Wild Battle Pets in Shadowlands Patch 9.1
Battle Pets which are out in the open world, ready to be collected just by beating and trapping them in a battle are found on this page.
Wild Battle Pets and how to capture them
There are a total of 16 Battle Pets added in Patch 9.1 which can be found in the wilds of various zones. These pets can be seen with a "green paw" mark when you hover over them. In order to obtain them you need to Trap them during the battle when they are below 35% HP — the Trap ability becomes highlighted on your Pet battle bar once the enemy reaches the health threshold. Trapping can fail but every time it fails it increases your next success chance by 20%. After you successfully Trap the pet you still need to win the battle in order to obtain it.
Battle Pets from The Maw
The following 6 pets can be found in various places in The Maw:
Clinging Remains
Grip of Terror
Lost Limb
Scurrying Mawrat
Vile Deathroach
Clinging Remains
Clinging Remains has the following abilities:
Bone Prison or
Bone Barrage
Tornado Punch or
Roar of the Dead
Return to Rest or
Deathroach has the following abilities:
Quick Attack or
Refuge or
Survival or
Death and Decay
Grip of Terror
Grip of Terror has the following abilities:
Metal Fist or
Face Punch
Haymaker or
Tornado Punch
Ironskin or
Worst Fear
Lost Limb
Lost Limb has the following abilities:
Empowering Strikes or
Sludge Claw or
Death Grip or
Unholy Ascension
Scurrying Mawrat
Scurrying Mawrat has the following abilities:
Chomp or
Rabid Strike
Corpse Explosion or
Haunt or
Creeping Insanity
Vile Deathroach
Vile Deathroach has the following abilities:
Scratch or
Needle Claw
Refuge or
Apocalypse or
Toxic Fumes
Battle Pets in Korthia
6 new Battle Pets can be found in Korthia:
Animite Broodling
Anxious Nibbler
Eye of Affliction
Wild Corpsefly
Young Garnetgullet
Animite Broodling
Animite Broodling has the following abilities:
Rabid Strike or
Glowing Toxin
Siphon Anima or
Adrenal Glands
Drain Power or
Wild Magic
Anxious Nibbler
Anxious Nibbler has the following abilities:
Lick or
Nibble or
Primal Cry
Dust Cloud or
Devourling has the following abilities:
Absorb or
Siphon Anima
Headbutt or
Body Slam
Soulrush or
Eye of Affliction
Eye of Affliction has the following abilities:
Eyeblast or
Dark Bolt
Interrupting Gaze or
Eye Beam or
Siphon Life
Wild Corpsefly
Wild Corpsefly has the following abilities:
Rabid Strike or
Glowing Toxin
Siphon Anima or
Drain Power or
Wild Magic
Young Garnetgullet
Young Garnetgullet has the following abilities:
Bloodfang or
Feral Strike
Kick or
Primal Cry
Dust Cloud or
Battle Pets in Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
4 Battle Pets are found in Tazavesh, the Veiled Market. While they are in the dungeon you do not actually have to fight any enemies in order to obtain them. All of them are located at the very beginning of the dungeon and you can collect them from there.
Curious Purrkin
Damp Skrat
Scavenging Skrat
Silver Purrkin
Curious Purrkin
Curious Purrkin has the following abilities:
Swipe or
Spiritfire Bolt
Prowl or
Void Portal or
Damp Skrat
Damp Skrat has the following abilities:
Chomp or
Barbed Stinger
Uncanny Luck or
Feast or
Great Sting
Scavenging Skrat
Scavenging Skrat has the following abilities:
Scrabble or
Barbed Stinger
Uncanny Luck or
Survival or
Silver Purrkin
Silver Purrkin has the following abilities:
Spiritfire Bolt or
Prowl or
Ethereal or
Other Battle Pets in Patch 9.1
Patch 9.1 includes more than just wild pets. To learn more, check out our hub for the entire pet guide and visit some of the other sections covered within!
- 18 Nov. 2021: Page added.
This guide has been written by Mwahi, a Protection Warrior theorycrafter and moderator of the Skyhold Warrior Discord.
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