Zul, Reborn Strategy/Tactics for Normal/Heroic
Table of Contents
General Information
On this page, you will find a working strategy to defeat Zul, Reborn in Uldir for both Normal and Heroic modes, which usually only differ by the tuning of the boss.
Here, we assume that you have read our descriptions of the abilities for this encounter.
The other pages of our Zul, Reborn guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
Positioning and Strategy
Phase One
Tank the adds on top of Zul in the center of the room. AoE them all
down, and be sure to move the Nazmani Crushers to the edge of the
room before they cast Thrumming Pulse. Additional adds will spawn
starting with Bloodthirsty Crawgs, followed by
Nazmani Bloodhexers and Crushers.
As the Bloodthirsty Crawgs spawn, make sure they are misdirected to the tank, and AoEd down by the group.
Ensure that the Bloodhexers are never within 20 yards of each other;
use Death Grip or kicks to bring one into melee range, and let the
other free cast using ranged interrupts when available.
You can also choose to crowd control the one that is not being focused. When
Animated Ichor spawn, use knockbacks, stuns, and slows to prevent
them from reaching Zul while you kill them.
Have a player with high durability or self-sustain assigned to soak
Pool of Darkness. When one spawns, the closest person in the raid
should step into it to prevent raid damage while the assigned soaker makes
their way over. Soakers should simply stay in the end zone until it
When players get Dark Revelation, they need to run to the edge of
the platform before it expires. This will reduce raid damage, as well as spawn
the Minions of Zul in a favorable position. Have Priests or Blood
Elves ready to mass dispel with either
Mass Dispel or
Arcane Torrent respectively, with Shamans, Priests, or Demon Hunters
ready to
Dispel Magic, or
Consume Magic
any that were missed. Mages should never attempt to
Spellsteal the
Bound by Shadow buff, as when the buff expires or the shield is broken,
the Mage will instantly die.
Ideally, you should be able to deal with the Minions of Zul without having to DPS any of them, but if your group lacks sufficient dispels, you will have to damage some until their buff is removed and they die.
Phase Two
Reach Phase Two quickly is important to reduce the number of stacks of
Corrupted Blood the group will have, but this mechanic is more set
in place to punish groups who allowed the Nazmani Bloodhexers to
heal Zul. As such, you should not worry about using too many resources to push
out of Phase One when they are better spend simply killing the boss in Phase
After Zul enters Phase Two, have the raid positioned near the center of the
room, with Zul slightly outside the group to prevent any accidental
applications of Rupturing Blood. Have the raid use cooldowns,
potions, and
Time Warp in
order to clean up any remaining adds, and burn the boss.
When players are afflicted with Deathwish, healers need to make
sure the group is topped off before dispelling. Priests can also use
Leap of Faith on one of the targets in order to offset the dispels
and give healers more time to top off the raid. After the dispels, be sure to
once again Mass Dispel the Minions of Zul that spawn.
Finally, when the active tank's Rupturing Blood reaches three stacks,
the off-tank should taunt. This will give the first tank a four second window after
dropping his debuff to taunt the boss back before the off-tank receives a fourth
stack. Drop
Ruptured Blood, as close to the edge of the platform as possible,
while staying in range of healers for as long as you can; Rupturing Blood
deals a tremendous amount of damage, and leaving too soon can result in a death.
Ruptured Blood puddles should also be grouped together very closely.
Mobile tanks such as Monks and Demon Hunters can
Roll or
Infernal Strike into existing puddles to quickly stack them
before leaping or using
Transcendence to get back out.
Tank Concerns
Zul will not be tankable for the first 60% of his Health, so tanks are going
to be picking up adds and crowd controlling for most of this fight. Remember to
keep the Nazmani Crushers and Zul faced away from the raid so as not
to cleave your group. It is also vitally important that you get out to the
edges of the platform when dropping Ruptured Blood.
Healing Concerns
This fight really begins at 40% for healers. Aside from a small amount of
burst raid damage every minute, the only real damage the raid takes during
Phase One are from the random Shadow Barrages that Zul fires as well
as the ticking damage on the person soaking
Pool of Darkness.
When Zul hits 40%, be ready to be constantly healing the raid. Save cooldowns
for the Deathwishes, and again, give extra attention to the person
Pool of Darkness.
Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp
We advise you to use
Time Warp at the start of
Phase Two to help clean up any left-over adds, and to kill Zul before the
platform is overrun with
Ruptured Blood.
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