Windwalker Monk Best Legendaries in Shadowlands — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Babylonius 47 comments
General Information

Legendary Powers are targetable, unique effects that you can imbue certain base items with through the Runecarving system. In Shadowlands, these enable you to customize your Windwalker Monk, drastically improving your performance, and are arguably the most important aspect of your gear.

The purpose of this page is to help you pick the right legendary powers (and item slots for them) for your character, depending on the content you are interested in.


Introduction: Legendaries in Shadowlands

Legendary Powers are special effects affixed to items in the Shadowlands (through Runecarving). Most of these effects have benefits that are specific to your spec, and others work for all Monk specs. On this page, we will go through the best ones for all types of content. Please refer to our Monk Legendary Powers page and our Runecarving page for more information about these powers.


Best Single Legendary for Windwalker Monk

This is basically our recommendation for which Legendary to craft first as a PvE player that does a variety of content. It is simply the best Legendary if you could only ever craft one.

Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight is currently the best Legendary for all content for any Windwalker Monks who are Kyrian or Necrolord. The synergy it provides with our other burst windows is perfect, and although Haste is typically not a great stat for Windwalker Monk, the large quantity of it at the time that we get the most use out of it makes this a very powerful Legendary to use.

You will craft Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight in the Helm slot, or Cloak slot if you need the Helm slot to complete a tier set bonus.

Windwalker Monks who are Night Fae should use Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony for all content, as this provides the largest increase of damage for anyone using this Covenant.


Best Single Raiding Legendary for Windwalker Monk

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony for all Night Fae Windwalkers.
  2. Sinister Teachings Icon Sinister Teachings for all Venthyr Windwalkers.
  3. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight wins for all content and will be chosen for pretty much any fight in the raid and Mythic Plus for Kyrian and Necrolord.

Best Single Mythic+ and Torghast Legendary for Windwalker Monk

This section covers the best Mythic+ and Torghast Legendaries. For this evaluation, we are considering a mix of AoE and single-target, but with a bias towards AoE. As you will see, the best AoE Legendaries are not necessarily the best Mythic+ Legendaries, as you will need to do both at least decently well to be viable in Mythic+.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony for all Night Fae Windwalkers.
  2. Sinister Teachings Icon Sinister Teachings for all Venthyr Windwalkers.
  3. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight wins for all content and will be chosen for pretty much any fight in the raid and Mythic Plus for Kyrian and Necrolord.

You will craft Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight in the Helm slot, or Cloak slot if you need the Helm slot to complete a tier set bonus.


Best Double Legendaries for Windwalker Monk

In Patch 9.2, the previously-introduced Covenant Legendary powers are consolidated into Unity Icon Unity. This allows you to use two Legendaries at once, provided one of them is Unity.

Once you have access to double Legendaries, you will wear Unity Icon Unity in the Belt slot, and Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight in the Helm slot, or Cloak slot if you need the Helm slot to complete a tier set bonus. This is the setup for all content and all Covenants.

As a reminder, here are the four Covenant-exclusive Legendary powers for Monks:

  • Night Fae: Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony doubles the chance for Faeline Stomp Icon Faeline Stomp to reset, increasing the frequency with which you are able to use it. The increased damage done to targets hit is also a considerable increase to the potential for Night Fae Windwalkers.
  • Kyrian: Call to Arms Icon Call to Arms summons an additional Xuen when you use Weapons of Order Icon Weapons of Order. This Xuen acts entirely like the one summoned by Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger Icon Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger.
  • Necrolord: Bountiful Brew Icon Bountiful Brew gives you a 1.25ppm chance to hit your target, and those surrounding it, with Bonedust Brew Icon Bonedust Brew..
  • Venthyr: Sinister Teachings Icon Sinister Teachings summons a Fallen Order Icon Fallen Order Monk who stays active throughout the duration of Fallen Order.


  • 01 Sep. 2023: Updated and Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7, no changes necessary.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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