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Asaba Harumasa Guide and Best Builds for Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Last updated Today at 09:15 by Jaymo
??? EN Voice Actor
Kakihara Tetsuya JP Voice Actor

Introduction - Asaba Harumasa

Asaba Harumasa is an Electric Attack Agent in Zenless Zone Zero. He is part of the Hollow Special Operations Section 6 Faction alongside Soukaku, Tsukishiro Yanagi, and Hoshimi Miyabi.

Nice to meet you, unless you're here to make me work overtime.

Ahem... I feel like my condition has worsened...

I've got bags under my eyes, my body aches all over, and I feel so out of it that I’m about to mutate into an Ethereal.

Deputy, are you not going to give me a sick leave note?

Asaba Harumasa Character Demo


How to Pull Harumasa

Asaba Harumasa is a limited-time S-Rank Agent, and is only available on the Exclusive Channel. He was given for free during version 1.4.


Asaba Harumasa Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Highly mobile and fast on the battlefield.
  • +Can combine with various other agents.
  • +Original playstyle.
  • +He is Free.
X Weaknesses
  • -Lower damage compared to other S-Rank Agents released at this time.
  • -Can take time to get used to his playstyle.

Skills, Mindscape, and Promotions


Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions

Skills Mindscapes Promotions

Basic Dodge Assist Special Chain Core
Skill Description
Basic Attack: Cloud Piercer

Press to activate:

Launch up to five piercing attacks ahead, dealing Physical DMG and Electric DMG.

When the 5th hit of the Basic Attack hits an enemy, it generates 2 Electro Quivers.

After activating a Chain Attack, the next time Harumasa activates the 5th hit of Basic Attack: Cloud Piercer and hits an enemy with it, it generates 6 Electro Quivers.

Basic Attack: Cloud Piercer - Drift

During Basic Attack: Cloud Piercer, drag the joystick and press to activate: Shoot a ranged piercing attack and reposition towards the corresponding drag direction, dealing Physical DMG.

Basic Attack: Falling Feather

After the 5th hit of Basic Attack: Cloud Piercer, a Special Attack, an EX Special Attack, or a Chain Attack, hold to activate: Immediately shoot Falling Feather at enemies ahead, dealing Electric DMG.

Hold to aim at a target and release to activate: After drawing the bowstring and aiming, shoot Falling Feather at the target, dealing Electric DMG.

Basic Attack: Ha-Oto no Ya

When the 5th hit of Basic Attack: Cloud Piercer/EX Special Attack/Chain Attack hits an enemy or the ground, it can generate 2/6/6 Electro Quivers.

If there are no Electro Quivers on the field when any squad member applies an Attribute Anomaly to an enemy, generate 6 Electro Quivers. This effect can trigger once every 12s.

There can be up to 6 Electro Quivers present at a time. If there are any Electro Quivers present when Harumasa fires and hits enemies with Falling Feather, the Electro Quivers will activate and fire Ha-Oto no Ya at the enemies hit by Falling Feather, dealing Electric DMG.

Ha-Oto no Ya will apply Electro Prison to enemies hit, stacking up to 8 times and lasting 10s, repeated triggers reset the duration. While a target has at least 2 stacks of Electro Prison, they will be X-Marked.

Skill Description
Dodge: Quick Flash

Press to activate:

A quick dash dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru

Press during a Dodge to activate: Launch multiple piercing attacks ahead, dealing Physical DMG.

Dodge Counter: Hidden Edge

Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate:

Pierces enemies in front, dealing Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash

While there are X-Marked enemies on the field, Harumasa will enter the Awakened state, switching Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru for Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash.

While in the Awakened state, press during a dodge to activate: Rush forwards to the closest X-Marked enemy and execute a powerful slash, dealing Electric DMG.

When the slash hits the target, it consumes 2 stacks of Electro Prison.

With less than 2 stacks of Electro Prison, X-Marked will be removed from the enemy. Before X-Marked is removed, repeatedly press to repeatedly use Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash.

While no X-Marked enemies exist on the field, Harumasa leaves the Awakened state.

While in the Awakened state, press after Basic Attack: Falling Feather to quickly follow up with Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash. During skill activation, Anti-Interrupt level increases, and DMG taken is reduced by 40%.

Skill Description
Quick Assist: Braced Bow

When the on-field character is launched, press to activate:

Unleash a piercing attack at enemies ahead, dealing Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Defensive Assist: Yugamae

When the on field character is about to be attacked, press to activate:

Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Defensive Assist: Yugamae - Slash

Press to activate:

Unleash a series of slashes at enemies ahead, dealing Electric DMG.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Special Attack: Nowhere to Hide

Press to activate:

Launch an arrow forward, dealing Electric DMG.

Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: Nowhere to Run

When Harumasa has enough energy, press to activate:

Launch daggers and an enhanced arrow ahead, dealing massive Electric DMG.

When the enhanced arrow hits an enemy or the ground, it generates 6 Electro Quivers.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Chain Attack: Kai - Hanare

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to Activate:

Unleash a piercing attack on enemies in a large area ahead then fire an enhanced arrow, dealing massive Electric DMG. When the arrow hits the ground, it generates 6 Electro Quivers.

The character is invulnerable during this skill.

Ultimate: Zanshin

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:

Unleash a piercing attack on enemies in a large area ahead, dealing massive Electric DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Core Passive: Day Break

The CRIT Rate of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash increases by 10.6%, and when Harumasa's Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash triggers a critical hit against an enemy, he gains 1 stack of Gleaming Edge, for up to a maximum of 3 stacks per use of the skill and stacking up to 6 times, lasting 5s, repeated triggers reset the duration.

Each stack of Gleaming Edge increases the CRIT DMG of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash by 6%.

Additional Ability: Overclock

When another character in your squad is a Stun or Anomaly character:

When Harumasa's attacks hit Stunned enemies or enemies under Attribute Anomaly, his DMG increases by 40%. When Harumasa's Falling Feather hits Stunned enemies or enemies under Attribute Anomaly, it will apply 2 stacks of Electro Prison to the target.


Harumasa's Best Mindscapes

Harumasa's Mindscapes are rather average, and not extremely worth getting. Since he is given for Free, you could invest in his M1 for a few more Electro Prison stacks, allowing you to deal more damage, but it is not going to be a groundbreaking change for him. His M2 would change a bit his rotation, but it is again nothing that is that important to invest into. His M4 and M6 are really not worth the investment compared to other agents.

# Mindscape Description
M1 "High Spirit" The maximum stack limit of Electro Prison from Basic Attack: Ha-Oto no Ya increases to 14 stacks. When an Electro Quiver is triggered, 2 consecutive Ha-Oto no Ya will be fired at the target.
M2 Languish When using an Chain Attack or Ultimate, Harumasa gains 7 stacks of Electro Blitz, up to a max of 7 stacks. While possessing Electro Blitz, the DMG of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash increases by 50%. Consume 1 stack of Electro Blitz once Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash ends.
M3 White Lies Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
M4 Occasionally Motivated Electro Prison now lasts for 20s. When Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash hits enemies, Harumasa gains 30 Decibels once per use of this skill. Upon activating Ultimate, apply maximum stacks of Electro Prison to all on-field enemies.
M5 No One Knows Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
M6 Tacit Understanding After Ha-Oto no Ya hits Stunned enemies or enemies under Attribute Anomalies, Harumasa will ignore 15% of the target's Electric RES for 12s. Every 12 times an enemy is hit by Ha-Oto no Ya, trigger an extra electromagnetic explosion, dealing 1,500% of Harumasa's ATK to the target as Electric DMG.

Harumasa's Promotions

Skill Description
Core Skill Enhancement A
  • Crit Rate increases by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Day Break Skill Lv.+1
  • The Crit Rate of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash increases by 13%.
  • Each stack of Gleaming Edge increases the Crit DMG of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash by 7%.
Core Skill Enhancement B
  • Base ATK increases by 25
  • Core Passive: Accelerant Skill Lv.+1
  • The Crit Rate of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash increases by 15.4%.
  • Each stack of Gleaming Edge increases the Crit DMG of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash by 8%.
Core Skill Enhancement C
  • Crit Rate increases by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Accelerant Skill Lv.+1
  • The Crit Rate of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash increases by 17.8%.
  • Each stack of Gleaming Edge increases the Crit DMG of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash by 9%.
Core Skill Enhancement D
  • Base ATK increases by 25
  • Core Passive: Accelerant Skill Lv.+1
  • The Crit Rate of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash increases by 20.2%.
  • Each stack of Gleaming Edge increases the Crit DMG of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash by 10%.
Core Skill Enhancement E
  • Crit Rate increases by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Accelerant Skill Lv.+1
  • The Crit Rate of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash increases by 22.6%.
  • Each stack of Gleaming Edge increases the Crit DMG of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash by 11%.
Core Skill Enhancement F
  • Base ATK increases by 25
  • Core Passive: Accelerant Skill Lv.+1
  • The Crit Rate of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash increases by 25%.
  • Each stack of Gleaming Edge increases the Crit DMG of Dash Attack: Hiten no Tsuru - Slash by 12%.

How to Play Asaba Harumasa

Harumasa is specialized in Electric attacks with two forms of wepaons: a Bow and Blades.

He has the ability to jump back and forth during fights, and is relying on a special Electro Quivers mechanic, as well as his ability to X-Mark enemies, allowing Harumasa to enter his Awakened state.

Harumasa's special ability, Electro Quivers, can be considered as traps. Using the following attacks will generate Electro Quivers when they hit an enemy:

  • 5th Hit of his Basic Attack Cloud Piercer
  • Ex Special Attack
  • Chain Attack

Those attacks will respectively generate 2/6/6 Electro Quivers upon hitting an enemy.

You can also generate Electro Quivers while Harumasa is not on-field when any squad member applies an Attribute Anomaly. This will directly generate 6 Electro Quivers, which is the maximum amount you can have on the field at the same time.

Once 6 Quivers are on the field, if you hit an enemy with his Charged Attack, you will trigger the traps to explode. The explosion will mark the enemy with Electro Prison, also referred as X-marked in game.

You can have a maximum of 8 X-Mark stacks on an enemy. Those are triggered by the following attacks:

  • Casting a charged attack against a Stunned enemy
  • Casting a charged attack against an enemy under the influence of an attribute anomaly

When an enemy is X-Marked, Harumasa enters his awakened state, and his Dash attack will be enhanced, allowing him to perform up to 3 powerful slashes. Each dash attack will consume 2 X-Mark.

Hitting with the Basic attack right after the Dash during his Awakened state will allow you to perform a 4th Dash attack.


Character Build

BiS W-Engine Zanshin Herb Case
Alternative W-Engines
  1. Marcato Desire
  2. The Brimstone
  3. Starlight Engine
  4. Gilded Blossom
Best Drive Discs

4 Piece:

  1. Thunder Metal

2 Piece:

  1. Hormone Punk
  2. Woodpecker Electro
Main Stats
  • Disc 4: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  • Disc 5: Electric DMG
  • Disc 6: ATK %
Substat Priority
  1. CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  2. ATK %
  3. PEN
Skill Priority
  1. Core Skill
  2. Dodge
  3. Ultimate
  4. EX Special Attack
  5. Basic Attack
  6. Assist

Harumasa's best W-Engine is his Zanshin Herb Case signature S-Rank W-Engine. It is the Best-in-Slot option for him as it will give him a good amount of CRIT DMG. The next best choice for him would be The Brimstone W-Engine, which is almost as good as his signature Weapon.

Marcato Desire from the Into That Pale Wasteland Event is a very good W-Engine for Attack Agents, as it increases CRIT Rate and is always rank 5.

If you are free to play, you can go for Starlight Engine or the Event weapon Gilded Blossom.

Harumasa's best Drive Disc is Thunder Metal. This will give him an Electric DMG boost and is the perfect Drive Disc for him. As a two piece option, you can either go for Hormone Punk for more Attack, or Woodpecker Electro for more CRIT Rate.

If you plan to farm the new Branch and Blade Song set for Hoshimi Miyabi, you can use it as a 2 piece for Harumasa as well for more CRIT DMG. However don't waste your resources on it just for Harumasa.


Bangboo Information

PlugbooPlugboo is the best Bangboo for Harumasa when he is played with other Electric agents. The A-Rank equivalent would be ElectrobooElectroboo.

The new Agent GulliverAgent Gulliver Bangboo is another good option if Harumasa is paired with a fellow Section 6 member.

If you are looking for a support type Bangboo, ExplorebooExploreboo or AvocabooAvocaboo are viable options, as they provide small buffs or healing to the team.


Team Comps and Synergy

Harumasa can be paired with a large choice of teammates, but his best option is to pair him with an on-field stunner such as Qingyi. You can also use Astra Yao in all his teams if you have her, as she is a very good support for Harumasa that can be a bit behind other Agents without any good support.

DPS Stun Support Bangboo
Asaba Harumasa Qingyi Astra Yao Plugboo

Qingyi will stun the enemies, providing a stun window to Harumasa, where he will be able to unleash his power. Astra Yao is the best support for Harumasa, since she will give him a serious boost that he needs, while also providing some healing. You can replace Astra with Alexandrina Sebastiane who is a good Electric support, making her a perfect choice to team with Harumasa for a mono-electric team.

You can replace Qingyi with Anby Demara, or Caesar King if you do not have her.

DPS Sub-DPS Support Bangboo
Tsukishiro Yanagi Asaba Harumasa Alexandrina Sebastiane Agent Gulliver

Harumasa can be lacking on damage, and you may want to play him more as a Sub-DPS. For this you can pair him with Tsukishiro Yanagi who will not only provide the missing DPS, but also trigger Harumasa's special ability, since she is from the same Faction.

DPS Defense Anomaly Bangboo
Asaba Harumasa Caesar King Lighter Red Moccus

Caesar King can provide a good ATK boost to Harumasa while also sustaining the whole squad with her incredible defensive abilities. Paired together with Lighter will allow Harumasa to have more time on-field, as Ceasar and Lighter will provide a bigger Stun window.



  • 08 Feb. 2025: Updated for 1.5 Phase two.
  • 22 Jan. 2025: How to Pull updated.
  • 29 Dec. 2024: W-Engine updated.
  • 18 Dec. 2024: Updated informations.
  • 16 Dec. 2024: Build updated.
  • 01 Nov. 2024: Guide added.
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