Windwalker Monk DPS Sanctum of Domination Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5

Last updated on Jan 15, 2024 at 15:00 by Babylonius 47 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Windwalker Monk for each boss of the following raid: Sanctum of Domination. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.



Advice for bosses was given based on Shadowlands Season 4, so they are not adjusted for Dragonflight Pre-Patch, although adjustments needed should be minimal.



On this page, you will find Windwalker-Monk-specific information to deal with each boss in the Sanctum of Domination raid.

This page assumes that you already understand most of the mechanics of each encounter. These can be found on the full raid guide, so what is contained here are details specifically tailored toward Windwalker Monk and what you can do to deal with each fight as best as possible.


Talent Cheatsheet

You can easily import the talent tree below into the game with the following string:


The Tarragrue

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Tarragrue.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • This fight mostly consists of using Anima Powers granted by the trash mobs around the boss.
  • Try to pick abilities that give damage procs, as they scale the best. Damage increases are also good.
  • Use Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma when soaking Remnant of Forgotten Torments Icon Remnant of Forgotten Torments as needed.
  • Flying Serpent Kick Icon Flying Serpent Kick, Soulshape Icon Soulshape, Transcendence Icon Transcendence, and Roll Icon Roll are useful during Hungering Mist Icon Hungering Mist.
  • At 10% health The Jailer's Gaze Icon The Jailer's Gaze activates. Prepare for the boss to be kited; try to remain central while dealing damage.

For more information, please refer to our The Tarragrue guide.


The Eye of the Jailer

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Eye of the Jailer.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • Positioning away from the beam is important when Annihilating Glare Icon Annihilating Glare activates. Use Transcendence Icon Transcendence to teleport through the beam to avoid having to make large movements. Soulshape Icon Soulshape also works but is a bit harder to time.
  • Touch of Death Icon Touch of Death is useful for getting extra damage from low-health mobs.
  • In the last stage, Immediate Extermination Icon Immediate Extermination causes this fight to get much harder and reduces healing. Have Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew ready for damage events while this debuff is stacking.

For more information, please refer to our The Eye of the Jailer guide.


The Nine

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against The Nine.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • Flying Serpent Kick Icon Flying Serpent Kick, Soulshape Icon Soulshape, Transcendence Icon Transcendence, and Roll Icon Roll can be used to counter Wings of Rage Icon Wings of Rage and Reverberating Refrain Icon Reverberating Refrain.
  • If soaking Aradne's Falling Strike Icon Aradne's Falling Strike use Transcendence Icon Transcendence to return to your initial position.
  • Be attentive to how many targets are in range of you and adjust to using Spinning Crane Kick Icon Spinning Crane Kick for more cleave damage.

For more information, please refer to our The Nine guide.


Remnant of Ner'zhul

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Remnant of Ner'zhul.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • Managing knockback from Malevolence Icon Malevolence is a big part of this fight. Monks have many tools such as Flying Serpent Kick Icon Flying Serpent Kick, Soulshape Icon Soulshape, Transcendence Icon Transcendence, and Roll Icon Roll to avoid getting knocked off the platform by bad positioning.
  • Windwalkers are exceptional at moving and kicking Orbs of Torment off the platform. Volunteer for this if you are able, as it is an essential duty that Windwalker is one of the best at.
  • When Orbs of Torment are hit by Suffering Icon Suffering they become vulnerable. Try to be ready with abilities to blow them up quickly, even if it means delaying slightly. The orbs take 500% increased damage; that is worth missing casts by delaying things a few seconds to line up.
  • Touch of Death Icon Touch of Death is useful for getting extra damage from low-health mobs.
  • Use Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew to help reduce damage from Malevolence Icon Malevolence.

For more information, please refer to our Remnant of Ner'zhul guide.


Soulrender Dormazain

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Soulrender Dormazain.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • Flying Serpent Kick Icon Flying Serpent Kick, Soulshape Icon Soulshape, Transcendence Icon Transcendence, and Roll Icon Roll are useful for Tormented Icon Tormented since you will need to make large movements to avoid the waves.
  • Brand of Torment Icon Brand of Torment should be used to increase damage taken by Mawsworn. If you get this debuff, try to put the Mawsworn in the circle with you.
  • Windwalkers are great for snapping Warmonger Shackles Icon Warmonger Shackles, since we have Flying Serpent Kick Icon Flying Serpent Kick, Soulshape Icon Soulshape, Transcendence Icon Transcendence, and Roll Icon Roll to quickly break chains.
  • Use damage mitigation like Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew during Warmonger Shackles Icon Warmonger Shackles.
  • Spear Hand Strike Icon Spear Hand Strike, Leg Sweep Icon Leg Sweep, and even Ring of Peace Icon Ring of Peace should be used to interrupt Mawsworn.

For more information, please refer to our Soulrender Dormazain guide.


Painsmith Raznal

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Painsmith Raznal.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • Use Transcendence Icon Transcendence to teleport through Spiked Balls Icon Spiked Balls or Spike Walls.
  • Use damage mitigation like Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew at the end of the intermission to avoid damage from Lingering Flames Icon Lingering Flames, or to avoid Flameclasp Eruption Icon Flameclasp Eruption from Flameclasp Trap Icon Flameclasp Trap.
  • It might be tempting to use cooldowns during the intermission on the Shadowsteel Embers, but it is always best to hold it for the next boss phase.
  • Be careful using Whirling Dragon Punch Icon Whirling Dragon Punch during the intermission phase as it will lock you in place for a moment and cut down on the amount of time you have to get to where you need to be.

For more information, please refer to our Painsmith Raznal guide.


Guardian of the First Ones

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Guardian of the First Ones.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • This fight is very straightforward, but incorrectly placing a Threat Neutralization Icon Threat Neutralization will likely lead to a wipe. Play greedy but always drop your circle on the Energy Cores.
  • Try to maximize your damage with good movement,
  • Use Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew for large damage events like high-stack pulses of Purging Protocol Icon Purging Protocol.

For more information, please refer to our Guardian of the First Ones guide.


Fatescribe Roh-Kalo

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Fatescribe Roh-Kalo.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • Weapons of Order Icon Weapons of Order and Bonedust Brew Icon Bonedust Brew generally line up well if you are strict about using them exactly on cooldown.
  • Go far with Call of Eternity Icon Call of Eternity so your orb does not cause issues later during Fated Conjunction Icon Fated Conjunction. Monks have plenty of movement for this with Flying Serpent Kick Icon Flying Serpent Kick, Soulshape Icon Soulshape, Transcendence Icon Transcendence, and Roll Icon Roll.
  • Use Touch of Death Icon Touch of Death on the Burden of Destiny Icon Burden of Destiny at your own risk since it requires being close and thus taking more damage.
  • Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew large damage events, such as Grim Portent Icon Grim Portent.
  • If affected with Runic Affinity Icon Runic Affinity, make sure to move with your rune as it rotates. This is also a good time for damage reduction like Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew.

For more information, please refer to our Fatescribe Roh-Kalo guide.



We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Kel'Thuzad.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • Use Flying Serpent Kick Icon Flying Serpent Kick, Soulshape Icon Soulshape, Transcendence Icon Transcendence, and Roll Icon Roll for running Oblivion's Echo Icon Oblivion's Echo away from the raid.
  • Managing stacks from breaking Glacial Spikes is an important part of this fight. Do not blindly AoE if Spikes are clumped.
  • Reduce damage from Frozen Destruction Icon Frozen Destruction with defensives, such as Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew
  • Use Touch of Death Icon Touch of Death to quickly kill low-health targets.
  • Windwalker AoE is incredibly strong on this fight; do not let it cloud your judgement.
  • Spear Hand Strike Icon Spear Hand Strike Soul Fracture adds to interrupt the Piercing Wail Icon Piercing Wail cast.
  • If assigned to kill the Remnant of Kel'Thuzad, save Weapons of Order Icon Weapons of Order, Bonedust Brew Icon Bonedust Brew, and Storm, Earth, and Fire Icon Storm, Earth, and Fire for downstairs during the Phylactery Phase.

For more information, please refer to our Kel'Thuzad guide.


Sylvanas Windrunner

We advise you to use the following Legendaries against Sylvanas Windrunner.

  1. Faeline Harmony Icon Faeline Harmony
  2. Invoker's Delight Icon Invoker's Delight
  • Use Diffuse Magic Icon Diffuse Magic, Touch of Karma Icon Touch of Karma, and Fortifying Brew Icon Fortifying Brew if affected by Wailing Arrow Icon Wailing Arrow.
  • Flying Serpent Kick Icon Flying Serpent Kick, Soulshape Icon Soulshape, Transcendence Icon Transcendence, and Roll Icon Roll should be used to close the gap to the boss right before Domination Chains Icon Domination Chains is cast.
  • Be ready to AoE adds after Domination Chains Icon Domination Chains is cast. Whirling Dragon Punch Icon Whirling Dragon Punch is especially strong for this.
  • Use Touch of Death Icon Touch of Death to snipe enemies.

For more information, please refer to our Sylvanas Windrunner guide.



  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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