Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Abilities
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, we list all the abilities from the Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth encounter in Uldir. The idea is to give you a solid understanding of the encounter before you read the strategy.
If you are already familiar with the encounter, then you can skip to the strategy and tactics page or access any other page of the guide by using the table of contents on the right.
Zek'voz is a three-phase encounter with high add control and positioning requirements. Zek'voz has a base set of abilities, as well as phase-specific abilities.
Base Abilities
These abilities are used by Zek'voz through all three phases.
Titan Spark
Titan Spark will periodically pulse damage onto several random members of
the raid each second for 5 seconds. It can target the same person multiple times in
a row per activation.
Surging Darkness
When Zek'voz reaches 100 Energy (something that is entirely time-based and
predictable), he will cast Surging Darkness. This will form 3
concentric rings around a targeted area in front of him, spanning the entire fighting area.
Two of the rings (marked in a purple
color) will explode for lethal amounts of Shadow damage a few seconds later,
while one of the rings will be safe. Once the rings explode, the process will
repeat again (and then, once more), but each time a different ring will be
Might of the Void
Might of the Void is a tank combo mechanic comprising two
Void Lashes and a
Shatter in between.
Void Lash
Void Lash will slam a cone towards his tank,
inflicting heavy Shadow damage and applying a 50% healing reduction to any
players hit. This effect lasts 8 seconds and stacks, and the targeted player
cannot avoid it.
Shatter will inflict heavy Physical damage to the target, as well
as apply a debuff increasing Physical damage taken by 50% for 40 seconds.
Phase One: Chaos
Phase One lasts until Zek'voz reaches 65% Health. During this phase, the bosses uses the following abilities in addition to the base ones described above.
Eye Beam
Eye Beam will target a player and after a short delay, will
inflict heavy Shadow damage to them. If anyone is within a short radius of the
target, Eye Beam will chain to them as well, increasing its damage each time it
jumps. Players targeted by Eye Beam will have a small visual indicator surrounding
them that will display the radius at which the beam can jump.
Silithid Warrior
Occasionally a group of Silithid Warriors will spawn. These adds
focus random players and will apply a stack of Jagged Mandible upon
meleeing their target. Jagged Mandible is a 10-second Bleed effect.
These adds can be stunned, knocked back, and slowed.
Phase Two: Deception
Phase Two starts when the boss reaches 65% Health and ends when he reaches 30% Health. Aside from the base abilities, Zek'voz also uses the following abilities during this phase.
Roiling Deceit
Periodically, Roiling Deceit will be applied to several players.
It inflicts moderately high Shadow damage every 3 seconds for 12 seconds and
will drop an Ominous Cloud at the player's feet upon expiration.
Ominous Cloud
Ominous Clouds will slowly drift near where they were dropped.
If a player walks over them, they will spawn a Guardian of Yogg-Saron.
These guardians will use Shadow Nova upon reaching 100 Energy
(again, entirely time-based) or if
they die, dealing very high Shadow damage to all players in the raid.
Nerubian Voidweaver
Occasionally, 3 stationary Nerubian Voidweavers will be summoned
in set locations around the room. They will cast Void Bolt at
players dealing very high Shadow damage, and need to be interrupted, stunned,
incapacitated, or otherwise crowd-controlled.
Phase Three: Corruption
Phase Three starts when Zek'voz reaches 30% Health, and aside from the base abilities, he uses the following abilities during this phase.
Overload simply causes Titan Spark to happen more
Orb of Corruption
Periodically Orb of Corruption is cast, summoning an orb that
slowly travels through the air towards a targeted location. The orb must be
intercepted by a player, causing it to bounce up into the air again for roughly
10 seconds before it must be intercepted again. If the orb touches the floor, it
pulses heavy raid damage until a player intercepts it.
Players that intercept the orb receive Corruptor's Pact, a
30-second buff increasing their Health, damage, and healing by 100%. Upon
expiration, players are afflicted with
Will of the Corruptor.
Will of the Corruptor
Will of the Corruptor will mind control the player, causing them to
Psionic Blast at fellow raid members. Psionic Blast causes
light Shadow damage, and fears targets for 6 seconds. On Normal, Will of the
Corruptor is broken after the player takes significant damage, however on Heroic
and Mythic, the players must be killed.
Void Wail
On Heroic and Mythic, when players with Will of the Corruptor are
slain, they will cast
Void Wail, dealing moderate Shadow damage and
fearing all players within 8 yards.
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