How to Obtain Warlock Pet Customizations in World of Warcraft
The following guide shows you all the available customization options for Warlock pets and tells you where to get them.
Briefly About Warlock Pet Customization Options
Starting with Patch 10.1.5, Warlock players can customize the appearance of their pets separately in the Barber Shop. Some appearances and color variations will be unlocked by default whereas the more advanced ones will require Warlocks to complete a questline or collect grimoires.
How to Earn the Warlock Imp Customization Options
In addition to the standard Imp style, Warlocks can also unlock Fel Imps and Fiends. You will earn the Imp and the first color by default when you unlock the pet. The remaining ones must be unlocked by completing various content in the game that we outline below.
This customization option is available by default.
Grimoire of the Dreadfire Imp — The customization is available by speaking
to Vi'el in Winterspring (59, 78).
Grimoire of the Fiendish Imp — The customization option can be purchased from Legion Timewalking vendor
in Dalaran (Broken Isles) for 1,000
Timewarped Badges whenever Legion
Timewalking is up. The vendor does not spawn outside of Legion Timewalking.
Grimoire of the Felblaze Imp — This imp customization drops from Pusillin in
Dire Maul East. Entrance to the dungeon can be found in Feralas.
Grimoire of the Felfrost Imp drops from a Warlock-specific questline at the Darkmoon Faire. Talk
to Madam Shadow near the arena to get started.
Grimoire of the Netherbound Imp has a chance to drop from Matron Folnuna, a Legion
World Boss found in a Greater Invasion Points in Antoran Wastes. Greater Invasion Points
are marked on the map of Argus with a green portal icon with a skull at the top.
Grimoire of the Darkfire Imp can be purchased from Imp Mother Dyala at the Dreadscar Rift
(Warlock Legion Order Hall) for 15,000 gold.
Grimoire of the Hellfire Fel Imp can drop from Terestian Illhoof in original Karazhan accessed
through the entrance in the Deadwing Pass.
Grimoire of the Trickster Fel Imp has a chance to drop from final bosses in Time Rifts,
a Dragonflight endgame activity taking place in Thaldraszus. Look for the horn icon
on your map for the exact coordinates of the event.
Grimoire of the Fel Imp is crafted through Inscription. Find a scribe who can craft
it for you or purchase the grimoire at the Auction House.
You will learn these customization options through Grimoire of the Fel Imp
This is Warlock glyph sold on the Auction House and crafted using Inscription.
Grimoire of the Void-Touched Fel Imp is available for purchase from the Burning Crusade
Timewalking vendor Cupri in Shattrath for 1,000
Timewarped Badges whenever Burning
Crusade Timewalking is up. Please note the vendor does not spawn outside of Burning Crusade Timewalking, so you cannot get the appearance.
You must complete the Dark Summons quest that automatically appears in your Quest Log receive the following three appearances. Alliance players need to seek out Assistant Phineas in the Stormwind's Mage Quarter. Horde players must meet him in the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar.
How to Earn the Warlock Voidwalker Customization Options
The Warlock Voidwalker and Voidseeker are unlocked by default, but to earn the
Voidlord and the other color variation, you will need to acquire
Grimoire of the Voidlord, created by Inscription. You can buy the grimoire
in the Auction House.
Here is an overview of all Voidwalker options you can unlock.
The following customization option is available by default.
The following customization option is available by default.
The following customization option is available by default.
The following customization option is available by default.
The following customization option is available by default.
The following customization option is available by default.
The following customization option is available by default.
Grimoire of the Voidlord from Inscription is required to unlock this
option. You can buy the item in the Auction House.
Grimoire of the Voidlord from Inscription is required to unlock this
option. You can buy the item in the Auction House.
How to Earn the Warlock Sayaad Customization Options
The Sayaad customization options include Succubus, Incubus, and Shivarra.
Below you will find an overview of all the available options including their source.
This one is available by default.
Requires Grimoire of the Shadow Succubus,created by scribes and the item can
be purchased on the Auction House too.
Orb of the Fel Temptress has a chance to drop from Hellblaze Temptress in the
Cathedral of Eternal Night Legion dungeon. Entrance to the dungeon can be found in the Broken Shore
near the Tomb of Sargeras raid entrance.
The default Incubus model is available to everyone without the need to unlock it.
Requires Grimoire of the Shivarra. The item is created through Inscription
and you can simply buy it in the Auction House.
Learned via Grimoire of the Shivarra from the Auction House or Inscription.
Learned via Grimoire of the Shivarra from the Auction House or Inscription.
Learned via Grimoire of the Shivarra from the Auction House or Inscription.
How to Earn the Warlock Felhunter Customization Options
Customization options include Felhunter and Dreadhount for this pet.
This customization is unlocked by default.
Grimoire of the Voracious Felmaw has a chance to drop from Time Rifts that take place in Thaldraszus.
Grimoire of the Antoran Felhunter has a chance to drop from Felhounds of Sargeras in Antorus, the Burning Throne raid
located on Argus. The raid entrance will be marked on your map in Antoran Wastes.
Grimoire of the Xorothian Felhunter is obtained from the Antorus raid. Specifically,
you must kill Portal Keeper Hasabel while having
Zhar'doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer transmogged
on any staff. When the boss is dead, take the red portal behind her to reach the upper platform.
There, interact with the Broken Gateway, wait for the channel to finish and loot the Singed Grimoire
from the ground.
Ritual of the Voidmaw Felhunter can be found inside the Legion version of the Karazhan dungeon.
Do not forget the newer dungeon version is entered from the side, not the front.
After defeating Mana Devourer, head up the stairs and search for a torn page on the bookshelves.
How to Earn the Warlock Felguard Customization Options
Warlocks gain access to the Felguard and Wrathguard customization options.
The following options are available by default to everyone.
The remaining options are gated behind Grimoire of the Wrathguard that you can
get from Inscription or the Auction House.
How to Earn the Warlock Infernal Customization Options
The Infernal customization options are unlocked by default.
The Abyssal customization options are unlocked from Grimoire of the Abyssal. The Grimoire
is created by scribes or you can buy it in the Auction House.
How to Earn the Warlock Doomguard Customization Options
The Doomguard Customization Options are available to everyone by default.
How to Earn the Warlock Darkglare Customization Options
The base Darkglare option is unlocked by default.
Grimoire of the Eredathian Darkglare has a chance to drop from
Zuraal the Ascended in the Seat of the Triumvirate dungeon. Entrance to the dungeon
is found in Eredath, one of the Argus zones.
Grimoire of the Riftsmolder Darkglare drops from Viz'aduum the Watcher boss
in the Legion version of Karazhan.
Grimoire of the Xorothian Darkglare drops from Portal Keeper Hasabel in
Antorus, the Burning Throne raid on Argus. The raid entrance is found in the
Antoran Wastes.
Grimoire of the Abyssal Darkglare drops from Mistress Sassz'ine, the Naga Boss
in the Tomb of Sargeras raid. The entrance is found in the Broken Shore.
Grimoire of the Mana-Gorged Observer can be found in the uninstanced version
of Karazhan in Deadwing Pass (44, 72) in the Nightbane room by interacting with the
Carved Eye located behind the north door. Uninstanced means you do not enter the
raid to find the item.
Grimoire of the Whispering Observer is looted from the Carved Eye located
in the uninstanced version of Ahn'qiraj. It is at 43, 10, in Silithus. If you cannot
see it, talk to Zidormi marked on the map to enter a different phase of Silithus.
Grimoire of the Plagued Observer is found by interacting with the Carved Eye in
Eastern Plaguelands near the Stratholme instance. If you previously had the observer unlocked
that Blizzard removed, you will have this option available by default a the Barber.
Otherwise, you will find it at 29, 14, in Eastern Plaguelands on a tree to the right of
the Stratholme entrance.
Grimoire of the Dire Observer is looted in an uninstanced version of Dire Maul
at 61, 31, in Feralas.
Grimoire of the Blasted Observer can be found in the Blasted Lands at the
Dark Portal foundations (56, 54). If you cannot find the Carved Eye there,
make sure to talk to Zidormi marked on your map to enter a different phase of
Blasted Lands, and try again.
Grimoire of the Zealous Observer is looted by interacting with the Carved
Eye in Tirisfal Glades found in the uninstanced version of Scarlet Monastery at 41, 53.
To acquire the Grimoire of the Ancient Observer, you will need to venture into the Throne of Thunder raid.
If it is your first visit to the zone, seek out the elven NPCs stationed on the ground outside the Shrine of Seven Stars
in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Pandaria). They will provide you with the Thunder Calls quest, which directs you to your
faction leader located near the Shado-Pan Garrison in Townlong Steppes.
When you unlock the Isle of Thunder, located the Throne of Thunder raid entrance, and kill Durumu
who drops Durumu's Glass Pupil. Use it to start a puzzle that must be solved to for
Grimoire of the Ancient Observer.
If you would like to easily solve the puzzle and not bother with math, we recommend you to use the following spreadsheet by ZamestoTV
How to Earn the Warlock Demonic Tyrant Customization Options
Finally, we are looking at how to obtain customization options for your
Summon Demonic Tyrant spell.
Here is the base tint available to everyone by default.
Grimoire of the Felbrute Tyrant drops from Archimonde in
Hellfire Citadel. The Warlords of Draenor raid is found in Tanaan Jungle. Simply, follow
the path from Talador leading to the Tanaan Jungle to reach the raid.
Grimoire of the Netherwalk Tyrant is purchased from Gigi Gigavoid at the Warlock
Order Hall (Dreadscar Rift) for 5,000 gold.
Grimoire of the Vile Tyrant drops from Radix in Antoran Wastes (73, 67) on Argus.
Grimoire of the Bloodrage Tyrant drops from Ixalion the Soulbreaker elite located
on the ship right Kil'jaeden in the Tomb of Sargeras. See above for raid entrance coords.
- 05 Feb. 2024: The guide has been completely revamped with all sources now indicated in detail.
- 07 Aug. 2023: Added speficic details pertaining to the class quest for Imp customizations.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Guide added.
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