Zenless Zone Zero Tier List and Best Agents

Zenless Zone Zero Tier List and Best Agents

Find out who the strongest, most versatile and most useful Agents and Bangboos are in out Zenless Zone Zero Tier List and best characters!

Last updated Today at 09:08 by Seliathan

Zenless Zone Zero Tier List

Zenless Zones Zero is a game with heavy emphasis on team-building and gameplay. Your individual skill as a player will be just as important for succeeding in combat as your Agent and Bangboo choices, and picking 3 S-Tier characters and a S-Tier Bangboo does not guarantee success.

That being said, most Agents work better with some characters than others. This can be due to Element synergies, Core Ability synergies, or because they work well together in order to set up or follow up other characters abilities. In almost all cases, these synergies will lead to a higher damage output.

When looking at Character Tier Lists, we always recommend to keep certain key considerations in mind, such as:

  • Fun and Gameplay Feel: Would you rather have fun playing an A-Rank character, or dislike playing an S-Rank character? Many characters have very different playstyles, and some might just not be enjoyable to you, even if they're high-performing.
  • Style: You're likely going to end up having more fun playing characters whose design you appreciate and enjoy. A player who enjoys a certain character will typically end up performing better on it as well.
  • Strength: Naturally, under ideal conditions, some characters end up dishing out higher numbers than others. If you can make full use of a character like that, they will end up carrying you through parts of the game.
  • Synergies: There are many synergies in the game. Many characters only unlock their full potential by being paired with characters of the same element, faction or type.

Unless you plan on spending large amounts of money on the game, or you were blessed by Fortuna, it will take you months to acquire each Agent and Bangboo once. Focus on the ones you really want for one of the above reasons.


ZZZ Agent Tier List

Main DPSStunSupport
T0 Hoshimi Miyabi Soldier 0 - Anby Evelyn Chevalier Jane Doe Tsukishiro Yanagi Burnice White Lighter Trigger Qingyi Astra Yao Caesar King Lucy
T1 Ellen Joe Zhu Yuan Soldier 11 Von Lycaon Soukaku Seth Lowell
T2 Asaba Harumasa Grace Howard Piper Wheel Koleda Belobog Anby Demara Pulchra Nicole Demara Alexandrina Sebastiane
T3 Corin Wickes Ben Bigger
T4 Nekomiya Mana Anton Ivanov Billy Kid

Recent Tier List Changes

With Soldier 0 - Anby, Trigger, and Pulchra, this patch adds two new S-Rank Agents and one new A-Rank agent to the roster. All of the new character work well together with one another, and we expect Soldier 0 - Anby and Trigger to be absolute top-picks for the next few months, while Pulchra will be a solid stunner for F2P players.

Soldier 0 - Anby is a very potent Electric Attack Agent, that boasts incredibly high damage while not being overly complex to play. While getting good gear for her initially will take a little while, she works well as a stand-alone DPS Agent in any team, and will work particularly well with Trigger once she releases. Soldier 0 Anby requires a fair amount of on-field time, so any off-field supports and stunners support her very well. Due to her very high DPS potential that does not rely on gimmicks or multiple premiere Support Agents, she deserves her spot in T0 right next to Hoshimi Miyabi.

Trigger will be an incredible off-field Stun Agent that can help many of the top-tier DPS Agents that want to be on the field as much as possible, like Soldier 0 - Anby, Jane Doe, or Ellen Joe. She also deals a fair amount of damage herself, and can be built as a semi-DPS unit, while her Impact is high enough to compete with some of the better on-field stunners! To boot, she also provides additional DPS for the on-field unit, making her a very powerful and clear T0 Agent.

Pulchra is the new A-Rank Agent, and she is an off-field Stun Agent like Trigger — but the budget version. Unfortunately she suffers from needing multiple copies to really be able to compete with some of the on-field stunners, and even switching to her once via a quick Assist or Chain Attack will make her lose some of her stunning power. As a result, she is particularly bad with units like Evelyn Chevalier who want to trigger multiple Chain attacks, or teams with two Quick Assists. She lands herself in T2 as a result, but should be considered a T3 Agent unless you have her at M6.


Previous Tier List Changes

Evelyn Chevalier Release

Evelyn Chevalier is a new limited S-Rank Fire Attack Agent that will dethrone Soldier 11 as the best Fire DPS unit, and even beats out most of the other strong main DPS Agents bar Miyabi. She is the first DPS Agent that is centered around dealing massive Chain Attack damage, and will likely only get even more support for this archetype in the future.

Her two best team partners are Lighter and Astra Yao, which can feel a bit limiting if you are missing either of them, but you can easily replace either of them with A-Rank supports like Lucy or even Nicole Demara for a medium DPS loss, which will still outshine all of the DPS we have listed in the T1 tier. As such, she deserves a T0 placement.

Astra Yao Release

Astra Yao is a premiere Support in every sense of the word. Not only does she provide ATK, CRIT DMG and direct damage buffs that can be used by almost every DPS in the game, but she is also the first Agent in the game that can heal their team. This allows for safer play and more room for error in the most difficult content of the game - and she only needs a few seconds of field uptime to boot! With a kit like that, it is no surprise that she becomes the new #1 Support unit in T0.

Miyabi/Harumasa Release

Hoshimi Miyabi is the strongest DPS Agent in the game, by far. Her damage output is a significant upgrade over virtually any other DPS Agent, easily earning herself a T0 spot at the top of the list. Her team building options are not as limited as expected, and her high base damage output can be paired with almost any Agent that satisfies her Additional Ability -- which can be any Support Agent.

Asaba Harumasa is an S-Rank Agent that every player gets free access to simply by logging into the game. Despite this, he can match and outshine the DPS output of many of the premiere standard S-Rank agents, even at M0. While his DPS output does not match the absolute crème de la crème of limited S-Rank DPS, he still earns himself a spot in T1. The main concern for Harumasa is the lack of strong supports for his playstyle, as well as his damage being lower if not played from melee-range -- despite the character wielding a bow.

Lighter Release

With Lighter, we finally have a new Stun Agent release! Ever since Qingyi, this archetype has been somewhat neglected and while he fills the Stun role perfectly, he is a great match for many of the more recent Anomaly characters, especially those with Fire and Ice elements. While he is a perfect match for characters like Ellen Joe or Burnice White, and looks to be a really great match for the soon-to-be-released Hoshimi Miyabi, he is a great Stun character in his own right even if your team cannot benefit from the Ice and Fire damage boosts he provides.

He easily earns a spot next to Qingyi as a premiere Stun Agent, although Qingyi still works better in terms that rely heavily on burst damage like Zhu Yuan or Corin Wickes. He is on par with Von Lycaon for teams that will not benefit from his Core passive, so to make the most of Lighter, you'll want to run him in a team that benefits from his strong damage increases to those two elements specifically. With more Ice characters to be released in the near future, he seems like a solid future-proof investment as well, earning him a T0 spot in our tier list.

Tsukishiro Yanagi Release

Tsukishiro Yanagi is the newest S-Tier Agent in Zenless Zone Zero, representing the Hollow Special Operations Section 6 faction and Electric element. She is a main DPS Anomaly unit that wants a lot of field uptime, and she synergizes incredible well with Anomaly units of other elements, especially Ether and Fire, as these provide the biggest Disorder damage procs, Yanagi's specialty.

Due to wanting very high field uptime, similar to Jane Doe, she does not match very well with the only S-Tier Physical Agent in the game, and prefer units like Burnice White or Piper Wheel instead, as well as Supports that greatly boost Anomaly damage like Seth Lowell or Lucy. Her damage output when put in a proper Anomaly and Disorder triggering team is nothing short of exceptional. Even though she is a bit more challenging to play than other Agents, she is a clear T0 Agent that will only get better once more Anomaly Agents of other Elements get released in the future.

Burnice White Release

Burnice White is the first proper Fire Anomaly Agent in ZZZ, and she works fantastically well as a sub-DPS that does not require a lot of field time. She can be played both with heavy investment into Anomaly Proficiency or CRIT Rate and CRIT Damage, and works well with all previous Anomaly characters such as Jane Doe, Piper Wheel, and Grace Howard, and she also makes a great Mono-Fire team together with Soldier 11 and Lucy. While she cannot solo-carry encounters like Jane or Ellen can, she is a force to be reckoned with that will only get better when more Anomaly Agents are introduced to the game in future patches. As such, she deserves a T0 placement.

Caesar King Release

With the release of Caesar King, we get another top-tier Agent that functions as both Defense and Support at the same time. She is incredibly versatile, fitting into virtually any team as long as it has an Agent with a Defensive Assist in it to trigger her Core skill. With such flexibility and her sizeable damage increases and buffs, she definitely deserves a T0 placement.

Jane Doe/Seth Lowell Release

With the release of Jane Doe and Seth Lowell, Anomaly teams are finally getting the love they deserve and as a result, there have been a few adjustments in our tierlist:

  • Jane Doe ends up in T0 as the premier Anomaly DPS in the game.
  • Seth Lowell sits down in T1 as a great support for Anomaly Teams.
  • Lucy moves up a tier due to providing excellent support to the new characters, as well as being very valuable with the upcoming characters.
  • Nekomiya Mana and Piper Wheel swap positions. Piper now has proper supports and will improve further with 1.2, while Nekomata lacks team building options.
  • Alexandrina Sebastiane drops a tier due to how difficult it is to optimize her support capabilities, as frequent animation cancelling is required.
Qingyi Release

Qingyi does not quite match the versatility of Von Lycaon when it comes to team-building, while being a noticeable upgrade over Anby Demara in most teams. This mainly comes down to the lack of Support options that are available to all of the Physical DPS Agents and Anomaly Agents, as it can be a struggle to find a Support that can trigger all three Agent's Additional abilities, unless you have Alexandrina Sebastiane. That being said, Qingyi is an exceptional Stun unit if you have Rina or Zhu Yuan as your main DPS, and will outperform even Von Lycaon in these cases.

Her main value lies in her Core skill, which applies an increasing Stun damage multiplier. When fully stacked, which does not take long against Elites and Bosses, enemies will be taking an additional 60% additional damage while stunned (compared to Von Lycaon's 35%.). This makes her a great asset for any team that unloads high burst damage during Stun windows, like Zhu Yuan or Corin Wickes.

She is the first limited S-Rank Stun agent, and pulling for her will be a very future-proof investment. Unlike Anby, she does not have to rely on Dodge-Counters for building up Daze, making her a bit safer to play as well. Still, due to her Team Comp limitations, Von Lycaon matches her stunning prowess in some teams, but Qingyi still has a lot of room to grow once we see more Support or Defense units that work well with the many Physical DPS units we currently have.


Rankings Explained

As with any Tier List, the rankings are to be taken with a grain of salt.

  • Main DPS: In this section you will find a variety of Attack and Anomaly characters. They are typically the main source of damage for your team, killing the enemies while your other units provide benefits other than raw damage output.
  • Stun: These characters have the Stun role, and sport a very high Impact stat that allows them to fill the enemy Daze bar much more quickly until enemies are stunned. Stunning enemies is the main source of Chain attacks, which are a core component of the game. Stunned enemies do not act, and take significantly more damage. Almost any team will want to run one Stun character to trigger Chain attacks.
  • Support: Agents in this section excel at providing additional DPS, defensive or offensive utility, and meaningful DPS buffs or debuffs that will enhance your team in many different ways.

In order to help you understand the placement of some of the characters better, we wanted to contextualize the meaning of T0, T1, etc. a little bit.

  • Tier 0: Characters that fit into almost any team are ranked here. While each of them have a "best" team to place them in, they can easily replace units in teams that do not match their faction or element due to their kit being extraordinarily strong.
  • Tier 1: Characters in this tier excel in teams that fully utilize their Attribute or Faction. While these are some of the strongest characters in the game for their respective roles, they are not universally powerful, and instead require a more specific team-building approach.
  • Tier 2: Agents in this Tier are serviceable in their respective roles, but get outperformed by multiple other characters as a result. This does not by any means mean that these Agents are bad, there simply are better options available, provided you have access to them.
  • Tier 3: Agents in this tier have a major weakness or flaw that makes it difficult to fully leverage their kit, and as a result they do not manage to keep up with most of the alternative choices. They can still work in highly specific teams that allow them to function, but you will almost always be better off playing one of the alternatives instead. These characters can still be very valuable if you bring them for the correct Attribute match-up in endgame content.


  • 12 Mar. 2025: Updated for Soldier 0 Anby, Trigger, and Pulchra release.
  • 10 Feb. 2025: Updated for Evelyn Chevalier release.
  • 21 Jan. 2025: Updated for Astra Yao release.
  • 17 Dec. 2024: Updated for Hoshimi Miyabi and Asaba Harumasa release.
  • 27 Nov. 2024: Updated for Lighter release.
  • 06 Nov. 2024: Updated for Tsukishiro Yanagi release.
  • 17 Oct. 2024: Updated for Burnice White release.
  • 25 Sep. 2024: Updated for Cesar King release.
  • 04 Sep. 2024: Updated for Jane Doe and Seth Lowell release.
  • 13 Aug. 2024: Updated for Qingyi release.
  • 30 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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