Zul, Reborn Guide for Uldir
Table of Contents
General Information
Welcome to our World of Warcraft encounter guide for Zul, Reborn in Uldir. We will teach you everything you need to know to defeat the boss in every difficulty.
On this particular page, we will give you a short overview of the fight as well as a list of things to watch out for (include LFR tips when applicable).
The other pages of our Zul, Reborn guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
To make it easy to navigate the guide, we have split it into 3 pages:
- Abilities: read about the encounter abilities;
- Normal/Heroic Strategy/Tactics: find out how to defeat the encounter in Normal and Heroic modes;
- Mythic Strategy: learn how to handle the new mechanics and increased difficulty of Mythic mode.
Zul is the sixth boss encountered in Uldir.
Once the proud leader of the Zanchuli Council, highest advisors to the kings of Zandalar, Zul was praised as the greatest of prophets. Now, the dark prophet has turned on King Rastakhan and would see a true troll empire rule the world once again, even if it means submitting to the blood god: G'huun.
Zul is a two-phase encounter that centers around controlling waves of adds in the first phase, and managing increasing area denial in the second. Equally, the longer Phase One lasts, the more deadly Phase Two becomes. This, paradoxically, causes your raid to want use cooldowns to push sooner, yet save them to make it through the last phase.
- Pick up adds as they spawn, making sure to keep the Nazmani Crushers faced away from other players.
- Pull the Nazmani Crushers at least 30 yards away from other mobs when their Energy gets high.
- Help to crowd control any Animated Ichors to prevent them from reaching Zul, or any Nazmani Bloodhexers if they get too close to another Bloodhexer.
- In Phase Two, make sure to face Zul away from other players, so that you are
the only person taking
Rupturing Blood.
- Be sure to run to the edge of the room as your
Rupturing Blood debuff is about to fall off, to drop
Ruptured Blood in a good spot.
- Make sure you are in range of Healers for the majority of the
Rupturing Blood debuff, as you will require a lot of heals.
- In Phase One, keep an eye on low Health players when
Nazmani Bloodhexers are active, as they will target the lowest
Health players with their
Bloodshard casts.
- Make sure to top off low Health players before
Dark Revelation expires.
- In Phase Two, make sure the raid is healthy before
Deathwish goes out, and to use cooldowns to counter the damage.
- Make sure you kill Animated Ichors before they reach Zul.
- Focus down adds before turning your attention to Zul.
- Run to the edge of the platform when afflicted with
Dark Revelation.
- If you notice a
Pool of Darkness spawn, run into it until the assigned soaker can take your place.
- Crowd control the adds a much as possible, with the focus on preventing Animated Ichors from reaching Zul and Nazmani Bloodhexers from being within 20 yards of each other.
- Classes with offensive dispels should use them on the Minion of Zul to instantly kill them.
- In Phase One, stack near the center of the room.
- Avoid standing in front of the Nazmani Crushers.
- In Phase Two, the raid should stay as close to the center of the room as
possible to give more time to the players afflicted with
- Stay away from the front of Zul to reduce the number of
Ruptured Blood that will spawn from
Rupturing Blood debuffs.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use
Time Warp at the start of
Phase Two to help clean up any left over adds, and to kill Zul before the
platform is overrun with
Ruptured Blood.
Class-specific Advice for Zul, Reborn
- 12 Dec. 2018 (mythic page): Strategy adjusted to reflect the removal of Rogue's Shuriken Combo.
- 29 Oct. 2018 (mythic page): Guide added.
- 10 Sep. 2018 (abilities page): Clarified the number of targets Dark Revelation selects.
- 07 Sep. 2018 (strategy page): Fixed incorrect ability link.
- 07 Sep. 2018 (abilities page): Fixed incorrect ability link.
- 23 Aug. 2018 (this page): Guide added.
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