Endless Tower: The Last Stand Guide and Best Agents for Zenless Zone Zero

Endless Tower: The Last Stand Guide and Best Agents for Zenless Zone Zero

The new Endless Tower: The Last Stand is a new Simulated Battle Trial mode where you can fight your way through multiple phases with specific buffs and side effects.

Last updated on Mar 23, 2025 at 10:22 by Jaymo

What is Endless Tower: The Last Stand in Zenless Zone Zero?

Endless Tower: The Last Stand Guide for Zenless Zone Zero

Endless Tower: The Last Stand is another Simulated Battle Trial, similar to Endless Tower. This Endgame content released with version 1.5 of the game and is only available for 42 days starting January 22, 2025. You will be able to progress through different stages with 10 floors each, during which you will have to equip buffs with side effects.


How do you Unlock Endless Tower: The Last Stand?

The Simulated Battle Trial unlocks when you reach Inter-Knot level 36 and complete the Victoria Housekeeping Co. quest The Midnight Pursuit in Chapter 3.

The Midnight Pursuit Unlock Requirements for Endless Tower in Zenless Zone Zero

What are the Endless Tower: The Last Stand Stages?

Endless Tower: The Last Stand is different than the Base Simulated Battle Trial. You will progress through different phases, each containing 10 floors. Before entering combat, you will also have to pick one out of three modifiers: those will give you a buff, but also a negative side effect.

After reach level 50 of the Endless Tower: The Last Stand and earning all the badges, you will be able to keep challenging in phases of 10 floors. For example: if you give up on floor 69, you can retry on floor 61, and reset your line-up. The agents will be fully restored.

The modifier you pick before the battle will give you a specific combat effect. Clearing each floor grants you the corresponding reward effect that will carry over to the next battle. Be aware as those modifiers also come with negative effects! We advise you pick according to your team, preferences, and the combat you are about to face. Each set of 10 floors will grant you two modifiers: one for the first 5 floors, and one for the last 5 floors.

Additionally, if you clear floors beyond 50 without being hit, you will also unlock that stage's unique "Demon Lord" medal.


What are the Endless Tower: The Last Stand Rewards?

Players can obtain Polychromes, Dennies, Master Copies, Hamster Cage pass, Tuning Calibrators and upgrade materials. You can also obtain new badges, titles, avatars, and achievements!

Objective Rewards
Complete Floor 5 Polychrome x50
Noise Reduction Master Copy x10
Denny x25,000
Complete Floor 10 Polychrome x50
Hamster Cage Pass x1
Denny x25,000
Complete Floor 15 Polychrome x50
Tuning Calibrator x1
Denny x25,000
Complete Floor 20 Hi-Fi Master Copy x6
Senior Investigator Log x5
Denny x25,000
Complete Floor 30 Hi-Fi Master Copy x6
W-Engine Energy Module x5
Denny x25,000
Complete Floor 40 Title: Vanguard of the End
Complete Floor 50 Endless Last Stand Impasse Commemorative avatar
Complete Floor 100 Title: Banner of the End

Who Is The Best Character to use for Endless Tower: The Last Stand?

Endless Tower: The Last Stand is a high difficulty endgame content, that requires you to have high damage and high survivability. Agents such as Caesar King or Seth Lowell will be worth using due to their shielding. Astra Yao will be worth playing if you plan on grinding the Battle Tower.

Take advantage of the Enemies' weakness and resistance when you select your team. If you do not have a specific element, you can still complete the stage as long as you don't use any agent the enemy is resistant to.

The buff you choose depends on what you are the most comfortable with? if you don not want to take too many risks, we advise you take the one that has no negative side effect.


Floors 1-5 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses Fire
Enemy Resistances Electric
DPS Stun Support
Soldier 11
Jane Doe Burnice White
Piper Wheel Burnice White

Floors 6-10 Best Team Compositions

The Boss on Floor 10 is resistant to Fire, so keep agents on the side for this floor that are not Fire.

Enemy Weaknesses

F:6-8: Physical Fire

F:9-10: Electric

Enemy Resistances

F:6-9: Ice

F:10: Fire

DPS DPS Support
Soldier 11
Jane Doe Burnice White
Piper Wheel Burnice White
Jane Doe Tsukishiro Yanagi
Asaba Harumasa Tsukishiro Yanagi Alexandrina Sebastiane
Asaba Harumasa Qingyi Astra Yao

Floors 11-15 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses Ether Ice
Enemy Resistances None
DPS Stun Support
Zhu Yuan Qingyi
Ellen Joe Von Lycaon Soukaku
Hoshimi Miyabi Lighter Astra Yao

Floors 16-20 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses

F:16-19: Fire Physical

F:20: Ether Ice

Enemy Resistances

F:16-19: Electric Ice

F:20: None

DPS DPS Support
Soldier 11 Lighter Koleda Belobog
Jane Doe Burnice White
Piper Wheel Burnice White
Zhu Yuan Qingyi
Ellen Joe Von Lycaon Soukaku
Hoshimi Miyabi Lighter Astra Yao

Floors 21-25 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses Ether Physical
Enemy Resistances Ice
DPS Stun Support
Zhu Yuan Qingyi
Jane Doe Burnice White Caesar King
Jane Doe Tsukishiro Yanagi

Floors 26-30 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses Ether Ice
Enemy Resistances Physical
DPS Stun Support
Zhu Yuan Qingyi
Ellen Joe Von Lycaon Soukaku
Hoshimi Miyabi Lighter Astra Yao

Floors 31-35 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses Ether Electric
Enemy Resistances Physical
DPS Stun Support
Zhu Yuan Qingyi
Asaba Harumasa Tsukishiro Yanagi Alexandrina Sebastiane
Tsukishiro Yanagi Qingyi

Floors 36-40 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses Electric
Enemy Resistances Fire Ice
DPS Stun Support
Asaba Harumasa Tsukishiro Yanagi
Tsukishiro Yanagi Qingyi

Floors 41-45 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses Ether Fire Ice
Enemy Resistances Electric
DPS Stun Support
Zhu Yuan Qingyi
Ellen Joe Von Lycaon Soukaku
Hoshimi Miyabi Lighter Astra Yao
Soldier 11 Lighter Koleda Belobog
Jane Doe Burnice White

Floors 46-50 Best Team Compositions

Enemy Weaknesses Physical Fire Ice
Enemy Resistances Electric
DPS Stun Support
Ellen Joe Von Lycaon Soukaku
Hoshimi Miyabi Lighter Astra Yao
Soldier 11 Lighter Koleda Belobog
Jane Doe Burnice White

Similar to the normal Tower, after reaching floor 50 you can keep challenging the next floors until you run out of power. If you make it to floor 100 you get a Title.

After floor 50 you also unlock floor -1, where you have to fight two Dead End Butchers. Completing this floor will give you a small achievement.



  • 27 Jan. 2025: Team recommendations added.
  • 21 Jan. 2025: Page added.
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