Warrior Guide

Warrior emblem
Last updated on Nov 13, 2024 at 16:30 by Mwahi

Welcome to our World of Warcraft The War Within Warrior Guide. Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Warriors can pick and choose from, with links and in-depth information available to each specs Talents, Builds, Rotation, Gear and much more.

Warrior Guides

Shatter your enemies with crushing blows and precise strikes, breaking through their defenses and weaknesses.

Warrior Guides

Unleash a relentless storm of strikes in a frenzied rage, wielding massive weapons like the berserkers of legend.

Warrior Guides

Raise your sword and shield to protect your allies as a stalwart defender, absorbing punishment on their behalf.


The War Within Warrior Specializations

Select a specialization below!
Melee DPS
Melee DPS

Arms Warrior

Arms warriors focus on setting up and dealing controlled, hard-hitting attacks. They carry a single 2-handed weapon like a proper juggernaught, trading attack-speed for more calculated, powerful blows.

Arms Warriors take a more methodical approach to encounters, which means setting up your hard-hitting abilities beforehand and then dealing a lot of damage in a short window. While the gameplay is not overly fast, the thought process required to properly align your abilities is what makes it engaging. They are also well-rounded defensively, having access to strong tools and a bit of self-healing.


Raid Popularity

Arms brings Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout and Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry to the team. Much like other Warrior specs, Arms also has access to high mobility tools. They can specialize in pure single-target damage, or give up some of that, in order to deal increased AoE damage. Their strong execute phase is another plus, which sets them apart from some other classes.


Mythic+ Popularity

In Mythic+, Arms provides a fairly sustained damage output. While they have cooldowns to deal burst damage, their damage output is decent even outside of these, making them a great choice overall. In addition to this, they can choose to pick various stuns and other crowdcontrol tools which are irreplacable in Mythic+. To top it all off, they also have strong defensive tools and the ability to reflect magic damage.


Fury Warrior

Fury Warriors are relentless, fast-paced dual-wielding powerhouses. They have one direction, and it is forward. Constantly attacking to deal a flurry of sustained blows is what Fury Warriors are best at.

The specialization has a very fast-paced playstyle with almost no down-time. The greatest part is, that the rotation remains roughly the same in both single-target, and AoE scenarios. You are able to cleave all your abilities onto nearby enemies! Furthermore, it has strong offensive cooldowns, during which the gameplay speeds up even more. To keep up with the agressive nature of the spec, they are also able to heal themselves and have access to decent defensive tools.


Raid Popularity

Fury Warriors bring Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout and Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry to the team. They deal decent single-target damage and have high mobility which allows them to manouver around the encounter easily. In addition to this, they can swap from single-target to AoE damage in a heartbeat, if talented as such, allowing them to burst down any enemies that spawn.


Mythic+ Popularity

In Mythic+, Fury Warriors bring a lot of front-loaded damage, thanks to their strong offensive cooldowns. This causes them to have very powerful burst damage at the cost of sustain, dealing the majority of their damage within small windows. While wearing Plate armor provides them greater survivability against physical damage, they can also deal with magical damage decently thanks to their selfhealing, and the ability to reflect back abilities cast at them.


Protection Warrior

Wearing plate armor and carrying a shield, rotection Warriors are the staple of a tank. Taking, and dealing damage, fulfill you with Rage, which in turn allows you to use your most powerful abilities to help you stay alive or to dish out even more damage.

Protection Warrior has a fairly fast playstyle, which requires you to keep track of your various buffs and resources. It has a lot of defensive and offensive cooldowns which are on a fairly low cooldown. This leads to having frequent burst windows and high up-time on the defensives. Damage wise, Protection Warriors are decent in both AoE and single-target encounters. In addition to this, the spec also provides strong execute damage and high mobility.


Raid Popularity

Protection Warriors bring Battle Shout Icon Battle Shout and Rallying Cry Icon Rallying Cry to the team. Being able to block most of the abilities and having enough defensive cooldowns to deal with everything else, Protection Warriors are a stable and stury tank for almost any encounter. We also bring great mobility and decent damage output, which can be further optimised to fit any scenario.


Mythic+ Popularity

In Mythic+, Protection Warrior brings the same strengths as to Raid. Blocking abilities allows the spec to deal with the majority of the damage intake. Dealing damage in Mythic+ is also another of our strengths. Thanks to how Anger Management Icon Anger Management works, we have access to Avatar Icon Avatar on a very short cooldown, ensuring frequent burst windows. Pair all this with the option to further enhance the performance with various talents, and it can easily be seen why the class is in a great place in Mythic+.