Warlock Guide

Warlock emblem
Last updated on Mar 04, 2025 at 00:21 by Motoko

Welcome to our World of Warcraft The War Within Warlock Guide. Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Warlock can pick and choose from, with links and in-depth information available to each specs Talents, Builds, Rotation, Gear and much more.

Warlock Guides

Wield dark curses and soul-draining magic to spreading agony and decay, slowly consuming the life of your enemies.

Warlock Guides

Command infernal demons and hellish creatures from the Twisting Nether to wreak havoc ipon your foes.

Warlock Guides

Weave chaotic fire and fel energies together to create catastrophic spells, unleashing them in a blaze of devastation.


The War Within Warlock Specializations

Select a specialization below!
Caster DPS
Caster DPS
Caster DPS

Affliction Warlock

Warlocks are the dark arts casters of World of Warcraft, embodying the desire to reach new highs, through the use of demonic powers and summoning demonic minions to aid in their quest for dominance.

Perhaps one of the most iconic specialisation in the game, Affliction is the facet focused around whittling down foes with debuffs and damage over time effects, while still sharing the Warlock design tenet of building resources (Soul Shards) in order to spend them with powerful spells.

The current evolution of the spec design makes use of DoT (Damage over Time) as both a mean to deal damage and a buffer for an all purpose spender. As such the playstyle is centered around maintaining several damage over time effects and debuffs such as Corruption Icon Corruption, Unstable Affliction Icon Unstable Affliction and Agony Icon Agony in order to deal damage and buff each cast of Malefic Rapture Icon Malefic Rapture.


Raid Popularity

Having currently a below average single target potential, Affliction relevance is based on encounters design which this tier favours the spec for the most part, offering frequent secondary targets that allow the spec to fully leverage its funnel capabilities.


Mythic+ Popularity

In Mythic+ Affliction has the tools to deal exceptional AoE damage, especially at higher target count, and retain a somewhat flexible damage profile, able to handle both bosses and trash in a versatile setup. What generally holds Warlocks back is their utility, which is mostly comprised of Curses and Healthstone Icon Healthstones or the occasional Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway skip.


Demonology Warlock

Warlocks are the dark arts casters of World of Warcraft, embodying the desire to reach new highs, through the use of demonic powers and summoning demonic minions to aid in their quest for dominance.

Demonology fully embraces the summoning aspect, offering the fantasy of a commander who chooses to command a Demonic Army to do their bidding.

Demonology has a fast paced and deterministic gameplay built around cycles of demonic summons in order to damage their foes. Shadow Bolt Icon Shadow Bolt and Demonbolt Icon Demonbolt are used to generate Soul Shards to then spend and summon a vast array of demons, comprised of Wild Imps, Dreadstalkers, Vilefiends, Felguards and Demonic Tyrants.


Raid Popularity

Demonology, like all Warlock specialisation at the moment is hampered by an undertuned single target damage, and mobility tools that require pre-planning. What offers that set it apart from the other Warlock specialisations however is an extremely powerful AoE burst, and short cooldowns. Historically (at least in the recent expansions) Demonology has performed extremely well, offering decent mobility, good single target and best-in-class AoE burst.


Mythic+ Popularity

In Mythic+ Demonology offers better AoE burst and the ability to prepare said burst during the previous pull, but otherwise have a similar damage profile of the other two spec minus the ability to funnel that level of damage on priority targets. What generally holds Warlocks back is their utility, which is mostly comprised of Curses and Healthstone Icon Healthstones or the occasional Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway skip.


Destruction Warlock

Warlocks are the dark arts casters of World of Warcraft, embodying the desire to reach new highs, through the use of demonic powers and summoning demonic minions to aid in their quest for dominance.

Destruction embraces the chaotic side of Warlocks, raining down Fel Fire to burn and annihilate enemies. Demonic (Fel) Fire is the theme around the specialisation which features an arsenal of direct damage spells, such as Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt and Incinerate Icon Incinerate to use in conjunction with Immolate Icon Immolate.

Destruction as a Warlock specialisation retain the design philosophy of generating resources (Soul Shards) in order to spend them on powerful spells such as Chaos Bolt Icon Chaos Bolt and Rain of Fire Icon Rain of Fire, and plays in a rather straightforward but satisfying fashion. In its current iteration it is an easy to pick up spec with enough nuances to be hard to master.


Raid Popularity

Destruction, like all Warlock specialisation at the moment is held back by an undertuned single target damage. The spec is the most mobile of the Warlocks in single target scenarios and situations where Shadowburn Icon Shadowburn can be leveraged. It retains one of the strongest funnel potential, alongside Affliction and one of the best two-targets damage profile.


Mythic+ Popularity

In Mythic+ Destruction has carved over the years a place for very high sustained AoE performance, which is still somewhat true but not to the level of the previous Inferno Icon Inferno design. The spec has a highly adaptable damage profile and is an extremely compelling choice for caster DPS in terms of output. What generally holds Warlocks back is their utility, which is mostly comprised of Curses and Healthstone Icon Healthstones or the occasional Demonic Gateway Icon Demonic Gateway skip.