Warlock Class Changes in Patch 9.0.5
On this page, you will find a list of all Warlock class changes coming in Patch 9.0.5.
General Warlock Changes
Curse of Tongues now lasts 1 minute (was 30 seconds) and lasts 20 seconds against enemy players (was 12 seconds).
Affliction Warlock Changes
Malefic Rapture no longer causes targets to drop Stealth if it deals no damage.
Malefic Rapture will no longer waste a Soul Shard if no targets are within line of sight when the cast is completed.
Seed of Corruption now properly deals damage and applies
Corruption if the Warlock is crowd-controlled when the seed detonates.
Demonology Warlock Changes
Call Dreadstalkers,
Summon Demonic Tyrant,
Summon Vilefiend,
Nether Portal demons, and
Grimoire: Felguard will now listen to primary pet commands.
Call Dreadstalkers Attack Power increased by 10%, and Dreadbide and Dreadlash damage increased by 10%.
Destruction Warlock Changes
Mastery: Chaotic Energies now properly increases the damage of
Warlock Covenant Ability Changes
Scouring Tithe (Kyrian) now requires the Warlock to be facing its target.
Decimating Bolt (Necrolord) bonus damage from the target’s missing health increased to 100% (was 60%).
Impending Catastrophe (Venthyr) damage while moving towards its target has been increased by 10% and its explosion damage increased by 15%.
Impending Catastrophe (Venthyr) no longer damages totems in its path to the target.
Warlock Legendary Power Changes
In this section, we list all Warlock Legendary Power changes that went live in Patch 9.0.5.
Affliction Warlock Legendary Powers
Malefic Wrath duration increased to 10 seconds (was 8 seconds) and damage per stack increased to 35% (was 25%).
Wrath of Consumption duration increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds) and periodic damage increased to 6% (was 5%).
Wrath of Consumption now properly increases the damage of
Scouring Tithe's periodic effects.
Demonology Warlock Legendary Powers
Implosive Potential's Haste buff duration increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
Balespider's Burning Core increases the damage of
Demonbolt by 15% per stack (was 8% per stack).
Grim Inquisitor's Dread Calling increased to 4% per stack (was 3% per stack).
Destruction Warlock Legendary Powers
Madness of the Azj'Aqir duration increased to 4 seconds (was 3 seconds).
Embers of the Diabolic Raiment now properly generate 6 Soul Shard Fragments when dealing a critical strike with
Warlock PvP Changes
Amplify Curse (PvP Talent) cooldown reduced to 30 seconds (was 45 seconds).
Casting Circle (PvP Talent) no longer causes
Unending Resolve to stop granting its interrupt immunity.
Demon Armor (PvP Talent) increases Armor by 160% (was 90%).
- Fixed an issue where
Rapid Contagion (Affliction PvP Talent) could be used while under the effects of crowd control abilities.
Warlock Anima Power Changes
Detonation Torch has been redesigned — Increases
Shadow Bolt,
Drain Soul (Level 15 Talent),
Demonic Core, and
Incinerate damage by 75% per stack. Stacks up to 3 times.
Inferno Skewers has been redesigned — Increases the damage of
Seed of Corruption,
Implosion, and
Rain of Fire by 75%. Stacks up to 4 times.
Pact of Thickness now increases summoned demons health and damage by 50% (was only demon health).
Smoking Shard of Teleportation buff duration increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
Bottled Shadow duration increased to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).
Visage of Lethality has been redesigned — When you are struck in melee by an auto-attack, you fear all nearby enemies for 8 seconds. The effect can happen once every 45 seconds.
The following Anima Powers have been removed: Hellfire Pact,
Crystal of Perpetual Displacement.
More Patch 9.0.5 Class Changes
You can find other Patch 9.0.5 class changes linked below.
- 08 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5 release.
- 26 Feb. 2021: Updated for Build 37705.
- 21 Feb. 2021: Guide added.
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