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Zhu Yuan Guide and Best Builds for Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Last updated Today at 09:43 by Seliathan
Alaina Wis EN Voice Actor
Inoue Marina JP Voice Actor

Introduction - Zhu Yuan

Zhu Yuan is an S-Rank Ether Attack Agent in Zenless Zone Zero. She specializes in dealing Pierce damage that switches between two different attack modes, Assault Mode and Suppressive Mode, while generating and consuming Enhanced Shotshells to greatly increase the damage of her attacks.

Zhu Yuan leads the Criminal Investigation Special Response Team faction, alongside Qingyi, Seth Lowell and Jane Doe.

"Leader of Public Security's Criminal Investigation team, Zhu Yuan, standing by. You can come to me if you need any help."
"Sorry, but have you given prior notification of and obtained approval for this interview?"
"Yes, here are the documents signed by PR."
"Right. Well, we have five minutes, then~"


How to Pull Zhu Yuan

Zhu Yuan was available as a rate-up character on the second Exclusive Channel in Patch 1.0. She can not be pulled from the Stable Channel or the Bangboo Channel, and is currently unavailable to be pulled.


Zhu Yuan Strengths and Weaknesses

V Strengths
  • +Exceptional burst damage during Stun windows.
  • +Any Support Agent triggers her Additional Ability.
  • +DPS ceiling will go even higher once S-Rank Ether Stun and Supports become available.
X Weaknesses
  • -Only one other Ether Agent currently exists, and it is an A-Rank.
  • -Heavily requires Stun windows to deal damage, making her much weaker outside of it.
  • -More difficult to play than most other Main DPS.

Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions


Skills, Mindscapes, and Promotions

Skills Mindscapes Promotions

Basic Dodge Assist Special Chain Core
Skill Description
Basic Attack: Don't Move!

[Assault Mode] Press to activate. Unleash a flurry of martial arts, bullets, and Ether Buckshots in a series of up to 5 attacks, dealing Physical DMG and Ether DMG. Upon activation of the 5th hit, obtain 1 Enhanced Shotshell.

While using this skill, move the joystick and press to activate Dash Attack: Firepower Offensive and readjust to face the selected direction. While under Assault Mode, hold to switch to Suppressive Mode.

Basic Attack: Please Do Not Resist

[Suppressive Mode] Hold to activate. Unleash up to 3 Shotshell piercing attacks, dealing Physical DMG. If Zhu Yuan has Enhanced Shotshells upon firing, 1 Enhanced Shotshell will be consumed, dealing massive Ether DMG.

While using this skill, move the joystick to activate her Dash Attack: Overwhelming Firepower and readjust to face the selected direction. While in Suppressive Mode, release to return to Assault Mode.

Skill Description
Dodge: Tactical Detour Press to activate. A rapid dodge. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Dash Attack: Firepower Offensive [Assault Mode] Press during a to activate. Uses handgun to attack, dealing Physical DMG.
Dash Attack: Overwhelming Firepower [Suppressive Mode] Drag the Joystick/Move your character during Basic Attack: Please Do Not Resist to activate. Unleashes a Shotshell piercing attack, dealing Physical DMG. If Zhu Yuan has Enhanced Shotshells upon firing, 1 Enhanced Shotshell will be consumed, dealing massive Ether DMG.
Dodge Counter: Fire Blast Press during a Perfect Dodge to activate. Shoots enemies in front with an Ether Buckshot, dealing Ether DMG. Gain 1 Enhanced Shotshell Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Skill Description
Quick Assist: Covering Shot When the on-field character is launched, press Switch to activate. Shoots enemies in front with an Ether Buckshot, dealing Ether DMG. Gain 1 Enhanced Shotshell on skill use. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Evasive Assist: Guarded Backup When the character on field is about to be attacked, press Switch to activate. Dodges the enemy's attack and activates the Vital View. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Assist Follow-Up: Defensive Counter Press after an Evasive Assist to activate. Attack with a combination of martial arts and shotshells, dealing Physical DMG and Ether DMG. Upon activation, gain 3 Enhanced Shotshells. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Skill Description
Special Attack: Buckshot Blast Press to activate. Shoots Ether Buckshots that deal Ether DMG. This can be repeated 3 times by repeatedly pressing . Anti-Interrupt level is increased while using this skill.
EX Special Attack: Full Barrage When Zhu Yuan has enough Energy, press to activate. Shoots a series of Ether Buckshots, that explode and deal massive Ether DMG. Upon activation, gain 3 Enhanced Shotshells. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Skill Description
Chain Attack: Eradication Mode When a Chain Attack is triggered, select the character to activate. Uses Modified Master Firearm to execute a saturated attack, firing lasers and seeking missiles to deal massive Ether DMG. Upon activation, gain 3 Enhanced Shotshells. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Ultimate: Max Eradication Mode When Decibel Rating is at Maximum, press to activate. Uses Modified Master Firearm to execute a saturated attack, firing lasers and seeking missiles to deal massive Ether DMG. Upon activation, gain 3 Enhanced Shotshells. Character is invulnerable while using this skill.
Skill Description
Core Passive: Special Ops Ammunition When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells to attack increases her DMG by 20% (Lv.1). When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG boost is further increased by 20% (Lv.1).
Additional Ability: Tactical Coordination When another character in your squad shares the same Attribute or Faction: Increases her CRIT Rate by 30% for 10s after using an EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, or Ultimate.

Zhu Yuan's Best Mindscapes

Zhu Yuan's M1, Quick Reload, is incredible. It allows your Chain Attacks and Ultimate to generate additional Enhanced Shotshells, massively improving her damage. Keep in mind that some bosses are a lot harder to stun than regular enemies and elites, and therefore you get Chain Attacks a lot less frequently against them. Even against bosses, however, this Mindscape is more than worth it, if you can afford it.

Her M4, Ether Perforation, further boosts her damage output significantly, due to the defense penetration on her basic and attacks also applying to the bonus damage provided by Enhanced Shotshells you consume during Suppressive Mode. It is worse than her M1 though, and all the other Mindscapes provide less benefit than M4 does.

# Mindscape Description
M1 Quick Reload When Zhu Yuan activates Chain Attacks/Ultimates, gain the Quick Reload effect. When Zhu Yuan has the Quick Reload effect and uses up all Enhanced Shotshells, the Quick Reload effect will be consumed to instantly gain 6/9 Enhanced Shotshells.
M2 Ether Ember In Suppressive Mode, Zhu Yuan’s Anti-Interrupt level is increased and DMG taken reduced by 10%. When Zhu Yuan hits an enemy with Enhanced Shotshells, the target takes 10% more Basic Attack: Please Do Not Resist and Dash Attack: Overwhelming Firepower DMG, stacking up to 5 times and lasting for 5s. Each shot adds one stack of this effect, and repeated triggers reset the duration.
M3 Public Security Special Training Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
M4 Ether Perforation When Zhu Yuan hits an enemy with Enhanced Shotshells, her Basic Attack: Please Do Not Resist and Dash Attack: Overwhelming Firepower ignore 25% of the target’s Ether RES.
M5 Special Ops Experience Basic Attack, Dodge, Assist, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2.
M6 Expanded Energy Pack III When Zhu Yuan consumes a total of 12 Enhanced Shotshells, she receives the Ether Afterglow effect, and the Energy cost of the next EX Special Attack is reduced by 30. Launching an EX Special Attack will consume Ether Afterglow and shoot an additional 4-bullet Ether Buckshot. Each extra bullet deals DMG equal to 220% of Zhu Yuan’s ATK.

Zhu Yuan's Promotion Passives

Skill Description
Core Skill Enhancement A
  • CRIT DMG increases by 9.6%
  • Core Passive: Special Ops Ammunition Skill Lv.+1
  • When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells to attack increases her DMG by 23.3%. When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG boost is further increased by 23.3%.
Core Skill Enhancement B
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Special Ops Ammunition Skill Lv.+1
  • When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells to attack increases her DMG by 26.6%. When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG boost is further increased by 26.6%.
Core Skill Enhancement C
  • CRIT DMG increases by 9.6%
  • Core Passive: Special Ops Ammunition Skill Lv.+1
  • When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells to attack increases her DMG by 30%. When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG boost is further increased by 30%.
Core Skill Enhancement D
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Special Ops Ammunition Skill Lv.+1
  • When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells to attack increases her DMG by 33.3%. When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG boost is further increased by 33.3%.
Core Skill Enhancement E
  • CRIT DMG increases by 9.6%
  • Core Passive: Special Ops Ammunition Skill Lv.+1
  • When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells to attack increases her DMG by 36.6%. When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG boost is further increased by 36.6%..
Core Skill Enhancement F
  • Base ATK increased by 25
  • Core Passive: Special Ops Ammunition Skill Lv.+1
  • When Zhu Yuan is under Suppressive Mode, using Enhanced Shotshells to attack increases her DMG by 40%. When attacking Stunned enemies, this DMG boost is further increased by 40%.

How to Play Zhu Yuan

To get the most value out of Zhu Yuan, you will need to optimize your generation and usage of the Enhanced Shotshells, which you generate through a variety of different ways in Assault Mode, while spending them during Suppressive Mode.

Every fifth hit of your basic attack combo will generate one Enhanced Shotshell, and your Chain Attack, Special Attacks, Quick Assists and Ultimate Attack will all generate Enhanced Shotshells. Whenever you have multiple stacks, you will want to swap into Suppressive Mode by holding , and then unload your enhanced Ether attacks for massive damage. You will want to avoid overcapping charges, but try to make use of her damage multiplier against stunned enemies for massive burst, especially as a follow-up to a Support character than can further boost her damage output.

While Zhu Yuan is using a gun for a weapon, you'll want to stay in medium range to your enemies in order to benefit from Perfect Counters, and her regular Basic Attack includes a series of melee attacks as well. Many of her abilities will naturally move you away from enemies, leading to a very fluid gameplay that weaves between close-range and distant attacks.


Zhu Yuan Builds

BiS W-Engine Riot Suppressor Mark VI
Alternative W-Engines
  1. The Brimstone is very competitive for Zhu Yuan.
  2. Starlight Engine marginally worse than her signature.
  3. Street Superstar at S5 is competitive, although about 5-10% worse, depending on the situation.
  4. Cannon Rotor sits about 10-15% behind Riot Supressor.
Best Drive Discs

4 Piece:

  1. Chaotic Metal
  2. Woodpecker Electro

2 Piece:

  1. Woodpecker Electro (if you are playing Chaotic Metal 4pc)
  2. Hormone Punk
  3. Swing Jazz
Main Stats
  • Disc 4: CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG (keep in mind she gets 30% crit from her Core passive)
  • Disc 5: Ether DMG or ATK %
  • Disc 6: ATK %
Substat Priority
  1. CRIT Rate or CRIT DMG
  2. ATK %
  3. PEN
Skill Priority
  1. Core
  2. Basic
  3. Chain
  4. Special
  5. Assist
  6. Dodge

Zhu Yuan has multiple good choices for her W-Engine, with her signature Riot Suppressor Mark VI and Soldier 11's The Brimstone being two very strong S-Rank options. Starlight Engine at S5 also works very well, and is easily available by crafting copies of it.

With her already getting a large amount of CRIT from her passive, you will want to focus on CRIT Damage and Ether Damage sources for your Drive Discs. Chaotic Metal is an easy choice here, providing both. Supplement it with a 2-piece Woodpecker Electro for a bit of additional CRIT Rate, and you should be able to reach a solid CRIT Ratio. Aim for a 1:2 ratio, and make sure to account for the 30% bonus from her Core Passive.

Almost all her damage is locked behind Enhanced Shockshells, which you will be spending with your Basic Attack, so level it up first. Her other main source of damage is her Ultimate and Chain Attack, so focus on those alongside her Basic Attack to get the most out of Zhu Yuan without having to spend too many resources.


Bangboo Information

Zhu Yuan's best Bangboo is ResonabooResonaboo. Resonaboo increases Ether Anomaly Buildup and deals Ether damage with its skills.

DevilbooDevilboo is a great A-Rank alternative, as its Chain Attack continuously deals damage in tandem with Zhu Yuan. BooressureBooressure can also work well as it grants extra Energy for the team.


Zhu Yuan Team Comps and Synergy

DPS Stun Support Bangboo
Zhu Yuan Anby Demara Nicole Demara
Zhu Yuan Von Lycaon Soukaku

In order to optimize Zhu Yuan's damage, she will need enemies to be stunned or disabled so she can fully leverage her Core passive. You also want to pair her with Nicole Demara in order to gain extra Quick Assists, which help generate additional Enhanced Shotshells every time Nicole user her Special.

Soukaku is an alternative Support that is simply too powerful to ignore, and can be run together with Von Lycaon. Soukaku helps boost Zhu Yuan's ATK by triggering her Blade Banner effect. This buff applies to Soukaku, but can be passed along to another character through Chain Attacks or Quick Assists. Make sure that your multi-Chain attacks end on Soukaku and then switch to Zhu Yuan with the Quick Assist from Soukaku's Blade Banner usage to unload high burst into the still stunned enemies.



  • 13 Aug. 2024: Updated page with new W-Engine.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated page, added Team Comps, Build recommendations and Bangboo information.
  • 15 Jun. 2024: Page added.
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