Signal Search Guides for Zenless Zone Zero

Signal Search Guides for Zenless Zone Zero

Conduct Signal Searches to receive Agents, W-Engines, and Bangboos in Zenless Zone Zero! Check out our Signal Search Guide for a basic overview of the gacha game's signal search system and signal currencies.

Last updated on Mar 23, 2025 at 09:21 by Piyo

Signal Searching in Zenless Zone Zero

Signal Searching

In Zenless Zone Zero, the primary method of obtaining new Agents, W-Engines, and Bangboo is through Signal Searches. Signal Searches can be performed on the permanent channels Stable Channel and Bangboo Channel; as well as the limited-time channels Exclusive Channel and W-Engine Channel.

Use the following links to view more information on each Channel available in Zenless Zone Zero:

Each channel uses a different type of currency, as listed below:

Currency Channel How to Obtain
Master Tape
  • Signal Shop: Residual Signal Exchange (Unlimited)
  • Signal Shop: Fading Signal Exchange (Limit 5 Monthly)
  • Polychrome Exchange
  • In-Game Event Rewards
  • Inter-Knot Level Rewards
  • New Eridu City Fund: Basic Plan
  • Raise Agent Level Cap Rewards (Maximum 3 per Agent)
Encrypted Master Tape
  • Signal Shop: Residual Signal Exchange (Unlimited)
  • Signal Shop: Fading Signal Exchange (Limit 5 Monthly)
  • Polychrome Exchange
  • In-Game Event Rewards
  • New Eridu City Fund: Growth and Premium Plans
  • Bangboo Channel: This is where you obtain Bangboo. They are only available in this Channel.
  • Pre-Registration Milestone Rewards
  • HoYoLAB Web Events, such as Stock Up
  • Signal Shop: 50% Off Bangbuck Exchange (Limit 5 Monthly), Bangbuck Exchange (Unlimited)
  • Hollow Zero: Weekly Bounty Commissions, First-Time Investigation Bonuses, Investigation License Rewards
  • New Eridu City Fund: Basic, Growth, and Premium Plans
  • Turbo Remodeling Shop: Bangboo Level Cap Rewards (Lv. 20, 40, 60)
  • Event Rewards
Signal Search Results

You can begin Signal Searches through the Inter-Knot menu after receiving the Prologue Exploration Commission: The Ultimate Collectibles. Once the player returns to the Video Store and speaks with their sibling, you will receive a tutorial on how to Signal Search on the Stable Channel. After exiting the menu, Signal Search will be unlocked on your account. You will have access to the Stable Channel, Exclusive Channel, and W-Engine Channel.

To unlock the Bangboo Channel, players must progress through Chapter 1: Intermission, until you unlock the Turbo Remodeling Shop. Afterwards, the Bangboo Channel will be available under the Signal Search Interface, just like the other Channels.

To Signal Search on a specific Channel Banner, select the Channel Banner of your choice from the left-side of the Signal Search menu. You can choose between 4 different Channel Banners:

After selecting the Channel, you can either exchange 1 currency for a Single Signal Search, or 10 currencies for 10 Signal Searches. Your progress towards a guaranteed -Rank and -Rank will be recorded on the Channel Banner homepage. Under the Details button, you can view the drop rate information and recent Signal Search history.


New Player Discount and Guarantee

New Player Discount and Guarantee

All new accounts will get a 20% discount on the Stable Channel for their first five Ten-Searches (50 Signal Searches total). For more information, please check out the New Player Discount and Guarantee section on the Stable Channel.


How to Purchase Search Currency


Monochrome Market

Monochrome Market

Zenless Zone Zero has a monetary system where you can purchase in-game items with real-life currency. The game's monetary system, called the Monochrome Market, allows players to purchase Monochrome Film, which can be exchanged for Polychrome and other assortments of goods in the Store Interface.


Polychrome Exchange


At the present moment, players can exchange the items at the following rates:

Minimum Amount Exchange Item Usage
1 Monochrome Film 1 Polychrome
  • Master Tape Exchange
  • Encrypted Master Tape Exchange
160 Polychrome 1 Master Tape
160 Polychrome 1 Encrypted Master Tape

Polychrome can also be used to purchase New Eridu City Fund levels, as well as restore your Battery Charge.


Signal Shop

Signal Shop - Recommended

Players can also obtain search currencies through the Signal Shop menu. The purchase limit for Signal Shop items are reset on the 1st of each month, relative to the game's server time. Some exchanges are rotated on a monthly basis, such as the -Rank Agents, so you may have to wait several months for a specific -Rank Agent to become exchangeable again.

On the other hand, other provisions have a monthly limit, such as -Rank W-Engines, discounted Master Tapes, and discounted Encrypted Master Tapes. Please note that players have a purchase limit of 5 Master Tapes and 5 Encrypted Master Tapes at a discounted rate per month. After the purchase limit has been reached, players can continue to purchase an unlimited amount of both currencies at their respective regular costs until the following monthly reset.

Items in the Signal Shop are purchased by using Residual Signals, Fading Signals, or Bangbucks. Residual Signals and Fading Signals can be obtained by conducting Signal Searches on all Channels except the Bangboo Channel. Whereas Bangbucks can only be obtained by conducting Signal Searches on the Bangboo Channel.


Residual Signals

Signal Shop - Residual Signal

Whenever players obtain an A-Rank Signal Search, they will obtain a number of Residual Signals that can be exchanged for Signal Shop items, including:

  • Master Tapes
  • Encrypted Master Tapes
  • -Rank Agents (2 Agents on a Monthly Rotation)
  • -Rank W-Engines (Limit 1 purchase each per month)

The 2nd to 7th copies of an S-Rank Agent will be converted into 1 Agent Focus for that specific Agent, as well as 40 Residual Signals. From the 8th copy onwards, the same S-Rank Agent will be converted into 100 Residual Signals.

For A-Rank Agents, the 2nd to 7th copies will be converted into 1 Agent Focus for that specific Agent, as well as 8 Residual Signals. From the 8th copy onwards, the same Agent will be converted into 20 Residual Signals.

Each S-Rank W-Engine obtained in the current Channel will grant 40 Residual Signals. For A-Rank W-Engines, each one will grant 8 Residual Signals instead.


Fading Signals

Signal Shop - Fading Signal

Fading Signals are obtained whenever a B-Rank Signal Search is found. These Fading Signals can be exchanged for Signal Shop items, including:

  • Discounted Master Tapes (Limit 5 purchases per month)
  • Discounted Encrypted Master Tapes (Limit 5 purchases per month)
  • Agent Skill Upgrade Materials (Limit 50 purchases each per month)
  • EXP Materials for Agents, W-Engines, and Drive Discs (Limit 80 purchases each per month)
  • Dennies (Discount limited to 80 purchases per month)

Players will receive 20 Fading Signals for each B-Rank Signal obtained. Fading Signals can be obtained on any Channel Banner.


Bangbucks Exchange

Signal Shop - Fading Signal

Players can obtain Bangbucks whenever they conduct a Signal Search on the Bangboo Channel. They cannot be obtained anywhere else. Bangbucks can be exchanged for Signal Shop items relating to Bangboo, including:

  • Boopons (Discount limited to 5 purchases per month)
  • Marcel Modified Part (Limit 1 purchase per Account)
  • -Rank Bangboo (2 Bangboo on a Monthly Rotation)
  • Concentrated Cooling Fluid (Limit 10 purchases per month)
  • Bangboo System Widget (Limit 25 purchases per month)
  • Dennies

When you obtain any S-Rank Signal on the Bangboo Channel, it will give 50 Bangbucks. However, an A-Rank Signal will give 10 Bangbucks, while a B-Rank Signal will only give 2 Bangbucks. Unlike the B-Rank Signals from other Channels, players cannot obtain Fading Signals in the Bangboo Channel.

The 2nd to 5th copies of an S-Rank Bangboo will be converted into 1 Bangboo Core for that specific Bangboo. From the 6th copy onwards, the same S-Rank Bangboo will be converted into 75 Bangbucks.

However, for A-Rank Bangboo, the 2nd to 5th copies will be converted into 1 Bangboo Core for that specific Bangboo. From the 6th copy onwards, the same A-Rank Bangboo will be converted into 15 Bangbucks.

Please Note: At the present moment, the Marcel Modified Part is limited to one purchase per account. Players should consider whether to save for the Modified Part to upgrade their Bangboo, or spend on other available provisions instead.


Master Tapes and Encrypted Master Tapes

Signal Shop - Master Tape Exchange

You can purchase either 1 Master Tape or 1 Encrypted Master Tape with 160 Polychrome (or exchange 160 Polychrome with 160 Monochrome Film). You can obtain Monochrome Film through the Monochrome Market.

It is recommended to only purchase Encrypted Master Tape, as this is the currency used for limited-time Channels. Limited-time Channels, such as Exclusive Channel or W-Engine Channel, generally have stronger Agents or W-Engines that players can use to amplify their gameplay.


What is Pity in Zenless Zone Zero?

"Pity" is a term used by many gacha games to refer to a "guaranteed win" in a game of chance. Whenever you search on a Channel, there is a percent chance that you will either "win" the Signal you desire, or "lose" by receiving a Signal you did not want. "Pity," in this case, is when the game takes 'pity' on the player and rewards them with the desired Signal after a certain number of unsuccessful searches.

Depending on what Signal you desire, the number of searches needed for achieving "pity" can range anywhere up to 180 total searches. Most commonly, this term is used for Signals that have the lowest chance of searching, that is, -Rank Signals. In Zenless Zone Zero, there is both a Soft Pity and a Hard Pity.

Soft Pity is when the player starts to receive increased chances of obtaining the Signal they desire. For example, players have approximately the same rate of chance when searching anywhere from the first 1-73 Signals. From 74 Signals and onwards, players begin to experience "Soft Pity," where the Signal's search rate dramatically increases with each pull. "Soft Pity" ends when the player hits "Hard Pity".

At Hard Pity, the Signal's search rate will have increased so much that the player will be able to obtain the Signal, no matter what. This is because, after so many searches done, the base search rate for the Signal would have increased to approximately 100%, if not rounded to 100%. At a 100% search rate, the Signal is considered a guaranteed pull.

Note: Some people will further divide Hard Pity into 2 sub-categories of "Winning" and "Losing". This is because in Zenless Zone Zero, along with miHoYo's other games, you can guarantee receiving a Signal at "Hard Pity", but it may still not be the Signal you desire.

For example, say you searched 90 times on the Exclusive Channel and won a -Rank Signal. The featured S-Rank Agent has an increased drop rate for the period, but if you did not receive the featured -Rank Agent, you will have "lost" the Pity to another -Rank.

If this scenario happens, you can continue trying to win the "guarantee" again by building up searches for another chance at Pity.

At the current time, the following "hard pity" thresholds are officially provided in-game. Assuming the player starts from 0 Recruits, players require at most:

Channel Pity
Stable Channel
  • 50 Recruits for your first S-Rank Agent (New Player Discount and Guarantee*, Limit once per Account)
  • 90 Recruits for 1 S-Rank Signal (Any Agent or W-Engine**)
Exclusive Channel
  • 90 Recruits for 1 S-Rank Signal (Any Agent or W-Engine)
  • 180 Recruits for 1 Guaranteed S-Rank Signal (Featured Agent)
W-Engine Channel
  • 80 Recruits for 1 S-Rank Signal (Any Agent or W-Engine)
  • 160 Recruits for 1 Guaranteed S-Rank Signal (Featured W-Engine)
Bangboo Channel
  • 80 Recruits for 1 Guaranteed S-Rank Signal (Featured Bangboo of your Choice***)

To determine your 'pity' progress, players should refer to the Details page under each Channel. You calculate the number of searches since your last -Rank Signal (if applicable), and subtract the amount from the guaranteed listed above. For example, if you searched at least 50 times since your last -Rank Signal, you would need to search another 40 times at most to reach a Hard Pity of 90.

It is also important to note that Pity is not shared across Channels of different types. For example, you cannot share the search progress you have made on the Bangboo Channel with the progress made on the W-Engine Channel. At this time, it is unknown if your search progress will carry over to the following Limited-Time Channel of the same type.

*For the New Player Discount and Guarantee, please see Stable Channel for more information.

**For the Stable Channel, it is currently unknown if you can guarantee an Agent or W-Engine based on -Rank search patterns. More information will be provided when available.

***For the Bangboo Channel, your -Rank Bangboo is guaranteed to be the Bangboo of your choice. You must select a -Rank Bangboo before you are able to Signal Search on the Channel. Players can change their selection at any time.



  • 07 Jul. 2024: Added Links to Each Channel Available.
  • 29 Jun. 2024: Reclassified Bangboo Channel as Permanent, and Updated the Pity section.
  • 19 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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