been defeated. They will create a puddle that needs to be soaked and applies
Soaked in Oil to that player. Any puddle not soaked will spawn an
Oil Slick.
- Two
Oil Canisters are required to fuel a bike so it can be used to charge into the boss.
- Support Rig now spawn during the intermission making Pit Mechanics within 15 yards immune to crowed control.
- 03 Mar. 2025: Guide added.
This guide has been written by Panthea, who raids in Catalyst and is the author of TankNotes. He plays all tanks and is a Moderator for the Hammer of Wrath Paladin Discord. You can follow him on Twitter.
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