Exclusive Channel Signal Search Banner Guide in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Exclusive Channel Signal Search Banner Guide in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Conduct Signal Searches to receive Limited-Time Agents in Zenless Zone Zero! Check out our Exclusive Channel Guide for a basic overview of the Exclusive Channel and its drop rates.

Last updated on Jun 29, 2024 at 14:00 by Piyo

Signal Search: Exclusive Channel

The Exclusive Channel is a limited-time channel where players have a higher rate of obtaining specific -Rank or Limited -Rank Signals. These Signals include both Agents and W-Engines. The limited S-Rank Signals are only available on a specific Exclusive Channel, so if players miss the limited-time period, they may try getting the limited S-Rank Signal again on its next Channel appearance.

Please Note: You cannot obtain limited-time -Rank W-Engines from the W-Engine Channel on the Exclusive Channel.

You can exchange 1 Encrypted Master Tape to conduct a Single Signal Search, or exchange 10 Encrypted Master Tape for 10 Signal Searches.


What is the Current Exclusive Channel Banner?

The first upcoming Exclusive Channel Banner is called Mellow Waveride! The banner will feature the rate-up -Rank Signals: Soukaku and Anton Ivanov, as well as the limited-time -Rank Signal: Ellen Joe. This Exclusive Channel Banner will be available starting from July 4th, 2024 (Server Time).

The following Exclusive Channel Banner is called Unswerving Bullet. The banner will feature the rate-up -Rank Signals: Ben Bigger and Nicole Demara, as well as the limited-time -Rank Signal: Zhu Yuan! This Exclusive Channel Banner will be available starting from July 24th, 2024 (Server Time).

More information will be added after the game's release. Please look forward to it!

Current Banner Overview COMING SOON!

Exclusive Channel Pity and Gacha Rates

The Exclusive Channel increases the rate of the featured -Rank and -Rank Agents. Whenever you receive an A-Rank or S-Rank Agent, there is a 50% chance of recruiting the featured Agent on the Channel. If the player fails to receive the featured Agent, the following will occur:

  • If the player received a Non-Featured Signal, it will be one of the Signals from the Stable Channel.
  • Their next -Rank or -Rank Agent is guaranteed to be one of the featured on the Exclusive Channel.

The Signal Searches on the Exclusive Channel and W-Engine Channel are accumulated separately from each other. This means that you cannot use your Signal Searches from the Exclusive Channel to progress towards a Signal Guarantee on the W-Engine Channel, and vice versa. Based on the cumulative Signal Searches done on the Exclusive Channel, the game will provide the following bonuses listed below:

Number of Cumulative Searches Search Bonus
10 -Rank or higher Signal guaranteed!
90 -Rank Signal guaranteed!

Please Note: the Exclusive Channel will provide a guaranteed -Rank Signal at 90 Searches. It is highly advised that players save up the appropriate amount of Encrypted Master Tape.

The maximum amount that players should save is 180 Encrypted Master Tape for the Exclusive Channel's limited-time -Rank Signal.

If you receive an -Rank Signal at any time, either before or at the guaranteed amount, your cumulative Searches for that specific Channel will reset back to 0. Your cumulative Searches and S-Rank Guarantee (if applicable) will carry over to the next respective Limited-Time Channel.

A drop rate table will be provided when the game releases. Please look forward to it!



  • 29 Jun. 2024: Updated Current Banner section.
  • 19 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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