Best Talents for Windwalker Monk in The War Within
Note that these builds are generic recommendations for various content. For more specific recommendations for the Raid and Mythic+, check out the dedicated pages below.
Best Single-Target Talents for Windwalker Monk
This build is optimal for pure single-target situations.
Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best
build directly into your game!
Best AoE/Delve Talents for Windwalker Monk
This is our recommended build for AoE scenarios. This works well for AoE
Fights in Raids, as well as most Mythic+.
Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best
build directly into your game!
Best Delves Talents for Windwalker Monk
This is our recommended build for Delves scenarios. The focus is on AOE damage since
that is the most likely type of damage in Delves.
Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best
build directly into your game!
Talent Explanations for Windwalker Monks
Note that we do not explain EVERY Talent in the tree on this page. We only
explain Talents that are part of our optimal builds for single-target and AoE.
For full details and explanations of every Talent, please visit our Spells page
via the button below.
Monk Class Talents
Row 1
Soothing Mist | A low mana cost, low healing-per-tick channeled spell that allows two of our spells to be instantly cast on your target for focused, direct healing. |
Paralysis | Learned by default when you choose this specialization. This ability incapacitates your current target for a minute. Medium range on an infrequent cooldown. |
Rising Sun Kick | Learned by default when you choose this specialization. A heavy-hitting melee-range ability. Has a short cooldown. |
Row 2
Elusive Mists | Give yourself and your Soothing Mist target a small amount of damage reduction, so long as you're channeling the spell. |
Tiger's Lust | Removes all root and snares currently on the target, and also give them an increase to movement speed for a short time. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Crashing Momentum | Snare targets you Roll through for a short time. |
Disable | Reduce your target's movement speed. If you hit affected targets with a damaging ability, the duration is refreshed. |
Fast Feet | Increase the damage of Rising Sun Kick and Spinning Crane Kick. |
Row 3
Grace of the Crane | Increase the healing you receive from all sources. |
Bounding Agility | Roll travels further. |
Calming Presence | Reduce the damage you receive from all sources. |
Wind's Reach | Modifies your decision in the Crashing Momentum / Disable choice node. Disable has a longer range, while Crashing Momentum has an increased duration and stronger effect. |
Detox | Detox now removes all Poison- and Disease-classed effects. |
Row 4
Vivacious Vivification | Every 10 seconds, your next Vivify can be cast instantly, and also heals its primary target for more. This timer is independent of when the buff is consumed, meaning it will overwrite itself continually if not consumed. |
Jade Walk | Your movement speed out of combat is increased. |
Pressure Points | Paralysis now removes all Enrage-classed effects from your target. |
Spear Hand Strike | Stop the targeted enemy's spellcasting, if they're casting a spell. If successful, this ability also prevents the targeted enemy from casting another spell from the same school of magic for a short time. On a short cooldown. |
Ancient Arts | Reduces the cooldowns of Paralysis and Leg Sweep. |
Row 5
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Chi Wave | Casting Rising Sun Kick or Vivify also releases a bolt that will bounce between enemies and allies, dealing a small amount of damage or healing, respectively. This ability has a short recharge before the triggering spells send another bouncing bolt. |
Chi Burst | Fire a projectile in front of you, damaging enemies and healing allies in its path. Has an infrequent cooldown. |
Transcendence | Talenting into this ability also grants you Transcendence: Transfer. These abilities allow you to place a spirit that you can swap places with, infrequently. |
Energy Transfer | When you successfully interrupt an enemy with Spear Hand Strike, you also reduce the cooldown of Roll and Paralysis. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Celerity | Reduces the cooldown of Roll, and give it another maximum charge. |
Chi Torpedo | Modifies Roll into another spell that travels further and grants a stacking movement speed increase for a short time. Roll-modifying abilities modify this as well. |
Row 6
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Quick Footed | Snare effects on you have their duration reduced. |
Hasty Provocation | The target you use Provoke on will have their movement speed increased for a short duration. |
Ferocity of Xuen | Increase the damage you deal. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Ring of Peace | Places a ring on the ground that knocks all enemies out of it, while also preventing them from entering it while it persists. |
Song of Chi-Ji | A cloud of mists travels forward from you, disorienting any enemy it comes into contact with for a short while. |
Spirit's Essence | When you cast Transcendence: Transfer, the enemies that were around you at the time are snared for a short duration. |
Tiger Tail Sweep | The range of Leg Sweep is increased. |
Improved Touch of Death | Targets no longer need to be under your maximum health threshold in order to use Touch of Death on them, but the damage it does is reduced. |
Row 7
Vigorous Expulsion | Increases the healing and critical strike chance of Expel Harm. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Yu'lon's Grace | Gain a stacking magic-only absorb shield every few seconds while in combat. Its strength is based on your maximum health. |
Diffuse Magic | Reduces all Magic-classed damage on yourself while this is active. This also tries to dispel all Magic-classed debuffs on you and place them on the source. |
Peace and Prosperity | Modifies your decision in the Ring of Peace / Song of Chi-Ji choice node. Ring of Peace has its cooldown reduced, while Song of Chi-Ji has a faster cast time. |
Fortifying Brew | While active, reduce the damage you take from all sources while also increasing your maximum health. |
Dance of the Wind | Your chance to dodge is increased by a flat amount, and increases every few seconds until you successfully dodge an ability. |
Row 8
Save Them All | When you heal an ally at low health, you can a short buff that increases all healing you do while it's active. |
Swift Art | Roll removes a snare every so often. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Strength of Spirit | The healing of Expel Harm is increased, based on your missing health. The lower your health, the greater this multiplier is. |
Profound Rebuttal | When Expel Harm critically strikes, its healing is increased further. |
Summon White Tiger Statue | Places a statue on your character that deals damage in an AOE pulse. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Ironshell Brew | The maximum health and damage reduction of Fortifying Brew are increased. |
Expeditious Fortification | The cooldown of Fortifying Brew is reduced. |
Celestial Determination | While our chosen celestial is active, we cannot be made slower than a set threshold. |
Row 9
Chi Proficiency | Increase the damage of Magic-classed abilities and increases the healing we do. |
Healing Winds | Transcendence: Transfer heals you when you use it. |
Windwalking | Yourself and allies around you have increased movement speed. |
Bounce Back | Whenever you suffer a large hit, any further damage is reduced for a few seconds. |
Martial Instincts | Your Physical damage is increased, and you take less damage from area-of-effect damage. |
Row 10
Lighter Than Air | Roll now lets you dash forward a short distance when you try to double jump. As a tradeoff, the cooldown of Roll is increased. |
Flow of Chi | Depending on your health, this talent has different effects:
- At 90% health or above: Increased movement speed.
- Between 90% and 35% health: Reduced incoming damage.
- Below 35% health: Increased healing received.
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Transcendence: Linked Spirits | Transcendence is now only able to be cast on an ally, but using Transcendence: Transfer will teleport you to that ally's location, rather than a static spirit. |
Escape from Reality | After using Transcendence: Transfer, you can use it again for a short duration. |
Fatal Touch | Touch of Death has a reduced cooldown, and also grants you a damage-done increase when you use it. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Rushing Reflexes | If your Roll ends within a short distance of an enemy, you will charge the remaining distance. |
Clash | You and the targeted enemy charge each other, rooting all enemies surrounding the area of impact. |
Windwalker Spec Talents
Row 1
Fists of Fury | Deals damage to current target and other targets in front of you. |
Row 2
Momentum Boost | Increases damage of Fists of Fury and increases auto attack speed after Fists of Fury completes its channel. |
Combat Wisdom | Replaces Expel Harm and makes it a passive. You will now reset to 2 Chi when outside of combat rather than 0. |
Acclamation | Rising Sun Kick debuffs the target that increases the damage you do to it. |
Row 3
Touch of the Tiger | Increases the damage of Tiger Palm. |
Hardened Soles | Increases the damage of Blackout Kick. |
Ascension | Increases maximum Chi to 6 and increases energy regen. |
Ferociousness | Increases chance to Critical Strike. |
Row 4
Crane Vortex | Increases the damage of Spinning Crane Kick. |
Teachings of the Monastery | Gives Blackout Kick a chance to reset Fists of Fury and Tiger Palm allows Blackout Kick to hit more times. |
Glory of the Dawn | Gives Rising Sun Kick a chance to deal extra damage and refund 1 Chi. |
Row 5
Jade Ignition | Fists of Fury stacks up charges that are exploded by Spinning Crane Kick. |
Courageous Impulse | Blackout Kick increases the damage of your next Blackout Kick. |
Storm, Earth, and Fire | Splits into clones that zip around tagging targets and copying abilities. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Flurry of Xuen | Deals damage to targets in front of you. |
Hit Combo | Stacking damage increase. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Brawler's Intensity | Reduces the cooldown of Rising Sun Kick and increases the damage of Blackout Kick. |
Meridian Strikes | Increases the damage and reduces the cooldown of Touch of Death. |
Row 6
Dance of Chi-Ji | Proc chance to make Spinning Crane Kick free and deal additional damage. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Drinking Horn Cover | Extends the duration of Storm, Earth, and Fire. |
Spiritual Focus | Reduces the cooldown of Storm, Earth, and Fire. |
Ordered Elements | Provides 2 Chi and resets the cooldown of Rising Sun Kick when you activate Storm, Earth, and Fire. Casting Rising Sun Kick during Storm, Earth, and Fire reduces the Chi cost of abilities by 1 for 7 seconds and Blackout Kick reduces abilities by an additional 1 second. |
Strike of the Windlord | Deals damage and slows targets in a very very narrow cone in front of you. |
Row 7
Martial Mixture | Blackout Kick increases the damage of Tiger Palm, stacking up to the maximum. |
Energy Burst | Blackout Kick generates 1 Chi |
Shadowboxing Treads | Increases the damage of Blackout Kick and allows it to hit extra targets. |
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger | Summons a glowy kitty to fight with you for a bit. |
Inner Peace | Increases your maximum energy and reduces the energy cost of Tiger Palm. |
Rushing Jade Wind | Strike of the Windlord debuffs all targets hit with Mark of the Crane and summons a tornado that deals damage to targets around you. |
Thunderfist | Strike of the Windlord grants increased auto attack damage for each target hit. |
Row 8
Sequenced Strikes | You gain Blackout Kick after consuming Dance of Chi-Ji. |
Rising Star | Increases damage of Rising Sun Kick. |
Invoker's Delight | Provides Haste after casting Invoke Xuen. |
Dual Threat | Auto attacks increase damage you do for a small time. |
Gale Force | Targets that are hit by Strike of the Windlord take increased damage. |
Row 9
Last Emperor's Capacitor | Provides a stacking buff that increases the damage and reduces the cost of Crackling Jade Lightning. |
Whirling Dragon Punch | Spins up in the air and deals damage around you. |
Xuen's Bond | Reduces the cooldown and increases the damage of Invoke Xuen. |
Xuen's Battlegear | Rising Sun Kick crits reduce the cooldown of Fists of Fury. Casts of Fists of Fury increase the crit chance of Rising Sun Kick. |
Transfer the Power | Stacking increase to damage dealt by Fists of Fury. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Jadefire Stomp | Stomps a line in front of you that deals damage to those hit. |
Jadefire Fists | You automatically cast Jadefire Stomp after you finish channeling Fists of Fury. |
Communion With Wind | Reduces CD and increases damage of Strike of the Windlord. |
Row 10
Power of the Thunder King | Crackling Jade Lightning hits up to 5 targets and channels all of its damage in half the time. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Revolving Whirl | Whirling Dragon Punch's CD is reduced and it gives you Dance of Chi-Ji after using it. |
Knowledge of the Broken Temple | Whirling Dragon Punch gives 4 stacks of Teachings of the Monastery and increases the maximum stacks. |
Memory of the Monastery | Increases the chance of getting Blackout Kick and gives a Haste buff after using Blackout Kick. |
Fury of Xuen | Stacking buff that increases Haste and summons Invoke Xuen after using Fists of Fury. |
Choice Node | You can pick one of the following talents: |
Path of Jade | Increases damage of Jadefire Stomp based on targets hit. |
Singularly Focused Jade | Jadefire Stomp hits only 1 target but deals a lot more damage. |
Jadefire Harmony | Increases damage taken by targets hit by Jadefire Stomp. |
Darting Hurricane | Reduces the global cooldown of Tiger Palm after using Strike of the Windlord, also has a chance to proc. |
Mythic+ can require a mix of AoE and Single-Target talents, depending on
affixes and other variables. You should check out our page below if you want
advice specific to Mythic+.
Rotation for Windwalker Monk Talents
Some talents will require you to play in a particular way to get the most out
of them. You can find more information on how your rotation will look after
selecting your talents on our rotation page below.
PvP Talents for Windwalker Monk in The War Within
War Mode offers several benefits for you in the open world.
- PvP talents enabled in the outdoor world.
- At least 10% increase in World Quest rewards at maximum level.
- 10% more experience gained while leveling.
- Earn Conquest Points, which can reward gear every week.
With the benefits of enabling War Mode for leveling and PvE content, it is
recommended to enable the feature to maximize your leveling and rewards at
maximum level. However, you will make yourself available for open-world PvP, and
the possibility of being "ganked" while leveling or doing World Quests exists.
PvP Talents (War Mode) for Windwalker Monk
In this section, we will rank the PvP talents best for leveling and doing
solo / small group PvE content. Below is a ranking of all PvP Talents for
Windwalker Monk
Best PvP Talents for Windwalker Monk
Wind Waker grants you and allies affected by
Windwalking an effect that makes them immune to slow and snare
effects once every 30 seconds.
Reverse Harm doubles the healing of
Expel Harm and
provides an extra Chi when used.
Disabling Reach increases the range of your
to 10 yards.
Alpha Tiger grants you 30% Haste upon attacking a new target with
Tiger Palm. This can happen once every 30 seconds per target.
Grapple Weapon grants you an additional spell which prevents
your target from using their weapons for 6 seconds.
Turbo Fists causes
Fists of Fury to deal full damage to all
targets hit and reduce their movement speed by 90%. It additionally grants you
100% Parry chance during the channel.
Ride the Wind causes
Flying Serpent Kick to increase
the movement speed of allies in its path by 30%. This applies to yourself.
It also increases Flying Serpent Kick's cooldown by 10 seconds.
Pressure Points reduces the cooldown of
Touch of Death
by 60 seconds if you kill a player with it.
Tigereye Brew generates stacks of Tigereye Brew whenever you
spend 3 Chi. Using these stacks makes your attacks bypass armor but deal
slightly less damage for 2 seconds per stack.
Turbo Fists,
Reverse Harm, and
Alpha Tiger are the three talents that will benefit you
the most when doing PvE content. They grant you sustainability, as well as
- 15 Dec. 2024: Updated for Patch 11.0.7.
- 22 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
- 09 Sep. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1.
- 27 Aug. 2024: Added Delves talent build.
- 21 Aug. 2024: Reviewed and updated for The War Within Launch, changed the "includes".
- 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed and updated for The War Within Prepatch.
- 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
- 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4, no changes necessary.
- 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6, no changes necessary.
- 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
- 06 Nov. 2023: Updated and Reviewed for Patch 10.2, updated talent recommendations.
- 04 Sep. 2023: Updated for 10.1.7 and new format.
- 10 Jul. 2023: Updated and Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5, no changes necessary.
- 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1, no changes needed currently.
- 20 Mar. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.7.
- 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
- 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight Season 1.
- 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch, added ST and AOE Talents.
- 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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