Warrior Legendary Powers and Armor in Shadowlands
An overview of Warrior Legendary Powers and Armor available in Shadowlands.
Warrior Legendary Armor
Legendary Armor pieces are named after Base Items, so two Legendary Armor pieces will share the same name, but have different Legendary Powers attached to them.
You can find more about crafting Legendary Armor in our Runecarving Guide.
Base Items are blank armor templates that are required to craft Legendary Armor in Shadowlands.
For more information about Base Items, please refer to our Base Items Guide.
General Legendary Powers
In addition to the Warrior-specific powers presented in this page, there are 8 generic Legendary Powers in Shadowlands that are accessible to all classes. You can find them in our general Legendary Powers Guide.
Warrior Legendary Powers
We divide Legendary powers into general, available to all classes, class-wide, available to all specializations within the same class, and specialization-specific, available to just one specialization. Legendary powers can only be imbued on Base Items and occupy specific armor slots, as outlined below.
Class-Wide Warrior Legendary Powers
The following Legendary powers are available to all specializations:
Leaper (Waist/Feet) —
Heroic Leap gains 2 additional charges.
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Memory of the Leaper — Purchased for Honor from Purveyor Zo'kuul. Must have Runecarving unlocked to purchase this memory.
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Misshapen Mirror (Neck/Chest) —
Spell Reflection lasts 60% longer, and applies to your nearest ally.
Seismic Reverberation (Head/Shoulder/Feet)
- Arms: if
Whirlwind hits 3 or more enemies, it hits them 1 additional time for 80% damage.
- Fury: if
Whirlwind hits 3 or more enemies, it hits them 1 additional time for 100% damage.
- Protection: if
Whirlwind or
Revenge hits 3 or more enemies, it hits them 1 additional time for 75% damage.
- Source:
Memory of the Misshapen Mirror — Rewarded from the Great Vault quest.
- Arms: if
Signet of Tormented Kings (Wrist/Finger) — Activating
Recklessness, or
Avatar randomly casts one of the other two abilities at reduced effectiveness.
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Memory of the Tormented Kings — Drops from Stone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria.
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Arms Warrior Legendary Powers
The powers listed here are intended for Arms Warriors.
Battlelord (Neck/Wrist) — Your
Overpower has a 40% chance to reset the cooldown of
Mortal Strike and reduce the Rage cost of your next Mortal Strike by 15.
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Memory of a Battlelord — Drops in Torghast, The Soulforges, Layer 3+.
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Enduring Blow (Head/Waist) — Your
Mortal Strike has a 25% chance to apply the
Colossus Smash effect to your target for 6 seconds.
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Memory of an Enduring Blow — Drops in Torghast, Skoldus Hallss, Layer 3+.
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Exploiter (Shoulder/Finger) —
Execute causes the target to take 50% more damage from your next
Mortal Strike, stacking up to 2 times.
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Memory of the Exploiter — Drops from Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria.
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Unhinged (Head/Wrist/Hands) — While
Ravager or
Bladestorm is active, you automatically cast a total of 2 Mortal Strikes at random nearby enemies.
- Source:
Memory of the Unhinged — Drops from Xav the Unfallen in Theater of Pain.
- Source:
To find out the best Legendaries for Arms Warrior, please refer to our dedicated guide:
Fury Warrior Legendary Powers
Here we list Legendary powers available to Fury Warriors in Shadowlands.
Cadence of Fujieda (Waist/Legs) —
Bloodthirst increases your Haste by 1% for 12 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
- Source:
Memory of Fujieda — Drops from World Boss Mortanis.
- Source:
Deathmaker (Back/Legs) —
Rampage has a 30% chance to apply the
Siegebreaker effect to your target for 6 seconds.
- Source:
Memory of the Deathmaker — Drops from Amarth in The Necrotic Wake.
- Source:
Reckless Defense (Head/Hands) —
Rampage strikes have 20% chance to reduce the remaining cooldown of your
Recklessness and
Enraged Regeneration by 1 second.
- Source:
Memory of a Reckless Defense — Drops in Torghast, Mort'regar, Layer 3+.
- Source:
Will of the Berserker (Back/Chest) — When
Recklessness expires, your Critical Strike is increased by 7% for 12 seconds. Your
Raging Blow will refresh the duration of this effect.
- Source:
Memory of the Berserker's Will — Drops from Sludgefist in Castle Nathria.
- Source:
To find out the best Legendaries for Fury Warrior, please refer to our dedicated guide:
Protection Warrior Legendary Powers
Legendary powers included in this section are for Protection Warriors.
Reprisal (Legs/Feet) —
Charge and
Intervene grant you
Shield Block,
Revenge, and generate 20 Rage.
- Source:
Memory of a Reprisal — Drops in Torghast, The Upper Reaches, Layer 3+.
- Source:
The Wall (Shoulder/Back) —
Shield Slam generates an additional 5 Rage and reduces the remaining cooldown of
Shield Wall by 5 seconds.
- Source:
Memory of the Wall — Drops from Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria.
- Source:
Thunderlord (Hands/Feet) — Each enemy hit by
Thunder Clap reduces the remaining cooldown on
Demoralizing Shout by 1.5 seconds, up to 4.5 seconds.
- Source:
Memory of the Thunderlord — Drops from Oryphrion in Spires of Ascension.
- Source:
Unbreakable Will (Chest/Finger) —
Shield Wall gains 1 additional charge, and grants 50% of its effect to all party members.
- Source:
Memory of an Unbreakable Will — Drops from Torghast, Coldheart Interstitia, Layer 3+.
- Source:
To find out the best Legendaries for Protection Warrior, please refer to our dedicated guide:
Covenant-Specific Warrior Legendary Powers
This section contains all the new Warrior Legendary Powers added in Patch 9.1. You can unlock them by reaching Renown 48 with your Covenant.
Elysian Might (Legs/Feet) —
Spear of Bastion's duration is increased by 4 seconds. While you remain within Spear of Bastion's area your critical strike damage is increased by 25%.
Glory (Chest/Waist) —
Conqueror's Banner affects 1 additional ally and every 20 (Arms/Fury) or 10 Rage (Protection) you spend while it is active increases the duration of your banner by 0.5 seconds.
Nature's Fury (Back/Wrist/Hands) —
Ancient Aftershock's duration is increased by 3 seconds and enemies hit take (41.5% of Attack Power) Nature damage over 6 seconds, stacking 6 times.
Sinful Surge (Head/Neck/Shoulder) —
Condemn extends the duration of:
- Arms:
Colossus Smash by 1.5 seconds.
- Fury:
Recklessness by 1.5 seconds.
- Protection:
Avatar by 2.5 seconds.
- Arms:
Other Class-Specific Legendary Powers
Legendary powers available to other classes in Shadowlands can be found below.
- 30 Oct. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.1.5 release.
- 15 Jul. 2021: Updated with latest tuning changes.
- 28 Jun. 2021: Updated for Chains of Domination.
- 09 Mar. 2021: Updated for Patch 9.0.5.
- 28 Dec. 2020: Fixed Deathmaker and Reckless Defense sources.
- 18 Nov. 2020: Updated for Shadowlands release.
- 27 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35978.
- 25 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35938.
- 04 Sep. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35755.
- 21 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35598.
- 08 Aug. 2020: Updated for Beta Build 35432.
- 18 Jul. 2020: Fixed typos.
- 08 Jul. 2020: Guide added.
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