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Billy Kid Guide and Best Builds for Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Last updated Today at 10:20 by Jaymo
Clifford Chapin EN Voice Actor
Hayashi Yu JP Voice Actor

Introduction - Billy Kid

Billy Kid is an A-Rank Physical Ranged Attack Agent in Zenless Zone Zero. He specializes in dealing Pierce damage as well as taking care of large groups of enemies with his long-range Firearms. Billy Kid belongs to the Cunning Hares Faction alongside other characters such as Nekomata and Nicole Demara.

A handsome cyborg with a casual and carefree personality. He's an avid fan of the Starlight Knight show, not only referring to himself as one of the Starlight Knights, but repeating many classic lines from the show. Refers to his pair of special custom-made high-caliber revolvers as "ladies". They appear to have been a gift from an old friend. He may look unreliable, but once he gets serious Billy can take on any challenge.


How to Pull Billy

Billy Kid can be pulled at a regular rate from all Channels, excluding the Bangboo Channel. He is also given to you through the story, not long after the start, alongside two other Cunning Hares faction members: Nicole Demara, and Anby Demara.


Billy Kid Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Good F2P DPS who can attack with impressive range.
  • +Powerfull against multiple targets. He can take out multiple small enemies very fast.
  • +Extra Burst Damage if his skills are used in a certain order.
X Weaknesses
  • -Needs specific supports to get to his full potential.
  • -Very limited team possibilities.
  • -Already a lot of Competition for Physical DPS Characters.
  • -High risk of canceling his own DMG boosts.

Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions


Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions

Skills Mindscapes Promotions

Basic Dodge Assist Special Chain Core
Skill Description
Basic Attack: Full Firepower

Press to activate: Unleashes a piercing attack, dealing Physical damage. Repeatedly press or hold Basic Attack to enter Crouching Shot to extend the attack duration.

Drag the joystick during Crouching Shot to launch Rolling Shot and adjust the character's position, dealing Physical damage.

Stop holding or pressing Basic Attack during Crouching Shot to launch Finishing Shot at enemies in front, dealing Physical damage.

Skill Description
Dodge: Risky Business

Press Dodge to activate:

A rapid dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dash Attack: Starlight Sanction

When dragging the joystick during a Dodge, press Basic Attack:

Launches a piercing attack at nearby enemies within a large area, dealing Physical damage.

When not dragging the joystick during a Dodge, press Basic Attack: Launches a piercing attack at enemies in a line, dealing Physical damage.

Dodge Counter: Fair Fight

Press Basic Attack during a Perfect Dodge to activate:

Pierces enemies in front, dealing Physical damage. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Quick Assist: Power of Teamwork

When the on-field character is launched, press to activate:

Launches a piercing attack at enemies in front, dealing Physical damage. Character is invulnerable during the attack.

Evasive Assist: Flash Spin

When the character on-field is about to be attacked, press to activate:

Dodge the enemy's attack and activate Vital View. Character is Invulnerable while using this skill.

Assist Follow-Up: Fatal Shot

Press after an Evasive Assist to activate:

Pierce enemies in a large area in front, dealing Physical damage. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Special Attack: Stand Still

Press to activate:

Performs up to 3 piercing attacks in a line, dealing Physical damage. Anti-interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: Clearance Time

When Billy has enough energy, press to activate:

Launches a powerful piercing attack in a line, dealing massive Physical damage. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Chain Attack: Starlight Mirage

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the Character to activate:

Unleash a powerful piercing attack at surrounding enemies in a large area, dealing massive Physical damage. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Ultimate: Starlight, Shine Bright

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:

Unleashes a powerful piercing attack at surrounding enemies in a large area, dealing massive Physical damage. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Core Passive: Steady Shot Billy's damage increases by 25%(Lv.1) when he enters Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack. The effect ends if he moves, returns to standby, or is knocked back or launched by an attack.
Additional Ability: Team Starlight

When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction:

After Billy uses a Chain Attack, the DMG of his next Ultimate is increased by 50%, stacking up 2 times. This effect resets whenever an Ultimate is activated.


Billy's Best Mindscapes

Billy's Roaming Gunslinger (M2) and Starlight Hero (M6) work really good together, since his M2 turns his Rolling Shots into dodges, and the M6 increases the damage of perfect dodges. Don't underestimate his M3 and M5, as the damage multiplier buffs of his skills are really useful to Billy.

# Mindscape Description
M1 Dazzling Entrance When Billy hits an enemy with a Dash Attack or Dodge Counter, he gains an additional 2.7 energy. Can trigger once every 5s.
M2 Roaming Gunslinger

Billy's Dodge Counter damage increases by 25%.

Rolling Shots during his Basic Attacks count as dodges, making Billy invulnerable during skill activation and able to trigger perfect dodges.

When a Rolling Shot triggers a perfect dodge, it will automatically follow up with a Dodge Counter.

M3 Teachings of the Starlight Knights Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Level +2.
M4 Starlight Ballistics When Billy hits an enemy with his EX Special Attack, the skill's Crit Rate increases based on the distance from the enemy. The closer he is to the target, the greater the effect, up to a maximum increase of 32%.
M5 Lost Technological Construct Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Level +2.
M6 Starlight Hero When Billy accumulates 10 hits on enemies or triggers a Perfect Dodge, his damage increases by 6%, stacking up to 5 times. The effect resets if he is knocked back or launched by an enemy.

Billy's Promotion Passives

Skill Description
Core Skill Enhancement A
  • CRIT Rate increases by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Steady Shot Skill Lv.+1
  • When Billy enters Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack: DMG increased by 29.1%
Core Skill Enhancement B
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Steady Shot Skill Lv.+1
  • When Billy enters Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack: DMG increased by 33.3%
Core Skill Enhancement C
  • CRIT Rate increases by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Steady Shot Skill Lv.+1
  • When Billy enters Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack: DMG increased by 37.5%
Core Skill Enhancement D
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Steady Shot Skill Lv.+1
  • When Billy enters Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack: DMG increased by 41.6%
Core Skill Enhancement E
  • CRIT Rate increases by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Steady Shot Skill Lv.+1
  • When Billy enters Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack: DMG increased by 45.8%
Core Skill Enhancement F
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Steady Shot Skill Lv.+1
  • When Billy enters Crouching Shot during his Basic Attack: DMG increased by 50%

How to Play Billy Kid

Billy Kid is mainly focused on dealing with large crowds of enemies dealing Physical damage in a large radius by shooting down targets while keeping a distance.

While holding the Basic Attack button down:

  • Enter Crouching Shot to extend the duration of the attack and increase his DMG by 25%.
  • Move during Crouching Shot to enter Rolling Shot and increase his Dodge Counter DMG by 25%.
  • Release the Basic Attack button to launch Finishing Shot, a powerful attack that deals heavy Physical damage.

Billy Kid may be a ranged shooter, however, his attacks do less damage when far away. His optimal damage will be between close range and 3 square tiles (in the training room). Over 3 tiles he will gradually do reduced damage:

  • 75% of his optimal damage when over 3 tiles away
  • 50% of his optimal damage when over 4 tiles away
  • 25% of his optimal damage when over 5/6 tiles away
  • Over 7/8 tiles away in the training room some of his attacks will completely miss the targets.

These modifiers apply to his basic attacks, special and EX special attack, and dash attacks. His ultimate is not diminished but at a too high range it will miss completely.

In order to play Billy, you will have to position yourself in a way that will always put you in the optimal range. You can use his Rolling Shot to reposition yourself.

Cancelling a crouching shot early with an Ex Special Attack or Ultimate will Still apply the crouching shot buff.

Billy's rotation goes as followed:

  • Enter Crouching Shot
  • Activate your Ex Special Attacks
  • Dash forward or spin attack to reposition yourself closer again
  • Finish off with the Ultimate

This way, all the attacks have Billy's passive buffs applied.

Overall, Billy is a good Agent that you get for free at the beginning of the game, allowing you to have a team member that has the ability to take down large crowds of enemies in a short time, as well as focusing on bosses with heavy damage, making him a good choice to clear content early in the game.


Billy Kid Character Build

BiS W-Engine Starlight Engine Replica
Alternative W-Engines
  1. Steel Cushion
  2. The Brimstone
  3. Starlight Engine
  4. Street Superstar
  5. Marcato Desire
Best Drive Discs

4 Piece:

  1. Woodpecker Electro
  2. Puffer Electro
  3. Fanged Metal

2 Piece:

  1. Puffer Electro
  2. Hormone Punk
  3. Woodpecker Electro
Main Stats
  • Disc 4: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  • Disc 5: ATK % / Pen Ratio
  • Disc 6: ATK %
Substat Priority
  1. CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  2. ATK %
  3. PEN
Skill Priority
  1. Ultimate
  2. Core Skill
  3. Basic Attack
  4. EX Special Attack
  5. Dodge
  6. Assist

Billy's best W-Engine is the Starlight Engine Replica as it increases his Physical damage when attacking from far away. An alternative S-Rank option is Steel Cushion which increases Physical DMG, but you always have to make sure you attack enemies from behind. Starlight Engine and Street Superstar are also viable options if you don't have the others.

Billy's best Disc Drive is Fanged Metal, providing an additional Physical damage boost. The other sets are great 2-piece options. His best substats to focus on are CRIT Rate, CRIT DMG, ATK % and Penetration.


Bangboo Information

Billy's best Bangboo is AmillionAmillion since for now Billy will mostly be played with his Cunning Hares friends, and Amillion is the perfect Bangboo for them.

Another viable option for Billy is BagbooBagboo with his Physical DMG, and bonus if there is an attack character in the team.

If you are looking for a support type Bangboo, ExplorebooExploreboo or AvocabooAvocaboo are viable options, as they provide small buffs or healing to the team.


Billy Kid Team Comps and Synergy

DPS Stun Support Bangboo
Billy Kid Anby Demara Nicole Demara Amillion
Billy Kid Qingyi Nicole Demara Amillion

The Cunning Hares team is the most interesting one for Billy Kid. Nicole Demara will reduce the enemies' DEF and pack them, and Anby Demara will inflict Daze, leaving an opening for Billy to shoot everyone down extremely fast.

This team has also the advantage to be completely Free, allowing you to have a very good starting squad!

A good replacement for Anby Demara is Qingyi as she will provide a lot of Stun.

DPS Defense Support Bangboo
Billy Kid Caesar King Nicole Demara Amillion

Using Nicole Demara together with Caesar King will trigger the defense assist for Caesar's additional ability, debuffing enemies, allowing Billy to hit harder while also receiving Caesar's ATK buff and some more survivability.



  • 08 Feb. 2025: Updated for 1.5 Phase two.
  • 29 Dec. 2024: W-Engine updated.
  • 25 Sep. 2024: Team updated.
  • 19 Aug. 2024: Build Updated.
  • 13 Aug. 2024: Build Updated.
  • 06 Jul. 2024: Build Updated.
  • 15 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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