Weekly and Daily To-Do List for Dragonflight
The following guide contains a to-do list for Patch 10.2.6 and highlights your daily and weekly goals in the latest content update.
It can be challenging to prioritize your goals whenever a new patch releases. We compiled a list of goals that you should focus on when Patch 10.2.6 goes live. You can find a summary of all the content that awaits you in our content overview.
Fresh Level 70 Guide
If you have just hit Level 70, we recommend you to check out our Fresh Level 70 guide instead.
To-Do List for Dragonflight Season 4 Week 1
This section covers what you should focus on during the week of April 23, 2024. The exact item level of rewards will depend on your current item level. The system is built to offer slight upgrades every time you complete the events.
New Content Available This Week
The following new content is available on live servers this week:
- Awakened Raids are now available with the first raid being Vault of the Incarnates.
Prioritize clearing the raid on any difficulty to get your first
Antique Bronze Bullion.
- The first Revival Catalyst charge is available this week, but make sure to use it after you cleared the Awakened raid to see how many tier set pieces you will end up with after your run. The final boss drops an omnitoken that all classes can roll for. Killing the final boss on Heroic Difficulty yields a token that you can exchange for 1 class set piece.
- Time Rifts, Fyrakk Assaults, Dreamsurges, and Superblooms now offer better loot. Item levels went up by 39 this season.
- If you own Fyralath and Naszuro, you can upgrade both weapons to the Season 4
item level (502) next week with 2
Antique Bronze Bullions at the Parting Glass in Valdrakken.
- New crests are avalable for gear upgrading, you will find the new brackets in our gearing guide.
- New rewards await in Mythic+ and Dragonflight PvP Season 4.
- This week's bonus event is Burning Crusade Timewalking. The weekly quest awards 493+ loot,
and the cache you get from the Black Temple Timewalking quest has a chance to contain
Ashes of Al'ar and 502+ gear. Bosses inside the raid drop item level 493+ loot.
- Burning Crusade reputation gains allow players to reach Revered with the Netherwing faction super fast.
- Demon Hunters who earned the Warglaives of Azzinoth achievement can unlock
Arsenal: The Warglaives of Azzinoth from Illidan in Black Temple Timewalking.
Weekly To-Do List
- Plunderstorm Experience gains are doubled until the event ends, make sure to complete all games.
- The first thing you should do when servers are up after the weekly maintenance is go to the Great Vault and select your piece of gear if you have unlocked any slots the previous week.
- Then, head to the center of Valdrakken and pick up the open-world weekly quest. Complete it
to receive your first
Splintered Spark of Awakening.
- Use the Emerald Dream portal located in Valdrakken to reach the Emerald Dream. The portal can be found at 62.9 57.5.
- When you get to the Central Encampment,pick up the weekly quest A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens, which requires you to farm 1,500 reputation with the faction for the following rewards: 500 Dream Wardens reputation, 1 000 gold, 12-15
Drake's Dreaming Crests, and a chance at an Item Level 441 Veteran gear piece.
- Complete a Superbloom for a cache containing a Dream Wardens Insignia that increases your reputation with the Dream Wardens faction by 1 000, a Veteran 1/8 Item Level 441 piece of gear, and a Dreamseed.
- Focus on capping your Whelpling, Drake, Aspect, and Wyrm Crests. You can farm 120 per type each week.
- All open-world activities now grant better rewards. Make sure to not skip anything!
Tracking Daily and Weekly Objectives in Dragonflight
Tama's Dragonflight Helper is an extremely useful WeakAura that we recommend you import for easier tracking of your objectives in Emerald Dream.
- 25 Apr. 2024: Updated for Season 4 Week 1.
- 28 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.6 Week 2.
- 12 Mar. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5 Week 9.
- 15 Feb. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5 Week 5.
- 10 Feb. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5 Week 4.
- 01 Feb. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5 Week 3.
- 24 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 10.2.5 Week 2.
- 14 Dec. 2023: Updated for the week of Dec 12.
- 05 Dec. 2023: To-do list updated for the week of Dec 5.
- 26 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2 Week 3.
- 15 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2 Week 2.
- 09 Nov. 2023: Adding crests.
- 07 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2 Week 1.
- 24 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7 Week 8.
- 17 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7 Week 7.
- 10 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7 Week 6.
- 12 Sep. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7 Week 2.
- 05 Sep. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.7 launch.
- 29 Aug. 2023: Updated for the final Patch 10.1.5 week.
- 22 Aug. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5 Week 7.
- 10 Aug. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5 Week 5.
- 02 Aug. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5 Week 4.
- 27 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5 Week 3.
- 19 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5 Week 2.
- 11 Jul. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1.5.
- 19 Jun. 2023: Updated for the week of June 20.
- 08 Jun. 2023: Updated for the week of June 6.
- 24 May 2023: Updated for the fourth week of Patch 10.1.
- 18 May 2023: Updated for the Week 3.
- 09 May 2023: Updated for Season 2 launch week.
- 05 May 2023: Removed Researchers Under Fire from Week 1, fixed dungeon quest requirements.
- 03 May 2023: Updated with the Weekly Dungeon Event.
- 30 Apr. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1 Week 1.
- 09 Apr. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7 Week 3.
- 02 Apr. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7 Week 2.
- 23 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7 launch.
- 09 Feb. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.5 Week 3.
- 25 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.5 Week 1.
- 10 Jan. 2023: Updated for Week 7.
- 05 Jan. 2023: Updated for Week 6.
- 28 Dec. 2022: Updated for Week 5.
- 21 Dec. 2022: Updated for Week 4.
- 17 Dec. 2022: Updated for Week 3.
- 07 Dec. 2022: Updated for the Week of Dec 6.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Guide added.
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