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Soldier 11 Guide and Best Builds for Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Last updated Today at 07:46 by Jaymo
Emeri Chase EN Voice Actor
Fuji Yukiyo JP Voice Actor

Introduction - Soldier 11

Soldier 11 is an S-Rank Fire Attack Agent in Zenless Zone Zero. She specializes in dealing Slash damage as well as enhancing her Basic Attack through her Fire Suppression, and her heavy Burn damage. Soldier 11 belongs to the Obol Squad faction together with Soldier 0 - Anby, and Trigger.

A model soldier who follows orders and stays loyal to the mission...
At least that's what Soldier 11 demands of herself.
Weapons don't need emotions, and need only follow orders...
At least that's what Soldier 11 tells herself.
No matter how strong the enemy, just get fired up and face it head on...
At least that's what Soldier 11 does.
She shed her weakness along with her name, leaving only resolve...
At least that's what Soldier 11 thinks.


How to Pull Soldier 11

Soldier 11 can be pulled at a regular rate from all Channels, excluding the Bangboo Channel. After a total of 300 Signal Searches in the Stable Channel, you may recruit an additional S-Rank Agent of your choice from the options given. This recruit option is only available once per account. These characters include Grace Howard, Alexandrina Sebastiane, Koleda Belobog, Nekomata, and Von Lycaon.


Soldier 11 Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Powerful Fire DPS.
  • +Easy to play, beginner friendly DPS.
  • +Only Fire DPS upon release.
  • +Plenty of viable options to team with that can boost her damage even further.
X Weaknesses
  • -Only member of the Obol Squad for now, making it impossible to team with same Faction.
  • -The timed mechanic of her basic attack can be tricky to learn at first.

Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions


Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions

Skills Mindscapes Promotions

Basic Dodge Assist Special Chain Core
Skill Description
Basic Attack: Warmup Sparks

Press to activate:

Unleashes up to 4 slashes, dealing Physical DMG.

Basic Attack – Fire Suppression

Press at the right moment to activate:

Unleashes a set of more powerful slashes, dealing Fire DMG.

Skill Description
Dodge: Tempered Fire

Press to activate: A rapid dodge.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dash Attack: Blazing Fire

Press during a Dodge to activate:

Slashes enemies in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Dash Attack: Fire Suppression

Press during a Dodge to activate:

Slashes enemies in front, dealing Fire DMG.

Dodge Counter: Backdraft

Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate: Executes a powerful Slash against enemies in front, dealing massive Fire DMG.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Quick Assist: Covering Fire

When the on-field character is launched, press Switch to activate: Slashes enemies in front, dealing Fire damage.

Character is invulnerable during the attack.

Defensive Assist: Hold the Line

When the character on field is about to be attacked, press Switch to activate: Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze.

Character is invulnerable while under this skill.

Assist Follow-Up: Reignition

Press Basic Attack after a Defensive Assist to activate: Charge and cross slash enemies in front, dealing Fire damage.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Special Attack: Raging Fire

Press to activate:

Slashes enemies nearby, dealing Fire DMG.

Anti-interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: Fervent Fire

When Soldier 11 has enough energy, press to activate:

Slashes enemies nearby, dealing massive Fire DMG.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

After using this skill, Soldier 11's Basic Attack and Dash Attack will trigger Fire Suppression for up to 15s or 8 times.

Skill Description
Chain Attack: Uplifting Flame

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate:

Unleashes a powerful upward slash at enemies in a small area, dealing massive Fire damage.

After using this skill, Soldier 11's Basic Attack and Dash Attack trigger Fire Suppression for the next 15s, up to 8 times.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Ultimate: Bellowing Flame

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:

Unleashes a powerful upward slash at enemies in a small area, dealing massive Fire damage.

After using this skill, Soldier 11's Basic Attack and Dash Attacks trigger Fire Suppression for the next 15s, up to 8 times.

Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Core Passive: Heatwave When triggering Fire Suppression during a Basic Attack or Dash Attack, increases that attack damage by 35%(Lv.1).
Additional Ability: Fields of Fire

When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction:

Soldier 11 deals 10% more Fire DMG. When attacking Stunned enemies, this effect is further enhanced by an additional 22.5%.


Soldier 11's Best Mindscapes

Soldier 11's most impactful Mindscapes are Rapid Heat (M1) and Scorching Convergence (M2). With Rapid Heat Soldier 11 can rapidly recover some Energy if she is low, and Scorching Convergence is important as it provides her with even more increased damage. Mindscapes M3 to M5 are not that important. The M6 is rather useful as it allows Soldier 11 to ignore a portion of the enemies' Fire RES, but it is not absolutely needed.

# Mindscape Description
M1 Rapid Heat When Soldier 11 enters combat or switches in, if her Energy is less than 40, she recovers up to 80. This effect can trigger once every 50s.
M2 Scorching Convergence When triggering Fire Suppression, Basic Attack, Dash Attack, and Dodge Counter damage is increases by 3%, up to 12 stacks, lasting 15s, with the duration of each stack calculated separately.
M3 Elite Soldier Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
M4 Indulgent Blaze

If Fire Suppression is triggered for the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd hit of Soldier 11's Basic Attack or a Dash Attack, Anti-interrupt Level is increased and damage received is reduced by 18% during skill activation.

If Fire Suppression is triggered for the 4th hit of her Basic Attack, she becomes invulnerable during skill activation.

M5 Perfect Soldier Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
M6 Scorching Flow

When Soldier 11 uses her EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate, she gains 8 stacks of Charge (max 8 stacks).

When Fire Suppression is triggered, 1 stack of Charge is consumed, causing the current move to ignore 25% of the target's Fire RES.


Soldier 11's Promotions

Skill Description
Core Skill Enhancement A
  • Crit Rate increased by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Heatwave Skill Lv.+1
  • When triggering Fire Suppression during a or Dash Attack, increases that attack's DMG by 40.8%
Core Skill Enhancement B
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Heatwave Skill Lv.+1
  • When triggering Fire Suppression during a or Dash Attack, increases that attack's DMG by 46.6%
Core Skill Enhancement C
  • Crit Rate increased by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Heatwave Skill Lv.+1
  • When triggering Fire Suppression during a or Dash Attack, increases that attack's DMG by 52.5%
Core Skill Enhancement D
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Heatwave Skill Lv.+1
  • When triggering Fire Suppression during a or Dash Attack, increases that attack's DMG by 58.3%
Core Skill Enhancement E
  • Crit Rate increased by 4.8%
  • Core Passive: Heatwave Skill Lv.+1
  • When triggering Fire Suppression during a or Dash Attack, increases that attack's DMG by 64.1%
Core Skill Enhancement F
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Heatwave Skill Lv.+1
  • When triggering Fire Suppression during a or Dash Attack, increases that attack's DMG by 70%

How to Play Soldier 11

Soldier 11 is an attack character that is capable of dealing heavy Fire damage to single targets as well as small groups of enemies. She relies heavily on her Fire Suppression mechanic, which revolves mostly around pressing the button at the right moment. Doing so will imbue her attacks with Fire, which massively increases the damage of her next attacks and applies Burn to the targets.

Soldier 11 should be used as a Main DPS: she needs to be on-field in order to maximize her damage output. Her Fire Suppression will not trigger off-field. Here are the different ways you can activate Fire Suppression:

  • Press during a Dodge.
  • Press during a Perfect Dodge.
  • Use the EX Special Attack to activate Fire Suppression for 15s or up to 8 times.
  • Use the Chain Attack to activate Fire Suppression for 15s or up to 8 times.
  • Use the Ultimate to activate Fire Suppression for 15s or up to 8 times.

It is more efficient to trigger Fire Suppression by timing the Basic Attack, rather than through her other attacks. This will then grant you various bonuses such as increased Basic Attack damage, damage reduction, or the ability to ignore a portion of the target's Fire RES.

Soldier 11 is a great Fire DPS and easy to play. Having to time the Basic Attack seems challenging at first, but it will feel easy after a while to hit the Basic Attack during a Dodge. Fire Suppression will almost always be triggered, allowing Soldier 11 to do massive Fire damage, while also applying Burn on enemies. She will melt through small enemies and bosses in no time!


Soldier 11 Build

BiS W-Engine The Brimstone
Alternative W-Engines
  1. Marcato Desire
  2. Cannon Rotor
  3. Starlight Engine
  4. Street Superstar
  5. [Lunar] Noviluna
Best Drive Discs

4 Piece:

  1. Inferno Metal
  2. Puffer Electro
  3. Woodpecker Electro

2 Piece:

  1. Hormone Punk
  2. Woodpecker Electro
  3. Inferno Metal
Main Stats
  • Disc 4: CRIT Rate/CRIT DMG
  • Disc 5: Fire DMG
  • Disc 6: ATK %
Substat Priority
  1. CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
  2. ATK %
  3. PEN
  4. ATK
Skill Priority
  1. Assist
  2. Basic Attack
  3. EX Special Attack
  4. Core Skill
  5. Dodge
  6. Ultimate

Soldier 11's best W-Engine is the The Brimstone S-Rank W-Engine. It is the Best-in-Slot option for Soldier 11 since it will stack a damage buff each time she hits an enemy with a Basic Attack, Dash Attack, or Dodge Counter. Her ATK can increase up to 28% if you reach the maximum amount of stacks.

Marcato Desire from the Into That Pale Wasteland Event is a very good W-Engine for Attack Agents, as it increases CRIT Rate and is always rank 5.

Other A-Rank W-Engines that can be useful to Soldier 11 are Cannon Rotor, Starlight Engine, Street Superstar, and [Lunar] Noviluna as they all provide increased ATK or DMG.

Soldier 11's best Disc Drive is Inferno Metal. It is the most useful option for Fire DPS as it gives a direct 10% Fire DMG bonus, and increased CRIT Rate upon hitting Burning Enemies.

Wodpecker Electro and Puffer Electro are two other good options for Soldier 11 as they increase her CRIT Rate or her damage output.


Bangboo Information

RocketbooRocketboo is the best Bangboo for Soldier 11 and her team. It accumulates Fire Anomaly Buildup, and when you have 2 or more Fire Agents in your squad, his Chain Attack inflicts 100% more Anomaly Buildup, helping the team to weaken enemies, and allowing Soldier 11 to do more damage!

A similar option as A-Rank Bangboo is the CrybooCryboo.

If you are looking for a support type Bangboo, ExplorebooExploreboo or AvocabooAvocaboo are viable options, as they provide small buffs or healing to the team.


Soldier 11 Team Comps and Synergy

DPS Stun Support Bangboo
Soldier 11 Koleda Belobog Lucy Rocketboo

Soldier 11 will always be played as the Main DPS in her team, since her most important abilities only trigger on-field. This is why pairing her with good Support agents like Lucy will maximize Soldier's damage since Lucy provides important ATK buffs. Additionally, Koleda Belobog is a good Stun agent that can boost Soldier 11's Chain Attack and provide some crowd control.

DPS Stun Stun Bangboo
Soldier 11 Lighter Caesar King

Lighter has great synergy with Caesar King, while also increasing Soldier 11's DMG making this double stunner squad very efficient. Caesar also further protects and boost Soldier 11 who will be unstoppable.

DPS Defense Stun Bangboo
Soldier 11 Ben Bigger Koleda Belobog Rocketboo

Since Soldier 11 does not have any other Faction allies for now, teaming her up with Koleda Belobog and Ben Bigger is a very good Mono-Fire option. Since those two can also have coordinated attacks, and come from the same Faction, all the additional abilities will trigger, resulting in an extremely powerful team, both in damage and survivability.

DPS Defense Support Bangboo
Soldier 11 Caesar King Lucy Red Moccus

With Caesar King, Soldier 11 gains another powerfull boost. Lucy together with Caesar King will provide Soldier 11 with an incredible buff, while also giving her some more survivability.

DPS Defense Support Bangboo
Soldier 11 Burnice White Lucy

You can play Soldier 11 with Burnice White and Lucy, as the three character also benefit from each other.



  • 08 Feb. 2025: Updated for 1.5 Phase two.
  • 29 Dec. 2024: W-Engine updated.
  • 27 Nov. 2024: Team updated.
  • 14 Oct. 2024: Teams updated.
  • 25 Sep. 2024: Build and Team updated.
  • 13 Aug. 2024: Build Updated.
  • 06 Jul. 2024: Build released.
  • 15 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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