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Von Lycaon Guide and Best Builds for Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Last updated Today at 11:15 by Seliathan
Ice Ice
Nicholas Thurkettle EN Voice Actor
Kobayashi Chikahiro JP Voice Actor

Introduction - Von Lycaon

Von Lycaon is an S-Rank Ice Agent in Zenless Zone Zero. Lycaon deals Strike damage and can stun enemies. Von Lycaon belongs to the Victoria Housekeeping Co. Faction alongside other characters such as Ellen Joe and Corin Wickes.

Rational and wise, Von Lycaon is a trusted attendant of Victoria Housekeeping. While he is outwardly sophisticated and quite rational, his inner feral self will be revealed when faced with danger.

Von Lycaon Character Demo - "Wolfishly Charming"


How to Pull Von Lycaon

Von Lycaon can be pulled at a regular rate from all Channels, excluding the Bangboo Channel. After a total of 300 Signal Searches in the Stable Channel, you may recruit an additional S-Rank Agent of your choice from the options given. This recruit option is only available once per account. These characters include Grace Howard, Alexandrina Sebastiane, Koleda Belobog, Nekomata, Soldier 11, and Von Lycaon.


Von Lycaon Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Deals a lot of Daze very easily.
  • +Mono-Ice is one of the strongest teams at the moment, and he fits in perfectly.
  • +Can fit in on any team even without synergy due to his massive amount of Daze.
  • +Core ability applies Ice Res shred.
  • +One of his abilities increases the damage modifier on Stun.
X Weaknesses
  • -Charging and chaining attacks requires proper timing.

Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions


Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions

Skills Mindscapes Promotions

Basic Dodge Assist Special Chain Core
Skill Description
Basic Attack: Moon Hunter

Press to activate:

Unleashes up to 5 strikes in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Hold down to charge up, increasing the power of the attack and dealing Ice DMG.

Skill Description
Dodge: Suitable Positioning

Press Dodge to activate:

A rapid dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Dash Attack: Keep it Clean

Press during a dodge to activate:

Slides forward, launching a series of strikes in front, dealing Physical DMG.

Dodge Counter: Etiquette Manual

Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate:

Strikes enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Quick Assist: Wolf Pack

When the on-field character is launched, press to activate:

Strikes enemies in front, dealing Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Defensive Assist: Disrupted Hunt

When the character on field is about to be attacked, press to activate:

Parries the enemy's attack, dealing massive Daze. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Assist Follow-Up: Vengeful Counterattack

Press Special Attack after a Defensive Assist to activate:

Creates an icicle in front, which strikes all enemies within range, dealing Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Special Attack: Time to Hunt

Press to activate:

Use a quick tail sweep attack in front, dealing Ice DMG. Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.

EX Special Attack: Thrill of the Hunt

When Lycaon has enough Energy, press to activate:

Unleashes a series of powerful strikes in front, dealing massive Ice DMG.

Hold down to charge up, consuming Energy and enhancing the power of the attack. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Chain Attack: As You Wish

When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate:

Unleashes a series of powerful strikes at enemies in a small area in front of him, dealing massive Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Ultimate: Mission Complete

When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate:

Unleashes multiple powerful strikes at enemies in a large area, dealing massive Ice DMG. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.

Skill Description
Core Passive: Metallic Paws When Lycaon charges his Basic Attack to completion, the attack deals 40%(Lv.1) increased Daze. When EX Special Attack or Assist Follow-Up hits an enemy, the targets Ice DMG RES decreases by 25% for 30s.
Additional Ability: Elegant Predator

When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction:

When Lycaon hits a Stunned enemy, the target's Stun DMG Multiplier increased by 35%.


Von Lycaons's Best Mindscapes

Von Lycaons's most impactful Mindscapes are Full Moon Momentum (M1) and Energy Feedback (M2). Full Moon Momentum increases the amount of Daze done by his EX Special Attack by 12%, with an increase of 22% when fully charged. Energy Feedback gives Lycaon energy every time he Stuns an enemy, or triggers a Chain Attack, allowing you to Stun enemies faster.

# Mindscape Description
M1 Full Moon Momentum When Lycaon's EX Special Attack hits an enemy, the attack's Daze increased by 12%. This effect can trigger once every 8s. When he charges his EX Special Attack to completion, this buff will increase by an additional 10%.
M2 Energy Feedback When Stunning an enemy or triggering a squad member's Chain Attack, Lycaon gains 5 energy. Can trigger once every 1s.
M3 Attendant Training Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
M4 Graceful Demeanor If Lycaon is attacked while using a Basic Attack or Special Attack, he will immediately gain a Shield equal to 7.5% of his Max HP, lasting for 15s. During the Shield's duration, his Anti-Interrupt level is increased. This effect can trigger once every 15s.
M5 Alpha Nature Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
M6 Ruthless Hunter When a charged attack hits an enemy, the target suffers 10% increased DMG from Lycaon, stacking up to 5 times and lasting 12s. Only one stack can be gained per skill use, and repeated triggers reset the duration.

Von Lycaon's Promotion Passives

Skill Description
Core Skill Enhancement A
  • Base Impact increases by 6
  • Core Passive: Metallic Paws Skill Lv.+1
  • Charged basic attack Daze bonus increased to 46.6%.
Core Skill Enhancement B
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Metallic Paws Skill Lv.+1
  • Charged basic attack Daze bonus increased to 53.3%.
Core Skill Enhancement C
  • Base Impact increases by 6
  • Core Passive: Metallic Paws Skill Lv.+1
  • Charged basic attack Daze bonus increased to 60%.
Core Skill Enhancement D
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Metallic Paws Skill Lv.+1
  • Charged basic attack Daze bonus increased to 66.6%.
Core Skill Enhancement E
  • Base Impact increases by 6
  • Core Passive: Metallic Paws Skill Lv.+1
  • Charged basic attack Daze bonus increased to 73.3%.
Core Skill Enhancement F
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Metallic Paws Skill Lv.+1
  • Charged basic attack Daze bonus increased to 80%.

How to Play Von Lycaon

Von Lycaon's gameplay revolves around charging and chaining his Basic Attacks and Special Attacks to deal increased Daze to stun enemies quickly.

Both his Basic Attacks and Special Attacks can be charged up by holding the respective button to increase the amount of Daze they apply to the enemies. Timing the charged and uncharged combo actions is very important to play him properly, as improper timing can waste time between attacks. Applying his Ice DMG RES shred using his EX Special Attack or Assist Follow-Up is important, as they will greatly increase the damage dealt by Ice Agents. After Stunning an enemy, it is important to apply the Stun DMG multiplier increase by attacking it once again before swapping, as it is another huge increase to the squad's damage dealt.


Von Lycaon Character Build

BiS W-Engine The Restrained
Alternative W-Engines
  1. Blazing Laurel
  2. Steam Oven
  3. Precious Fossilized Core
  4. [Vortex] Arrow
Best Drive Discs

4 Piece:

  1. Shockstar Disco

2 Piece:

  1. Swing Jazz
  2. Freedom Blues
  3. Polar Metal
Main Stats
  • Disc 4: Flexible, recommend ATK %
  • Disc 5: Flexible, recommend Ice DMG
  • Disc 6: Impact
Substat Priority
  1. PEN
  2. ATK %
  3. Flexible
Skill Priority
  1. Basic Attack
  2. EX Special Attack
  3. Ultimate
  4. Core Skill
  5. Assist
  6. Dodge

Von Lycaon's best W-Engine is The Restrained. It increases the damage and Daze from his basic attacks, a core part of his Daze combos. His best A-Rank option is Steam Oven. This W-Engine increases his Impact every time 10 energy is accumulated.

Von Lycaon's best Drive set is the Shockstar Disco set. It's the best set for all stun Agents, granting a great bonus to his Impact and Daze. The best 2 piece set is Swing Jazz for the energy regen, but Freedom Blues and Polar Metal are both good too. The only mandatory main stat on the Drives is Impact on Disk 6, everything else is flexible depending on how you build him and which substats the pieces roll.


Bangboo Information

Von Lycaons's best Bangboo are ButlerButler and SharkbooSharkboo, which are great on the Mono-Ice team composition.

Other alternatives include BagbooBagboo and PenguinbooPenguinboo as A-Rank options.


Von Lycaon Team Comps and Synergy

DPS Stun Support Bangboo
Ellen Joe Von Lycaon Soukaku Butler
Corin Wickes Von Lycaon Soukaku Bagboo

This is Von Lycaons's best team using Ellen Joe as the DPS. In this team Soukaku provides significant DMG buffs to their overall DPS. Instead of Ellen, Corin Wickes can be used as a DPS option instead. A Victoria Housekeeping Co. team can be created by replacing the Support Agent in one of these teams with Alexandrina Sebastiane.



  • 06 Jul. 2024: Page updated for release.
  • 15 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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