Zul, Reborn Mythic Strategy/Tactics
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, you will find a list of changes between Normal/Heroic modes and Mythic mode, as well as a working strategy to defeat Zul, Reborn in Uldir in Mythic mode.
The other pages of our Zul, Reborn guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
Mythic Mode Abilities
Blood Recall
All of the adds during the fight will be under the effect
Blood Recall. This will cause them to respawn roughly 10 seconds after
they are killed.
Decaying Flesh
One add will be buffed with Decaying Flesh. This buff lasts 12
seconds and prevents
Blood Recall from taking effect, allowing the adds
to be killed permanently. When Decaying Flesh expires, or is offensively
dispelled, it will jump to a new add of a different type; meaning if it is on a
Bloodthirsty Crawg, it will always jump to either a
Nazmani Bloodhexer or a Nazmani Crusher.
Ability Changes
Pool of Darkness
Pool of Darkness will now cause the player soaking it to receive
a stack of
Corrupted Blood each time the pool deals damage.
The aim of this fight on Mythic is to DPS through the first phase as fast as possible, while largely ignoring the adds. In fact, the goal should be to keep the Bloodthirsty Crawgs alive for as long as possible, in order to allow certain classes to generate resources from them.
You are going to want to bring three Tanks to this encounter. The role of the
third Tank is to maintain threat on the Bloodthirsty Crawgs while kiting
them around Zul. Demon Hunters are excellent for this, due to their naturally
high mobility. If the Crawgs ever catch up, then the Tank will take a
significant amount of damage, so they should be ready to call for AoE stuns or
Ring of Peace. It is important to note for the DPS that while it is all
too easy for the Crawgs to die naturally to ambient AoE damage, it is possible
for them to live too long and cast
Engorged Burst, especially if they
are allowed heal by hitting the tank. Keep a close eye on their energy and be
ready to call for the raid to turn up the AoE damage if it looks like they are
going to explode. On the other hand, you may find that your raid is dealing too much AoE damage
to the Crawgs, and they begin to die while there are no other adds alive for
Decaying Flesh to jump to. If this happens, have your Tank stop kiting
and allow the Crawgs to melee attack, so that they are healed by
Hungering Maw. This is only really important for the first set, as
the longer the fight goes on, the more Crawgs will be spawned.
For Pool of Darkness, eight people should be assigned to soak. The
first two should be soaked by the main Tanks since they will not be able to
soak during the second phase due to the position requirements of Zul and
Rupturing Blood. Similarly, healers should soak the next two as they
will be stretched incredibly thin keeping the tanks alive and managing the
Deathwish targets. The last four soaks should be handled by classes
with immunities such as Mages or Hunters. This is because any pools after the
fourth should be taking place in Phase Two, meaning they can spawn inside
Ruptured Blood.
When the fight starts the raid should all stack tightly behind Zul. There
are no mechanics that punish stacking, and in fact the more centralized your
raid is, the less damage they will take from Dark Revelation and
Deathwish. Have the raid DPS Zul, while allowing the
Nazmani Bloodhexer and Nazmani Crusher to die to DoTs and
cleave. Once they are close to death, ensure they are afflicted with
Decaying Flesh by purging the buff off incorrect targets until it jumps
to the right one.
All Nazmani Bloodhexers after the first one should be crowd
controlled for the remainder of the encounter. Classes with long range hard
crowd control should be assigned to specific add spawns. When new sets of Blood
Hexers are spawning, the raid needs to be aware if they are spawning on top of
the previous Hexers, and to have a Death Knight run out to grip the crowd
controlled Hexer away from the spawn. If your raid does not have a Death
Knight, then spells like Shining Force will do the trick, or combining
other shorter knockback abilities. Just do whatever it takes to keep those
Hexers more than 20 yards apart. One thing to remember is spells like
Polymorph or
Hex will cause the Hexers to run around in a
small area which can cause them to accidentally wander back into range.
As for the Nazmani Crushers, they should be handled just like heroic,
pulling them out of range of other enemies before they cast
Thrumming Pulse. The goal is to push Zul into Phase Two before the third
Crusher spawns. This will happen a few seconds after the fourth
Pool of Darkness expires. Because your goal is to push before that third
Crusher, it is exceedingly likely that the push will happen during the fourth
Pool. A Mistweaver or Warlock should be assigned to soak this pool so
they can use either
Transcendence or
Demonic Circle to dodge
the knockback from
Locus of Corruption.
For Phase Two, make sure Zul is in the center of the room, with the raid
slightly behind him. It is incredibly important for the raid that the path to
the closest edge of the platform does not lead you in front of Zul. This is
because Deathwish can cause players to run through Zul's cleave range,
getting hit by
Rupturing Blood along the way and subsequently dying, dropping a huge pool
Ruptured Blood on the stack point. When Deathwish goes out, allow
the two targets to run to the edge of the room before dispelling one, and having
a priest
Leap of Faith the other one back to the group. Once the second
Deathwish target runs to the edge of the platform again, dispel them as well.
Offsetting the Deathwish damage in this way allows time for healing cooldowns to
top the raid off.
Finally, the Tanks should handle Rupturing Blood similarly to
Heroic, however it is much more deadly on Mythic. Thankfully, this phase should
only last a little more than 90 seconds, so liberal use of Mana and
defensive/personal cooldowns is sustainable. When the Tanks leave to drop their
stacks, have Paladins use
Blessing of Protection on them in order to
remove the debuff before it expires naturally. When
Rupturing Blood is
fully stacked, it is not uncommon for it to tick for roughly 40% of a Tank's
Health pool, so they will need a great deal of attention from healers.
Sometimes it can be a good idea to simply let a Tank die once he runs out. This
will allow your healers to make sure the other Tank is good and healthy, as
well as saving their Mana. This, of course, only works if you have a battle res
to spare, or Zul is near death.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use Bloodlust/
Time Warp
at the start of Phase Two to burn Zul down as quickly as possible before he
kills your Tanks.
- 12 Dec. 2018: Strategy adjusted to reflect the removal of Rogue's Shuriken Combo.
- 29 Oct. 2018: Guide added.
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