Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, you will find a working strategy to defeat Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth in Uldir for both Normal and Heroic modes, which usually only differ by the tuning of the boss.
Here, we assume that you have read our descriptions of the abilities for this encounter.
The other pages of our Zek'voz, Herald of N'Zoth guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
Positioning and Strategy
Phase One
Tank Zek'voz where he stands, and spread the raid
loosely behind him, so that the Silithid Warriors do not run all
over the place. When they do spawn, have your raid crowd control them to make
them easier to kill. Gorefiend's Grasp is excellent to group them up,
followed up by a
Capacitor Totem or
Leg Sweep, or a
Ring of Peace on the group if they get too close.
Make sure that you are aware of when Eye Beam is coming, and are
ready to move so it does not chain onto other players. This mechanic can be
incredibly unforgiving, because you might not just kill whoever was too close
to you, but anyone who was too close to them, and so on and so forth.
Eye Beam can also be especially dangerous during Surging Darkness
casts, as space in he room will be limited.
Phase Two
When Zek'voz reaches 65% Health he will transition into phase two, and will
no longer cast Eye Beam or summon Silithid Warriors.
Instead, he will periodically summon Nerubian Voidweavers and cast
Roiling Deceit on players.
When Voidweavers spawn, the boss should be tanked on each one as they are
cleaved down, and the raid should be focused on interrupting them with kicks,
stuns, and anything else to prevent a cast from getting off. Tanks need to be
aware of when Zek'voz is going to cast Might of the Void so they
do not accidentally hit the raid with
Void Lash. By that same token,
DPS and healers, need to be aware of when the boss is going to be moved, and
plan accordingly.
Players afflicted with Roiling Deceit need to run to the edges of
the room to drop their Ominous Clouds away from the raid. These
clouds slowly drift around, so it is important to just get them as far away as
possible to ensure no one steps in it and spawns a
Guardian of Yogg-Saron. Note that at certain points, Roiling Deceit
will go out during a
Surging Darkness, making it very difficult to
drop the clouds in a good spot.
Phase Three
At 30%, Zek'voz will transition into his last phase, no longer summoning
Nerubian Voidweavers, or casting Roiling Deceit. Instead,
Titan Spark will happen more frequently and
Orb of Corruptions will be spawned. Assign DPS who can dish out the
most damage possible in 30 seconds to soak the orbs. Keep in mind that these Orbs
will still need to be intercepted during
Surging Darkness, so it is
wise to save classes with immunities to soak the orb should it land in an unsafe
zone. When their
Corruptor's Pact expires, the soakers will be mind controlled and
must be damaged until they either break free (on Normal difficulty) or are
killed (on Heroic difficulty). On Heroic, make sure no one is near them when
they die, as they will deal AoE damage and fear anyone within 8 yards.
Tank Concerns
Because the taunt swap on this fight involves a combo that deals AoE damage,
movement can be tricky. Be sure to be aware of when Might of the Void
is coming, so you can plan any movement that might be needed. It should be noted
that Might of the Void will happen during
Surging Darkness, so be
very aware of your raid's position.
Equally, during Might of the Void, since the first
Void Lash reduces healing taken, it is important to do whatever you
can to lessen the blow of
Shatter in preparation for the second
Void Lash.
Healing Concerns
Healers need to be mindful of how Titan Spark is hitting the
raid. It is possible for a single person to be targeted by every single tick
of the spark, so it is very important to make sure that no one is lingering at
low Health.
During Surging Darkness, it is a good idea to use cooldowns, not
necessarily because the damage is particularly threatening, but more for the
Mana efficiency.
Be aware of where players with Roiling Deceit are running, as
they will likely be out of range while dropping off their debuff. The damage it
deals is reasonably large, so if they are not topped off before they need to
duck out of range, then the chances of them dying rises dramatically.
On the topic of keeping people topped off, it is a wise idea to track
Might of the Void, so that you can make sure your Tank is healthy
going into the combo.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use Bloodlust/
Time Warp
in the final phase to help with healing from the increased number of
Titan Spark casts (due to Overload), as well as
to synergize with
Corruptor's Pact buff that will be spreading
through the raid.
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