Windwalker Monk DPS Uldir Raid Guide — Dragonflight 10.2.5
On this page, you will find tips, tricks, and strategies tailored to your Windwalker Monk for each boss of the following raid: Uldir. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10.2.5.
This page will be a rough outline of the bosses and mechanics in the Uldir raid. This page will focus primarily on how a Windwalker Monk can optimize its performance on the raid bosses in Uldir, and not on an actual raid strategy for the bosses.
Windwalkre Monks in Uldir
Windwalker Monks are looking to be a very strong pick in Uldir, due to their overall strong DPS, their oustanding burst and the flexibility of their output. Additionally, mobility makes Windwalker Monks very efficient as a melee to deal with mechanic or react to them safely.
Talent Cheatsheet
More Taloc Guides on Icy Veins

Windwalker Monk Playstyle on Taloc
To best deal with Taloc's main ability, Plasma Discharge, keep
Transcendence near the boss. Putting it away to drop the
pools quickly is not necessary, as you have plenty of time to run out of the
raid. On top of that, it is easy for another player to blank your Transcendence
by dropping a pool on top of it.
That very same Transcendence can also allow you to instantly cancel
the knockback from
Sanguine Static. You should still make sure you are
well positioned and will not hit anyone else with the knockback if it targets
you, however instantly canceling this effect will maximize your boss uptime.
At 60% health, Taloc goes immune. Make sure not to waste any large DPS cooldown right at this moment. However, as soon as Coalesced Bloods spawn, you must focus heavily on taking them down before the final phase starts.
More M.O.T.H.E.R. Guides on Icy Veins

Windwalker Monk Playstyle on M.O.T.H.E.R.
M.O.T.H.E.R is a very interesting fight as a Windwalker, as it makes the most out of all your assets. Mobility, burst DPS cooldowns, crowd control are all valuable in this fight.
Wind Tunnel creates a gust of wind that pushes you towards a pool
of fire. It is easy for you to keep damaging during this ability. Smart use of
Roll will maximize your boss uptime.
Purifying Flame can easily be moved away from as the pools spawn. You
can take any blank in your rotation as an opportunity to refresh
Transcendence near the boss to efficiently move back to it.
The main mechanic you actively deal with is going to be Defense Grid.
As you are sent over to the next room, you will have to efficiently deal with
Remnant of Corruption. Use
Leg Sweep when they start casting and
maximize your damage and
Spear Hand Strike as long as they are up.
When the boss enters the last room, she will gain a 100% damage taken
debuff. This makes Touch of Death extremely powerful. This is what makes
Windwalker Monks very valuable damage wise on this boss. Depending on your raid
group and the encounter difficulty, it can be interesting to use one
Meridian Strikes if it allows you to get an extra
Touch of Death during this last phase. If that is the case, delay your
Touch of Death to be up right as you transition into Phase Three.
Fetid Devourer
More Fetid Devourer Guides on Icy Veins

Windwalker Monk Playstyle on Fetid Devourer
Fetid Devourer is a fight that allows Windwalker Monks to shine thanks to their burst cooldowns and flexibility. It is mostly a Single Target race at which Windwalker Monks are very good.
When you are affected by Malodorous Miasma, keep defensives up for
when it expires, as it turns into the much scarier
Putrid Paroxysm. If
you have
Touch of Karma up for it, wait until you get damaged by
Paroxysm first before using it, as the large absorb will allow your healers to
get you back to full easily.
Shockwave Stomp (Heroic and up) is a very consequential knockback.
However, it can be mostly negated by having
Transcendence placed down
and using it right after the knockback. This will save considerable boss
Two eggs will spawn periodically. They need to be killed very quickly in order to prevent Fetid Devourer from healing. Therefore, keep offensive cooldowns for them.
At 50%, the boss will enrage and take an extra 50% damage for the rest of
the encounter. Due to Bloodlust, cooldown usage, and executes, it is
unlikely you will get two sets of
Touch of Death during that phase.
However it remains a very powerful effect when your target is taking increased
damage, make the most out of it.
Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
More Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Guides on Icy Veins

Windwalker Monk Playstyle on Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth
This encounter will put the emphasis on surviving through several mechanics while efficiently killing different kinds of minions.
In Phase One, starting at 90% boss health, Silithid Warriors that
fixate a target spawn. They can be stunned with Leg Sweep and should be
focused efficiently. Try to maximize
Fists of Fury and
Whirling Dragon Punch on them.
At 65% boss health, he will transition into another phase without
Silithid Warriors but instead Nerubian Voidweavers in a triangle.
All three should be kept interrupted or stunned and killed efficiently.
If you are targeted by Roiling Deceit, make sure you are away from the
raid group when it expires as you will drop a cloud that can be deadly to the
raid if anyone enters it.
Phase Three is purely a Single Target phase with high raid-wide damage. On
top of that, players will have to soak large Orb of Corruptions
falling down. Keep your damaging cooldowns for when you soak one, and
stun and interrupt players who get mind controlled by this effect.
More Vectis Guides on Icy Veins

Windwalker Monk Playstyle on Vectis
During the main phase, the boss will cast two abilities.
Contagion is a small amount of damage to the raid that gets larger as
the fight progresses.
Gestate stuns the target dealing shadow damage to all players
around the target and spawns and add. It is very important you focus on killing
this add quickly, specially as the fight goes on and the raid damage intake
Use your mobility to soak the furthest Plague Bombs, which other
classes could have a hard time catching. During this phase, Vectis will send
out many waves that are pretty fast moving and apply
Lingering Infection. Ensure you are not too close to the boss
or you will have a hard time dodging them. Use
to reposition efficiently.
Zul, Reborn
More Zul, Reborn Guides on Icy Veins

Windwalker Monk Playstyle on Zul, Reborn
There are three sets of adds that spawn in Phase One.
Nazmani Bloodhexer can be controlled through Paralysis. This
can be required as they can spawn in duos and must remain separated at all
times. Bloodhexer also attempts to cast
Congeal Blood; this add has
very high priority as he will heal Zul if they collide. Bloodhexers are
the highest priority targets for you.
Nazmani Crusher is your second priority and Bloodthirsty Crawg are normally just burned down through passive cleave. Be aware of the Crusher doing a frontal cleave ability on the tank.
Phase Two is mostly a single target DPS race for you. Make sure to finish any adds remaining from Phase One then burst down the boss before the platform gets covered in pools of blood.
Mythrax the Unraveler
More Mythrax the Unraveler Guides on Icy Veins

Windwalker Monk Playstyle on Mythrax the Unraveler
This fight consists of a boss phase and an intermission phase. The boss
phase consists in the boss applying stacks of Annihilation
whenever an ability hits you. You can reduce these stacks by picking up
Existence Fragments.
You can free anyone caught in Oblivion Sphere by using
Ring of Peace. As they are charmed, players become vulnerable to the
knockback and this removes the charm. It comes at the cost of
Good Karma but can be much more valuable.
At 75% Health, the boss moves into the middle of the room and takes 99% less
damage. During the intermission, two N'raqi Destroyers spawn and must be
killed to move on.
Additionally, several players will be targeted by Visions of Madness.
If your raid remains grouped, these caster adds will be bale to be stunned to
interrupt their casts. Use
Leg Sweep and, in worst cases,
Ring of Peace, to interrupt them.
More G'huun Guides on Icy Veins

Windwalker Monk Playstyle on G'huun
G'huun is the final boss of the raid. The encounter consists of an upstairs minigame portion, as well as three downstairs phases.
Windwalker Monks are one of the very best specs for the upstairs phase, as
they have access to Chi Torpedo,
Flying Serpent Kick, and
Transcendence to cover any amount of ground needed on the platform
to deliver the Power Matrix.
Phase One is the add phase. Your focus in this phase is to cleave down all
units, but have at least one target ready to be focused down. The priority is
killing and interrupting Blightspreader Tendril (Heroic and up),
then Cyclopean Terror, and finally Dark Young. The Dark Young
add will apply Dark Bargain to players nearby, increasing their damage
and healing done but mind controlling them at two stacks.
When you deliver the Power Matrices, G'huun stops the pahse one adds and
begins another phase. Spread to reduce stacks of Putrid Blood applied.
Your focus in Phase Two is taking down the Gibbering Horror
Nothing in particular is dealt with differently as a Monk in the last phase. Sub-15% boss health, just keep in mind all the previous mechanics and avoid taking too much damage by being stacked on top of others.
- 14 Jan. 2020: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.3 and no changes are necessary.
- 24 Jun. 2019: This page has been reviewed for the release of Patch 8.2 and no changes are necessary.
- 15 Apr. 2019: This page has been reviewed and no changes are necessary for the release of the Crucible of Storms raid.
- 10 Dec. 2018: This page has been reviewed for Patch 8.1 and no changes are necessary.
- 04 Sep. 2018: Added content.
More Monk Guides
Guides from Other Classes
This guide has been written by Pandanaconda, one of the main theorycrafters of the spec. He is a co-founder of the Monk resource site Peak of Serenity, in charge of the Windwalker pages.
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