Warrior Class Changes for Shadowlands (Patch 9.0.2)
On this page, you will find a list of all Warrior changes coming in Shadowlands.
In addition to the class changes listed here, Warriors also gain access to class-specific Warrior Covenant Abilities that can be used anywhere in the open world, Legendary Powers obtained through Runecarving, Soulbind Conduits, and Anima Powers that only work in Torghast.
General Changes
Whirlwind is now capped at 5 targets.
Taunt is now learned at level 8 (was 14).
Charge is now learned at level 14 (was 8).
- All Warriors can now use the following abilities
- New Ability:
Shattering Throw — Hurl your weapon at the enemy, causing Physical damage, ignoring armor, and removing any magical immunities. Deals up to 500% increased damage to absorb shields.
- New Ability:
Intervene — Run at high speed toward an ally, intercepting all melee and ranged attacks against them for 6 seconds while they remain within 10 yards.
Slam — Slams an opponent, causing Physical damage.
Shield Slam — Slams the target with your shield, causing Physical damage.
Shield Block — Raise your shield, blocking all melee attacks against you for 6 seconds.
Hamstring — Maims the enemy for Physical damage, reducing movement speed by 50% for 15 seconds.
Whirlwind — Unleashes a whirlwind of steel, striking up to 5 nearby targets for Physical damage.
Spell Reflection — is no longer a PvP Talent. Raise your weapon reflecting spells cast on you and reducing magical damage you take by 20%. Lasts 5 seconds or until a spell is reflected.
- New PvP Talent:
Overwatch (replaces Spell Reflection) — When you intervene an ally, they gain Spell Reflection for 5 seconds or until a spell is reflected.
- New Ability:
General Warrior Abilities Unlocked Above Level 50
Challenging Shout (Level 54) — Taunts all enemies within 10 yards to attack you for 6 seconds. Instant-cast, 4-minute cooldown.
Rallying Cry (Level 56) — Grants an additional 5% temporary and maximum Health.
Arms Warrior
Arms Warriors have not changed much in Shadowlands, with only a few talent and ability adjustments. Players familiar with the Battle for Azeroth version of Arms will find it familiar, although there are a few noticeable differences, and the inclusion of unpruned defensive and utility spells gives the spec more gameplay options than before.
The most notable change for Arms Warriors is the Mastery Mastery: Deep Wounds
now increasing the targets damage taken form all abilities, placing emphasis
back on the player casted abilities rather than the passive DoT effect.
Maintaining this debuff will therefore be the upmost importance, in both single
target and multitarget situations.
This change also impacts the DPS rotation, as Execute no longer
applies Deep Wounds, placing additional emphasis on
Mortal Strike to
maintain the effect. However, the debuff now lasts significantly longer, and is
also applied by
Colossus Smash, making it fairly easy to keep active.
- New Ability:
Piercing Howl — Snares all enemies within 12 yards, reducing their movement speed by 70% for 8 seconds.
Mastery: Deep Wounds redesigned —
Mortal Strike,
Colossus Smash,
Warbreaker, and
Bladestorm inflict Deep Wounds, dealing Bleed damage over 12 seconds and increasing the damage the enemy takes from you by 9%.
Sweeping Strikes now has a 0.75-second global cooldown (was 1.5 second).
Bladestorm is now capped at 8 targets.
Arms Warrior Talent Changes
Fervor of Battle no longer increases the damage of
Rend now has a 15-second duration (was 12 seconds). Additionally, it increases the target's critical damage taken from the casting Warrior's abilities by 10%.
Collateral Damage has been redesigned — When
Sweeping Strikes ends, your next
Whirlwind deals 25% increased damage for each ability used during Sweeping Strikes that damaged a second target.
Cleave has been redesigned and now replaces
Sweeping Strikes. Strikes up to 5 enemies in front of you for Physical damage, inflicting Deep Wounds. Cleave will consume your
Overpower effect to deal increased damage.
Deadly Calm has been redesigned — Reduces the Rage cost of your next 4 abilities by 100%. Passive: Your maximum Rage is increased by 30.
Dreadnaught has been redesigned —
Overpower has 2 charges and causes a seismic wave, dealing damage to up to 5 enemies in a 10-yard line.
Ravager now has a 45-second cooldown (was 1 minute), duration increased to 12 seconds (was 7 seconds), periodic damage increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second), and now chases nearby enemies in combat. Additionally, Ravager is now capped at 8 targets.
Impending Victory healing increased to 30% (was 20%).
Avatar no longer has a global cooldown.
General Arms Warrior Abilities Learned Above Level 50
Die by the Sword (Level 52) — Cooldown reduced by 60 seconds.
Sweeping Strikes (Level 58) — Duration increased by 3 seconds.
Arms Warrior Talent Tree
Below is the current talent tree for Arms Warriors.
- Level 15 Talents:
War Machine /
Sudden Death /
- Level 25 Talents:
Double Time /
Impending Victory /
Storm Bolt;
- Level 30 Talents:
Massacre /
Fervor of Battle /
- Level 35 Talents:
Second Wind /
Bounding Stride /
Defensive Stance;
- Level 40 Talents:
Collateral Damage /
Warbreaker /
- Level 45 Talents:
In For The Kill /
Avatar /
Deadly Calm;
- Level 50 Talents:
Anger Management /
Dreadnaught /
Arms Warrior Shadowlands Guide
Fury Warrior
Fury Warriors core gameplay is nearly identical in Shadowlands, but has received a good number of talent changes which shake things up in a good way and the inclusion of unpruned defensive and utility spells gives the spec more gameplay options than before.
The most notable change for Fury Warriors is the reduction of the Haste
bonus from Enrage, slowing the spec down slightly to make it more
friendly to a broader range of players. While this is a nerf, it is made up
for with some very good talent adjustments which increase the reliability of the
specialization, such as the new version of
Fresh Meat, allowing
consistent Enrage procs at the start of any encounter.
The DPS rotation itself is almost entirely unchanged, with only the new
talented ability Onslaught being added as a mid-priority damaging
attack. As a result, players familar with Battle for Azeroth should find Fury
very familiar and the changes easy to adapt to.
- New Ability:
Single-Minded Fury (Passive) — While dual-wielding a pair of One-Handed weapons, your damage is increased by 12% and your movement speed by 5%.
Bloodthirst now restores 3% of your health (was 5%).
Rampage now costs 80 Rage (was 85).
Recklessness now instantly generates 40 additional Rage.
Piercing Howl no longer costs Rage, now has a 30-second cooldown (was 0), has a 12-yard radius (was 15 yards), reduces enemies movement speed by 70% (was 50%), and has a 8-second duration (was 15 seconds).
Bladestorm is now capped at 8 targets.
General Fury Warrior Abilities Learned Above Level 50
Recklessness (Level 52) — Duration increased by 2 seconds.
Execute (Level 58) — Damage increased by 15%.
Fury Warrior Talent Changes
- New Talent:
Frenzy (Replaces Inner Rage) —
Rampage increases your Haste by 3% for 12 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. This effect is reset if you Rampage a different primary target.
- New Talent:
Onslaught (replaces Furious Slash) — Brutally attack an enemy for Physical damage. Requires
Enrage. Generates 15 Rage.
- New Talent:
Cruelty — While Enraged,
Raging Blow deals 20% more damage and has a 30% chance to instantly reset its own cooldown.
- New Talent:
Seethe (replaces Carnage) —
Bloodthirst generates 2 more Rage, or 4 more Rage when it critically strikes your primary target.
Fresh Meat no longer increases the healing of
Bloodthirst. Now Fresh Meat causes Bloodthirst to always
Enrage you the first time you strike a target with Bloodthirst.
Massacre now has an additional effect — Reduces the cooldown of
Execute by 1.5 seconds.
Dragon Roar now has a 30-second cooldown (was 35 seconds), no longer reduces enemy movement speed, and critically strikes for 3 times normal damage.
Frothing Berserker has been redesigned —
Rampage has a 20% chance to immediately refund 40 Rage.
Meat Cleaver has been redesigned —
Whirlwind deals 30% more damage and now affects your next 4 single-target melee attacks, instead of the next 2 attacks.
Reckless Abandon has been redesigned —
Recklessness generates 50 Rage and greatly empowers
Bloodthirst and
Raging Blow.
Impending Victory healing increased to 30% (was 20%).
- Endless Rage has been removed and replaced with
Sudden Death on the Talent row.
Fury Warrior Talent Tree
Below is the current talent tree for Fury Warriors.
- Level 15 Talents:
War Machine /
Sudden Death /
Fresh Meat;
- Level 25 Talents:
Double Time /
Impending Victory /
Storm Bolt;
- Level 30 Talents:
Massacre /
Frenzy /
- Level 35 Talents:
Furious Charge /
Bounding Stride /
- Level 40 Talents:
Seethe /
Frothing Berserker /
- Level 45 Talents:
Meat Cleaver /
Dragon Roar /
- Level 50 Talents:
Anger Management /
Reckless Abandon /
Fury Warrior Shadowlands Guide
Protection Warrior
Revenge now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets, no longer has a cooldown, costs 20 Rage (was 30), and replaces
Slam when learned. Your successful dodges and parries now have a chance to make Revenge cost no Rage, instead of being guaranteed.
Avatar no longer has a global cooldown.
- Intercept has been removed.
Thunder Clap now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
Protection Warrior Abilities Learned Above Level 50
Avatar (Level 52) — Generates 10 more Rage.
Shield Wall (Level 58) — Reduces damage taken by an additional 10%.
Protection Warrior Talent Changes
- New Talent:
War Machine — Your auto attacks generate 50% more Rage. Killing an enemy instantly generates 10 Rage, and increases your movement speed by 30% for 8 seconds.
- New Talent:
Double Time (replaces Safeguard) — Increases the maximum number of charges on
Charge by 1, and reduces its cooldown by 3 seconds.
Dragon Roar now has a 30-second cooldown (was 35 seconds), no longer reduces enemy movement speed, and critically strikes for 3 times normal damage. Generates 20 Rage (was 10).
Ravager now has a 45-second cooldown (was 1 minute), duration increased to 12 seconds (was 7 seconds), periodic damage increased to 2 seconds (was 1 second), generates 10 Rage each time it deals damage, and now chases nearby enemies in combat. Additionally Ravager is now capped at 8 targets.
Best Served Cold has been redesigned —
Revenge deals 20% more damage, or 50% more damage when your successful dodges or parries have made it cost no Rage.
Menace has been redesigned —
Intimidating Shout will knock back all nearby enemies except your primary target, and cause them all to cower in fear for 15 seconds instead of fleeing.
Punish damage reduction effect can now overlap and has a maximum of 5 stacks.
Impending Victory healing increased to 30% (was 20%).
Bolster now grants the
Shield Block effect for the duration of
Last Stand (was block chance to 100%).
Indomitable now has an additional effect — Every 10 Rage you spend heals you for 1% of your maximum health.
Never Surrender now causes
Ignore Pain to prevent 40% to 100% based on missing health (was 0% to 100%).
Into the Fray now grants 2% haste for each enemy or ally within 10 yards (was 3% Haste).
Booming Voice damage bonus increased to 20% (was 15%).
Heavy Repercussions now causes
Shield Slam to generate 3 additional Rage, and no longer increases the damage of Shield Slam during
Shield Block.
Anger Management no longer reduces the cooldown of
Demoralizing Shout or
Last Stand.
Crackling Thunder now has an additional effect — Increases
Thunder Clap movement speed reduction by an additional 10%.
- Vengeance has been removed.
- New PvP Talent:
Rebound — Reflecting spells causes them to deal 33% extra damage back to the attacker.
- Mass Spell Reflection has been removed.
Protection Warrior Talent Tree
Below is the current talent tree for Protection Warriors.
- Level 15 Talents:
War Machine /
Punish /
- Level 25 Talents:
Double Time /
Rumbling Earth /
Storm Bolt;
- Level 30 Talents:
Best Served Cold /
Booming Voice /
Dragon Roar;
- Level 35 Talents:
Crackling Thunder /
Bounding Stride /
- Level 40 Talents:
Never Surrender /
Indomitable /
Impending Victory;
- Level 45 Talents:
Into the Fray /
Unstoppable Force /
- Level 50 Talents:
Anger Management /
Heavy Repercussions /
Protection Warrior Shadowlands Guide
More Patch 9.0.1 Class Changes
You can find other Patch 9.0.1 class changes linked below.
- 19 Nov. 2020: Shield Slam added.
- 16 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands release.
- 20 Oct. 2020: Updated War Machine and Thunder Clap (Protection).
- 13 Oct. 2020: Updated for the Shadowlands Pre-Patch.
- 06 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
- 07 Aug. 2020: Fixed Whirlwind interaction with Rank 2 in Shadowlands.
- 26 Jun. 2020: Reworked Warrior based on the latest Alpha update.
- 16 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34714.
- 09 Jun. 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34615.
- 02 Jun. 2020: Updated intro with links to Anima Powers and Covenant Abilities.
- 25 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34490.
- 15 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34365.
- 09 May 2020: Into the Fray nerf and Ravager fixes.
- 08 May 2020: Reviewed for Alpha Build 34278.
- 30 Apr. 2020: Updated Bladestorm and Sudden Death for Alpha Build 34199.
- 28 Apr. 2020: Updated for Alpha Build 34137.
- 21 Apr. 2020: Page added.
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