Windwalker Monk DPS Ny'alotha Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Windwalker Monk for each boss of the following raid: Ny'alotha. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
This page is currently a placeholder. Tips, advice, and specific talent/essence recommendations will be added over the following week before the raid releases.
In this section, you will find information and guidance for each boss individually in Ny'alotha as a Windwalker Monk. These are not complete encounter guides, but rather provide specific tips for any Windwalker Monk on each boss.
Talent and Essence Cheatsheet
Wrathion, the Black Emperor
We advise you to use the following essences against Wrathion, the Black Emperor.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
When moving away from the raid with the Incineration debuff, the
most efficient way to act is to use
Transcendence to get away from
the boss, as this allows you to do it as late as you want. You can then use
Flying Serpent Kick to return to the fight.
However, if you are not confident in your co-ordination with other players or
have not placed Transcendence pre-emptively, place it near the boss as you
move away and use it to come back.
For more information, please refer to our Wrathion, the Black Emperor guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Maut.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
It is worth noting here that, since you are silenced while in the magical
protection zones, you can not use Transcendence to get out of them.
You, therefore, can use it either to get inside or to go back to the boss.
Also of note,
Transcendence allows you to cancel the knockback on
Dark Wings; however, as a melee DPS, this is a minor concern.
For more information, please refer to our Maut guide.
The Prophet Skitra
We advise you to use the following essences against The Prophet Skitra.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Make the most out of Paralysis and
Ring of Peace to control
the adds before they become a liability.
For more information, please refer to our The Prophet Skitra guide.
Dark Inquisitor Xanesh
We advise you to use the following essences against Dark Inquisitor Xanesh.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
To be added as they are discovered.
For more information, please refer to our Dark Inquisitor Xanesh guide.
The Hivemind
We advise you to use the following essences against The Hivemind.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
You can use Ring of Peace to prevent Darters from casting
from a distance.
For more information, please refer to our The Hivemind guide.
Shad'har the Insatiable
We advise you to use the following essences against Shad'har the Insatiable.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
On the Mythic encounter, use Tiger's Lust to help your raid deal
with the root from
For more information, please refer to our Shad'har the Insatiable guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Drest'agath.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Once again, use Tiger's Lust on yourself or allies to help deal with
the slows applied throughout the fight.
For more information, please refer to our Drest'agath guide.
We advise you to use the following essences against Vexiona.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ring of Peace is extremely valuable in controlling adds and their
For more information, please refer to our Vexiona guide.
Ra-den the Despoiled
We advise you to use the following essences against Ra-den the Despoiled.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
To be added as they are discovered.
For more information, please refer to our Ra-den the Despoiled guide.
Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn
We advise you to use the following essences against Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
To be added as they are discovered.
For more information, please refer to our Il'gynoth, Corruption Reborn guide.
Carapace of N'Zoth
We advise you to use the following essences against Carapace of N'Zoth.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
When using Leg Sweep on mind controlled allies, make sure to only
use it early on, as the targets will remained stunned after the debuff is
removed. Consider not using the increased duration.
For more information, please refer to our Carapace of N'Zoth guide.
N'Zoth the Corruptor
We advise you to use the following essences against N'Zoth the Corruptor.
- Major Slot
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
Blood of the Enemy +
- Blood of the Enemy — Rank 3:
- Minor Slots
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
Ancient Flame
- Condensed Life-Force — Rank 3:
Condensed Life-Force
- The Crucible of Flame — Rank 3:
To be added as they are discovered.
For more information, please refer to our N'Zoth the Corruptor guide.
- 12 Oct. 2020: Page updated for the Shadowlands pre-patch.
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This guide has been written by Pandanaconda, one of the main theorycrafters of the spec. He is a co-founder of the Monk resource site Peak of Serenity, in charge of the Windwalker pages.
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