Warlock Soulbind Conduit List
This guide lists all of the Warlock Conduits that you can use in Soulbind trees in the Shadowlands expansion.
The following page lists all Warlock Soulbind Conduits available in Shadowlands and links to our guides for choosing the best Conduits for your spec.
If you want to know more about Soulbind Conduits in general, please read our Soulbind Conduits Guide.
Best Conduits for Warlocks
For more information regarding the best Conduits for each Warlock spec, please refer to our spec-specific pages:
Warlock Endurance Soulbind Conduits
Accrued Vitality —
Drain Life heals for 44-100% of the amount drained over 10 seconds.
Diabolic Bloodstone — Anyone that consumes your Healthstone infuses you with 10-24% leech for 6 seconds.
Resolute Barrier — Attack received that deal at least 5% of your health decrease
Unending Resolve's cooldown by 10 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30-16 seconds.
Warlock Finesse Soulbind Conduits
Demonic Momentum —
Demonic Circle: Teleport increases Movement Speed by 307258% for 5 seconds.
Fel Celerity — The cooldown of
Fel Domination is reduced by 48-90 seconds.
Kilrogg's Cunning — Your Eye of Kilrogg is no longer stealthed and can now place your Demonic Circle. You must be within line of sight of the Eye of Kilrogg to place the Demonic Circle. The movement speed of your Eye of Kilrogg is increased by 50-120%.
Shade of Terror — Your Fear effects can withstand 100-170% more damage before breaking.
Warlock Potency Soulbind Conduits
Ashen Remains —
Chaos Bolt and
Incinerate deal 4-9.6% increased damage to targets afflicted by
Borne of Blood —
Hand of Gul'dan has a 16-38.4% chance to generate a charge of
Demonic Core.
Carnivorous Stalkers — Your Dreadstalkers' attacks have a 3-7.2% chance to trigger an additional Dreadbite.
Catastrophic Origin —
Impending Catastrophe's damage over time and the inflicted Curse last 50-102% longer against your primary target.
Cold Embrace — The effectiveness of
Shadow Embrace is increased by 33-75%.
Combusting Engine —
Conflagrate increases your remaining
Immolate damage by 8-19.2% until Immolate expires or is refreshed.
Corrupting Leer —
Agony and
Unstable Affliction damage have a 3-5.8% chance to reduce the cooldown of
Summon Darkglare by 10 seconds.
Duplicitous Havoc —
Havoc transfers 10-24% more damage.
Fel Commando — Your Felguard deals 7.5-18% more damage and takes 7.5-18% less damage.
Focused Malignancy —
Malefic Rapture deals 15-36% increased damage to targets suffering from
Unstable Affliction.
Infernal Brand mdash; Your Infernal's melee attacks cause its target to take 2-4.8% increased damage from its
Immolation, stacking up to 15 times.
Prolonged Decimation —
Drain Soul,
Incinerate (Destruction), or
Shadow Bolt has a 10-24% chance to not consume a charge of
Decimating Bolt.
Rolling Agony — The duration of
Agony is increased by 4-9.6 seconds.
Soul Eater —
Soul Rot's damage and radius is increased by 25-60%.
Soul Tithe — When a target dies under the effect of
Scouring Tithe, gain 10-24% increased damage to your
Malefic Rapture (Affliction), demons (Demonology), or
Chaos Bolt (Destruction) for 10 seconds.
Tyrant's Soul — After your Demonic Tyrant expires, gain a stack of
Demonic Core and increase the damage your demons deal by 10-24% for 15 seconds.
Withering Bolt —
Shadow Bolt deals 10% (or
Drain Soul deals 5-12%) more damage per damage-over-time effect you have active on the target.
Other Class-Specific Soulbind Conduits
Here are links to the Soulbind Conduits of other classes.
- 27 Jun. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.
- 09 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
- 24 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands launch.
- 26 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35938.
- 05 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
- 31 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35679.
- 22 Aug. 2020: Guide added.
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